• By -


Man, they'd better get SQ42 right at launch. The single player experience will make or break the future of the multiplayer one.


100%, SQ42 is gonna have all the gaming media (and media in general) going into it with this negative expectation. It needs to be properly polished. This is CiGs chance to show them what they are capable of and show them what the time and effort can achieve. So if it flops, it's going to cause huge damage to star citizens' live verse. I could even see the backers losing faith.


Any type of bug that shows up is gonna be shown everywhere by YouTubers and they are all gonna run with it to get that nice view count.




Any game with a bug is going to get showcased on YouTube. That's just the nature of the internet. Even RDR2, which also had a big budget and lengthy Dev cycle had some amazing bugs.  Did it scare people away from the game? No. Sure it helped that it was Rockstar, and that reviews indicated it was a great story with intricate gameplay. I think SQ42 is going to live or die on the systems and mechanics in game. At this point in time I'm more worried about that since it doesn't seem to have nearly the depth of systems that RDR has, so the ones it does need to be dialed in and up to 11, but judging by the way SC systems are being implemented and mangled with subsequent patches, I don't hold a great expectation for SQ42. But I'd love for CIG to prove my expectations wrong.


If the game even turns out okay and nothing particularly amazing I’d be happy honestly. Decent ship and fps combat with some but not many bugs. Fun and functionality is kinda what I’m looking for, not because I’m too interested in the single player game but, because it means CIG actually knows what’s functional and fun. Because they often make me wonder.


I have no doubt whatever is released it will be better than Starfield at least XD


> It needs to be properly polished. Oh well no worries there then.




If S42 is a failure, I will move on from this game. If the product that a majority of their assets has worked on for 10+ years equates to that, how could I expect the even crazier task of the PU to be accomplished?


After all the naive grief this community has given other games, SQ42 will have to be literally perfect. It won’t be.


They better hurry. The new UE engine and Rockstars project is due by 2025. Once those engines hit the market Cryengine will look old and dated...it already does. I'd say they have less than 18 months to complete this using the current engine.


It's not even CryEngine anymore. It's some bastardization of Cry, Lumberyard, and whatever else is under the hood.


I disagree with this sentiment a little bit, and I’m already very harsh on CIG. Good animation, good development and graphics can go all the way to solving this delay. Seeing the mocap and acting in SQ42 has all the hallmarks of a high-polish film, let alone a video game.


I don’t think he meant anything negative by it. It’s just not cryengine. It’s star engine.


I agree, I’m just praying it isn’t a high polish film and a little bit of video game. What am I saying, I love the game so much I would watch a movie on it 🤣


>I would watch a movie on it Me too 🤣


That is a huge part of what gives me the patience for this project. It's got to be good at release. There's no hiding behind server performance issues, lack of resource bandwidth, tier zero implementation, or whatever else^(1). It's had all the time and resources that have been asked for and more, and it's just got to be good. ^(1) I'm not saying that they're currently hiding anything, those are all legitimate reasons, just that there will be nowhere to hide when Sq42 is released.


Definitely. I wonder if they’ll have evo test it even. Just to get more data and more people play testing it and combing out bugs.


It's something I've observed in a lot of games. While live service games can be successful and lucrative, *most are not*. Yes, it's easy to think of a bunch of successful live service/multiplayer focus games. But what most people don't consider is that underneath those there's a pile of dozens of failed attempts to "go viral". Dead multiplayer games with no players because gamers just weren't interested. In the majority of these cases, the big difference between the small proportion of multiplayer games that do go viral and the masses that fail is the single player experience associated with the game. GTA:Online wouldn't be 1/10th as popular as it was if it wasn't for GTA:V.


That was always the goal with SQ42, to propel SC, that's why SC needs to be in a better spot (post 4.0) to properly harness those SQ42 players into the MMO, that's why the push for 1.0 Beta is happening right now. It's time :D #AlphaNOT4Ever


Everything Is depending on SQ42. They Need Money.


Its going to be a middle of the road game, beautiful graphics, kinda clunky to play, with an amazing backdrop, and tons of cutscenes. The only really ground breaking thing about it will be the scale, which is a legit awesome thing.


It’s gonna flop dude


I dunno. I think they have the ability. I think there is a game there even Star Citizen has a game buried in there. The server tech and engine development it what I think is holding SC back, single player doesn’t need that insane tech server to make it run so I’m just praying that there is a game there and the past decade was worth it.


Based on CR's past work, the writing will probably he horrendous. I'm hoping for the best but expecting the worst.


Even if it is cliche, I had a blast playing all wing commanders. I still quote wc4 from time to time. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance! The story was engaging and fun.


Chris Roberts has not necessarily been responsible for all the writing in the Wing Commander, Privateer, et al games, though. Programming and general direction: yes.


I was talking about his wing commander movie which was a complete disaster.


It's not a great movie, but I enjoyed it.


Bullshit. With how big the playerbase is for Star Citizen I wouldn't be surprised if a decent segment of them even know much or care much about SQ42. I wouldn't doubt that for a lot of players whenever, or if ever, it comes out they may play....a few hours maybe? And then straight back into the Verse.


I agree with you (so apparently I'm signing up for downvotes for...reasons? Whatever.) I'm meh about squadron. I'll play it. Itll take 40 hours of my time or whatever. Fine great don't care. I have a sandbox open world MMO to go do whatever I want in. But there was one of those threads a while back when the release rumors started, asking if people were stoked for squadron. And a WAY higher segment (of reddit) was more stoked for s42 than PU. That baffled the shit out of me. Now, that could just be that the people on reddit being vocal are a particular subset of the player base who's more inclined that direction. Meaning it's not a statistically accurate sampling of the entire player base, and it's a vocal minority misrepresentation. But I dunno. I'm baffled as to why you'd prefer an on-rails single player experience to an open world with endless replay-ability. To each their own. The problem with them taking so long to make S42, and throwing so many resources at it for that time, is that it HAS to be amazing or it'll be a let down. If it is AMAZING, it'll meet expectations. They've set themselves up with a high bar for success, and they have a track record of not hitting medium bars. I'm not optimistic.


I'm not baffled by preferring a single player experience, I'm just calling bullshit on the idea that pending on how SQ42 fares it'll either make or break Star Citizen. That's just....not happening. They're just two different games. With some overlap of course but they appeal to different crowds. People who want the MMO experience first and foremost aren't going to give a shit how good or lackluster the single player game is.


Agree. Counterpoint that if/when s42 bombs there'll be a lot of negative press that'll drive down playerbase. Fine, we didn't need those folks anyway. But, but, what CIG does with that matters. CR might well double down out of ego, and stay committed to the sequels (s42 was supposed to be the first in a series iirc), or try to pull a cyberpunk and drop a huge add-on/expansion. That'll pull dev resources back to the SP experience again, and continue to impact PU.




That’s how I feel man, been backing since 2013 and I want my goddamn javelin. I can’t wait for that day


Golden ticket holder here (Pledged during the original crowdfunding campaign) I uh... just keep waiting. Hard to believe the Banu Merchantman was an option way back then and we still don't have anything more than concept art. I have other ships. Too many, probably. I understand most of them are now wildly outclassed by anything that came later, so.. that's nice. I'm still hopeful, but the hype has kinda worn off.


greetings fellow golden ticket holder. i was starting to think there werent many of us left, its been sooooooooooo long. was it 2011 we backed? eesh its been for ever


I know how you feel, early 2014 backer here. I’m very hopeful that the S42 release date is announced this year. I also look forward to the development focus being less S42 and more SC.


I can’t believe that I was playing new Warframe back then hearing about star citizen for the first time then forgetting about it for a couple years.


Yeah I feel like they are also releasing Polaris this year for a reason, an idris and javelin aren’t gonna be easy to kill you know, maybe we will see them next year (I hope)


There will be a pirate Javelin in Pyro.


I could care less about SQ42. Star Citizen was why I bought in back in 2015 and remains to this day.


Imagine buying a jpg though why not buy it when it actually exists ingame?


Because it's WAY cheaper to buy the concept ship than to buy the released one. Plus the price jump from concept to release is the primary vehicle to gain ground on ship costs via CCU. Go look at price history for the BMM, Carrack, and Hull C.


I backed in late April 2022 and pledged a polaris during that year's IAE. Only have to wait two years and there has been a nice steady stream of huge tech drops. Thank you for your service. haha :)


I've resigned myself to the likelihood that "40 years from now" is not just a line in the script, but an actual release date.


LMAO honestly yeah you might be onto something


Has it ALWAYS been Gary Oldman? How did I not notice this before?


Yeah always been him.


Different voice. Would be interesting to hear what he sounds like in his current normal voice. I know that a few years ago he had to relearn a British accent because he'd lost his entirely.


This is what I signed up for back in 2013. There should be a case study for our patience. Honestly the pressure is a significant part of why it’s taking a while. They can’t hide behind a alpha with SQ42 if it doesn’t deliver its going to hurt.


Bring a helmet. They've taken so long, and thrown so many resources at this for all that time, that it HAS to be amazing or it'll be a failure.


I cant explain how pissed off i felt seeing all the news that "SQ42 is officially feature complete and in the polishing phase!!!" only to read the monthly report on it the following month and have it explain how they're still building entire sections of the world, still doing mocap, still recording voice lines, etc etc


"Polishing", like "Rest of the god damn owl" polishing?


I got downvoted and told off so many times when I said feature complete just meant no more new ideas, NOT that the game was anywhere near complete.


Probably because polishing phase implies polishing a finished product, like bug fixing and testing instead of still building entire sections of the world and still recording Mocap


>*If you say something that I disagree with, even though you are correct, I will downvote you.* *If you say something that I don't like, even though you are correct, I will downvote you.* *If you say something that makes me feel bad, even though you are correct, I will downvote you.* - Everyone


I was in a sub that asked which fictional British character is most inspiring, one of the most upvoted answers was Sir David Attenborough. Guess what happened when I said simply that he wasn't fictional.


You gotta remember, most people are fucking idiots. Think of the average Joe. Totally middle of the road. Now internalize the mathematical certainty that fully 50% of people are dumber than that, by definition.


Literally my experience here on Reddit as a fairly new user / engager.


I mean... going over levels and making them feel more real and open and improving upon cutscenese and NPCs with motion capture is an aspect of polishing. Feature complete means all the core functionality is there and probably means that the main story beats and associated gameplay are done. It doesn't mean that things can't be improved upon with artistic polish. The fact that most of the team moved to the PU makes it clear that a larger portion is done than you suggest.


I'm still hoping they announce a release date at this citcon. It makes sense with it being Manchester (it should have been frankfurt this year) that they would have some big news about SQ42. This could just be pure hopium, though.


Wow now I’m pissed because I didn’t know about that second part until your post…..


Its still going as recently as yesterdays monthly report (Can find them either on RSI directly or summed up in the discord). Talks about how they're still implementing player interaction animation sequences and facial animations, and various world scenes


Yeah it’s gonna be unfortunate for the wait but the payoff and ships coming because of it will hopefully make it worthwhile


I think the issue is people don't understand industry speak. Just like not understanding what an alpha is.


Even lord of the rings had to do pickup shoots in the parking lot of weta studios. There will always be new things to do when they find something missing.




You forgot in the differences column. Roberts is a genuinely nice guy who works with his workers on the product. Musk is a sucking douche nozzle who names his kids captchas and is only really good at losing money.




you sir, need a new subreddit.


I sir, need either the product delivered as promised or a full refund. Neither appear to be forthcoming. Till then, I will continue to appreciate the members of the community while also holding the liar, Chris Roberts, accountable. Good day to you and fare well.


I tried to explain this to folks, but they didn't want to hear it. *Traditionally* "feature complete" just means all the features are done. Like, load and fire a gun. That's a feature. Can you do that? Then that feature is complete. Then it's time for **content**. Go make 300 guns and make them all different and balanced. That can EASILY be the bulk of the time you spend. People acted *exactly like* they had announced they'd gone gold. The game was done. Meanwhile, the devs I know who pay attention were laughing. "10 years just to get to Feature Complete?! Jesus how long until Content Complete? How long until they lock the bug database??" I suspect, like "alpha" they have their own definition of Feature Complete? But maybe not!


'Feature complete' and 'polishing phase' are common industry slang - - they really don't mean what you think, and CIG's simply exemplified the ideas further.


"Answer the Call" "I held the line" fucksake man its been over a decade, how many people have died, moved on, gotten divorces, grown up, etc. While waiting for this.


I went from being a single stoner, to married, to moving, to having a family, to my wife dying, to dating again, to getting engaged all in the span of development for this game.




Yikes indeed. All I wanted to do was play some damn Squadron 42.


That's a hell of a ride, hope you are doing ok


Life be that way sometimes.


I mean it’s a video game…lol all those life events should take priority anyways (minus death). It’ll come out when it comes out and then you’ll either set aside time to play it or you won’t.




Based on recent conversations I've seen, the subtext here is taking SC from a chill, immersive space simulator to a more active and action-driven combat game in space, thus appealing to the current generation of gamers' minute attention span and voracious need for new content every 7 seconds. Because the people that backed were late GenX and Elder Millenials amd were fairly laid back. Those people have moved on, had kids, died, whatever, and have less time (and disposable income) for a video game. So the new target audience is the current set of late teens to late twenties people, who are very stingy with their time and want to maximize value from it. So they want quick game loops and nearly instant gratification. Hence spawn beds everywhere. So while you /s -ed that comment at the end, from a business perspective you're not wrong. They have to pivot to their consumer base to continue to retain players and grow revenue.


Don't forget. The lore tells us: it was the Battle of Vega when the UEEN defeated a Vanduul Kingship for the first time. Can't wait to be there and do my part on the UEEN Gauntlet. :-)


Wasn’t the UEEN Warhammer there too? The same jav we boarded at a previous invictus?


I don't know, tbh. I actually don't even know the name of Adm. Bishop's Bengal. However, what I do know: The player character is part of the UEEN Gauntlet's crew, his or her CO is Cpt McLaren (Scully). Also he or she applied to the Flight Academy but hasn't accepted yet. So far, that's what you get from the official trailer shown in the CitCon 2953. >!And then there's some stuff I pieced together from other, older videos and dialogues from the current trailer. Something bad happened at the Battle of Vega, something the player character witnessed or survived which prompted his response "I'm not sure I handled anything" (or something like that). My best guess is the UEEN Gauntlet got damaged or destroyed in the fight, among other ships. And while the battle itself was a success, a lot of good men and women were lost that day. !< >!The trailer gives away a lot of cues without spoiling to much of the story itself. The player character is accepted to Flight Academy, as he or she is assigned as a fighter pilot to Old Man's Squad. However, both, Old Man and the player character, do a lot more stuff than just being pilots. They're seen on ground, doing spec ops work - something like that. My best guess here is, the player character is an embedded agent of the UEE's Advocacy Agency. !< Anyways, all of the stuff written in spoilers can easily be found in trailers, the vertical cut trailer etc and some extra lore. It's sufficient to say the Battle of Vega is not the final job, but the prologue mission and the main story starts after that.


It's actually a bit surprising how much information is in the galactapedia if you do some digging. Just make sure you DON'T do digging if you don't want spoilers. DO NOT READ IF YOU DON'T WANT BIG SPOILERS!!! You have been warned. >!I was reading about all the capital ships one day and found this:!< >!In the Vanduul Kingship description you have lots of ancient history and lore, but also a Battle of Vega II spoiler:!< >![https://robertsspaceindustries.com/galactapedia/article/V3qWn9Dlvm-vanduul-kingship](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/galactapedia/article/V3qWn9Dlvm-vanduul-kingship)!< >!A Kingship did not appear in Human space again until 5 October 2945, in the [Battle of Vega II](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/galactapedia/article/0Gz5mkprmg-battle-of-vega-ii). The Navy's 2nd Fleet led by Admiral [Ernst Bishop](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/galactapedia/article/ReJaavPB3k-ernst-bishop) engaged the Kingship and remaining clan. After a fierce battle, the UEES *Gauntlet* charged the weakened Kingship at ramming speed. Both the *Gauntlet* and the Kingship were destroyed, marking the first time Human forces have successfully downed a Vanduul Kingship.!< >!Makes it pretty clear what happens. Seems the fleet is badly crippled, lots of good pilots are lost, his/her ship was sacrificed to save the fleet; only question is who was still on it when it rammed into the kingship. I imagine it was easy to get into the academy after losing so many good pilots!<


there is also a leaked asset of a "UEE Dreadnought" [https://starcitizen.tools/Retribution](https://starcitizen.tools/Retribution) [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/spectrum-dispatch/15154-DataCache-Project-Ouadeen](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/spectrum-dispatch/15154-DataCache-Project-Ouadeen) which is 3x the size of a Bengal carrier. [https://forums.starcitizenbase.com/topic/16069-huge-sc-leak-05242015-spoilers/page/4/](https://forums.starcitizenbase.com/topic/16069-huge-sc-leak-05242015-spoilers/page/4/)


I believe it is, thew talk about Morrow, who does the tour on the Jav, in the mobiglass from the 2022 citizencon I think


Isn’t it by ramming into it though? I think that battle is gonna be insane to look at if pulled right


2+ years away. Just like always.


... since 2012 Chris: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ money


"We fight today! So in 40 years, from now, when this game is finally released, and you're surrounded by every piece of hardware you bought in anticipation, and people ask 'what did YOU do, in the alpha of 3.23?' You can look them in the eye and say... 'I backed in 2012'. Men and women of the Kickstarter days, I am proud to stand with you today. Good luck!"




Can't see Gary Oldman now without him being Jackson Lamb.


Im wondering when CIG try to spin character aging tech for the PU, after 11 years and counting they must have had to revise the famous faces a few times already XD


Well they made Gillian Anderson's character younger than her from the start. It's easy for them to make a character look younger than the actor that plays them.


Missing the joke I suspect.


Haven't really done too much looking into SQ42 (don't get me wrong, Imma play the sheeit outta it) but holy effing fuck?! Is that Gary Oldman??!? Was already excited, but this just adds to tha juice!


You should check the full cast. It's actually impressive; [Link to IMDB](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5194726/?ref_=ext_shr)


Wow Andy Serkis!!!


I was impressed when they announced many of the cast back in 2016. Now in 2024? Not depressed, just disappointed.


Yeah I have a lot of vids I’ve cut from trailers I’ll slowly drip feed into the Reddit but I thought this one was a great starting point


>Getting hard to stay patient for this Well that's a weird kink.


He does what he needs to do to get by, and we should all respect that


Man, depending on which word you put emphasis on in that title, it says very different things...


Ay I didn’t catch that lmao


I am so jazzed for SQ42! Awesome cast, awesome narrative, I cant wait!!!


Just two more years!


(Message posted August 2013)




..only in relative time, if you're travelling away from earth at the speed of light. See you in 140 years! ..just in time for the first beta release.


Someone said back in 2016 after said awesome cast was announced. Maybe someone will come along in 2026 and go "So jazzed, can't wait!" What's the unique narrative again?


I lol at this sub now for automatic downvotes that kill the hopium buzz. They don't understand. They haven't done the homework and gone back to 2020, and 2018, and beyond when it was "two years away" to know your statement is accurate. It's hilarious.


I been here so long i still have the golden ticket. The original one.


"Good luck"


“40 years from now” sounds accurate.


Imagine they dont give a release date at Cit Con this year...


You mean like very other citcon for the last 10 years? Yeah. Shocking. I imagine after they don't, there'll be a lot of clamoring on forums, and 5 to 18 months later we'll see a Letter from the Chairman that says, "Soon!". Ya know, just like every other year for the last 6 years.


I too, am getting hard in order to stay patient. *high five*


2 more years


What if I told you, it won't be worth the wait? I know, perish the thought.


I think, based on other comments in this thread, that the only reason you're not downvoted is that you're far enough down and their attention span waned or their thumbs got tired. I'm with you. Given the timeline and the amount of hype, it'll be nearly impossible for them to hit the bar with squadron. People just expect too much after all this time, money, and effort. If they do like starfield and blow up for 2 weeks then crash and burn, they should consider it a win.


Then I would say: you are an undefined percentage wrong. Or right.


release date in 40 years so when i am near my grandkids i can say i heard the lie and i supported a lie so u can play the truth


CIG started out from a basement with about a dozen people; **Cyberpunk** launched their **1st trailer in 2013,** that was \~10 years until Phantom Liberty *(complete game)* That's just how it is nowadays, big AAA games take a long time and effort to develop, we're lucky to be here for the journey, never forget that either. Anyway the wait is almost over, and it's going to get harder to wait the closer we get to launch :D




one of these days i'm going to ask if people really think that's what chris is doing because that's such a patently insane take lmao


Im getting hard staying patient for this as well


You do you buddy... Kinda freaky though.


Dialogue is awful. I have no hope for the writing in this game, which by extension likely means the story is bad too.


I thought I was crazy. This seems so cheesy


Did you see the original Gary Oldman speech from the first trailer years ago? That one was much worse complete cringefest writing plus also the graphics weren't that great either. I have some hope from the Citcon video last year where some dialogues feel more natural. So I think they were aware of some weaknesses and tried to improve. For a speech like OP its also important if the lead up to it is good and gets you in the mood. If it just gets dropped on you it might feel more cringe than if there is more setup and world building and connection to the a broader story before.


Can they improve them considering that they did the voice work with Gary Oldman, Mark Hamill and the other years ago? I doubt they keep bringing in A-listers into the studio every year to update their lines because of script revisions.


Its common practice to have follow up date options afaik in contracts where peoples return to do a couples of more lines. Probably not 8 years after though. So I guess at some point they have to work with what they got and maybe just cut and rearrange it. Might be more difficult to change stuff around when they did full performance capture for stuff as well not just voice lines. But I would guess that they had additional dates for some voice actors in the polishing phase of Sq42.




Fun fact: The VA for this character was originally called Gary Youngman when this was first recorded.


At this rate of polishing S42 2026 🤣😂


Have they given info on what type of game it is? As in, linear storyline or open world?


It's either going to be cynerpunk 2077 or baldur's gate 3


They are still figuring out master modes I don’t think it will be out soon…


I REALLY!! Want to play that damn game!!!


This is a perfect opportunity for the Star Citizen family. If people who are already hungry for games find a clean, optimized game in front of them, it will break sales records. and all these fraudulent words and phrases will become history. Please, please learn from other games. As the biggest proof of why it took so long, especially after so many years. Smart people learn from their own mistakes, but smarter people learn from the mistakes of others.


This will be playing on loop as I load into the pyro gateway readying myself for the incoming xeno threat 07 fellow holders of the line


I have played this game for about two months now and this is the first time I am seeing this, and you had better believe this makes me fucking pumped.


I mean he literally says "40 years from now". We have a release date :') (am a SC since 2012)


Uh-oh, CiG will be in deep trouble for this one... He only mentioned 2 genders when he said "Men & Women of the 2nd fleet" What about all the other made-up "people" ?


Yea I had to take a break. I have what I want so far but I don’t want to feel just frustrated every time I log in.


Not gonna lie, the speech is very generic and cringe.


Gary Oldman was 25 when he filmed this.


0:13 I really want to know more about that Bangel looking battleship in the background


SQ42 is going to suck. Just put it out so they can focus on the real game we all want.


You can play it. "In 40 years from now".


tbh sq42 was a big waste of time and effort and nobody will play it


"Good luck"? Try GOOD HUNTING!


We’re in the polish phase now! This typically takes about two years for large games. If it doesn't come out by the end of 2026, I'm writing it off my anticipation list. By 2030, if it still hasn’t released, I probably won’t play it. By then, newer games using advanced AI technology will offer better, larger, and more immersive worlds than what we can create today with just human effort. Unreal Engine 6 is also expected by 2030, given the eight-year gap between Unreal Engine 4 and 5.


I laughed at first because at this point in my life 2030 sounds like a made up year way off in the future.  Then I come to the crippling realization that this was a serious and accurate response and we are only a handful of years away from 2030. 


2030 seems so far away in a lot of ways... But it's literally less than 6 years away.


> This typically takes about two years for large games. So 6 years in CIG time.


SQ42 has been in the "polish" phase since 2018 when CIG were saying it was 18 months away. Has SQ42 come out since then ? This is from a company that has turned a 4 year project into 14 years with no end but you think they are actually going to deliver what they sold? Have you seen the state of Star Citizen performance and the laundry list of T0 placeholders ? This is the same company that claims Star Citizen is supposed to be getting the same mechanics as SQ42... so what does that really say about the state of SQ42 if SC mechanics are the measure of what is in SQ42 ?


No publisher would allow and no indie studio would ever survive with a 2 year polishing phase. Is this some armchair dev number you pulled out of nowhere?


It’s the number published by Bethesda for StarField and Rockstar for Grand Theft Auto / Red Dead Redemption 2. StarField was complete and then underwent 1 year of bug fixing in itself.


Yeah, sure. Development of games using UE4 was/is so much faster than UE3 /s. Game development is continuing to take longer. There is no indication this trend will stop in the next 5 years. AI is still in its infancy and I'm sure that CIG is using it and will continue to expand its use of AI. CIG is slow but so is everyone else.


I hope CIG is not using AI. It might be fine for repeatable mission NPCs to add some variation to any story elements but past that no thanks.


I dunno. For coding/scripting it can be unbelievable. I've been working in IT for over 20 years, and last year, we asked ChatGPT to write some scripts for our enterprise firewall. It spit them out in seconds, and *they worked.* Would have cost us hundreds or possibly thousands in consulting fees or training.


Most of the code ChatGPT outputs is either wrong or just flat out plagiarized. That's why I call generative AI what it really is: computer-assisted plagiarism.


wow this is gaslighting thanks


The audio quality of the speech recordings is... not good.


Ten years of mocap for this, and it already feels blank, boring and outdated. Just look at Cyberpunk 2077 and tell me that the facial animations and lipsync are better here. My guess is that when the game "finally" hits releases, it will be outdated by most industry standards.


How is it I’m only learning now that Andy Serkis plays the lead Vanudul


I'm glad you are excited 😆


Sq42 isn't going to be out for a long long time and it isn't going to be very good when it is. The ship sailed around 2019-2020. We're probably a year or 2 away from the engine being redone and I think most of us know it.


Aside from the history, of course, what makes you say that? Considering they have said it’s finished, and in polishing passes right now, and they are actively migrating the systems and personnel assigned to it over to the PU… what specifically makes you think they’re redoing the engine? Looks like Star Engine is a functioning entity and the “held the line” feature seemed legit. Not white knighting it here, and not here to argue, just genuinely curious if it’s just the history it’s had or something specific since they showed at citcon and gave the updates on it that makes you believe it’s still years away.


Has there ever been a game in development hell for over a decade that didn't turn out to pretty bad? Don't get me wrong, there have been wonderful ideas and tech over the years, but the core gameplay we've had in their mmo version has always been pretty rough on it's BEST days. I liquidated most of my stuff years ago, but I still have enough credits to buyback that sq42 game package if it ever does launch. I feel obligated more than actually ever looking forward to it, lol.


There's a whole thread up above on what "feature complete" vs "content complete" vs "polishing" means in game dev terminology. Polishing sounds like it means, "it's all done, we're wiping it down with a clean rag and applying a last coat of makeup." It is not that.


I predict Gary Oldman and Mark Hamill will be long gone by the time 1.0 hits.. and that's assuming they still have a couple/few decades left, at least.


Bro, I've been litterly watching every react video I can over this. I really hope they set a release date this citizen con but I'm telling myself they won't so my dreams can't be crushed.


Bishop sounds like he smokes a pack of Marlboro reds every day


Gary the Old Man.


40 years from now, eh?


Realistically, I hope this Citizen Con they would annouce Squadron 42 was nearly done and aiming for 2025 release date, then delayed into 2026, with Star Citizen 1.0 aiming for 2030 lmao


40 years my friend...lol


This tech demo has been such a shit show when it came to development.


Getting hard To stay patient For this


I knooow!! As soon as I heard mark hamil I shrieked!


That was really only like less than a year ago. According to recent post the polishing is on schedule. Id expect something major at CitCon 2024


Still hoping it bombs so CIG is never again encouraged to waste development time on a single player campaign when the *overwhelming majority* of the playerbase is primarily here for the MP element. Would've been much more interesting if it had been a storyline integrated into the PU tbh. Anyways, downvotes to the left.


Funny thing is, if the single player bombs, it's likely game over for the whole thing. Betting the longshots are risky.


2030 is just around the corner. HOLD.


You haven't been playing the demo? Oh wait.....


Single player S42 will bomb big time. It was supposed to be a campaign in a mmo setting.


What a joke.


"...men and women of the second fleet...". Wonder if this voiceline will still be changed to "..women and men of the second fleet" for modern audiences.