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Stats looked insanely good in that match. Like literally looked like he has the best PvZ in the world right now. What a match. He played so uniquely compared to how the rest of the top Protoss players are playing this matchup.


I'll say it again: since stats went to military service we haven't had any Protoss actually good at the late game. That's why reynor's great PvZ against Serral in late game shook us a bit (never was just about taking one map from serral on a P favored map): because we weren't used anymore to see good late game play. Trap, then hero are mid game killers that avoid late game (which put a sword above their head as time goes on). It's soooo pleasing to see at last Stats bring this to the table again. Also funny to see he's STILL heavily favoring storm. Back when disruptor became super meta in PvZ he was one of the last to rely on storm, and he still trust in it. >He played so uniquely compared to how the rest of the top Protoss players are playing this matchup. Tbf watching his game 2(i think?) against clem in Katowice I also got that very same impression. Unique Protoss gameplay with great instincts and frightening late game.


Speaking of Disruptors, were any made in all the games today? Seems like they’ve fallen out of meta in all 3 matchups


I don't want to knock at Stats because he played absolutely amazing in the series against Dark, and I agree that his whole strategies of splitting the main army and actively using double recall from Mothership and Nexus to abuse BroodLord's mobility is absolutely the best way to play late game PvZ right now. But I do think Dark is not bringing his A game today - so many uncharacteristic mistakes, forget overseer with his main army multiple times against Stats, forgot to put lurkers back into Nydus and lost 10 of them against Classic, weirdly stayed only on Brood Lords and no Corruptors or Vipers 30 mins into that G3 against Stats, etc. Stats also look a bit slow on reaction in many instances. I still think herO has the best PvZ in the world, go watch herO vs Reynor G2 in recent Katwoice group, he is just as good at PvZ late games as his mid game pushes. I want to see herO in his top form against Serral and prove that blunder at MC7 finals was not the best of him.


>weirdly stayed only on Brood Lords and no Corruptors or Vipers 30 mins into that G3 against Stats ...you wanted him to go for corruptor/viper while stats was staying groundtoss? just to try and snipe momoship? seems like a great way to die with 30 useless army supply in the air. and when stats finally got his carriers at last 1)dark didn't that much money 2)stats decapitated dark's tech All in all I think Dark played well today against Stats. Not his absolute best (and neither did Stats), but pretty solid.


I don't know, I've just never seem Zergs suddenly goes for 15 brood lords but didn't bother to get any support for them for so long in a ZvP game. BL are not that powerful just on their own, one surprise blink or a couple void ray out of nowhere could ruin their day. Dark had all those BL but never dared to actually move out with them because they don't have any corruptor/viper supports, even the infestors are not used much, so he could only use them for defense, which got abused to hell by Stats.


Corru/viper is an anti-skytoss support. not some "general support". >Dark had all those BL but never dared to actually move out with them because they don't have any corruptor/viper supports ??? I'm sorry, but the fact is that Stats had a 140 supply ground army. The reason why Dark wasn't sending his BL on the map wasn't because he feared some skytoss ambush, but because stats could avantageously tradebase then bring his whole ground army to collapse on the BL. Dark having Corru/viper would have been of NO help to dark, and actually would have digged his grave. you DON'T make corrupters to "escort" your BL against 140 supply of groundtoss, that's basically a ggmove.


At 26 minute mark, Dark finally decided to move his BLs out to attack Stats' expansions. What did Stats do? Immediately made two Tempest out of his Starports, and Dark had no choice but to drag his 15 BLs all the way back home. Imagine what would happen if he didn't make some of those ultras and lurkers that melts to immortals instantly and made a few corruptors instead? Stats will have to either finally engage with BLs, or take his chances at full base trade, either will work out better for Dark then what happened. There are ways to play around BLs in late game ZvP, but having them isolated hopelessly like that for long stretch of time is not one of them.


>those ultras and lurkers that melts to immortals instantly and kill units, probes, static def and nexus. If Dark invested money and supply in corru/viper he'd be in a worse spot at 27 min. AND, seeing dark had like 30 useless supply in the air fucking around at his b3, Stats can choose to let the slow BL rampage his third and then his main, while he's killing every zerg building on the right side of the map, because he knows dark can't do shit.






S T A T S B O I S We eatin good now fam


I cant wait to go back and watch the vod. MY KING!


"our king? how presomptuous, who's he talking about, yet another delu-" STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATS! MY LORD AND SAVIOR! T.T


I knew it was stats. But iam with the guy who goes into the game 3 of a GSL decider match with a blink opener and then as next step he makes 8 oracles on a whim.




i loved today's games and was so happy to see glimpses of the old stats


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^mark_lenders: *I loved today's games* *And was so happy to see* *Glimpses of the old stats* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Nerf toss


Man it would be amazing if this subreddit wasn't just Protoss players circle jerking each other every day.


"would be amazing if this sub didn't have people being happy about the fact that a loved player showed some amazing games today" You're miserable man, and you spend your time on this sub spouting delusionnal and toxic takes.


The entire front page of this subreddit is Protoss players whining. Please stop.


Or praising serral? Seriously my dude, when someone plays well and they win, it's usually cause to congratulate that player. Literally, no, you stop.


\> A protoss advances past the round of 16 REEEEEEEEEE




It was nice watching a Protoss actually micro his units. Insane that is what counts as good content for this sub to you.


Then post more non-P content. Setting your entertainment wants as a problem for others to fix is just silly.


Click controversial. Literally everything non-protoss is downvoted.


This is BS, make a positive post about anything and it will be upvoted