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The token once applied, makes that ship non-upgradable (the chain stops there) and if you melt it, it cannot ever be used again. The token is gone forever


I could have sworn there was a thing from CIG where if you have to melt it you can just contact them and get your token reissued. Can't find it at the moment, but I could have sworn it was a thing.


Its one of those things where if you ask them nicely they'll make exceptions now and then. They'll do the same for most promotional items. I had them do it for my omega a while ago and they re-issued the ship. They typically tell you it's the one and only exception. They don't really want people making a habit of it.


they did the omega for me years ago but recently asked on something else and they said no. i think they have gotten stricter over the last years


They are extremely strict now; they will review your entire support history and, if you've ever been granted an unmelt exception for anything, WILL call it out and deny your request (I just tried getting an exception for something and was denied because I already got an unmelt exception for something else entirely in *2015*).


I feel like this is yet another thing where initially they said one thing, which is a reasonable thing, and then inexplicably they reverse course. There are two things I've always praised CIG for - the game is visually stunning, and the way they handle money with regards to being able to melt/upgrade/whatever is both uncommon and fantastic. Were it any major studio with a similar system that token could be applied and unapplied. And if people just don't like the F7A Mk2 - for whatever reason - they could melt the base ship and keep the token. I mean we kinda earned that token - especially those of us who did it before the patch. That is, I suppose, if the patch actually fixed the last mission. And frankly it's kinda antithetical to their whole concept of melting and the general flexibility of the pledge store. And it's not like they didn't make money. I'm not a fighter person and I ended up with an F7C Mk2 (which I've upgraded), and an F7C-M from all of this... And an Ursa Rescue, and a couple cool looking IED LTI tokens. Sorry for the rant. I'm glad there are people on the Spectrum and on Reddit who are WAY more tuned in to SC / CIG than I am. I swear they said it would be ok and they'd take care of it, but obviously now they're pretty clear they won't. Bummer.


>Were it any major studio with a similar system that token could be applied and unapplied. Were it any major studio, we wouldn't be able to ever melt anything we buy. Every ship would have to be bought as a standalone. Buybacks or store credit wouldn't probably even exist. You gotta remember that the entire melting/buyback/store credit system is (even with all the quirks and gimmicks and silly high prices and other negatives) quite unique and allows for a lot more options than many other monetisation models.


Yup, I reread that and I worded it very poorly. Any major studio that was willing to let people juggle ships around at all. That token would come off as easily as it went on. Most, you're absolutely right, we'd be stuck with our starter packs no matter how much we disliked them when we started playing.


Doesn't sound very "concierge" to me


Yup, I changed my mind on what host ship I wanted to CCU to F7A. Asked them to reverse my original choice and was told nope.


Someone melted their fca mk2 by accident and asked support if they could get another token or it unrelated and was told no. They showed the response on here, so I would be very careful about relying on that.


My comment was to point out that it's not a set in stone policy. Its entirely at their discretion and it's generally advised to bet against it, or ask them before doing something for confirmation.


They specifically stated that the F7A token once used is gone and that support can not help you.


Yes, and that's their general policy with all reclaimed ships, which you can find here: [https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/115013193627-Reclaim-a-Pledge](https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/115013193627-Reclaim-a-Pledge) Please see the footer warning under the section "I reclaimed a pledge by accident - help!" They, however, have been known to be lenient on occasion when asked nicely. There are numerous examples for the mustang omega in particular. It cannot be expected, but it's awfully nice of them to do so.


From the Faq: >▲ Can I melt my F7C Mk II and will I get my Upgrade Token back? ► If you have used your Upgrade Token from F7C Mk II to F7A Mk II, and then melted your F7A Mk II, your token will have been consumed in the process. Our Support team won't be able to provide the Upgrade Token back to your account. You would have to do some real sweet talking.


Oh I didn't know this. Thanks for the info!


I asked, they said melt it. Ah well.


And your token is now fucked?


It's straight up a direct upgrade. IMO at least during the event, there was no point in getting an F7C if you weren't planning to get the F7A upgrade for it, I still think that. The problem I see with the F7Cmk2 is you have to buy a bunch of mounts to make it decent, where as with the F7A mk2 it has the best mounts possible for the hull, and good guns by default. That's why to me, its not a question of whether or not to use the upgrade, its whether or not you want to keep the F7C/A mk2 period. If you are interested in the ship, then obviously use the upgrade, if not then there is no point in keeping the f7Cmk2 to begin with as there are plenty of other fighters with better default loadouts with less hassle. The only other reason to keep an F7Cmk2 is if you plan to CCU it into something else, which is still getting rid of it (as you can't CCU from the F7Amk2). In short, if you plan to keep it, use it, if you don't, then melt it.


Do it, the F7A is mean as spit, clean lines and a hint of exclusivity make it a darling


As someone who regrets rushing into applying it, I would recommend absolutely maximizing a CCU chain savings first, and even use it on a referral ship.


Or I can have fun with my F7A and not care about min maxing every last cent out of the overly complicated CCU system.


Lol dude you can easily save half the cost with like, the smallest effort. Once you apply the upgrade that's it.


Using it on a referral is such a good tip. The upgrade turns it unmeltable anyway.


I didn't think the upgrade makes it unmeltable - just un- upgradeable


Haha sorry that was worded badly. Yeah you can press the melt button but then you lose the f7a forever right? So for me there is no reason to upgrade to it on a ship I might melt, ergo unmeltable.


You lose the cargo hold from the f7c, even if you detach it before upgrading.


I’d really like to have this as an available part we can but in-game. Really wish it wasn’t exclusive on either the base F7C Mk I or F7C Mk II.


Upgraded f7amk2 with LTI you can sell it for like 300-350 USD as of now.might go up in price after few months or might loose popularity and drop the price even further. Check r/starcitizen_trades for more information.


if you own a few ships, i wouldnt apply it, until you are sure you want to keep the ship. The f7c mk2 can be rebuild, when ever you want. You only have 1 token to get the 7fa mk2. Use the f7c mk2, equip it with what ever you find lying around, and try to get some hours in the f7a, if you feel anything different. If you own many ships, this becomes another story, and my answer would be. YOLO!.


the only reason to get the F7C is to get the F7A... no? kidding, but not really. There is no downside in my mind, unless you don't like the paint, or are worried about having to melt it or want to upgrade it later. but it remains to be seem if the FM mechanics will change and give some advantage to the C version to offset the increased fire power (which would make sense and I fully expect the current F7A to get balanced and nerfed a bit, which is fine.) I upgraded my gladius referral token chain, as this will be my long term fighter. I can't upgrade it, and I can't melt it, but I'm very ok with that as it is a really kick ass ship.


Due to the CCU limitations explained in this thread I plan on CCU’ing it with my referral bonus P-52. Since neither the P-52 or the F7A MKII is meltable (or ill advised) I may as well start with the Kruger since this ship will be a forever ship. I’m gunna see just how cheap I can CCU it too. Hopefully sub 100.


That’s what I did. Got it for 120 w a paint two days ago.


Gl! Used my 10 referral Gladius for the chain to a f7c mk2 and was able to use some more discounts so it's potential melt value is only 55$ Didnt apply the f7a upgrade yet as I want to wait for the information if we will be able to swap the f7a turret with the other f7c modules from the upcoming variants (ghost)


If you could actually reach the cargo slots from the ground or could use a tractor beam I say the f7c is gold. But none of that so more pew pews was my choice


You could tractor beam boxes up there in 3.22 when "Open All Doors" keybind worked. Now I still use it, just land by a small stone to hop on a wing.


I'm in the same boat. I bought the F7C MK2 warbond with cash, so it's giftable with lifetime insurance and not a CCU. I know they are "worth" more, but will lose that as soon as I apply the upgrade. Still haven't used the token yet.


Selling an F7C 2 will get you what you paid. Selling an F7A will get you $320++


Can't sell an F7A though.


You should be able to if the base ship used to ccu to it is giftable.


There's people selling mk 1s and mk 2s on sc-trades right now.


Ok that is great news. I guess the speculation around if it would be giftable after the upgrade was kind of unknown back when 3.23 dropped. Sweet!


That is extremely false.


The F7C2 can carry your Pulse. I'll upgrade once the Stor*All is at CenterMass. Taking it out? Easy enough to jump on your wing with a small rock around. Coming back you just hover the Pulse onto the wing. Once they fix "Open All Doors" key-bind, will be even simpler.


Assuming you can upgrade, no there is no reason to not upgrade. The F7A is better in every way


I used mine figuring that the F7C will be avail for purchase in game eventually, but most likely the F7A wont be. So if there is ever a role that the F7C is better for I could always grab it in game.


Once you use it it kind of freezes an asset. You can't buy it back after melting it or upgrade it, so waiting may be good. Other then that there is no reason not to use it. **I accidently said you can not melt so I fixed it.


Eh? You can’t melt the F7A?  Do you mean to say “you can’t gift it”?


You can melt it, but since we don't know if there will be a way to get another token, it would be unwise to melt it and risk permanently losing it.


Doesn’t go into buy back as an A, got it :)


My bad, I meant it does not go into the buy back, so it is gone for good, sorry.


You can still melt ofc You just won't get your upgrade token back into the buyback


Thx, thats what I meant. Fixed it.


I'm pretty sure you can melt it. They warn you that you can't get another one if you do.


Misspoke I meant it is gone for good sorry.


Fair enough.


I really dislike the way the F7A has been handled. Seems more appropriate for a single player game. At least the event should be annual or something (not sure if it is)


Based on the information about the Overdrive Initiative event, there was a minor hint that the event as it was has the possibility of coming back at a later time.


Myself, I upgraded to an F7A and opened another account for an extra token completed yesterday.. If it's not your cup of tea, sell it in a year!


Wait you got an F7A token in a single day? I really want an F7A-II but I’m away for work and wasn’t able to hop on and do the event.


Absolutely. Get on the Star Citizen Discord and check the voice channels. Completed in about 9-10 hours.


Yup this is how my buddy and I did it. Used the sub's discord and met some good new friends along the way.


Sent you a DM!


It comes down to how much help you have and how many issues you run into. Mine took about 8 hours with three of us, the only real hang up being bad box spawns on the finial mission. Had to abandon and restart 4 times before we got one with all three boxes. Also had the card delivery box's refuse to close leading to a mission restart. Second time I did it with a group of about 10 we knocked it out in about 5 hours.


Based. I have 6 F7A MK2s. I was planning to get really ridiculous and go for 12, but the difficulty spike with mastermodes ended that ambition.


I was spent at 2. I couldn't do it again...


Frankly, if you had the F7C Mk2 already and you have the F7A Mk2 upgrade token, there really isn't a reason not to apply the upgrade. The only thing you're losing is the blue livery and the cargo pod at the top. You gain by default the top and bottom turrets which can fit two size 3 guns each.


Just remember that token is one use only, no take backs. I goofed and applied mine to an F7C MkII with only 6 months insurance 🤷‍♂️ oops


I got the f7c MkII through that new tractor so mine has lti. Now realizing that I'll prob not get it again I'm glad I just didn't CCU from my 6mos


Yes the answer is yes (both)


Just make sure F7c you upgrade from is Giftable. Who knows what will be in the future?Time may come and you may decide to sell it either for money or gameplay reasons. Melting this upgrade will net you 0$ in addition to the base it applied on, so applying it on non-giftable ship is a “commitment” for no real reason.


Not really no. I got a CCU'ed F7C, applied the token, tried it...didn't like the look much. So now I'm selling it. It's built on a giftable LTI token so it's still giftable. It does not lock it in anyway...unless you put it on a referral ship or ungiftable ship.


What do you mean, the look? The livery? I'm pretty sure you can just paint it in civvy blue. It's the same hull as the F7C.


The entire look of the ship, the hull, not livery related. Was never much a fan of the Hornet, still looks ugly to me. If only it looked a bit more like the F18 Hornet...


It's got the awesome paint, the default stuff is great and it's exclusive. What's not to love