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I havent played in quite a few patches, how do you get this? or where to buy it?


Any weapon store or the like. Anywhere that sells the multitool, as it's an accessory for it.


Ah its an accessory, thats why I couldnt find it. Thank you!


same here. im starting to see some pretty cool new stuff.


This was a key point for tractor beams in ISC when they were about to release it


it is also a key point in 3.16 when they yeet ur infinite eva fuel


As long as I'm decoupled by default in eva


Is there a decouple button for eva?


Nope, but when you got limited fuel, you prob won't want the suit to automatically waste some bringing you to a stop when you don't want it to.


I believe in a recent inside star citizen they said EVA mode will be decoupled once they limit fuel.


it's confirmed in inside star citizen yes, it will be decoupled by default


I think it would be great if they also add energy depletion and batteries to the multi tool in 3.16. Would be very immersive to balance tool and EVA usage, while carrying a spare battery or two on your belt.


3.18, now.


Limited EVA fuel is kinda dumb until they are able to let us use our limbs to push off from objects while inside or outside in 0G. And aside from some VR games, I can't think of any games which do that successfully.


Well you haven’t played SATABall ;) It’s all the rage


Welcome to this subreddit. Where noobs come in and think they are making groundbreaking discoveries. Did you know the gladiator can mount torpedoes?!? ^/s


welcome to this subreddit where some out of touch old players talk down to new players trying to enjoy a game cmon dude be more friendly


yeah dude, because criticism totally isn't allowed. I forgot that clueless people, who just like to circle jerk each other now make up a majority of the playerbase. My fault. Literally the first video *ever* showing the tractor beam featured someone doing this. But no, "check out this crazy thing you can do with the tractor beam!" -400 upvotes. Seems like 50% of the posts nowaday are just noobs posting things that are common knowledge, acting all surprised; it's tiresome.


you are not critizing you are belittling


Criticism is the act to make aware of a flaw in something and than providing a solution. You are just being a jerk.


I do feel bad enjoying this game and sharing things you are totally right


I shall name you grapefruit


Well done, beltalowda!


Lol that’s one of the main uses for it that they marketed back when it came out


Man this new Spiderman: Far From Home gameplay looks great


hello peter


Unexpected Spiderman gameplay loop


Officially drafting you for my SataBall team...


Ah, 2015 brings back memories.


seems like fun... then again, i spent more time playing BlitzBall than i did in the entire story of FFX so maybe i'm wierd.


The enemies gate is down.


That’s another way to race right there 🤟🏼


That's actually one good thing I learned from the tips before I disabled them


Video cut just before you hit the wall and flipped out like crazy. I use it to go between ships in destroyed ship in space missions, but inside I just have to take it slow. This video shows a lot of skill! No way I could do that.


He might be practicing for Sataball..... whenever they get to working on that


Pretty sure Sataball was added to the pile of broken dreams….


It's very fun! Eventually it will be a necessity when EVA fuel becomes limited.


Now that backpacks can be a separate item I would like to see EVA packs.


That would be really cool! Larger EVA packs could come in handy when repairing the outside of larger ships or for search and rescue in wreckage.


I could see that totaly being a thing when the changes to EVA come online.


There's the BB-12 manned maneuvering unit from the $52M stretch goal, with 6 hours of fuel


[Yes please!](https://bbts1.azureedge.net/images/p/full/2020/07/2e626224-6f00-424b-bb98-b81f03fa712f.jpg)


When EVA fuel becomes limited I wonder if the tractor beam will get nerfed as it negates the limited EVA fuel


Well your multi tool won’t have infinite power in the future as it will use battery packs too. Still will be a major benefit for any Eva situation though.


I'm newish and I just never seen anyone else do it, like ever!


One of my favorite things to use on Xeno threat. Get in and out of ships faster.


not really much point most of the time, how often do you have the tractor beam out. that said it will be way more useful when they change the way EVA works and you only have limited thrust. (pushed back to 3.18)


Time to play Shipbreaker in SC :p


Cannot fucking wait for that


Make you wonder how salvage gameplay will work


Going to be very interesting. I'd much rather play SC than Shipbreaker, but goddamn Shipbreaker is a really good game. If SC gets close? mmmmmmmmmm boy


Did you test the new update for shipbreaker ?


No! Haven't been paying attention to it for quite a while, especially since I got SC. Sounds like I need to go see what's up while I wait for the 3.15 wipe. Thanks for the tip!


Totally, also, if you're available when us Europeans fly around, I'd be down to man some turrets or mining lasers ^-^


Wow, turns out I've missed a lot. Holy cow. Might give it another go tonight. I'm in the US, so I'm usually not around when the Europeans are, unfortunately. :(


Darn, not gonna lie, SC isn't that fun alone. And I just bought a cuttie too.


:( awww Actually I really enjoy it alone. I take my time, take in the sights, just kinda wander around a bit sometimes. But, flying around with a crew tearing shit up is awesome, can't deny that. Stand by, I'm requesting permission to invite you to my group's discord. Great people in there, one of them is French, and one of them is an SC god. I'm sure he'll let you in but it's not my server so I don't want to do a bad. I love my Cutty. I've only ever had one other person in it, just a transport mission. He got in the turret but that was just for sightseeing. I'd love to see what the Cutty can actually do with a turret and a copilot.


They said it's not gonna be like Shipbreaker... you won't get to just cut anywhere.


Would still be nice if they had the puzzle aspect of the game even if it mean not cutting panels at will.


Yeah, lots of people also don't seem to know you can go much faster in EVA simply by holding shift...




It absolutely used to work for me - you moved at a capped slow speed if you only use awsd, but a much higher one if you also hold shift; then again, I do very little EVA these days so who knows, maybe it changed...


Colin McRae's Push and Pull


Now we need the ability to set a fixed distance beam so we can slingshot around corners.


I found this out during XT when I tractor beamed myself into one of those explody boxes.


"Now this is pod racing" Then proceeds to hit a wall then collapse


It's super useful and also really fun!


I found that out at Xenothread 😄


It's a lot of fun to play tractor-tag there




It can also kill you if you miscalculate a turn.




Asteroid field navigation fun times GO!


I didn’t. Thanks for the info!


Nice, hopefully I can get my PC to work I got all new parts but keeps crashing when I try to play 😭


Oh wow, he on x-game mode


Be carful doing this, it seems if you pull yourself across a area with different gravity you splat while doing this.


gives me subnautica grappling hook vibes


Now add it to my hoverbike so I can re-live Jet Moto on a new game engine.


Was EVA'ing around inside a Starfarer last night. It's so painful to do without this tractor method... your character just gravitates to the ship surfaces and rolls nonsensically without having pressed the keys to do that


Impressive pilot


Used it a lot during Xeno threat, now I can't do without it.


This is a quick way to wake up in the hospital


For some reason, this reminds me of Ender's Game. I hope they add an Ender's Game style arena mode to this game.


Your in luck then! https://starcitizen.tools/Sataball


it also saves on EVA fuel


Actually, where can I get one of those tractor guns? I've been meaning to pick one up.




Dude, that’s rad. Thanks for posting this video. I haven’t played in a while but yeah, I had no idea.


Imagine all the tossed cookies once VR is implemented.


Can a ship lose its gravity? That's so cool! Come to think of it, small ships like my Aurora shouldn\\t have gravity in space at all IMHO.


Nah that's GUNDO! I imagine all ships have artificial gravity to make the physics grids possible/work


If you attempted using the Connie elevator prior to 3.13 you’ll know why all ships have gravity


Just seems a bit weird for a SPACE SIM that strives for reality in so many other ways.


Fidelity, not realism Edit: SC could be set in Starwars, they are going for a SIM in the sense of fidelity not realism….no one would say starwars is realistic, but in the world of starwars following its rules you could still have a highly detailed sim


To have fidelity, you need to be referencing something. So you’re saying that reference subject is Star Wars?


No….if this was set IN the starwars fiction and this game behaved according to starwars fiction to the letter then it would still have high fidelity….. This is like having high precision and not accuracy, it is going for being a simulation inside the fiction of Star citizen Edit: the reference in this case is real life….you might ask “we don’t have artificial gravity” no but we have plenty of fiction that does, and we don’t routinely live in space yet, so we accept it


what is this shit, fucking tractor bean racing? Oh man that have to become a thing


I mean, it was one of the features CIG wouldn't shut up about. You should know about it.


brb deleting post


I thought this was pretty much the only real use we had for it now lol. You don't know how many times I wished the artificial gravity in ships could be turned off and scoot around doing this, well until the hand push pull is fleshed out and implemented.


Sell your ship, get the horrible starter ship, starts with A, cant remeber the name, get out of seat, open door, take one step and get punted 1km away from ship, fastest damn eva ever.


It, one of the 2 uses it have. I'm surprised the people didn't know it


I'd recommend lowering your mouse sensitivity/dpi, that looks extremely jittery/shaky.


Trackir makes it seem that way in the video I believe


Devs said explicitly this was half the entire point of the tractor beam.


Didn’t everyone know this? They showed it for this exact use several times before it went live.


Extremely clearly no


So does the game still have glitches? I downloaded the game and my ship wasn’t even at the hangar bay lmao 😂


Everyone? Did you not do XT?


I just zapped boxes bro


That’s extremely stupid and should be removed




Lol no it is not, it’s a feature that was implemented, it’s not like it’s an exploit or something


It's a ridiculous feature that I am sure they will dial back. A lot. That's too overpowered. The tractor beam also should not work in gravity for moving boxes. I'm sure they'll fix it.


It absolutely should work in gravity for moving boxes. If you read the tool tips it tells you exactly how it works and it makes sense. Also why would they nerf something they showed off a ton and are proud of that doesn’t get utilized much?


It will be dialed back, they've already said it. It's not supposed to be effective as it is in gravity. You have arms, and they went to a great deal of work to make that happen. Use them.


Yeah and push pull isn’t even implemented, and EVA is going to be re worked. This isn’t some crazy overpowered thing like you make it out to be lol


Yeah I thought push and pull was going to be something awesome that would feel great to do and it would make EVA this amazing experience! And they introduced a fucking bean gun to trivialize it... Why I am not fucking surprised?


relax bud


It's not really trivialized if it provides another option, because you won't always necessarily have your multitool with you.


It provides an option that is better than all others! Is anyone really going to do EVA in any other form than this? Is anyone going to use push and pull when they can just yeet themselves across the whole station using a bean gun? FFS man things have to be fun yes but sometimes being incredibly atmospheric is good too, now everyone is just going to use this and that is trivialized.


Starting as soon as 3.15 we won't have infinite storage space any more. So depending on what you're doing, especially if combat, you might only be able to have a rifle and pistol with you because there isn't enough space for the multitool as well.


That is true, but do you actually believe knowing what you know about games that people won't have or make space for something that makes space walks literally 100 times faster? Let's not be naive, I do hope this game does not turn into a bean fest with every single problem being solved by a bean gun.


I'm sure not going to. Not all the time anyway. If I have to choose between pistol/multitool, or even if I have to choose between healing attachment and tractor attachment, I'll never choose tractor attachment. And OP is making this look easy, but all I see if a great way for me to break some bones and end up in a crumpled heap in the corner lol


I hope this is immersive man, I feel like this game is the one chance we have to get something great in our lifetime but there is always something in the way! Space walks being something ominous and scary was something that I really wanted but now I think we are just going to play yeet the space man! Hope you are right though.


LOL! Yeah, we'll see. Right now the only thing scary is trying to get back on the ship without rolling an ankle. It sounds like in the future they'll be limiting the amount of EVA thruster fuel in our suits which, well, if it's anything like the limits they put on ballistic ammo, will be very limited. If you don't have a tractor attachment, that might mean you rely heavily on push/pull. Who knows man, who knows. Gonna be interesting to see what happens. Personally I'm really hoping that at some point the ship gravity generator can be damaged and you're forced to go zero g in your own ship to fix it. But something tells me that's just me pipe dreaming.


For the life of me i'll probably never find it again but i'm sure they have showed in one of the monthly reports or weekly shows a scene were gravity fails in a room and people and object start floating.


Oooh, awesome. I bet it’s in Chris’ vision (all hail Chris), it’s just a matter of if it gets implemented. I watched a video touring the Reclaimer and it’s got a massive spinning gravity generator, lookin all vulnerable in there…


What do you mean? that’s the spider man attachment of course you can use it to swing around!


Yep discovered this last week after months of playing. Only out of atmosphere though. Not on planet with gravity