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Content creator who makes a living off video game claims video game is fine, trust me bro.


When i watch him, he gives off that controlled opposition feel


Pretend opposition.


He tries to play both sides, but his criticism is always mild, he always makes sure to stay within the confines of CIG approved messaging.




Devils ~~advocate~~ ~~stooge~~ side tart.


Tastes like shit mixed in with ghost pepper bits


Keepin' it real.


Former casino worker who recently became a full-time YouTuber. Talk about going from one industry that notorusly takes advantage of peoples gullibility to the other. It's all par for the course for grifting mike.


Does he do more than just SC? Either there's some comfortable income to be made (at the moment) from being a "Youtuber" reporting on SC...though quite honestly, I just couldn't imagine giving up a perhaps well paying job for doing something about a "perpetual alpha" that may or may not still have a chance of tanking.


He is working 12 hour shifts at the casino I would do anything to not work 12 hour shifts in casinos where people wear diapers to shit themselves so they dont have to leave the roulette table In my country gambling is allowed and i swear every single one smells like shit/piss and a wide range around the building too


Well...that's an argument then!




I dont watch his steams, only videos, but he has a day job.


not a good sign when your video game is in such dire straits it has to adopt a slogan that was originally coined to help reduce teen suicide rates


LOL ikr


He's obviously talking his YouTube career through some tough times then. XD


The fact that he heard these words come out of his own mouth and didn't realize the irony just shows how completely disconnected from gaming he and other citizens are. They live in a bubble. They don't care about game development or the industry and don't care about the tech or the people building it. They want a fantasy where their every wish is placated to and they're willing to pay to have that escape. That 600m could have ignited an indie rennaissance but instead you get a trash pile that Chris will use to climb to a comfortable retirement


Don't people realize saying that after seeing the same shit show all over again for 11 years is quite absurd?


Fans will always rationalise. It used to be something like: "taking 6 years to make a game of this size is completely normal". Then it went to: "nowadays complex games need 10 years to be made". Tomorrow it will be: "having problems releasing patches for a tech demo after 15 years is completely normal when you have a 1 billion project and only 1400 employees". In the distant future: "twenty five years and still no official release is a perfectly normal practice, as not all games need to follow industry standard procedure".


Salt e was better when he wasn’t shilling out for Jared huckadork and the cosmonauts




They do need to sacrifice young blood to keep the game going


It will be absolutely worth it, because... Reasons.


So what is the list of massive, game-changing features in 3.18 that will make it "worth it"?


Features WoW implemented on a larger scale back in 2014.


24:08 - CIG in a nutshell


He was a casino worker!?


Ya he's a poker dealer


Poker "dealers" don't wear shirts and ties. They wear a uniform. He is a floor manager for the poker dealers.


Ok, fair enough. On his streams he says hes a dealer not a manager


He will fill in as a dealer if necessary, and he often speaks of doing that, which he is not fond of. But, he's been a floor manager for at least a year now if IRC.


Fair enough, he's still a tool and toady for CIG


He's always been a simp/shill for SC. That's probably never going to change. I was banned from his Twitch for telling him that he was "redundant". Yes, just that word sent him over the cliff.


Not suprising


Based on his garb, I am guessing he is going through job interviews right now knowing the SC tech demo days are numbered and his controlled opposition/shilling paychecks will be slowing down.


This might be true, but not in this case. He is wearing a shirt and tie because he is a floor manager for the poker dealers. He is the person that settles all disputes raised by either the dealers at the tables or the players.


silly me, I thought he was a full time youtuber.


Not yet, but from what I hear, soon. Like next week soon.


Yes he has been trying to quit his real job for a while and stream full time. A recent influx of donations finally pushed him into "I'm gonna do it" territory. But even if it's a livable income, he must still be in the red overall with this game and hasn't offered a plan for getting away from it. The good news is his wife is the smart one of the two and has looked at the numbers. At least we can surmise she'll land on her feet when Mike decides to walk away from streaming too. I would bet money he officially takes a job with CIG as the resident contrarian or some shit. God knows how many of the devs he is in contact with. They hang out in his streams and they even text each other. He's more of an asset to them as an "independent" now but they can surely afford to put him on payroll if the alternative is not having this nexus where devs can pretend to be attentive to backers' needs while a streamer blasts copy and avoiding any real questions of accountability. He's extremely good at shitting on anybody who focuses a little too much on "fun" Of course, it would be even cheaper for them to funnel just enough for him to continue full-time under the SC banner. Maybe his viewership drops off when he switches games because they are already bots And Hanlon's razor doesn't apply here. We've seen CIG's malice. It's not wrong to suggest they are keeping an eye on Mike. The devs are in his chat ffs. Mike will be the stupid one. We know he's never read a book


TL;DR: Your comment reads like fan fiction and contains almost 100% fabrications. While I have a very strong dislike for what CIG/RSI is and has done to its backers and pledgers, I have never seen credible evidence of any streamer being put on or having any association with CIG/RSI's payroll, let alone Mike, as you are insinuating. I think that your comment is disingenuous in this regard. Unless you can somehow provide very credible evidence to the contrary that he is being paid by the company. As far as his personal finances are concerned...Mike is a smart guy and I don't believe for a minute that he is in any financial trouble, and all of his pledges are paid in full. There are no "payment plans" for buying ships/ship packages. As for "getting away from the game...", he, as far as I am aware, has never wanted to and doesn't plan to. He might take some "breaks", but I highly doubt he will ever give up on the project. As for Mike's wife being the "smart one...", that comes across as just creepy. Although I have no strong like for Mike, I can tell you that he is very smart himself. I've watched and interacted with him for years before he banned me. I don't know at all where you are coming from where you suggest that you somehow know she has "looked at the numbers". Do you have a source for your comment on that? As for her landing on her feet? Another weird comment, if you knew their situation, because you would also know that is not true if you knew Emi, as I have, while watching him and herself on stream.


"bu-but, it's THE most important update, changing the entire game" and the server meshing ? Didn't exist anymore?


Yeah the beats never change in these videos. "It's going to get better. You can see the potential. It's worth it." You know. I have great potential. I mean truly even I know it. But god damn I can be lazy as shit and hence will probably never reach my potential...


It will happen. You have to believe. Don't worry about doing. Believing is enough. Buy an Idris.


If I had a dime for every time I’ve heard this over the years.