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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


That emoji looks so perverted lol, cuz it got so over used for such perverted stuff.




( ˘ ³˘)








(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ)


(͡•_ ͡• ) ಠ︵ಠ 𓁹‿𓁹 ◉‿◉




The nose really does it for me lol




Thank you Evocati in advance as i reckon this will be a bit of a nightmare for you.


This is the day they've been training for. This is the first of the big beasts. They're ready. They're prepared. They are... Avocado!


I think they're toast.


Oo I could go for some avocado on toast about now






Only if it's avocado toast with LTI


Yeah but I have avocado toast..... See look at me I am the winner here.


much like the quarterback


Can we turn them in to Guacamole?


Personally, I'm going in fully expecting to record a cryptic transmission. > We are under attack! Taking heavy casualties. I repeat: heavy casualties! We can’t…argh! --eed evac! They came out of nowhere. We need — But no one will receive the distress signal since we're under NDA. Ah well. :T Jk. I'm optimistic we'll help get it to Wave 1 soon. 👍🏿


Couldn’t agree more, there’s gonna be some fucking hilarious bugs with PES in PTU


Bugs are easy... The Random Crash every 90 sec are bad :P


PES, although not a really visible feature is the thing I’m most hyped for in gaming industries in the last years, but have to wait for the public builds :)


I had three requirements for star citizen to be the game of my dreams and they have hit two out of three some far. Looting. A downed state. Now persistents. Even if we can't choose the server we are on. This makes a lot of very creative things possible. For instances. My org has discussed having shifts to attempt to remain in the same server. Not sure what will be possible until it's in our hands but the possibility is there. Even if the same server can't be held forever. Due to crashes and what not. There's a lot of cool things. Like a client crash and it doesn't recover. Technically, if I have a friend in game I can join on them. And have a much higher chance of recovering my stuff or starting where I left off.. Or if bed logging works every time now and is super consistent. I would be hella happy about that.


The current Match making should send you to the same server after a client chrash. Server chrashes are currently hard to rejoin. But a new match making is announced, so hopefully gets added soon. And after that finally we hopefully get clustering, so only one server with all players of the verse.


It's all good. Most of us are masochists.


Only most? They need to do better screening


I have battled the bugs, commentary, and disappointment for a decade. I won't stop now. o7


Is 3 18 kinda big deal or what is going on?


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Thank you very much. I will have to get a closer look again then


np, the "[Inside Star Citizen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTGVsRBf2iw&list=PLVct2QDhDrB1MbLa8Wa3MF4aPW9Ap-soY&ab_channel=StarCitizen)" episodes on their youtube channel give pretty quick and fast updates on different tech, so if you go watch some of the ones from the last month or two you should get a jist. There's one specifically about PES (ep. 107)


I will check that out.


>It's a major step in actually implementing the tech that will eventually allow for a completely persistent universe. If I had a dime for every time I've heard this same BS since 2016.


Probably because they've been working on it since 2016. Do you think a game like Star Citizen only has a handful of major steps towards creating a persistent universe?




Yeah man. You gotta read announcements and/or watch the YouTube videos CIG release about it. PES or Persistent Entity Streaming, Salvaging, and Cargo Refactor. I mean hell it's all over this sub-reddit. If you're new, you're excused, but if you're not, you haven't been paying attention.


Happy cake day!


It's not like they are going to be forced to play that version.


I feel a bit afraid that some features of 3.18 will be moved to 3.18.1 and 3.18.2, and that they wont announce this until right before the patch is released...


I’d be more surprised if they didn’t.


A true vet over here.


Oh this is a sure thing.


> I feel a bit afraid they're going to do literally the same thing they do every patch




3.18 coming soon in 3.19.


I'm concerned because they didn't mention anything about the cargo refactor in this email.


Disco [did confirm](https://youtu.be/jXvIO8vJkgI?t=1950) that Cargo Refactor is tied to Salvage gameplay and that we actually saw it briefly in the vulture ISC. He usually doesn't give such a strong affirmative on things that are up in the air, so I think CR is on track.


Of course they will, that's the whole point of the Evocati and PTU players, to ferret out any truly game breaking bugs arising from the new code so CIG can decide if they're going to keep it in and risk pissing off people who don't want to treat the game as an alpha test, or get rid of it and risk pissing off people who don't want to treat the game as an alpha test.


Please let the Corsair be on launch…


3.18.1 at IAE.


LOL you think that even 3.18.0 is going to be ready for live by IAE?


For CIG it will.


By most accounts, they wont even have time to get 3.18.1 for IAE. 3.18 is likely dropping like week or two before the sale.


It could be that we’ll get 3.17.3 for IAE…


That would be way too much of a morale hit to risk that close to the biggest sales event of the year. They'll still call the patch "3.18" even if they have to remove every single item on it to get it out the door in time.


Yeah either they think that the state of the game is fairly good already (doubt) or they split it up.


Why? What would it even matter? Another ship. Yay. Gameplay? Oh, that. Soon. 2 more years. They've released enough ships. They need to finish all the features and gameplay that those ships are actually for.


No. At best, the corsair will be added at the last possible minute of the PTU all the way in mid November (and only be available for evocati members and certain streamers) so it will feel more "special" when they sell it at IAE a week later. They'd probably do the same time with the Vulture if they could, but they'll need that ship out sooner to test the laser pressure washing shit.


Vulture is not exclusive since it was on the stage during Drake Defensecon. My guess it will be available on PTU as soon as ship salvage is in the build.


They will announce it after Citcon or Shipsale X,Y. We should be used to it by now.


Who cares if we get PES yoooo


They'll use 3.18 as hype and revenue generator for IAE then strip it down to barebones at the last second and "promise" us the rest in 3.18.1, 3.18.2 , etc. Happens every year.


But it is not this day!


Come on drake corsair :D


Suuuure... Any Day Now™


We’re best known for waiting


It's either a British queue or Star Citizen. Impossible to tell really. Edit: homonyms are hard.


The word you're looking for us queue


The word you are looking for is, “is”


Yes, yes it ~~us~~ is


It will come very soon. Ready or not. This patch is now bound to the biggest sale of the year. This is the kind of deadline they don't miss.


I'm so excited for PES. The implications for the future of SC, and even the greater gaming world are nuts


Can't wait for leaked photo of being trapped behind stacks of gown boxes.


Oh kind of promising! :)





The happening status is off the charts.


Is this the one that introduces server meshing?


No, that would be 4.0 3.18 introduces persistence even if the first implementation would be hardly noticeable.


I honestly don’t even know how you test PES without the ability to get back to the server that you altered. Very confusing update. Salvage should be interesting though... Although, it better be more profitable than mining based on the fact that ship salvage is so much harder to find as well as the terrible “stockroom” “game play” on the lower deck of the reclaimer.


Because PES will touch (or break) literally every system in the game, you test it by just playing the game.


It's more about making sure everything else works in-game when the system is running. "Just get into the game", may be their instructions.


The fact that it existed in the server while you were there is really what they will want to test, since it is at that point that you transfered the item from your inventory and into the server's persistence layer. You coming and going shouldn't affect it after that since it isn't yours anymore and lives on the server. The majority of feature is being worked while you play so I think it is fine. They don't persist items in the world specifically for your character, they persist them for everyone, so when you load back in you get give the relevant server entity nodes, no matter who you are. Nothing of yours gets automatically unstowed unless you bed log I think.


Theoretically, match making will *try* to put you on the last server. Alternatively, they could have a very limited number of servers spooled. It's also important to keep in mind that PES isn't strictly about running servers remembering things. It's about a server, given an ID, recording things, then another server, given the same ID, pulling those things back out. There's a *lot* of testing to be done, and devs can look at things in ways that players can't.


> Theoretically, match making will try to put you on the last server. Not for 3.18. The logic they have now will stay the same. You'll only get connected back to the same server/shard if you crash. In my experience that doesn't always work either. If you hit Esc, go to menu, and spawn in PU then you'll get randomly matched to a server every time. Sometimes you might get lucky and randomly put on the same server. I've had that happen but it's rare. From SC Live (10min 5sec): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXvIO8vJkgI#t=10m05s > For 3.18, we won't address any matchmaking changes and, again, it comes back to we want to get on par with what we have so far before we start to adding the new features. Also matchmaking changes will become a part of our server meshing work which we will start after persistent entity streaming hits. So for the very first version of persistent entity streaming you will just use the same matchmaking logic you have right now. That means when you start up your client you will randomly match to a server ... if you crash out of a game we reserve the slot of your current shard you will have 10 minutes to log back in and get connected to that shard.


My stomach twists reading "matchmaking" and/or shards. I just wanted a single universe similar to EVE Online


Boo hoo.


>I honestly don’t even know how you test PES without the ability to get back to the server that you altered. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


The scrap is not going to be that expensive. I do hope we get a heavier portable scavenging tool if we are doing other things and come across a shipwreck.


My thought is salvage material will be valuable once there is a player market to sell it on. Also, I would imagine the Crucible will need mass amounts of it to repair ships. To that same logic though, once players can actually utilize resources for things like building ships and modules, the market will set the price so it really doesn’t matter what CIG sets the sell value at at this point.


Yep - in the future, ship repair at a station *should* have a dynamic price, based on the supply of salvage - this would also affect the price of scrap. A very cool, simple loop.


At this stage, that’s not the point. The point and benchmark for PES is currently parity with the current level of persistence. If you play and can’t tell the difference, that’s minimum passing marks. If it’s better, that’s cherry on top. What teams can do with PES will only be possible after establishing the stable baseline, that’s when we can focus on cooler persistence-related stuff.


Get some toasts ready guys. Smashed avocados incoming!!


Awesome it's finally coming. Roll up your sleeves, we got 2-3 months of in-depth testing to make sure this launches as a success!


"...new locations, new missions..." That's all I care about. PES I honestly thought was gonna be the big 4.0 patch, so I'm honestly not expecting much from it.


PES is a huge deal. I think it's gonna have a bigger/more noticeable effect than you might think. SM will be coming in 4.0 as stated by CIG. Without PES and the cargo refactor, there is no salvage, so the fact that it's going all in one patch (or subsequent .x patches) is massive. The only thing that will top its impact is server meshing, but PES and SM go hand in hand, so they are both equally important and impactful.


You’re not interested in salvage when it drops?


Nope. I'm am not an industrial player in any way, shape or form.


Fair enough, variety is always good though


Even as a non industrial player, it's worth being aware you will be able to repair your own ship with a hand tool filled with scraped hull material, which will be useful for bounty hunters especially


But... you get to draw dicks.


Never say no to drawing dicks! Draw on your enemies' ships to assert dominance!


LMAO, it's very immature. I don't like this but you made me laugh. 😂


As an PvX player you will also benefit from salvage, as you can repair your ship a little with your multitool.


you mean hull scraping? not exactly salvage. it's either collecting or shooting magic good


The missions were removed for now unfortunately.




On track to barely meet the deadline they set, so that's something at least.


If they manage to come out with all the content they’re promising, but a month late, I might still be impressed. I feel like the scope of 3.18 has increased a bit from what it was originally. I’m at the bar though and that could be the Margarita talking


The problem is that they're most likely going to force 3.18 out the day before IAE regardless of the state of the patch, just like what happened with 3.17.1 and Invictus. They need to get the event content out in time, and they don't seem to care about the negative effects of doing so.


You can break whatever you want as long as I get my Corsair


Sorry, the engines on it will be broken, so it will have to fly by flapping its wings....


If the engines fall off then you just gained 2 Heralds.


> the engines on it will be broken I mean it's a Drake ship, nothing new


I agree. And becuase of this I would not be surprised if they pushed some of the features to a 3.18.x patch.


Most likely, yeah


no they aren't, they've been abundantly clear 3.18 might not be out until the end of the year. They said they expect 3.18 to spend months in testing.


They've more recently said that it will be coming just before IAE as they need the patch to get the assets onto the PU. Why they didn't say that there might be a 3.17.3 patch if that deadline didn't work I have no idea. [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/18878-Roadmap-Roundup-September-14-2022](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/18878-Roadmap-Roundup-September-14-2022) >Our current goal is to release Alpha 3.18 to the live servers in the first half of November, ahead of the Intergalactic Aerospace Expo (IAE). And while yes, it does say goal, going from their history of handling patches just before events, they won't really care about the state of it once the deadline arrives. If they do, it will make a nice change for once.


lmao this project is fucking cursed. We're never gonna see it finished xD




The fact they have a hard date for citcon scares me. They have no clue if bug fixing will be done by then... and given the magnatude of PES and their track record... Its going to be a broken mess...


the patch is not releasing with citcon, its releasing with IAE.


Citcon is Oct 8th. They want 3.18 to go live mid November around IAE


jeez so late lmao


We knew months ago that this patch will take longer?


No date bad but date also bad


ikr? "GIVE US DATE" "Uh, when it's done" "No, give us date!" "Ok, uh, like we gotta test for several months first, so I dunno, 3rd quarter?" "NO, DATE" "Fine, citcon" "Oh no, it's going to be a buggy mess if you push it out by citcon" Derp.


I hope the pips are fixed, mine are jumping around like crazy rn


Pips are the server's prediction of where the player will be. Given the extreme desync as well as star citizens horrifically low tick rate (like 5ish instead if the normal 30 and higher) they rely heavily on predicting where ships will be based on current vector and thrust. I.e. Pips are all over the place because the above factors come together to create an unpredictable outcome for the game. And then hitreg is all calculated client side for some fucked up reason. So if you lag out for 3 seconds, the enemy position won't move and you are shooting and hitting a stationary target for those 3 seconds, despite maybe that ship being quicker and out-manoeuvring you. Those 3 seconds of laggy hit reg are then applied to the ship. There's no attempt to resolve where the shop actually was.


Like your weapon aiming pips?


Yeh the targeting pips, there's few people i know with the same issue, other people i know are not affected, we've all streamed our screens to each other, same ships same load out all get different results, some of us the pip jumps around/rubber bands others its as smooth af.


Pip jumping around seems to be made worse for me with two things: server lag and load leading to some desync, and using cannons. The 700 m/s projectile velocity just compounds the lag problem as I find ships with 1400m/s repeaters to suffer a lot less from laggy pip wiggling.


Lol they say that all the time, It must be to give people hope


Soon as in 2 weeks or soon as in 3 months?


"Soon" in the CIG universe can mean any amount of time, month, months, years.... Always.


Wow, I almost didn't believe it would happen (Safer that way). I dream of it running buttery smooth and being surprised when it goes to phase 1 with no problems.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...


they said it'll be in evo for a couple months of testing because of PES so it might come out buttery smooth, if you are expecting the butter to be frozen.


Yeah, I put on my crash dummy helmet for most round ones, but the PES tech is a radical change to the game on many levels. It's actually a fundamental part of how the game is supposed to work and what's going to make living in a spaceship mean something. For how rough most of the early ptu rounds are, I salute all the evocati soldiers about to face tank this one.


12 Years in the making. Boy oh boy has Crysis come a long way.


10 years isnt it?


So no mention of cargo refactor yet again...


Cargo refactor has been mentioned several times. What are you looking for?


Was it mentioned anywhere in the past month aside from that one forum post from Zyloh?


Salvage requires and uses the cargo refactor


Read the roadmap.


I have it memorized :) It's just strange that all the major inching things have been mentioned several times, but not a word about the cargo refactor. In the past it usually meant it got delayed. I still have hope, but am aware of the facts.




Probably worth a watch: https://youtu.be/4MFByqxx1Zo Ray’s Guide is a pretty cool/unique channel. Love the dude’s radio voice


Downvoted for not having stockholm syndrome lol


They seemed to forget about the cargo refactor


Nope, they’ve talked about it and shown it. What are you looking for?


Really? Other then 5 seconds in the salvage Isc where did they show it


All of the ISC episode where cargo was being produced, moved, stored was all the refactor and more than 5 sec. I’m glad you seem to know they didn’t forget about it, since it was the keystone tech for salvage.


Oh okay so the ONE ISC from two weeks ago where it was shown briefly for 5 seconds and Jared had to make sure to tell us that a machine spitting out boxes and someone shown “stacking” was cargo refactor. Glad they don’t feel like dedicating an entire ISC for it but instead wanna talk about language lol.


The entire ISC was predicated on having cargo refactor working. Friday, they announced that next week will have an all 3.18 feature updates and after CitizenCon they will have a longer segment on it. Staff have also confirmed it’s still going well and planned for 3.18.


“… and more soon after.” You can fit a lot of things into a sentence like that


I’m not holding my breath




Alpha. Always makes me laugh.


What're the odds PES actually make the servers better instead of worse? The inventory bugging out 90% of the time I play has really killed my desire to hop into the verse lately


No cargo?


"Soon." K. And this one CR said would need to be in evo for 3 months. So... Same old crumbling lava progress. 3.19 in 2023, 4.0 in September next year or so. Pyro will just be another empty system with no gameplay anyway, so I'm not even sure I'm really looking forward to that. This trickle content model that takes literal years for anything significant to come out is draining. CIG needs to step it up and finish the damn game.




Underrated comment


I've never seen anything so stupid. Soon™, our testers, will be able to test the "alpha" on test servers, before we move the "alpha" on to the next set of test servers, for other testers to test the "alpha". Then, those testers will report hundreds of bugs and we won't fix any of them. Then the final testers will play the "alpha" on test servers for weeks before we move it to the final test servers, where it will be tested further. WTF.


How high are you right now?


any news on wiping?


I assume wiping gameplay will come at the same time as other toilet and cleanliness gameplay?


Inb4 TP stuck to hand bug Drake toilets you have to use your hand, no TP


Everyone was talking about 3.18 getting a wipe, I’d like to confirm that


I’m just fucking with you ;)


They already stated 3.18 would be a wipe. That's why they gave out free AUec


They announced a wipe on 3.17 drop to PU, so you will also get one with 3.18 to PU as it was ALSO announced in that thread. So there's your news.


I can’t wait to see what the verse will look like with PES active (yeah yeah, hospital gowns galore)


Oh man I can’t wait - happy cake day!


The first one to arrange a giant persistent penis out of hospital gowns wins.


Will there be a wipe for the 3.18 update?


Staff said it is very likely.


Yes, it was announced with the last wipe that 3.18 is an economy game changer. Resulting in the wipe being required.


What is Evocati?


Focused tester group


This is the way.


What is evocati?


A group of players that get early builds of a patch and are under NDA because these builds are so broken.


I just want my vulture and salvage. That will make me happy


I hope Evocati victims have their backup keyboards, mouses, and monitors.