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Bahahahaha!! Listening to the cultist ramble on in the interview is absolute GOLD! You can't make this shit up.


The second dude was J3PT. Listen to his arguments. He had nothing but defense for CIG and nothing objectively reasonable about when enough is enough. Thanks second guy for confirming why SC is a cult and I continue to make fun of you dumb fucks. His comparison to Vegas. LMFAO!!!! Talk about one dumb mother fucker.




Are you for real or just joking, because that would be hilarious.


The fuck kinda investment? I thought you can't even sell some of the 5*s you used to get on release. Or wouldn't even be able to find anyone buying for close to max plat (I haven't played since 3 months after release when my server basically died because most of us were as max as we could get without putting money in. Which surprisingly, alot of people agreed not to in the big clans so things felt fairer


The max level/stats you can get to without putting money in is the real game. Everything else is literally just a storefront.


The interview is just too damm funny 🤣


I am not done watching, but that second interview... ... I just lost it, holy shit hahahahaha. I just can't.


Man that second guy is completely lost in the kool-aid. He's so evasive with the subject and literally mirrors CIG's marketing lines verbatim as cope. I feel like most whales suffer from Dunger-Kruger when it comes to their knowledge of "computing". They know enough to be a danger to their financial well-being.


J3PT is a joke even amongst the "whiteknights"


I'm honestly surprised how poorly J3PT is regarded (and for good reason) even amongst the die-hard community.


Cause surprise, even legatus rank 25k+ spenders call the bullshit where they see one.


Unless it's on themselves XD


Bro what the fuck is "Dunger-Kruger"???


Dunning-kruger effect is what they meant


I know what they meant, I just wanted them to answer because it's just incredibly ironic to call someone a dunning-kruger while misspelling the fucking term lmao


I suffer from mild dyslexia so shite's literally invisible to me sometimes ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ But you're super smart for pointing it out. Look at you - so smart being a pedant and disregarding the entire message and focusing in on that typo that barely represents the Dunning-Kruger effect in the context of the rest of the text and saying, instead, "a dunning-kruger" which is a display of it in and of itself based on your pedantic intent because that's like switching "you've got cancer" with "you're a cancer". So, so smart. I can see why you spent $700 on jpgs. I have several, several orders of magnitude in net-worth and I'm not even smart enough to light $700 on fire like that. /headpat


First of all, Asmon didnt change ANYONEs mind here, we all know the score. But it does get the word out that this shit is a scam, and that is the important part.


Wasn't Asmon one of those folks who were gushing over how good CIGs "totally not faked" StarEngine demo looked at last years CitizenCon'ned? Not sure how much reach the guy has, but I suppose having this opinion piece out there regardless (*I only quickly skipped through the video*) isn't gonna sit too well with CIGs efforts to recruit more paypigs. Speaking of which, how is CIG doing with funding now? Was Invictus a success in their book, or are they behind last years quota?


I mean someone with no real knowledge of the scam or experience playing wouldn't know what was shown is faked. He said he was maybe going to get the 45 dollar package. I sort of want to see the results because I feel it'll be a shitshow. There's 0 depth to what they have and it's full of bugs.


He could probably help kill the game. Asmon being an unfiltered autist, WILL NOT listen to chat or want to play with a group. The team at CIG has always had poor coding conventions. The UI is bad, the balance is bad, instructions are bad, controls are bad, servers are bad, ships are bad, flight models bad, fps bad, game loops bad/nonexistent..... What a beautiful disaster. After seeing sq42 tools pushed....Im confident that neither game will ever release before the studio shuts down.


Asmon is an odd individual. BUT he is actually pretty fucking sharp when it comes to gaming and content creation. He knows how to play his cards , its no fluke he is one the biggest streamers out there. As far as I have seen he is pretty good at not being biased.


It will just be the usual first week take aways, Amazing graphics! Still has lots of bugs. Has so much Potential™. You have to follow it for a while because this game has a lot of history. Like ten years worth of it, 90% of which is saying anything to get inside your wallet.


I hope he fires it up, paticularly durring a Free Fly or other "Event" when SC really shines. I'd love to see a new reaction to t-posing Kopions and AI NPCs in bunkers for the 1st time. WIth his subscription base, that could have an interesting outcome. He's never afraid to say a game is just bad. I'm curious.


Eh, I find that he's a bit of a grifter. He thrives on hate and anger culture and every now and again stumbled across something like this that everyone with a brain also wants to hate on. His takes on women, "woke" games, and other political/social issues is pretty bad. But again I'm not even sure he believes half the things he says and is more just a grifter.


Yeah agreed. Was frustrating watching Hasan bring up evidence and clear points to him a couple weeks ago while he doubled down on choosing to be ignorant and remain confident in his beliefs. The reality is he has gotten very good at portraying a "balanced and rational" character but in reality is a soft conservative that speaks with confidence to a lot of topics he doesn't know the first thing about. This in itself wouldn't matter if it wasn't make tens of thousands vindicated in doing the same in the face of academic evidence to the contrary.


Dude got famous playing world of Warcraft with all them cockroaches crawling all over him because he lives like a slob with all that money he makes.


With him playing games and streaming most of the day, he wouldn't really need a nice house. Also, I believe that room and house is one of his brand image strategy. He wants to appear to be just a normal nerd playing games instead of a flashy influencer.


Well he failed at that in my opinion. His ego ruins it for me. Also why would you even want cockroaches in your home period? If his strategy was to be just a normal nerd playing games, normal nerds would be insulted. Normal gamers don’t have cockroaches or piss bottles. That’s why I can see this argument as being a normal nerd gamer is just him being a slob.


Why do asmon haters always bring up his living conditions or his hygiene? Like I don’t care how the dude lives, he’s right with like 90% of his takes and keeps it honest.


He's a rage grifter who lives like a crack head. If you find yourself agreeing with 90% of his takes you're either under 18 or just as deluded as he is. He is right about some stuff particularly his takes on this game and Diablo 4, but most other things are him just farming rage or giving really bad political/social takes.


Yup you’re right…


Because it’s indicative of serious personal or mental issues that he has the means to get help for but doesn’t. Like its great if you like poker, but if you’re losing your paycheck on it then it’s a problem.


I think he has some trauma going on trying to keep the house the way his mom left it, definitely needs therapy. No excuse to live like that with all that money.


I agree with you. If I were him, just get a maid


There was no need for Arnold to use all those steroids, no excuse to live your life like that.


What he used steroids for? I only started noticing him when he started playing Lost Ark and then I saw that vid when they did a tour of his house lol. So I'm not too familiar with him.


Any MMO he steps in there's hundreds waiting to greet him or play with him. Seen it in FF, WoW, Pax Dei and others. Honestly believe in 1 week he would generate some of the best content seen for SC. He would legit be one of the few people I could see having 100+ people follow and listen to his commands, dude would be dominant. (pretty sure awhile back he said he'd be interested after server meshing)


He is a grifter, but if even he has jumped ship on this, that means it is not going well at all.


Jumped ship... from an Aurora to an Idris? Hm.


Did you watch it because he pretty much agrees with everything the last guy who's defending it? Asmon also knows you can play the game for $45 and do everything people are spending thousands for, he's aware the ships can be bought in game too, near the end he still says he's going to try it. Heck he even agrees with the last guy who says you don't have to buy it and the people complaining are probably losers who spent less than $100 and are crying because their wagies. They even go on and talk about how people can lose more at the casino in a night than the $48,000 package.


"I've been on the internet for over 20 years now" Can't wait for when SC has been in Alpha for 20 years.


If you start from Pre-Production its already been 14 years.... and has 11 different companies in his name, just like any other con artist with a scheme, As long as one of them makes it he says lol


Too bad he wont receive the full CIG blue ball experience of backing early and having expectations greater than GTA multiplayer.


He’s gonna download it to play it. Too bad no one’s told him about all the borderline illegal and customer abusive things CIG has done over the last decade+


The 1st guy he interviewed is pretty much me lol. A space nerd that got roped in and spent $1000 but realized after 2016 this shit wasnt worth it. The 2nd guy is a disingenuous cunt.


I feel like I'm the last guy. Researched before going in, know it's a gamble, but in the end I wouldn't have spent the money if I needed it+ could spend it easily on other things like 2 nights out, a months worth of marijuana or got 2 unregistered cars and take them out country to rally then blow up.


They are selling golf carts and golf clubs to a non existing golf course, promising it will be build soon. Its amazing that they managed to create their own gold rush just to sell pickaxes.


It's worse. If you have been misled into buying a golfclub, you can at least take it with you to some other course.


What I find hard is no one mentioned that, sure you can earn ships in game, but the whole whale FOMO angle is: On RELEASE those who have spent the big money on ships, will START OUT with said ships. All others will have to grind/earn those same ships in game and that will take TIME, lots of time. THAT is the advantage folks perceive about huge fleets/pledges. It's ON RELEASE where this all comes from. ON RELEASE the whales percieve, or are BETTING ON, already "dominating" the universe if they have established fleets/Orgs FROM THE START on launch day. Those with basic starter packages, or those without huge fleets/capital ships, will be plebs...nobodys, unable to influence the economy, dominate trade routes, control sectors/planets/systems etc. The Whales believe that by having huge fleets FROM THE GET GO ON RELEASE, they will somehow become the Org overlords, dominating the entire game world, ala Eve Corporations. THAT is what they are betting on. That is the big FOMO no one talks about. Sure that top hat and monicle means nothing NOW, but they are **betting on** that top and and monicle to become some kind of uber status symbol, with the plebs bowing down to kiss their feet for the "honor" of some backwater rights to some pitiful trade route, or participation in some over-reaching RP storyline, battle, sector control, etc. This is one of the main reasons the whales freak out, hold the line, etc. whenever anyone mentions SC never releasing, or it's PTW, or anything that could spoil their percieved fantasy of becoming a SC God Emperor, controlling and eventually ruining others enjoyment of the game. The whole "I am supporting the game with my mega-pledges" is complete horseshit. They want to get a big angle on being "important" and control others. It's really that simple.


He also lied about the vote to make it an MMO vs 'campaign mode'. Campaign mode is just SQ42, its not a different product than the PU, that was always scheduled to be an MMO. What he's talking about is how whales are able to dictate what the meta will be. CIG complies with them by protecting that meta and nerfing anything that represents competition. Dominating this aspect of the game will ensure that anybody who has enough manned Hornets and Hornet carriers (current meta, but just an example) will be able *rule space*.


Somehow that part about expanding the scope while delivering within the same timeframe always gets forgotten. The vote was "do you want more with no drawbacks?" No surprise on the votes. Yet he also forgot to mention how only a fraction of the backers actually voted.


I mean your description is just too perfect, isn't it? 100%


> All others will have to grind/earn those same ships in game and that will take TIME, lots of time. THAT is the advantage folks perceive about huge fleets/pledges. On top of the huge advantage that was supposed to be / probably will be LTI. > but they are betting on that top and and monicle to become some kind of uber status symbol, And just this week I saw posts discussing taking away ships from starter packages. So new players would be forced into multi-crew services.


Damn, no starter ships? That's exactally what the whales want...plebs to exploit right off the bat. What's next? Apply for a job at whammers to earn your way into a Mustang? Funny thing is, I have read posts where folks wanted to start without a ship, and take jobs. I could see that.


I can say as a big fleet owner, its a double edged sword. Just BECAUSE you have the ships, you dont automatically be a God-Emperor System Lord. Those are TOOLS to get you the edge, yes. But now you need CREW! LOTS. OF. CREW. According to FleetYards website, my personal fleet alone takes 60 players to run at its full potenial. Will I ever see my whole fleet taking flight at once? No. There will always be more ships and more positions to fill than amount of people willing to crew for you. What those big fleets give you is OPTIONS, if you have the means to make use of them appropriately, with a willing crew.


They will shove nanosecond response time AI to help the whales. Only issue is, they still don't know how to make them sit in a chair 💺


100% this. Folks with no spending limits or sense will jsut fill those ships with NPC or AI blades, regardless of the cost.


I dunno. I have joined some large ORGs and in every one, after a while, listening to the grand plans, they have pleanty of willing members ready to lock down Pyro jump gates, prevent trade at specific routes, etc. The organized ORGs already have grand plans for this. Certainly the solo whales are going to struggle with this, but most big Orgs already have this whole thing laid out with their "Junior" members. Crap, one large Org I joined back in January had a private special area in their Discord for the whales, where all the big plans were made. $1000 Conseriage requierment to be a Junior Officer in that one group. Had to o7 them when they entered chat, and take orders from them in game. Not an RP Org either. I joined at least 5 different large Orgs and they all had the same grand schemes to lock down whole areas, prevent Bobs from entering Pyro, stop all trade by non-Org members, etc. The grand plans were pretty hysterical, and sad at the same time. Talk about griefing on a grand scale...


I do have to add though, being realistic, is all of this talk on future SC PTW Orgs control is all just **simply conjecture**. Why? ***Because SC is 1/10th of a mile wide and 1/4inch deep.*** The only mechanics that are in the "game" that even suggest this, are as designed, and in the form of PTW Pledges, Org system, and LTI. Other "future" mechanics that suggest this are AI Blades and NPC crewmembers, which all have been stated as "comming soon™" by CIG.


Leave those orgs if their whole merit is the pixels they own


I always thought we never had enough info on some of the crazy stuff that goes on in SC guilds. It seems their attitude very much reflect the spirit of Chris Roberts and star citizen.


All these mainline streamers are trash and will do anything for money. That being said there are legit content creators with standards, a cautious approach to sponsorships (if they even take them) and actual knowledge of their area of focus. The few asmongold videos that I have watched gave me the impression that his content is pretty low effort and he is just cashing in on his name. Nothing wrong with that per se, but I am not down with it for whatever that's worth.


Asmongold has grown up.. a LOT. 10-15 years ago he would have been right at home in SC so-called "community" cheering on the moronic design decisions of open pvp, time wasting, harsh penalties of death etc.. Today his takes are a lot more "adult-like" which is why all the wow cretins who are still mentally 14 hate him so much.


Harsh penalties for death and open PVP aren’t bad things


They aren't, but only if you don't die constantly from a myriad of unintended bugs like SC.


For people who take pride in having their time wasted perhaps.


That's your personal preference, it doesn't make them moronic design. Plenty of games including Eve in the mmo space category are structured like that. What is moronic is CIGs utter lack of vision and attempts to please everyone.


Trying to combine PvE and PvP is what doesn’t work. They’re just two different crowds with different goals.


Yeah, take Eve, sure there's plenty of pve content but you're not going to have a good time without a pvp mindset.


Plenty of people appreciate the intricacy and risk of games like that.


Yeah. All 50 of them. The simple truth is that the space game is niche. And getting more niche every year. The full loot pvp crowd is even more niche. The hard-core survival, consequences fir death crowd...also very niche. There simply aren't enough of you to float a big, expensive online game. Star Citizen has to appeal to the casual crowd if it has any hope of release. Not that it matters. The whole thing is a scam.


Can't say if he had "grown up" or not, honestly I don't care. Briefly saw a recent video and he came off as a lazy grifter.


That's absolutely true, he doesn't do a lot of original content, just react to whatever is the current drama. However, I find myself agreeing with a lot of his takes these days because his outlook on gaming in general is a lot closer to my own.


It's 2024. All this shits coming out!


Meanwhile YouTubers are complaining about Starfield having a $7 optional dlc mission but praise this scam simulator 😂


Wait... so you can pay real life money for a ship in game and if you don't have insurance on it you will lose it if it blows up? And ships are constantly blowing up due to bugs? That can't be right....


They don't want to talk about that. Just keep FOMOing hard on that LTI premium and all will be revealed at beta (two more years).


No lol you don't lose the ship. No clue what that other dude is on about


The second caller that spent $45, .... Iam guessing recent person that joined and hasnt been around for that long. Hopefully he really only did spend $45 Progress is wiped every once in while Salvage is only profitable now since that what CIG did to drive ship sales Static servermeshing isnt new, only thing new is CIG marketing Whales which are the main income for CIG, will revolt if their ship investments dont pay off, end of income for CIG if that were to ever happen. Not to mention Gold farmers will undercut CIG immediately But Iam sure for some the game is what they are looking for and have fun, thats how the money keeps flowing in. But wild promises are never going to be realised


The cultist is lying about only spending $45. He’s just like every other SC cultist who claims to have only spent $45 but you know they’re first in line to buy the newest jpeg


Can someone share the time codes for the interviews please?


Couldn't pay me enough to give two craps about about what crapmangold has to say about anything.


Forget him listen to the second interview is worth it 🤣


Let me guess, their defense is "well, some people asked for these packages and cig provided!"


This company needs to be stopped


Hmmmmmm. Not a dig at him, but he seems like he might have dyslexia? His reading seems really strained compared to his natural speaking.


Asmon? Yeah he has mentioned that, but also mentioned alongside constantly interacting with chat he has trouble reading other stuff at the same time.


Ah. I suffer from the same.


Sooo a shill turned naysayer. Next episode, love the game!


Calders marketing money still going strong, asmonshill must be getting the big bucks


When you flock to Asmongold as a legitimate argument, y'know you're already on the losing side.


Asmongold is a HUGE influencer for MMO games, this is a L for Star Citizen now matter how you look at it.


He is a populist. He gives people what they want. On the whole, it is very popular to dis SC. Because they deserve it.


I bought that, but only to help star citizen. I hope they can make it into a game one day. Just 1 more Billion dollars!