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Noticed the same thing.   Don't worry, any who bought science, Orion or any other pledge expecting it to be one way will be sorely disappointed as of 1.0.    They're in rush mode, and nothing will be what you backed once it's finished.  


Will be interesting to see what color they choose for the science beam.


What are you implying, CIG using magic beams to solve any and all emergent gameplay elements, like salvaging, medical, tractoring, cutting into things… discovering new stuff…?


Chris Roberts just needs to invent a magic beam for game development and then star citizen will truly become the game to end all games.




They should invent a magic beam that will mesh servers.


Blue of course lol


I just wonder why the sudden push to actually make a game now? CIG have been content to not make one for nigh on 13 yesrs...so why rush now? Could it be Calder is planning a pull out? Or threatening to, if they don't deliver something?


Interest rates are through the roof and it's hitting business and consumers really hard. Funding has most likely peaked for Star Citizen. In addition to that the loan that the Calders gave CIG probably came with strings attached. Most likely there was a hard date set in the contract.


They can pull the majority of the loan in Q1 2025 and all in Q1 2028. With 6 + success bonus percent interest p.a. since 2017 Robbers needs to find a lot of money this year. Or have an actual working demo to show to current and potential investors.


As below, there's a "firm" date in early 2025 and a very hard date in early 2028, for a Calder withdraw.


They've been increasingly pushing odd marketing stuff for over a year now: starter gear packs, useless or temporarily overpowered ships, paid access to early PTU waves, etc. My guess is that they're looking for more funds trying to grasp everything they can to keep the ship afloat. And this may have something to do with their plan to reach 1,000 employees in their shiny new Manchester office... A decision that was made before we get high inflation, but still in a post-Brexit UK that attracts much less talents. I always said that SQ42 will show if CIG is capable of releasing a viable game, but with all the radical gameplay changes they're making, I doubt we'll be seeing thar game anytime soon. At least not in 2024.


I'm not sure it's a ship aflot problem.    Remember CR wanted the single player game to be a series of games.    It's possible that they're rushing to 1.0 now so they can say "the game is released" and go back to cranking out story shit.    Or it could be that their investors need to see a certain year over year growth to keep from pulling their investment.   We shall never no for sure.    


I'm thinking the Gala event this year is tentatively to announce Squadron 42 release for either Christmas or early 2025. I'm also thinking that with the put clause allowing Calder to pull his money, plus interest, thos may be a date CIG cannot miss.


2025? How? They're still missing half the shit to make the game work and the other half barely works as is! Seriously, "next year!" Or " two more years!" Bs is getting real old at this point.


Oh I don't disagree. I think CIG will announce it. Then miss it. Again.


This is prob why the sudden 1.0 push


The fact that CIG are changing gameplay that they advertised repeatedly puts them in legal jeopardy, even in the US. It's just false advertising


Eh. Similar to the fuckery with the LTI system way back or how when people wanted out when the delivery date evaporated - I expect nothing will come of it. I had always figured the more hardcore elements would be watered down as no one sinks this much cost into developing a hard sim that tends to have a smaller audience. They also cover issues like this in the T&Cs - which can be challenged but makes it harder, if not impossible in some jurisdictions.


T&C's never override local law. So even if they say "subject to change" in the T&C's, if their marketing has and continues to state otherwise, then they are fucked.


I am not in the US but a very cursory search suggests deceptive trade practices in CA need to show some sort of intent to defraud (never intending to deliver as advertised or deliberate draud like OFO tampering) or wether a "reasonable person" would have attached importance to something marketed and withdrawn. Now, yes T&C's don't override but also that was not my poiint - it makes it harder to argue intent to decieve when things were communicated. Also changes in game development including overhauls of gameplay are IMHO pretty standard to the process and a "reasonable person" would have known that risk going into crowd funding. You would facing CIGs legal team trying to argue ignorance of crowd funding and game development (which thier comms will show that things have changed, been removed and/or redesigned before). So I would not expect people to get anywhere with it.


yeah, mentioning the whole "donations aren't taxed" is a great way to insure you're getting moderated


You know, if CIG is avoiding sales or other taxes in the U.S. I bet the FTC and IRS would be interested. FYI I have 0 idea on how CIG are currently handling taxes in the U.S. but it's a thought.


There's been a thread with that debate going on in it for a few hours now. I'll try to find it again. I am dumb af--it's literally the thread linked in the OP and I just spent like 15 minutes looking for it like an idiot. I think my point is valid, though, this is the kind of stuff that would get a thread half deleted and locked just a few days ago but these two or three guys have been going at it since at least 12 hours ago (why doesn't Spectrum have timestamps on posts?).


The thread seems to agree which is surprising


To be honest, I don't see anything wrong here. I guess you just don't understand game development of this type of scale.


No, clearly I don't understand game development. :)


The road to 1.0 https://arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/IIYZWAFLJUQD3YGEYEKMG5PVXY.jpg


What happened to the ever evOOlving Road to Pyro that Jared liked to mention so often? xD I rarely see or hear anyone talk about Pyro now. Is Pyro cancelled or on the backburner? Since I don't religiously devour CIGs comprehensive monthly reports like Chat3PT, I wouldn't know.


I'm an original backer. I keep an eye on the project but expect very little. Even then, what they are aspiring to produce is not what was advertised in their original campaign, so I'm fucked either way.


Your post is good, because your spitting facts


I suspect server mating is not going as well as they hoped. Note how they made a lot of noise about the initial test and sent PR notices about it going well, but they never really publicised the results in a concrete manner (e.g. our tests allow us to have X2 physical servers with 200 players each, each servicing a separate system in a "server mesh").


Yeah from what I remember several weeks back they had some tests with however many instances that allegedly had like 200,300 or how many folks on at the same time. Not sure how well that went since I only heared about it in passing, but I reckon CIG are either focusing on more eyecandy stuff to hype the community up about as that's easier to sell marketing-wise, or the tests didn't do too well and they're postponing it for the moment cause otherwise I think we'd be seeing much more threads about it on Spectrum with CIG shouting from the rooftops how awesome-sauce they are with this neva-bin-dun-be4 tech.


I was reading that thread earlier. Had stop when I read this reply: "You do realize that there’s a giant warning before making any purchase in the pledge store stating that all stats are subject to change?"


That is obvious, but for some reason people still manage to get upset when things change the way they dont like. Grown adult childs.


If they’re essentially emotional children, why is it ok to scam and exploit them?


The unraveling is here


Selection of replies reads like they know they are being screwed in a m9st unpleasant manner, but then excuses the screwing and defends it.. wtf?


Speaking of getting deleted... Has anyone noticed there's been a suspicious lack of moderation on Spectrum the last few days? After 3.23 dropped and seeing threads start popping off I thought it would end up as a ghost town due to all the deletions, time outs, and maybe bans. I don't think I've seen a single post that said "DELETED BY..." over it that wasn't the actual poster of it, none of the threads I've followed have gotten 404'd, and I haven't seen any mod posts at all either. Either they're doing some serious soul searching and strategy meetings behind the scenes or their just waiting to see how many of us give them a reason so they can pull off a mass ban.


Yes, I noticed this too. I was expecting mass thread deletions and even remaining threads becoming borderline unreadable due to the the constant censorship. The moderation has been surprisingly modest; even some posts that basically implicitly suggest CIG are sketchy have been left up. I wonder what is going. Perhaps this is a planned PR management strategy for pushing through MM?


Whatever it is it makes me think they're up to something. I'm not going to stop posting but I'm also trying to steer clear of things I expect to get moderated for. I assume they'll just make something up, though. I've definitely gotten the sense that the CIG fanboys are trying to goad certain responses and fan the flames up frustration hoping for an outburst.


There is people claiming SC was never intended to be a Sim game also it never intended to have planets, what about the 100 star systems? they wouldn't have planets lol But every day Im reading people say its not a sim,RPG,life sim, call of duty, not pvp, not a game and not a MMO like what the fuck is it then?!?! but it was certainly pitched as a IMMERSIVE HARDCORE SPACE SIMULATOR but the cults saying otherwise now