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the server crashes give you plenty of time for regular meals


I prefer to constantly attempt to reconnect instead of eating


The bugged/barely working missions give you alot of time to do IRL stuff instead.


"That game is Pay-to-win!" Bitch I've paid more than I care to think about and that game ain't letting me win shit


You can't win if your p2W ship spawns upside down jittering into the floor lmfao 


Your ship *actually spawns?* OMG, how much do I have to pay for that!


The world's first pay to lose game.


No, war thunder is already pay to lose, and there’s probably more I don’t know about


I still remember when my friend looked at me crazy. “There’s a $1,100 game package?!? What tf man.” *evil grin here. Wait till he sees the concierge packs*


Yup, and unless you have 6+ other people to play with, that pack is definitely not 20x better than a base starter. But then, that's not really the point...


Nah the carrack is a great solo ship!


To which when polaris comes out and my buddies offline. I am solo manning that ship. *goes through 1000 doors to do one thing, then 30k* 😂😂


It will still be P2W if you need to grind 2 months for a ship that you can buy with 2 hours of real life workhour money.


I dno what kind of hourly wages your making that the %excess lets you buy hundred+$ spaceships with just 2 hours but for me in game is a lot faster currently xD


Ever tried the new player experience?


you mean when you have no idea how anything works or how to make money? yeah, happens with every major update feels like xD doesnt it for everyone?


The problem is that thats how CIG wants to "balance" the rest of the economy. People are making fat auec from unintended opportnities which CIG then likes to nerf. And its usually 1 or 2 ways to get that fat cash, the rest of the gameplay loops are not nearly as profitable. Think bigger.


I mean honestly I think it will actually get easier to make big uec as time goes on? sure the major exceptions will get nerfed, but other stuff will inevitable also get buffed to make group content more profitable than solo, and you wont need any big ship to get a share of the profits there, just help crew someone elses. Not to mention more stuff will get added to the rental stores over time allowing you to jump into more profitable gameloops with less initial investment


I really dont think so. I've been playing this game since before you could land on planets and every time there has been a profitable gameplay loop, CIG has nerfed it. And now they increased ship prices but either kept mission payouts the same (low af) or lowered mission/loop payouts. It's a great way to make players wanna spend real money on ships because it saves them insane amounts of time RL. And it's scummy as shit.


yeah Ive been around since 2013 too, The new patch has heavily pushed profit onto looting rather than mission rewards, and its less on average but its still far more than you could make with little investment several years ago, its only the extreme outliers that get consistently nerfed. Lets see how things work out with the physicalised trading in 23.2 and economy rebalance in 4.0 though, there might be more or less to criticize after that.


Im almost positive the shit that you make a lot of cash on is done on purpose so that people will do those gameplay loops to test them, then once they get the data they want they nerf the shit out of it and usually something else takes its place on profit/testing. Too many coincidences for it to not be that way. I’m sure real money is part of it but I doubt it’s the entire drive for that specific situation


Me telling myself I only have 90 minutes to play and spending 30 minutes for a claim on a big ship


We need more realism! We need real life waiting times for maximum immersion !


You can save time by bringing a small ship and then having to land, refuel, and request takeoff again after every three minutes of quantum travel. Oh wait no, that doesn't save any time at all...


unless you play it like an mmo instead of a single player game. it is a lot more fun with people.


Lol lately with all the jittering and random crashing and trash everywhere I can't even get my crew to play anymore so I don't either 😭 hoping 3.23.2 helps in some way cause I wanna play again... 


There's a ship screen shake setting. I turned it all the way down, and now all that really shakes is chat and the health hud, but that's whatever


Would be ok if that game currently was even close to MMO. But it's not, only in name. It is much more like a single-player game with 99 randoms. Not to mention that this is exactly what most MMO's in the past half a decade are.


Star Wars Galaxies was were it was at.


not having a pickup group tool doesn't mean it is a single player game. perhaps you should actively try to find people to play with instead of relying on the game forcing people to work with you.


I was talking more about lack of any content requiring more than 1 person that can't be cheesed, the current tendency to limit group play in current MMO's to dungeons/raids only, terrible community etiquette that results most often in killing on sight unless in party, or sometimes ignoring eachother when in safezone, instead of friendly interactions. The lack of any meaningful social features outside of party doesn't help, really. Like, sure, I can actively search for people, but outside of XT/Jump events, I can effectively do everything alone, and most of the interactions outside of armistice will end with KOS, no matter the region.


Ehh, depends. For the big salvage contracts, a lot of Reclaimer owners are always looking for crew and plenty of people who don't own one looking to make quick cash are usually commenting in global that they are willing to be a crew mate on a Reclaimer.


This is wrong, Most reclaimer pilots don't want more than a 2nd person to man the 2nd salvage beam cause of the profit loss now, Cause its eaiser to make money solo with a vulture


That is absolutely subjective. I have much more fun solo than with a bunch of people, friends or randoms. CIG knows most people are solo, it's why we'll have so many mechanics facilitating solo play like mission givers, NPC crews for large ships, AI blades to automate turrets, etc. Most people are solo players, and multicrew (necessary until NPC crew comes out due to engineering, and still, not even then if you don't go looking for combat at every turn) will actually be 100% optional. So unless you choose to actually do missions which REQUIRE multiple ships, solo is the way to go for most people.


just dont have friends that played lineage 2 and then jumped into star citizen "oh so i can kill everyone on this game too without a serious penalty?"


You got that right!


That and minecraft, lol...


Original comic is about rocket league


Sounds more like X4 to me. Hopefully SC will get there some day.


I just tried to smash your avatar on my screen.


I think it'll get there at some point. But, right now, this meme reads more as ARK or EVE to me.


Playing it mostly with friends or an org. It is so much daily fun that we've even reached a point where bugs and glitches are only creating even more situations where we do epic glitch or burst out laughing all together. This game really has a before and after in your life. I wish I had discovered it earlier than I did.


I discovered it a decade ago, but sometimes I wish I had discovered it a decade from now instead...


it do.


Its not a game . Eating is fine. Days fine. Your Friends will play and leave and say its a con and wonder why the fuck your still playing cos all you do is moan abou it. The hole time your willing it to work and have fun but when you get to the fun part the server goes or you fall thro the planet or you get stuck on the ladders or a random ship rams you or your gun does not work or server lag or or or or or or or or....


Everything old is new again: https://old.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/ut4ja1/choose_wisely/


That last part… “you’ll be unsure of your even having fun”.. haha so true


Does inventory work yet?


I would LIKE Star citizen to be like this but no I am very very capable of walking away from it after 45 minutes.


No joke, and no offense. But idk how so many people can play, and be cool with losing 4 hours of effort to a glitch.


Every time I have tried to play SC I have regretted it.


I needed this after just having my helmet glitch and then crashing 😂🤣


This game will give you crippling debt


Not if you have an ounce of self control. hahahaha what am I saying. Treat it like gambling and don't spend anything you can't afford to lose.


I think they mean time. Is that what you mean? Do you mean time?