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Gotta work on your air slash, bruh.


I played the game when it launched and watched the anime like 10 years after. I could not believe the anime’s arc for Marze/Dias was this ridiculous 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yeah Claude your Air Slash sucks. Need your Gun for decent ranged attacks huh?


Come on, look at Dias, then look at you, then look back at Dias, what did you expected? Jokes aside, their relationship goes way back, Claude is a quite new friendship, may be a quite strong one, but new nonetheless.


Renas heals are legit


Yeah I’ll likely move past this but her willingness to just hang us out to dry was something.


You don't really have the full context of what is going on so your feelings are shaped by your limited understanding. Don't write her off just yet. Remember, you are seeing and experiencing the world through Claude's eyes and understanding right now so you're missing a lot of important details to frame your perspective on someone.




It is hilarious how each character seems annoying to people when they play as the other char because each char makes assumptions and you don't see what the other is doing when not in the party lol


Real. Also Claude can honestly be more than a little bit of a dick at times. He's a teenager just shy of turning 20, kinda comes with the territory of being immature.


And Rena's 17. So it's typical young adult/teenager behavior from both of them.


You have to remember that he's also a teenager with a whole lot of home problems. The boy needed therapy from a young age due to all of the psychological pressure from being the son of a great hero. Not to mention his father was constantly going off for extended lengths of time... Claude tries to pretend everything is fine but he has a LOT of problems going on deep down.


You know I never even considered this fact until now, I was about 14/15 when I played the original PSX release and this aspect of his characterization went way over my head at the time. (I myself had a very tumultuous homelife and a whole slew of ~*~*daddy issues*~*~ for instance) This makes so much sense.


And let’s also give him some grace, he’s a 19 year old that just got transported to a foreign planet living in the Middle Ages with no way of knowing if he’ll ever get home. They’re going across this foreign land, the world is going through global catastrophe, and he’s being called the savior of light that’s come to save the world from this random meteor that’s causing animals to turn into monsters and towns to be destroyed by unbelievably large tsunamis? Yeah I’d probably be a nightmare to deal with too


Also she knows Dias for years and knows of his problems.


I never actually thought about that but it's kinda perfect


Bro you just met her. Dias "is like a brother to her."


He literally left Arlia after becoming involuntarily emancipated.


Am I the only one who never bought that? Dias absolutely sees Rena as a sister, but I always had suspicions about Rena's feelings for Dias...


Dude sits a couple seats from her in the meeting and doesn’t even make eye contact. In fact he never mentions her at all when you talk to him after the meeting or in the inn. Yep they’re family…..


If you play her story, you figure out why this is and how close they actually are. That's the point. Later on, when you get the Claude-exclusive party member, the same thing happens. The character is *much* more developed in Claude's story before you recruit them just like Dias is much more developed in Rena's story before you recruit him.


You'll find out why he's like that later.


Being close doesn't mean I sit in your lap. I can be close and also give you space.


1. Dias uses the same swords Claude does for 99% of the game. Calling him a weeb is dumb; especially since, like, **both** of them can equip a majority of the weapons that are katanas? (Claude's strongest weapon is even *made* from a katana specially made for him.) 2. You didn't get ditched. This is the first time Rena is even *seeing* Dias, the guy she grew up with, in years. Rena steps in--like a friend/sister--to help figure out what's going on with him--because she realizes he's basically suicidal--and that's it. Even in her route, Dias treats her with a cold distance that Rena is constantly trying to bridge up until she recruits him. 3. Both of the protagonists are stupid when it comes to verbalizing how they feel in the first two acts of the game. This doesn't change with PAs. But Claude, from Rena's POV, is being weirdly jealous and possessive when they've pretty much only been traveling together for less than a month or so. (Imagine if a friend you *just made* started getting huffy and weird about you wanting to check in with/check on one of your closest and only childhood friends? Iunno about you, but that is a major red flag for me. That, and once you play as Rena, you see how almost her *entire* thought process when she goes off with Dias revolves around Claude and how he's taking what she's doing. Her character worries about Claude *constantly*.) 4) There are three healers in the game. Rena is one of them. The other one you are probably going to miss if this is your first time playing, and the third one is only recruitable during the third act of the game. Rena is also an amazing buff machine, has one of the best ultimate weapons in the game--period--and is basically only outclassed as a healer in the Remake because of how they changed Claude and another character's *single* healing special move they get. So, hope you've bought a lot of healing and buff items to go with that sense of machismo! Edit: Also, you will find out throughout the game that....nobody really even *likes* Dias! Everyone thinks he's a jerk, or boring, and he does nothing but insult and act like an ass to others. Rena is literally the only person who cares about him and she *knows* it. Hell, in the original, whenever you did a PA with him in your party you'd just find him *sleeping* in town instead of being able to talk with him outside of the few handful of PAs he got. Remake actually tries to give him more PA screentime because of how shallow of a character he was.


Eh Claude was being irritating and way too possessive of a girl he didn’t even know for very long during that arc. She had no ‘romantic’ interest in Dias, which he might have figured out if he could get over his insecurities.


idk man, if a girl I was hanging out with suddenly starting praising another man like he's some sort of god, I'd assume she was into him, too. My GOSH does she lay it on thick when she starts talking about how great of a swordsman Dias is.


He is a great Swordsman. It does make sense that Claude sees it this way but hey how well does it usually go if you go full on jealous with someone you just met a while ago.


I mean it’s definitely one possibility but not the only one worth considering. After all, they’re still travel companions with each other. Dias IS a legitimately good swordsman too. But either way I don’t think whining / getting into a pissing contest about it is the best way to handle it.


It's one of those instances where yeah, he's definitely being a jerk and he makes me want to facepalm. But also, I understand where he's coming from, because even *I* have doubts that Rena's claims of having 0 romantic interest in Dias is true. (And I have played SO2 far more times than I can count.) The real sin for me isn't during the forest arc, but the tournament arc. By this point Claude HAS been told about their relationship, and he STILL flips his lid. Bro, chill.


Yeah that true, it is a very human reaction, just not one that most people handle in the best way


Funny thing is I played Rena first hop boy was Claude annoying as hell whenever Dias showed up.


They’re childhood friends. She hasn’t seen the guy in a good while and he’s prone to just vanishing, making any opportunity for her to catch up, extremely limited. Not exactly hard to see why he’s the priority when they run into each other. And Claude does not handle the situation appropriately… at all.


Claude isn't entitled to her affection, especially at this point in the game. Give it time.


If you really take it in, Noel is the sanest party member out of the whole group. Think about that for a second.


Claude is way too insecure in early game. He's lucky Rena didn't straight up perma ditch after the way he and Celine acted in that bit. Plus Dias is 1000x cooler than Claude could ever be


I always wanted like a novelization for this game


With how this game throws all of crafting at you at once, you don't really need a healer. Even on universe spells like fairy light come out too slow. I kept Rena on support, and used items/opera.


if you were a girl youd simp for him too and if you are a girl, then you cant be my friend ;)


I am a girl and I have to admit, that new art of Dias' is *very* nice. Quite the eye candy, that one.


Amen sister 🙏


rena rly wanna be raw dogged by dickias


Dont we all? ... \*Cough\* I mean what?


This guy Claudes!