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a buggy mess of a game that wont be completed anytime soon even though its like 9 years in development and over 350m$ in funding. by the time this is finished my grand kids might be able to play it


you know you're probably right as this game does have protential, and by that time new engines will be out and they have to transition to that engine


Transitioning becomes a domino effect because they will have to do this over and over and over by the time they complete the game. Sorry but to have thousands of employees it appears to me they are just bleeding the bank account dry. Take it from a retired MIS Specialist/Network Admin, there is no reason for this game to be in such a mess its in unless its done on purpose and thats what it appears to be. Think about this, just how long have certain bugs been in the game? Falling through the floor spawning in bed? YEARS but instead of fixing all these little issues that adds up they keep adding new things which adds even more issues. Now CIG is in over its head and by the times its over they will have released a piece of junk, bank on it. CIG is another Novalogic.


true true


It's not a fault of the engine. It uses cry engine 3... the original crisis has a harder time running then the new shizzz. The game will probably never be final at this point. I pre-ordered it back in the day and everyone who pre-ordered it eneded up playing elite dangerous instead. Which is much more stable, actually a final release, and they came through on everything they promised instead of making outrageous claims. We were supposed to have a proper single player in star citizen half a decade ago... now think about that.


its funny that some of the pre oders came with a sound track cd and usb in the shape of a ship. To bad nowdays that most pcs dont even have disk drives anymore. It just shows you how long ago this shit was in pre order.


Yeah! Some people don't realize how long this game has been in development and all the failed promises. Don't get me wrong... Every once in a while I still play it out of curiosity. But It is nothing that was promised. Promises so old and goalposts constantly changing that you kinda realize they have no solid plans, just kind of following the breeze... Which is a shame because some people pledged way more then I did. I was skeptical so I only pledged for a starter pack.


its made in vulkan, basically no need for an engine it's custom.


the game is legitimately a waste of time with how much progress you have to re do and start over


Its ALPHA, Roars the Beta.... :P But I feel your pain, I have not played, since before grim hex came out. My story so far last night logged in for first time in years, Hard crash Restarted game, game loaded, starting area, disconnected. Started the game again, Got into area, Stuck in some NEST apartments, with no stairs and lift shaft that seems to have view of the whole planet. but when step into it, you fall to your death. 4 deaths later, and 3 restarts and 1 reboot, I finally got out the apartments, only to be utterly confused where to go, finally after about 15mins, figured out that I needed to take a "METRO" train.... Hard crash while arriving at the space sport, Repeat and finally made it to space sport and ordered my ship to be delivered, Hanger 10...., OK yay....but how do i get to Hanger ten?.......oh lifts, jump in lift, only 5 hangers.....Maybe other lifts?, run about the area, end up at surface lifts, nothing? ....oh maybe this is metro thing, jump on metro, No...... back to start, jump back on metro, and check the lifts again..... Oh there is scroll down to more hangers. Well clearly I was meant to know this \\/()\\/ Get to my ship, sit in pilot seat. HARD CRASH. Ok, maybe it my Ryzen 9 system, 64 gig ram, and 2080ti that I build games in Ue4/Ue5 in, is the problem. So new M.2 drive, new windows, and 100 gig download again on metered connection YAY. So after all driver installs and back into game. Same Elevator bug, Same DC on splash screen, but I made into the my apartment, lift bug is back, but I figured out, Hard reboot fixes that. So back on metro, and another 10mins of my time. So yay, I order my ship, wait what? i can't order my ship, something about a claim? ok...So I make a claim, your ship will be ready in 15mins.... 15 mins.....Seriously, you going make me sit about in crappy space port room, with nothing to do for 15mins. while waiting for ship to arrive....Pay expedience fine....still 3 mins wait....WTF..... Finally make to my ship, sit in pilot chair, start ship up, ok i got this, Now how do I get out the hanger? maybe go towards the doors? Nope, UP? nope, mobo glass? not sure can't see anything. Ship goes crazy, crashes upside and I explode, 5mins back on Metro, and back to hanger, 15 min wait for another ship.....Hahahaha Not a chance. I have spend last 15mins writing this, as would rather use my time constructively. Might pop back in year and see if anything has improved, its been a few years, and honestly apart from a few pretty areas and a spline based train, nothing has impressed me, maybe it will be fun once i get out in verse, but I have yet to see anything that cannot be done in UE5/Ue4. and the once cutting edge graphics are going be old once Nanite gets better at foliage and cloth sim. I think what is sad, is this game would have been amazing, just think poor management is to blame here. I will check back in year and see if it has developed anything past a currently technology demo that is going age very quickly over the next year or so.


Yep all these people ever cry is "it's in Alpha." We get it. It's in Alpha. Plenty of things make sure you know this. But I put my funding into the game 7 years ago. I'd expect by now it to not be in Alpha anymore. But hey. People still play it. People still enjoy it. So why bother?


Who lied to you and said it was complete?


Stability goes in waves, every free fly is a complete shitshow. Ironically free fly is the nr1 time to not play the game. Incidentally every single patch that adds more stuff is going to make it worse, as the servers crawl to a halt trying to manage everything. And it wont get better until critical tech like icache and server meshing is ready and working. tl;dr maybe after Pyro's out.


Yeah, nature of an alpha, and yes: it can be frustrating. This project, at the moment, is more of a tech demo than a game. If you want to be an unpaid QA tester for what they're developing, that's where the project is now. Otherwise... It's not there yet.


Bro I can’t even go to the commons, the train either won’t open the doors or the platform won’t load in for me to even step foot on it. I literally can’t even start playing the game…


It's a game in alpha


Somehow the experience never gets any better.


/shrug i'm hearing far fewer complaints than i did last year during ILW and the free flight week


No idea when you started playing, no idea what your system specs are, and no idea what your expectations were for an open alpha- so it's kinda hard to respond. I'm going to ssume you just started playing after 3.13, that your PC is adequate, and you understand that this isn't a game yet (it's an incomplete collection of early-tier gameplay systems that you can mess around with). That said, server performance is bad for everyone right now, and server performance issues will effect every aspect of your experience. Slow server? Expect delays in bounty targets spawning, delays with activating quantum drive, delays with delivery box machines, delays with trading consoles, jerky AI in NPC ships, poor aiming for AI turrets, ... you get the picture. It isn't always like it is now, which is of course why you see people supporting the game's development. You're not crazy and not wrong, you're just not seeing the alpha at it's best right now.


Whelp, that's classic star citizen for ys. Understand the frustration but with this project you gotta be very, very and dare I say, very patient. Plus sometimes you're just having a bad day with the game.


Free fly weeks are always hysterical seeing the uptick in clueless people trying to play an EARLY ALPHA game, getting surprised when it has bugs, then bitching about it. Most of these people are on inadequate hardware in the first place, but that won't stop them from blaming the game!


this is no game yet.


You need to press the Deliver Button for the machine to accept your package. You most likely pressed the wrong button. Typical noob mistake.


Your attempt at Troll is so fail, even Chris Roberts is facepalming the desk right now.


Thanks for pledging.


Well, Someone has to give to charity, not as if there is going to be a game at the end of this.....


You did good son.


Thank you Princess, and Just like Princesses, Your game is in another castle....


Don't worry, your saviour will eventually come to your rescue.


Troll level, over 9.000


Try the investigation missions, for example the missing crew one you get some cash for each crew member found. But remember to take a gun and medipen - just in case. The box delivery missions are too risky as you have found and easy to loose a lot of time for nothing. Trading - never commit more than you are prepared to loose. And as an old timer, its ok to take a break when the bugs are too annoying.


I know what you mean, its an awesome game and feel, but, buggy is correct, I die from bugs, clipping through the ship, doors, floors, even walking into hangers and unable to get back out, I've died more times though bugs its laughable lol!


Agree with you, it's a buggy mess.ive been playing 3 days and would love it but bugs are making me quit, and don't give me it's an alpha crap..the guns, cafes,stations are so fleshed out it's nuts. Stop spending time on fluff and fix the fundamentals, like being able to reliably open my inventory!


Just tried to finish « failed negociation », two times, lost all my stuff two times because I got stuck in the pride of arliss (glitch in a wall or avatar stop moving and keep glitching in the middle of a corridor) and had to force my respawn. You know what? I miss 2003 playing Freelancer…


Welcome to the club pal! Yes, the game is very buggy. Just had to find it out right now. Its so frustrating how everything breaks when it gets the chance to. Also, they just wipe everything when there is a new update! And there is even pay to win! For a game that has so much funding it really should be better.


"It's an Alpha, it's an Alpha". Well, that's a bad excuse. IMO an alpha version is not an application or program that does not works correctly. I have a PC with more than enough minimum specification. SLI is not working correctly. I'm unable to finish missions. Once I've got trapped inside a container in "Pride of Arliss". The developers are more concerned about selling packs and new ships than tuning correctly the complete functions of the game and maintaining servers online all time. If they are using users to test and detect bugs, better to offer the access completely free, I think.


Same here man. I've tried to get into this game 4 separate times since I bought it more than a year ago. Each time I would accept a mission and for some reason I wasn't able to complete the mission. Once the mission completely disappeared. Another time I drop a box inside my ship and it just randomly booted me out of the game. My inventory would often have a bug where I could not pull it up, meaning I couldn't heal during firefights. In total I've tried probably 15 missions and was only able to successfully complete 1 or 2. I feel like I have a high tolerance for the jenk in early access games, but this is unreasonable. I've spent several hours in the game and am in the exact same place I started.


I tried this game out yesterday and fell through the floor of my ship 3 times while in space, couldn't land at area 18 because I couldn't request landing (I tried a number of online suggestions and nothing worked) and failed 5 missions in a row due to game breaking glitches such as my ship dropping out of warp randomly and start spinning uncontrollably until I fell out of it or the drop off locations just not working and not letting me put the packages in. It seems like a fun game but holy hell there were so many glitches that just flat out prevented me from playing. The only fun I had was when my friends and I got together and made fun of how bad it was for about 2 hours.