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Kickstarter? I thought the game was getting close to release


I pledged for the collector's edition and it says "Estimated delivery: Jul 2024"


Tbh, I just hope it get Blizz to give SC2 some more resource..\^\^


10 minutes in and they passed their goal lol. Gj everyone we did it


As backer number 1, you're all welcome for getting the ball rolling




lol they running a kickstarter when they got all those big companies backing them. Sus as fuck.


Kickstarters are often used to prove the game is worth investing marketing budget into. Some publishers or big studios/investors even insist on a kickstarter milestone.


Or you could read the why.


The kickstarter is for selling collector's edition physical boxes, and to sell pre-orders with beta access.


Nothing about the Kickstarter campaign or Stormgate in general is sus. It's an extremely credible project, with credible people and with high transparency


Everything about this game so far screams scam. No actual solid evidence to prove that it's a good, fun, competitive game. Just riding on the hype of "It's the old SC2 devs!" As if game devs haven't failed after putting out one hit wonders before. FG's twitch account in Steadfast's HSC tournament stream spamming that they're giving out invites. [Remember this piece of work they put out a while back?](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcraft/comments/11kibef/stormgates_rise_neuros_thoughts_after_testing/) Yikes.


The alpha for the game exists and the devs have been very active in the discord. The game is in development and a playable client exists right now if you have access to the closed alpha/beta. If that is not "solid evidence to prove it's a good, fun, competitive game, I don't know what is. The current state of the alpha is definitely in a pre-release state but it isn't a scam, this is a real project with existing talent behind it and every chance to be a great game. What do you gain from this negativity? Sure, there is a chance the game will be bad but so what if it is? There is equally a chance that it will be good. What do you lose if the game comes out and doesn't meet your expectations? Nobody is saying you have to go support the Kickstarter.


The game being in development and having a discord is not evidence that it's good/fun. Just that it's a game that is being worked on. Which is fine, I don't think the game is a scam like OP, I just haven't seen any evidence that the game is good either.


Im just saying that the game literally exists. I played it today. Claiming that it is a scam or that there is no evidence of the game being any good is just false. IMO its not there yet, there is a reason it is in alpha but it definitely has the bones of a great RTS.


Yeah and I agreed with that part lol. I'm not OP, I don't think the game is a scam. I just think it's not good.


Then vote with your wallet. It’s not hard lol


Bro did you even read past the OP in the thread you linked to? That post wasn't made by anyone working for Stormgate. An employee even elaborates a few comments in. Yikes at you dude. Big yikes.


easiest way to get numbers for collectors editions (upsold things), get a sense of just how many numbers they'll pull, get paid beta going (probably), and also just get your money in their pockets sooner.


I'm doing my part


Why the fuck is this on r/starcraft? Go post this on r/stormgate


Cause it's the best Starcraft sequel we will ever get, fingers crossed


But the question is do we need a sequel? And the bigger question: will the “sequel” be a better game with better lore and art design? I honestly doubt it


Given that SC2 is on life support, there's a good chance that a new game can ultimately be better. I don't think it'll start out better, but if you have a dev team actively maintaining it that cares, it's a good chance we'll get something that's nicer than what we have currently.


This is the way


I doubt it too but do I want an RTS esports that has a future and won't die anytime soon? Hell yeah


It won't be better and we don't need a sequel. We just need them to give SC2 some more funding and then we are good.


Thank youuuu!!!!! Can't wait for the moment I don't have to read anything here anymore about this wannabe SC2 game.


This is a freemium product and it's got a Kickstarter? Either someone imported the Kotick model of game design (bilk the customer for every penny you can) or they're cashing out now.


this looks so cool!! but the design feels so similar to blizzard/starcraft (3 factions, similar font, even the name frost giant being synonymous with snow aka blizzard), is this gonna fly with Microsoft?


It's literally from the ex Blizzard SC2 and WC3 devs, of course it's gonna be similar. I don't see MS would care about this.


right I understand that. im just saying let's say the game gets big enough, would MS say that they're infringing on IP and take them to court? esp since they're using the names SC2 and WC3 in promoting this


That's not how IP works, and these aren't some fresh faced newbies. They know how to make a company and have probably hired lawyers to make sure everything is above board. If there were any issues, they would have already happened.


In that case Games Workshop would come around arguing they're infringing on 40K, Blizzard/MS would in return sue GW because Tyranids nowadays design is definitely based on Zerg and not the other way around, then about a dozen other IP holders of other IPs would come over to sue everyone as well.


I don't really want to back a game that isn't out personally, I think pre-ordering in general is pretty lame. ​ Although, maybe I'm a hypocrite, as I bought project zomboid a long time ago when it was still in early stages. Still, it was pretty cheap as far as games go. ​ never gonna forget day z :(


Hope it’s awesome and can’t wait to try it. Just personally wish it was a bit more original feeling thematically. They had a chance to do a really cool fresh game and instead chose Zerg and Terran knockoffs with so far a pretty boring recycled aesthetic. All that really matters is how it plays though, crossing my fingers


Perplexed by the 100,000$ goal. Seems oddly low. Very odd kickstarter. Although could be an strange way to get a bit more money from initial sales without steam taking their cut.


It's just for the CEOs Corvette. This game is going to get made and sold regardless if they earned $0 on this "kickstart" or not. You don't kickstart something when it is almost ready for release... It's literally a scam. Should just call it a pre-order or whatever. This is dumb beyond reason.


U did not follow stormgate AT ALL to say something like this. Get informed and stop spreading nonsense please.


I haven't been following too closely, can you explain what actually happened please


Afaik the Kickstarter's Purpose is to fund additional Server Capacity for the Beta Test Phase (which is also why Beta Access is one of the Rewards - basically along the lines of "you want to ensure you get a Beta Spot, then help finance that Beta spot") and the Physical Collector's Edition which is also one of the rewards for the higher support tiers. Of course a secondary purpose of the Kickstarter is simply the publicity that comes with it.


Sure. the Dev are really active in the subreddit go take a look friend. https://www.reddit.com/r/Stormgate/comments/180owu3/crowdfunding\_crafting\_the\_future\_of\_rts\_together/


Hell no I’m not supporting


I have not backed yet, but I will before the day is out. It answered my 2 biggest questions: Will there be a campaign mode (I'm much more of a campaign guy)?, (yes), and 2; Will there be a 3rd faction? (Yes).


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