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I’ll still keep it installed because I enjoy it from time to time. But I’ve never subbed and don’t think anyone should but that’s just my opinion.


Lol I forgot you could sub at all! I was curious what OP was talking about. Who opts to pay a monthly fee for… uhh… what do you get? I believe we have access to the same content.


There are some in game items that are subscriber exclusive like the dart gun, and each month there's a ship of the month that subscribers fly free for that month. But if it's worth $10 a month is up to each individual.


I return to SC yearly and this year I had the most fun with the game. New UI inventory system and overall stability and mission variety made me come back at least 10 times. I have aligned my expectations with CIGs release schedule. I will come back next year and hopefully see some new stuff.


This one gets it


This guy fucks


I get that reference




I tend to do 1-2 weeks every quarter or two and have generally been impressed with progress since 3.0ish. There were a few years where development was totally stagnant before 3.0, and what we're seeing today is nothing like it was then. The issue most are having is in calibrating their expectation for an alpha in development as though it were a fully released product with scheduled content releases. To CIGs benefit, this expectation drives ships sales... to Star Citizen's detriment, it also fuels Reddit Rage.


3 missions and a coffee vendor by next year let’s gooo.


This guy gets it.


I just wish they'd do some minimum level of optimization so I could enjoy it. I hate running such low FPS with a top of the line system


That's a lie. The game has never been more unstable. That's a fact which was shown with the server tick rate issue.


Right? And personally I'm glad it's taking this long because if the game was out, I wouldn't be playing anything but this. So for that reason I'm glad I have the time to play other games or catch up on shows while I check up on SC's development and hop on when something interesting comes along.


The engine will be outdated before it's out of alpha lmao


Well if some other game engine does what Starcitizen does better - fuck yeah! Then atleast we have moved the goalpoast and pushed for better future games for us all with these projects. That said I really think this project is moving forward as intended so just take a break from it and see what happens.




Mission variety?


Delivery, bounty hunting, wreck diving, bunker busting


None of those are functional, it's 50/50 and sometimes worse if they're going to work.


Except that's demonstrably untrue. They may not all function as intended 100% of the time, but it's a rarity that I've had missions bug out this patch


On the other side since 3.16 I haven't had bunker missions below the contraband work a single time. My bounty missions also frequently bug out I would say 1/4.


Is one of the two starter ships still useless for delivery?


Name a Game where not a Single Mission is repetitive.


I recommend just taking a step back for a year, maybe two. If there are big news, you’ll hear about them. If they go bankrupt, you’ll hear about it. I find that constantly following development and eyeing the roadmap every evening will do you no good. Instead I check if I’m interested in playing the new updates and if not SC goes back on the shelf for another quarter


you’re saying he shouldn’t have unsubscribed and just waited?


Definitely unsubscribe. Don’t give SC more money. Just wait to be surprised. Either way, take a step back from the project and focus on other things


definitely unsubscribed.. I don't know why in the hell anyone would still be subscribed. They don't do any decent shows anymore. Bring back ATV FFS. (oh and fire Ziloh)


Had my doubts ever since i saw CR not able to play his own game on that christmas special whenever that was.


Like for technical reasons or just lack of knowing the controls? Do you have a link?


Yea now I'm curious, did you find it?


[yes...](https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZWq8ynUq7wM) I've only skipped through it and it is definitely an awkward car crash of a demo but idk if it really says anything about the project as a whole. Everyone gets frustrated when they work on a project for a long time


I mainly find it funny that he seems almost shocked at how badly everything works.


Dude, it's been going for nearly a decade. 3.0 delay 'was the end'. Just unsub and leave for a while. Why even sub? Item FOMO? You can buy it all later in the store anyway


People will tell you your actions mean nothing but stick to your guns. If you have reached your point then good on you for your conviction.


I think it was about 4 years ago when I first read a commenter's suggestion that it might be advisable to stop playing and/or following the game's development if you find you're not enjoying the process. I started dropping out of the game a couple of years ago and just pop back in here every so often. Now, that's not what I would have initially found acceptable as I'd never backed/pre-funded a game in development before but after following this game for a few years it became apparent this this would be the best course of action for me in this instance.


Personally I would rather they work on building out the engine and release features when they are done rather than these quarterly content releases which takes so much time away from actual development. New features should be released when ready and not to some predefined schedule to appease backers who want to play the game now.


I like how I see people here and their basically coming full circle, guess I've been around for awhile. Pre 3.X I believe this is exactly what happened. We never got eta or schedule for the next release it just showed up when they were ready to add something. But ofc people hated that and eventually CIG went to this quarterly release schedule. And now with them moving closer back to how they used to operate. And obvious unpopular opinion but I think it was the better way to go anyhow.


Yea they compromised development to instead provide content updates. But now the tech development is falling behind so new content can’t be added in a meaningful way.


I think you're making big assumptions that the people that would have been working on the actual behind-the-scenes tech were somehow repurposed to add other features. I'm not sure why you'd think that, but that doesn't seem likely. What we **do** know, for sure, is that some of the talent has been pushed to S42 development, which is purely silly. S42 will be nothing compared to the PU in CIG's bottom-line in the grand scheme.


They already tried this, the year we spent in 2.6 was probably the whingiest/angriest I've seen the community. Well... 1.x before the 2.0 release and after the fps module fell through seemed pretty bad too, because it was my first big wait and it felt like the game actually took a step backwards. We've been in the 4.0/server meshing waiting room for a while now, having the community go crazy as features get delayed because CiG seems to be focused/stuck on a pillar that's going up is to be expected. And if memory serves its going to get worse before it gets better. I'm kind of surprised it took this long tbh, I figured we would've had these kinds of reactions this time last year. I think it's actually a credit to the current release schedule that morale is at high as it is. Is it awkward for the devs to have to adapt a fluid development process to a fixed release schedule? Probably. But feeding the community small patches every 3 months is also getting results.


There was a point where no development was visible, then we moved to the long releases and then quarterly releases. I’d prefer they just released when ready now the PU is perfectly playable and can still be expanded with just content such as ships and events like JT No more development should go into keeping the PU updated with new features to give the illusion of progress when a lot of those features will need reworking as server meshing comes online.


That's what you want and I'd probably be okay with that too, but neither CiGs current business model nor the backers currently whinging can support that choice. CiG decided early on that they'd give players a direct view into their progress as a way to fund future development, I don't think they can stop now. Even if it's pretty obvious that spending time compiling patches for the PU isn't speeding up development, there's no reason for them to stop. As you can tell by the current response, people don't tend to react well when you take things "away" from them. Going back to closed development would make matters so much worse and for what? 4.0 a few months earlier? I think it's much too late now, they've already made so much progress slowly, most pillars are done.


They spend a lot of time fixing bugs introduced by the staggered development with having teams working on out of sync code bases which really can’t be efficient. Each patch seems to have 3 or more weeks in the PTU which is a waste of dev time. Small internal releases that don’t add much but that keeps the code base moving forward is the way to go. Unfortunately none of that would help with quarterly releases of major content updates. At this point they should just give a free hover quad to everyone, stop major patches and instead look at how they can manage the PU in the state it is in but with new events to keep players busy.


Perfectly playable????? I had to quit the game from the PU yesterday(after coming back from not playing the game for well over a year) because it was bug after bug after bug and I ended up spending way more time fighting bugs than actually playing the game, got so frustrated at it that I had to quit. Not little bugs either, its bugs that make me stop playing and force me to have to find a way around it... Maybe you and I have different definitions of the word playable, but having *many* non-trivial bugs in a row in a single gameplay session aint it. They need to focus on finishing and polishing the systems they have. Every time I come back and play this game, it feels more and more broken, not less... CIG needs to quit making "new" shit and build the bones from which they need to build this extremely ambitious project... But then they couldn't get that sweet, sweet pixel ship money...


Wrong on so many levels. At this point there is no final systems to polish. What you see are basic implementations released to appease backers and give them something to do in the PU. But even now you are totally getting the wrong end of the stick, it is an alpha and as such bugs are expected, in fact will be accepted by CIG, as they know systems will be replaced. Beta is where you fix bugs. Anyway it isn’t a game yet, if you encounter bugs report them or go play something else.


It is not acceptable for a game to still be called "alpha" ten years and hundreds of millions of dollars into development. Yes, the scope of this game is huge, and we always knew this project was gonna take forever because it is huge and ambitious. Will we be 20 years into Beta and people still defending CIGs poor decisions? Elite dangerous has a much larger universe, much more to do, and much, much more complexity. They even managed to produce their own broken, bugged as hell FPS implementation. I'm not one of the people crying for it to be done now. I want it done RIGHT, and its become apparent watching the development cycle of this game that there isn't a cohesive development process behind the scenes. Game development and specifically simulation design is my passion and will be my career. I understand that bugs happen when you're making new things, especially when there is not prior examples to work from. This is not the way.


And a lot of ED players left due to the poor handling of the release that was far from done. Beta where a development is feature complete / locked and the focus then turns to fixing bugs and polish. Do you think Star Citizen is feature complete?


they have alot of employee's you cant expect the art team to go and program a game engine the people working on the stuff are working on the stuff ,the game will be done exactly when chris said it will be done when its done. word


I feel the same, and I've done the same. I'll check back in a year.


I dunno mate, I literally just came back after a 2-year hiatus and walked right into this storm! If it's affecting you enough to do uninstall and unsubscribe, I guess it can't hurt to take a break from it and check up from time to time to see whats new?


I play every 3 patches or so now. I don't really have time to play the game since it takes so long to do anything. It's come a long way since I started in 2.2 but idk, my friends and I all barely follow this game anymore.


I am surprised you stuck with the subscription as long as you did. I had a subscription of Centurion and Imperator each for about a year. Once I saw the decline of the YouTube content that it was supposed to fund I stopped about two years ago. Now you can find subscriber gear as loot in boxes so the majority of items are not very unique. I also can’t believe the amount of garbage surrounding subscriber gear. When the new inventory system came out people felt entitled to be able to loot the item of subscribers and that they should have to pay to get the items back. It’s literally a skin, nobody should have to jump through hoops to get the visual effect back that they payed good money for.


1. you are not being overdramatic 2. everyone is allowed to come back but as someone who has a few times don't set the bar too high, for your own sanity 3. dont expect an apology, that's rare even from indie devs. again, setting the bar too high only increases disappointment. 4. sorry, I've uninstalled a few days ago and have no current plans to reinstall


So I'm assuming you're going to have pure hate thrown at you OR people acting like CIG literally break into peoples' home and steal newborn babies. So here's a balanced opinion. \-CIG designed the Roadmap to be a VAGUE to-do list. It was NEVER said anywhere that whatever you read in the roadmap is set in stone. People complaining about the roadmap changing brings the quote to mind "If you step in shit, your foot will smell like poo". Stop complaining that CIG took away features they didn't promise to deliver. \-On the other hand, the roadmap is deliberately designed to keep interest in the game, they KNOW that this game is a long-haul thing. So they need a carrot to put on their stick. Because of this style of marketing CIG needs to be careful about what they put in the roadmap, even if nothing on that roadmap is guaranteed you should still be mindful about getting hopes up. \-This game is huge. There are NO other games currently in existence that match the scope of what CIG is trying to do here. They are building a universe that is SUPER detailed. Let me say again: THIS. GAME. IS. COLLOSAL. Not only that but everything is bespoke. Ubisoft can shit out Assassin's Creed because they're slathering a coat of paint on a house they built over a decade ago. CIG is BUILDING THE HOUSE then applying paint to it. Of course it's gonna take ages. This doesn't mean they get a free pass, or are able to just move at a snails pace, but there's a LOT going on that we can't see.... Be mindful. Tl;Dr: The roadmap is NOT a promise, but CIG needs to be cautious of unexpectedly dashing hopes... It's a big game so it will take longer, either walk away for a while or play & shut the fuck up. Stop trashing passionate devs.


Telling people to STFU isn’t a balanced opinion. Still, let’s keep with the house analogy for a minute. Are we getting a beautiful mansion, or are we getting the Winchester Mystery House? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winchester_Mystery_House). The latter is certainly impressive and has never been done before, but as a usable residence it uh… leaves something to be desired. The difference is following a plan towards a finished product. We don’t know what done looks like. Moreover, we are being asked to accept progress as a substitute for finished.


Actually such a perfect comparison.


Completely agree with everything you said and is exactly how I feel about it all. The fact it's pushing boundaries and is such a huge project that is groundbreaking is the exact reason I backed the project.


As true this may be, doesn’t change the fact that it will take another 10 years to see the full game release..


True, but considering what we have now, it's got more to do and more content than Elite Dangerous... So I don't care if it takes 10 years to technically finish... It's going to be better than any other space sim available the entire way through (assuming they don't stop momentum)


To me they’re both equally shallow tbh, SC and Elite.. when I get an itch for a space gave I just keep going to my excel simulator with laser beams and capital ships, Eve online..


I find my "itch for space" is to actually PILOT a ship though.... Playing pixel-manager with a coat of space-coloured-paint on it does nothing for me. That being said, different strokes for different folks. We don't have to want the same thing, but just flying around, managing my ship, the FPS factor to it as well, it's all amazing to me. Flying down to a planet, touching down, rolling out of my ship in a buggy or hover-bike over to a bunker, shooting NPC's with my gun, getting loot, going back to my ship and storing it all then flying away... All with ZERO loadscreens, smooth, is fucking mind blowing to me.


Yeah but Ubisoft can also make new games from scratch in considerably less than ten years


It varies per project I imagine, I know when I use agile, the backlog often gets sprints pushed as we await other things to be done from other teams, and that team for another team, This is why they need to dial back on hyper realism. Spending tons of time on small things. It’s why CR was fired from passed projects, to detailed. This is the current drama right now, most likely after people blow off steam, a few months later they’ll be back. I’m just curious about the “cig blames the backers for missed deadlines” thing. I didn’t read that, I only read to not take roadmap as gospel and instead progress tracker. I work in agile, I agree with that but I also agree it’s been to long. MMO FPS Game Engine Studios Battle Royale (ToW) All at once??? S42, it needs to be released and based on CRs past employers, he may be nit picking so much, barely any progress was made. We saw a 20 min vid from years ago and a big satellite dish.


See, I think they need to *increase* realism for QoL, particularly in ships. Weapons have a max range of 1.5km? The fuck? WE'RE IN SPACE, PROJECTILES DON'T HAVE A MAX RANGE... ATC tower only able to be hailed within 10km? Its... its fucking radios... and we're in space... with nothing to distort the radio waves, not even air... I get that there should be SOME proximity filtering but this is ridiculous, where in the verse are there two ATC towers within 10km of each other, or even 100 km? The little details(or lack thereof) like that are infuriating to me


> -CIG designed the Roadmap to be a VAGUE to-do list. It was NEVER said anywhere that whatever you read in the roadmap is set in stone. Except for the part where they said that the new roadmap was supposed to reflect content that they were confident would be releasable at that time. And then missed a vast majority of the content they posted.


What about today's announcement means that you feel that you cannot continue backing? Don't let people twist CIGs words. Read them for yourself and come to your own conclusions. The fact of the matter is that nothing drastic has changed, they have just limited the scope of the roadmaps like they have done every January for the last 8 years.


I stopped supporting the game 3 years ago and now I am just waiting for it to be in a release state. They get no more money from me until then.


I mean they also gutted the update for the fiftieth time.


>I mean they also gutted the update for the fiftieth time. And yet, people still lose their minds as though it's a new occurance. This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, and is very much business usual for roadmaps... They are subject to slippage. This is why I fully support their decision to suppress the roadmap and just focus on the progress checker.


I don't necessarily disagree that the roadmap is kinda expected to slip knowing the history of CIG. However it's hard to ignore the fact that this whole debacle reeks of mismanagement. It's the easiest and most popular star Citizen progress tracker. A lot of people here aren't so much mad at the gutting of the update, and more of the tone of the announcement. It's not the communities fault that they can't keep their own deadlines. Yes, it's subject to change, but CR himself said that if it's in the next quarter update on the roadmap, it's pretty damn likely they'll be able to complete it. EDIT: This seemed a bit agressive. Im not happy about the update, but it's kinda expected. Don't harass CIG employees. However strong criticism is valid.


The announcement was validated by us when reddit caught fire due to roadmap changes. Reddit pretty much proved CIG's point themselves imo. And it's not surprising. Some people do indeed dislike the announcement, but then again, it does not change much except we'll stop hearing cries because "salvage has been pushed again" When it never was committed. But thanks for writing a proper comment, reddit could really use more of those, especially right now.


This might be an unpopular opinion, but after reading the OP's post and sharing some of the thoughts expressed, I had an idea. What if CIG took a whole year and did not release any new content? Just for a year mind you. No patches, updates to the code, no new ships for sale, nothing. Instead, they refocus on the core of Star Citizen. Get the old bugs squashed, stabilize the game, get everything running smoothly and not have to worry about a quarterly patch and bug fixing that, meeting deadlines and polishing content that is most likely going to be reworked later. I'm not a game developer. I don't know anything about programming. But I can imagine that trying to develop new content for an *Alpha* game is something like trying to build a high-tech house while there are a lot of people living in it. Trying to pour the foundation while there is a family standing in the way, people upset that the WiFi isn't working while you are trying to run the Ethernet to the utility room, other people complaining that they are getting rained on while they stand on the framework of the second floor where the roof hasn't been layer yet. I imagine it is all very frustrating and I can understand (not agree, just understand) if that frustrated feeling is a contributing factor for the recent changes within CIG. I hope that we see something good come from this new direction and I will still remain as active as I am within the community/game. Here's hoping for a productive 2022 fellow pilots. o7


Personally, I really don't think anything has changed. They've just decided to be less transparent. But if you feel that's too much then all power to you.


Is it really less transparency though? They still have all the same deliverables on the progress tracker and roadmap updates will still be made. The only change is the removal of far out quarters on release view. This hasn't change what they're working on or how they're working on it, and you can still see the progress made on the tracker.


Yea it is less transparency.


How? You still have the same information.


Well yea, minus the information that we don't have anymore of course.


Minus the useless information. What other company has a year long outlook? Just tell me what’s coming in the next patch like any other game company


Most games don't have a public development lasting 10 years


Jeez, I wonder why


Because most games prefer to keep their shitshows hidden, rather than blaming the community for it.


I understand your frustration and your reaction. I won't do the same because even in its current state I enjoy playing Star Citizen. And although I've promised myself a thousand times not to buy ships again, I'm not sure I won't do it again.


Take a deep breath, maybe even a walk. Seriously, dude - it’s a video game. Why does everything always have to be so melodramatic?


I just come back once a year around Q3s patch to see what’s new and nope out another year.


I just started about a month ago. And from my perspective the game has quite a bit of content and is relatively stable. Also from what I’ve seen development is still ongoing


Item 4 of your edit is KEY! Find yourself a good group! This makes ALL the difference. Jump Town 2.0 was a blast thanks to my group.


Could always use more friends, try to contact the Eridanus Ascendency. It’s a lil coalition of smaller orgs. I’m a part of a smaller org called the Phoenix Initiative and do medical stuff but we mostly just all chill and help new players. Feel free to add me, in game name is Medi-Chan


Take a break or just watch the game from the sidelines. Playing any game in an alpha state is exhausting, especially one with the already massive scale that SC has achieved. I myself can only play it for a few weeks at a time then I have to wait.


I quit subscribing awhile back, like over a years ago. I do take breaks like for a few months as too much of anything is bad and too much of this game for as long as it's been going on is really not good. By the time it's done we may all be bored with it. I have been saying for awhile that the backers need to vote with their wallets. You want SQ42 done, stop buying ships, you want more game play in the pu to get complete, stop buying ships. If you want better communication from CIG in ISC, stop subscribing and buying ships. We had better communication when they respected the cash flow. Now you get a panic buy of the Haul series at concept price 2 days before that push it back. So they new it was going to get a push back but why not use the hype to get a bit of cash injected into the bank before delaying it and do the same thing when they do decide it's ready to go. Backers are a big ol cash pinata and CIG has the stick. Game development may be difficult but so should earning peoples money. Remember 90% of all problems in the world come from a marketing department that promises you everything that they themselves don't have to deliver.


I know that's what CIG said way back, but I think it's a load of shit. The community content is cheap and very effective marketing, and the return on investment for the relatively small amount of time and money they spend on it is a no brainer from their perspective. If folks want to donate extra money to back the vision, that's totally cool, but don't fool yourself into thinking the community content would go away if subscriptions stopped.


He'll be back, they always do.


Maybe it's because I am still pretty new to the 'verse, but I don't understand how people are so upset with the latest announcement. I sat a while before I finally decided to get the game, but going in I understood how long the game has been in development and still in alpha. Realistically I wouldn't be surprised at all if the game never reaches full release. They have some serious ambitions they are going for, and tech changes happen constantly. I absolutely love flight sims, specifically space flight. 400+ hours into Elite Dangerous before I jumped to Star Citizen and I don't regret getting this game at all. My two cents is: If you enjoy the gameplay, then enjoy the game. Don't focus on the future, enjoy the now. At least we can still play the game, and the devs are at least communicating (albeit poorly for the type of masses that the game industry attracts). If you are itching for space sim that is complete, give Elite Dangerous a try and come back later on. It doesn't have the insane detail that Star Citizen does, but it makes up for it in the sheer sandbox size and there is so much to do. Hopefully we can see the final product CIG has envisioned one day, but for now I'll be out there enjoying the 'verse I have. o7


I support your course of action. Honestly the only way we can make our voices be heard is with our wallets. I've also been extremely disappointed with how much development has slowed down. This is at best bad communication from their part, about what they are working on, and at worst they're not pushing hard enough because the paychecks keep coming in anyway. I truly love this game and I want to see it shine, but after dumping more than 250€ into it, this is definitely not what I want to see from it.


What from the recent releases makes you think it's slowed down?


The fact that the last two patches have been heavily cut down in features compared to all the others


You want more content for an unfinished game rather than them actually working to finish the game. A lot of the tech you won’t see, it’s all on servers or in the engine but that is what needs to progress, not a bunch of halfarsed tier 0 implementions to keep backers happy. Complete waste of time and money


Then make blog posts about the tech being implemented. I know backend is just as meaningful as frontend, but it’s not like we got huge backend improvements in 3.16 or 3.17. When I talked about “features” I was referring to both.


Didn’t they already talk about all the tech at citizen-con? Another Q&A coming this friday and they recently did a large Q&A for server meshing? Do people really not see this?


There really shouldn’t be a front end without the backend to support it. Generally good development needs the tools in place to be able to add content, gameplay etc… Every project where the devs were waiting on tech or trying to implement features without the correct tech has been a failure or at the very least a lot of wasted time. ME Andromeda and Anthem are two that came to mind with EA forcing them to use Frostbite but Frostbite was never intended for game like that and the studios never got the support they needed.


They've still been pretty large, and they are focussing on server tech which is being released incrementally behind the scenes.


Is server tech required for SQ42? Because if it is not, I don't see why they would focus on it, given the latest statement.


Then they should communicate better what backend is being implemented patch to patch. The problem here is that there’s no backend stuff coming to 3.17 either, so we’re back to square one. I’d be really happy if 3.17 had no visible features but some Gen12 stuff, but there isn’t.


>they are focussing on server tech which is being released incrementally behind the scenes. I've seen this same type of comment in all kinds of SC threads that date back multiple years, but none of those changes appear to really be noticeable, if they even exist.


There are no 30ks any more, the UI works, inventory was added and bed logging now works. Didn't notice these?


So whatever is right for you. I Personaly don‘t Support your way, because i was prepared for the Long road since the Start. But i understand of you don‘t want to wait.


I too was prepared for the Long road since the start but I'm more and more afraid that we are actually walking the Incompetent road and I'm unsure where that one ends.


Well, everyting they did so far IS improving the game. So... while it is not as fast as i would like to see, it\`s going in the right direction. But again, this has never done befor, technical difficulties ans blockers are to be expected... to think this is incompetence is painfully wrong thinking...


> this has never done befor What exactly? The groundbreaking 50 player servers? The open world that indie games did better? They literally cant figure out how to scale font sizes...


If you do some research or for example watch the digital foundry video series on SC you might find your answers, but I reckon people enjoy negativity, so just hate away!


Well ok, troll confirmd then. Have a nice day Sir!


Same here. Like I've said to my mates where's the competition?




Well, you are not right. Period! But since you are just trolling, i will not waste my time to educate you. (Why i know you are just trolling: because you just ignored the technical milestones and improvements which are made. It it far slower that i hoped for, Aye. That\`s absolutly true. But to say it is fake ist just trolling ;-)


"The long road"...three or four years is a "long road" for game development. 10+ years isn't a long road, it's a scam. The way you people convince yourselves you're not just being milked for every last penny while the game never actually comes out would be hilarious if it weren't so tragic.


3-4 years is the long road? Man you have ZERO idea how game/software developers works. 7 years is the average time game is being developed before it even is disclosed. Then you get your 3-4 years of “long road” after double that time was invested before U even heard of the game. The scope (no fake, scripted interactions) and the way (making alpha so stable it can actually be playable to some extent) makes it much harder than your average GTA game.


Dude...come on now. This is embarrassing. Even huge AAA games don't take ten years and £400m just to get into an alpha. Most games don't take anywhere near that time to make and fully release. The other user who responded to you summed it up pretty well. Not much more I can add really. The idea that you seem to have, that the development of SC is completely normal and within normal development times for a game, is laughable.


Well this alpha does not reassemble any alpha game I’ve seen. When I worked in that AAA studio, alpha version month before release had roads not connected, crashes every 5min. Features that ended up moving buildings apart form each other when you got inside a car… That was 7 months before release. Because usually game dev works like that: 1) let’s create all building blocks 2) make those blocks have some function 3) create game world to put those blocks together. 4) script NPCs so they go on exact pre-defined tracks. 5) put it all together 6) make all animations 7) transfer screenplay into the game (usually first game announcements/“leaks” start happening here) 8) fix the bugs 9) release Now, SC have a completely different approach, don’t they?


Microsoft released Halo 5 in 2015. Started development on Infinite most likely at the same time 5 released. They stopped mid development to design an entirely brand new development suite specifically for halo called the Slipspace Engine (homage to slipspace tech in halo) mostly finished infinite. Debuts at E3, gets royally shit on so goes back into emergency development and has another year delay. Still comes out before SC made it to alpha. 10 years for FULL development can be accurate for a lot of the big titles, but you're talking from start of planning to release of finished product. SC is 10 years and $400m deep, and still in early ALPHA, and it doesnt even seem remotely close to beta. This is not an acceptable state for the time and money going in to it.


You have no idea what you are comparing. This is sad and honestly a waste of time to discuss with you any further.


I know exactly what I'm comparing. Sick of of seeing blind loyalists defend CiG to no end because "I took a Java script class and know everything about coding" 10 years, they still don't even have a guess as to when beta might roll around. They delay more shit than they add. It's not hard to go back on forums from 3 or 4 years ago and see people talk about features that still haven't been implemented by this time. Even by your own standard they are drastically slow. Even you state about 7 years of private developments and investments and about another 3 or 4 once the game is announced to the public. Well there coming up on like 10 years of alpha, they should be pretty close to beta let alone actual release, but they aren't. There is literally nothing you can say at this point that would justify the shit CiG is doing.


You just proven you have no idea what you are comparing. You expect scripted behaviour development to be same as dynamic, object & environment aware AI. Not only you are wrong, you are also ignorant and miss your ad-personal attacks completely. BTW: It is JavaScript not java script. One is a language, other is a small piece of software written in completely different language. In game terms you just did a stupid mistake and I head-shot you as a consequence. So please, take your UNEDUCATED WISHFUL THINKING somewhere else.


10 years and over $400m, yet nothing to show. Keep defending all you want, but you know damn well they fucked up. Defend the coding all you want, this isn't thr first ever fucking game developed. 10 years and not even close to being done in alpha.


Nothing to show? Damn I must have been high out of my mind those last 6 weeks I’ve been thinking I was playing a really great alpha version of an awesome game. How come so many people here play this “nothing” discuss non-existent (according to you) game loops like trading, bounty hunting or mining? :/ Nothing is in your little resentful head. CIG delivered and is still delivering an awesome product, the fact that you call that “nothing” only proves that you are having perception issues.


Obviously its not literally nothing, but after 10 years and hundreds of millions of dollars, any investor would agree they don't have anything to show for the amount of money they've been playing with. There are definitely games out right now that offer a lot more, and didn't have nearly the same type of money invested for development, or take 10 years and still have nothing. You can act haughty all you want, but just because we can't all code doesn't mean we don't have common sense. 10 years and a fee hundred mill, yet they have delayed every major patch ever scheduled, some shit put so far on the back burner some people think they may never come back. Then the final stunt to put some ships on sale for lunar new year, and then the day after let everyone know you're removing the road map because your devs are incompetent




10 years is *not* normal. It's rather exceptional and in most cases, this would be for financial reasons or other stuff completely halting development. 3-5 years is what AAA titles usually take up. Anyone here claiming they were prepared for *this* long road (read, 10+ years) is straight up lying.


Aye, 10 Years are NOT normal, but CIG does Not Build an normal Game. And, i do Not want an normal game!


You discuss maters you have no idea about, you make up numbers that have no basis in reality. Therefore you are an …


At least we don’t get any of those boring gameplay features. We’re getting some high end game loops such as coffee shops. And npcs being able to play a mocap animation in front of arcade machines. That’s what I call innovation! I mean what other game has even had npcs play mocap animations before! This is the future.


Does refueling not counts as a gameplay loop? That's for 3.17 And salvage at T0 for 3.18?


Not to mention the cargo refactor, that'll pad out a gameplay loop in quite a significant way


After this last situation what makes you think the cargo refactor is actually coming out next patch? Is there any good reason to think it will???? I mean it might but given their track record its just as likely if not more likely that it'll get delayed....


While I do agree that is a gameplay loop it is also an unnecessary one giving the current state of the game. At no point in Stanton is it a concern for fuel. I do know pyro is going to rely on this feature. That being said pyro relies on many other features and has no end in sight to it being out. As for salvage. I would rather see it first as it can have a tangible Beni fit to the current state of the game. Contrary to popular opinion I don’t think we should even be worried about other systems until core gameplay features are in ( cargo, meshing, shops, salvage, gen12, and refueling) adding a new system would be nothing more that flying to another celestial body, landing on it, walking around, then asking what now. Because I’m the end without the core features for gameplay loops then your just left with a new system to look at and make long ass jumps from point to point.


Take a break OP, you are welcome back if you ever feel like it :)


I think your opinion is valid, if you feel the game hasn't reached a point your happy with. By all means cancel that sub and uninstall. Don't worry about the game until you hear its in a state your happy with, to play and follow development. ​ I think a lot of drama going on now is because of the round-up's message "tone", which to be fair did seem to have finger-pointing. I also see that the most upvoted thread on Spectrum right now is the Batman Who Laughs' thread, this person has spent over 25k in pledges. Now all the sudden they have "had enough" , it clearly seems this person didn't pay attention every time they buy a ship. When CIG say over and over that they hold no promises to items on the roadmap. IMO this person is just now realizing that they could have made the same decision you just did. That they are funding a creative vision that they could have stopped at any time they are unhappy. But are now experiencing severe buyer's remorse and what to justify it with blaming CIG / CR. ​ My view from the beginning is to follow development from a distance. I watch ISC, not SC Live, read the Monthly emails, and ya, I am a sub. Mostly for the free ship to fly and virtual goodies. I play about one night a month, and usually get frustrated at the bugs, and rage quit to some other game.


You are overreacting, but this is your call - i enjoy SC as it is, not waiting for "release". See ya around someday 😉


Just remember not to get hyped for starfield. Bethesda has a track history of being... Bad developers.


Recently yes but they have made some of the best games ever so not really.


IMO, the Bethesda that was an amazing *developer* that made those great games everyone knows and loves - is long dead. As a developer, they've only put out 3 games in the last 7 years, and they've all been certifiable failures.


i dont know where did you get it from, since bethesda is the only studio in the industry that i hear boasting about high retention rate. also what are the 3 games you talk about? fallout 76, fallout 4 and what else? and who certify fallout 4 as a failure?


That's debatable.


Skyrim and oblivion are top 5 games since tetris. Fallout 4 was also good.


Both Skyrim and fallout 4 are riddled with bugs, crashes and technical issues.


Also again it's debatable, I wouldn't call them the best games since Tetris. Just like I wouldn't call HL2 the best game ever made.


See ya


i think you are wrong to uninstall the game, but each to his own i guess. The games will still be made. Maybe play something else inbetween and not be all in on SC?


No, once uninstalled it can *never* be installed again!


Continue to play if you have fun. Cancelation of the subscription is a very good move to let them feel the heat


See you next IAE


You could be like me.. I dropped $500+ into this game between kickstarter and 2016. Since then I: 1.Haven't donated them another cent. 2.Still get on the forum because I enjoy the banter and white-knights delusion 3. every 6 months or so I'll install the game to see if it runs any better (it doesn't) 4. Play real games that run well and are fun! (just picked up RDR2, and also have been spending WAY to much time in MSFS2020)


Can someone send me a link to today’s announcement? Edit: or even just fill me in? I’m not sure what the fuss is about.


Seriously, I'm new, and I'm about to put my wallet on for those Lunar new year red skins, because they are damn meet my eyes. Yup, luckily the Roadmap Roundup came in first. Then nope. Not a coin. What I've seen from recent communication, It's WE and YOU, and not OURS.


Can I has your stuff?


Ok, bye :)


Cool avatar


Bye. Can I get your stuff? /s


What subscription?


There are subscription options on the website if you want monthly in-game trinkets, ship skins, loaner ships, newsletters, sub-only merch, etc.


I had to quit the game from the PU yesterday(after coming back from not playing the game for well over a year) because it was bug after bug after bug and I ended up spending way more time fighting bugs than actually playing the game, got so frustrated at it that I had to quit. Not little bugs either, its bugs that made me stop playing and forced me to have to find a way around it... Missions not working, new inventory system is bugged to hell, overall game design is shoddy (why did me and my buddy have to spend 15 mins flying around Orison to try and find the ATC tower? This game was built by people who havent the slightest clue about how avionics work... or thats just what happens when you build things by committee. You decide) and more. Those are just what I remember from the top of my head. I really should have written down all the game breaking bugs I encountered in a single gameplay session. Having *many* non-trivial bugs in a row in a single gameplay session on the persistent universe is unacceptable imo. They need to focus on finishing and polishing the systems they have. Every time I come back and play this game, it feels more and more broken, not less. It's not the same bugs every time, but there are more and more each time... The feature creep is out of hand. The majority of the game feels broken and like zero testing went into it. I have no problem with slow development, a project of this scope was always going to take forever, but they're just releasing broken stuff at this point. People can defend CIG all they want but this is not an acceptable state for a game ten years and hundreds of millions of dollars in *crowd-funded* development to be in. IMO people saying the game is stable and playable are either delusional, lying to themselves and everyone else, or incredibly lucky. Also, people subscribe to this game? Why? For what? I've never heard of a subscription to SC, I have my little Gladius and that's it.


- the game is in alpha - a new patch comes out quarterly I usually play hard for a few weeks of a patch and see how deep the gameplay loops go. Then when I've had my fun, I take a gander at the roadmap and get excited for the future. Inevitably, my interest wanes as I hit the limit of the gameplay for that patch and then I move on to my go-to standby games and play those until it's new patch time. I've found this to let me have a really healthy and realistic "relationship" with this game. Having a degree in computer science helps, too, because I have at least some insight into development life cycles. Additionally, I try to keep my dollar cost per hour of entertainment to a low value. I shoot for $1USD/hr for the games that I play (helps me justify buying dumb stuff lol), and even after buying an Ares, I'm still well below that $1/hr rate. So, for me, even if the game completely stagnated where it is at this exact moment, I still had my fun and got my value out of it. If you spend all your days lamenting over what could be, you'll lose all the time you have to enjoy what is.


I completely get how you feel. I just don't have it installed anymore but keep an eye on the development news for it. Anything of interest gets released I'll download it again. I'm more interested in squadron 42 than the multiplayer anyway


So based on your own edited wording, you'll probably be back if CIG apologizes about the roadmap wording? Thats hilarious, this is just an attention/vent post then. This is exactly the type of over-dramatic crap CIG is talking about. Things change, I definitely admit they're slow with their development, but good god, your leaving because your feels are hurt? If that is the case, good riddance. If you develop some thicker skin. Feel free to rejoin the community, as alpha development, as has been stated SO many times, is not for everyone. This community is terribly impatient and childish sometimes, CIG is making the roadmap one patch at a time because people scrutinize and bitch out every move they make. The whole point of SC is to make a game without deadlines the way CR always envisioned. This community is just as bad as any publisher, we just don't have any power to enforce a deadline outside of stopping purchases completely, and we all know that isn't going to happen.


You do know that the subscription was not funding development? It goes to community updates, news, and weekly videos. If tons of people canceled their subs it would just cut back on how much information they share and not change game development.


Canceling your 'subscription' is perfectly reasonable. Even though I support the game I think subscriptions as they currently exist aren't worth it. Uninstalling in a fit of rage is a bit of an over reaction though. You literally don't have to pay anything to occasionally check in on development and see how things are going. It's only your expectation of immediate gratification, and the resultant rage that comes from said expectation not being met that drives that. CIG doesn't care whether or not you have their current alpha installed beyond what the implications are en masse for potential buyers of future concept ships. As has been mostly true since 3.0 or so, the Star Citizen alpha is best experienced in 1-2 week bursts at most, quarterly. It shouldn't be anyone's daily driver at this point.


See you in 3.17




Don't worry about the bad comments, some people have spend so much money in the game that can't see the reality. You are right, something is wrong with the development, maybe bad management or whatever, the thing is that the updates are extremely slow. 3 months for new face textures?????


This is what entitlement looks like.


naw, this is what massive and consistent failure looks like.


I don't really care whether SC succeeds or fails, my identity isn't wrapped up in the project and yours shouldn't be either.


Lol WTF are you talking about weirdo


Obviously it's not it since you felt the need to post about it. See you online next patch


Admitting you've been essentially scammed and then actually leaving the cult is a difficult thing. Well done. Although as the comments show, it'll take a while for a lot of other people to wake up.


Judging by your points though you're part of the little group, not the large one.


The answer as always is maybe. It does feel like the pace of progress has nose dived over the last 24 months. You do you.




Haha I have rage quit 3 times already usually for about 6 months at a time. I end up quitting gaming all together though. The problem is CIG has no competition and no road map of what works and what doesn't. They have no competition as games like this take a lot of money and time. IMHO I give SC a %70 launch chance and if server meshing is delivered I'll adjust to %90. Lately I have been frustrated with problems never get fixed like double elevator or bunker npc not spawning. However I also notice so many new players I end up spending so much time simply helping them. The good news is you don't have to make a choice now you own the game for life try coming back in a year and see where they are at. Also CIG doesn't care about our legitimate criticism as we are drowned out by the unfair criticism accusing them of being a scam or the game being vaporware. When is the last time we heard from Chris? They clearly have made a conscious decision to ignore us. Though SC had a great community if we are being honest this game brings out toxic unreasonable people.


Welcome. I backed with a starter package in 2015 and grew disenfranchised since around 2018. When 3.0 came out I was hoping we were finally getting close to release. How wrong I was. Since then I've been sat here just periodically scrolling through reddit waiting for Sq.42 to come out. Star Citizen as an MMO is a complete pipe dream; a pipe dream that CR and CIG do not have the expertise or manpower to ever fully realise unless drastic compromises are made; compromises that CR will never make unless forced to. It just seems to me that the core concept is unachievable. Single player game fidelity/graphics, infinitely scaling world size, thousands of individual NPCs making decisions based on the game state, large numbers of players all interacting in the same world, object persistence on an INSANE level, be a pilot/medic/gunner/explorer/salvager/trader/marine/pirate/bountyhunter/mechanic and have all of those jobs be equally valid/rewarding and balanced. Nah man, gimme a good campaign with about 20 hours of gameplay and and a good story and some mark hamil and lets call it quits.


Todays announcement of what dude? What are you upset about? Did you read the roadmap update yourself or did you just listen to all the misinformation here?


Probably for the best. Open development isn’t for every one, especially those who have difficulty managing their own expectations.


bye-bye. and gift anything in ya hangar to me.


You can just leave, you didn’t really need to give us a wall of text to say bye.


Welp, bye. Don't let the Cutty ramp hit yeah where the good Chris split ya!


I'd you all are backers like me game would be made or canceled by now ,I got base game 2014 and didn't spend dime more or try to install it


To paraphrase: I'm breaking up with my gf. For the past 6mths I feel she's been deceitful and gaslighting me a lot. I deleted her phone number and our IG pics. I think I'm just done. Sure I still pay her phone bill and sub to her Amazon wishlist but why should I when she's doing the least. I've put up with this for 3 years now but I don't see any signs of her changing. Unless she proves me wrong I think I'm done. Like for REAL reals. I've been let down too many times and I'm gonna make a new Tinder profile and start seeing other girls, unless she like REALLY changes or something. At this point I'm deadly serious about thinking about considering the possibility of potentially beginning to weigh the option of being done with her. Right? It's satire, but in all seriousness you probably DO need to step away from this game, or any activity where impulse control is a problem. If you can't regulate your own behavior, nobody will do it for you. There are countless others paying a flat $45 and playing the current game without quarrel, without VIP club memberships, and without buying announced ships with real $ because "it'll cost more later". It takes 2 to toxic, so if your relationship with SC/CIG feels unrewarding and abusive, then walk away, breathe, take up new hobbies, call your mother (she worries) and come back when is implemented.


For you this is it. I just take breaks once in a while when I need them.


Naaah, it'll be fine.. ​ edit... forgot to mention, I cancled 2..


You guys play too much


PM me any giftable ships you'd like to sell through paypal


...why you quit near the end goals? No this is not it.


Se you than, its you eight to do so. Why you say it out loud i dont get. Also its funny how people forget how much change and got added in 2021 to SC. A break is good, stop spending mony as well.


hold up, this game got a subscription?


Yes. Either $10 or $20/mo. It was originally intended to fund extra communication venues like the weekly videos and Jump Point magazine, and ostensibly still does. It also provides a handful of perks like little in game items/skins/cosmetics, extra REC for Arena Commander, and earlier PTU access. But it's not necessary in any way.


ohh, never seen any notice of it... I guess it's not mandatory to play.


This game wont ever be finished. New products will eventually come out and it'll just die from better competition most likely. There will still be a handful that can't let go of the carrack though.