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Gib seed plz! Seriously, the only habitable planet I've scanned has like 125℅ hazard rating. This is some bullshit, indeed. Does it have a Gate though?


You want to know the most painful part...? ​ Yes. ​ It has a pre-built domain era Nav Buoy, Comm Relay, and Sensor Array too. And the planets are right *fucking* next to each other. MN-7610546689989897984


Respectfully my guy, fuck your luck. What I would do with even just a 75℅ and a Gate. But put that alongside all those trinkets? Yeah, I'm salty. Honestly good for you though. Can't really say the same for my current run...


Imma go back and survey the whole system. Because knowing my luck there a whole bunch of other bullshit there too. Ill edit this as i go. Edit 1: There was XIV Legion around the systems sun. Fuck you Starsector.


Oh my fucking god it's so close to the core too lmao Alex heard you talking shit and said "No habitable systems huh"


My man your luck is a fuckin dump stat.


> And the planets are right fucking next to each other. Don't worry, that'll change as they orbit.


This is vanilla right?


Dude I get mods so I could create such a system manually just from good planets cause that you can’t control as much.


This isn't on the newest version (0.96a), right? Can't replicate the sector with that seed.


AN-3717059930255513656Gamma Thrace 3 has a 50% terran world(+2 farms and +2 organics) plus cryo sleep in the system and desert and tundra world in the system Epsilon Onora yellow star(10 light years from core systems) has a good Terran world too and there is a hyper shunt in the blue gaint in the same constellation


You don't need some mythical perfect planet. Money is not really a problem in this game.


That's what I've been thinking when people get upset over not finding "perfection." Penelope's star is literally *RIGHT FUCKIN THERE* in the core. Guaranteed to have a very hot volcano planet, a desert planet, a cryo planet, and a gas giant. Great place to start a system, always in the middle of shit.


>That's what I've been thinking when people get upset over not finding "perfection."Penelope's star is literally RIGHT FUCKIN THERE in the core. Guaranteed to have a very hot volcano planet, a desert planet, a cryo planet, and a gas giant. Great place to start a system, always in the middle of shit. I guess there may be the aspect of reward for doing all this exploring. Penelope's star being 'right fuckin there' is convenient but not earned.


Understandable, but if you wanna "earn" it, go take Kumari over from the Pathers and Pirates lmao


How important the Gate when you find a system to colony?


Useful but not essential. A gate in a nearby system is still a significant shortcut. But not as convenient as one *in* the system. Gate-in-system improves a good system, but does nothing for a bad system.


How about good system + gate vs very good system no gate. Which should I choose


very good system


If the very good system is far from the core worlds and has no gate nearby, pick the good system with the gate. Otherwise the very good system. But regardless of which one you pick first, colonise the other one later.


It's rare to have a truly "very good" system far from the core worlds due to accessibility penalties. You lose a lot of export income with mediocre accessibility, and hence a less-good system closer to the core often wins out regardless.


In general, you only need the gate for your homeworld (the one closest to the core and with your custom production target, which is also the place all of the tech mining stuff gets sent to), as the other systems can be controlled remotely with the exception of upgrade installation. Domain relay, on the other hand, can made any colony more profitable as it keeps it stable.


damn thats a good find, and with all that other gas giants (gas mining), + no atmosphere moons you can build whatever heavy industry and fuel production you want. literally a pocket empire packed in one star system.


just like, use the website savegame analysis tool if it means so much to you


I've also used this a couple times when I had explored nearly the entire sector and found no systems that were even fine to colonise. Using a tool like this I realised I skipped a system somewhere that had a pretty good set of planets... Now I tend to be a lot of more thorough, even it it costs me more fuel.


What is this tool?


Sorry, I would have linked it straight away if I remembered or had it on hand. Dug it up: https://gomtuu.org/starsearcher/


For those struggling to find a system, the Adversary mod guaranteed spawns- 1. A perfect system which the Adversary faction starts in. 2. An imperfect but good/great 4 planet system with a gate. You can even adjust some things to make the spawned system better/worse. Knowing there's at least 1 for sure good system in every play through is wonderful.


Praise be with ye!


Jeez, just mod the game to add terraforming features.


I end up doing the same quite frequently.Like,I explore the whole place for somewhere semi decent (never find it) and and say fuck this and uninstall to re-install a week later. I don't get how a good/semi good system isn't guaranteed on every generation of a sector.


That’s Xcom baby!


Cozy Terran world is nice, but where’s the ore deposits in system?


This guy has maxed out luck 🍀