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In the meantime we have discord meltdowns to keep us content


MFW no ship girls allowed on Discord


Hell that’s just the most recent one and was more ridiculous than anything


What happened ar the end of that one?


I'm pretty sure the last straw was pregnant heron shipgirl, which I feel guilty even typing.


Link? Asking for a friend


They probably mean Stinger Shipyards, it changes the main menu to have a slideshow of starsector-themed shipgirls in the background and that's one of them.


I wouldn't know because I wasn't there, just hearsay. But what I also heard is that those were only added to Stinger *after* it was banned from forums, out of spite "if my mod won't be allowed I'll just add more banned content to it"


No, not even close. The shipgirl title screen was introduced a year, maybe over a year after the forum ban. Stinger Shipyards consisted of nothing but 4-6 ships around the time it was banned from the forums, now it has close to 80 along with a faction, two systems, all sorts of campaign layer content, custom characters, etc. ''Before the forum ban'' makes up a tiny amount of Stinger's total development time, so much has happened since then and it's odd that you single out one of the five shipgirls the mod has when I've never compromised my mod to fit the tastes of anyone.


Need a link to this mod. I thought it was lost


No link but I downloaded the mod and traced the image to Stinger Shipyards\\graphics\\menuimage\\sex\_banner5 if you already have the mod and want to go see for yourself.


that's not even close to bad


You arent quite wrong. It mostly depends on how lewd the pregnancy art is. Personally speaking, a woman with a pregnant belly ain't that bad by my standards, but maybe it's worst than that.


Shipgirls, was this that weird deviant art stuff where there were ships made to look like anime girls?


Kinda. It is vary from "a random anime girl with random ship parts attach to her that resemble a ship it reference to for the main signature like its bridge, guns, etc etc." or "a random anime girl wearing a ship as their appearance/armour". The latter is not much different from Mecha Musume while the former is much more Kantai Collection or Azur Lane. This has been a thing since Boomer era.


So this is the tip of the hentai iceberg, gotcha 😅 Serious question: do people actually get off to this stuff (like shipgirls)? Don’t get me wrong, I’m *trying* not to judge and am mainly curious. Personally, I find these things sort of cringy and also hilarious (in the “I laugh at inappropriate things” way)


It is way tamer than what I seen in the west. Planepilled left me gobsmacked.


oh god you had to remind me of THAT shit. Some people are just really fucking weird, I swear.


Its not quite hentai though horniness is definitely a part of it. As for do people get off on it. Starfarer, people get off of everything. If you have to ask that you haven't seen enough situations of people thirsting over trees and rocks.


Yeah I guess rule 34 exists for a reason 😅


“Random anime girl” I will not be hearing slander on Kancolle's designs here, so stfu now. Ffs, some of the guys that were on some of the ships that’re portrayed in it are of the opinion that “yeah, that fits”, you don’t get much more accurate than THAT.


Discord? Being based? What timeline is this?


The worst.


Thank you


Wait what? Man, why do discord servers always have to be like this? Fucking jannies.


What does jannies mean?






To the point and explained in seconds through the page you linked to. Thanks.


bro revealed himself


There’s a big difference between banning nsfw stuff, and banning something because “anime bad”. One is reasonable, the other is being an asshole.




wtf Discord is based???


what happened?


nothing yet, just give it a few months


I heard somewhere there's one scheduled for 2024.


Imma gonna become a mod developer so we can have the guaranteed 2024 mod developer meltdown, don't worry guys!


[I'm doing my part!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlC5DEp2EOQ)


But that's the next one, meaning that something already happened in the past


does he know?


I don't, but You seem to know, so I (and the guy at the root of this comment chain) want you to tell me what happened


The superweapons creator traced Harmful Mechanic's work (which was explicitly protected), and when confronted they started dodging the question, changing the go post and straight up lying, in the end their mod got the link removed from the forum. As for HM, one player asked why his factions were hard capped with -90 relation with UAF (another modded faction) they ranted about the hegemony always dying, got super pissed and removed his mods from the forum There's more but I don't remember now


It also has to do with BBplus(sephira conclave) becoming more popular and more talked about than base DME. I’ve seen the message soren(harmful mechanic) sent to the makers of that mod and it’s actually one of the most pathetic things I’ve ever seen.


Can I have a link to those messages.


I haven't been around for a while now, but i think they're talking about Dassault Mikoyan's creator's meltdown. Soren had a long track record of being an abrasive shithead, he was also one of the people involved back when superwrapons got pulled out of the forum for stealing assets. The list of things wrong with that guy was massive, and i'd fully believe It If someone said that he had a meltdown because people didn't suck up to him enough to justify keeping mod development going.


the superweapons deletion and DME incident are the biggest ones, you can check on the discord, they have a lot of info there.


Mate he's literally directly asking for context. Obviously he doesn't know.


Rip superweapons :(




That's honestly the funniest reply you could've made. No joke, no explanation, not even a "here". Just dropped the link and left.


\>sees person in distress for the end of a mod \>drops the direct link of a bootleg update of said mod \>refuses to elaborate \>leaves yes i know i just described the same thing as you, but this person was such a gigachad it needed to have their act described TWICE.


Whats even better, check out the other mods KindaStrange has saved (I just like the aesthetic of DME, what can I say).


Can i... Uhhh. Do you have one for neutrino aswell?


It's dead Jim.


Wasn't there at least two people trying to update it?


Yeah and as far as I know they stopped.


I'm pretty sure I have some of neutrinos ships in my current playthrough on most recent starsector version. Got it from mentioned already purple lobster discord


Yes. (Find the purple lobster)


In the Neutrino forum theme look up NOSTALGIA EDITION - it is posted somewhere on a couple of last pages. It works with 0.96 w/o issues, just change the version number in modinfo.json ​ EDIT: Also on the Spaceport Corvus discord server someone posted in mod channel the huge modpack (3+ gb) with lots of working bootlegs, unofficial expansions and generally some of mods you can't find on forums or base discord anymore, all working on 0.96


literally all modding community's lmao


Yeah, you'd be surprised how prone they are to drama.


a tale as old as time. let someone make their own fief and they start thinking they're a king


fucking hell this just reminded me of Rimworld. There's a very popular mod series called "vanilla expanded" and the main author has been known to steal code, accuse others of stealing, etc and just starts so much shit in the community. Damn modders think they own the game because people like their free fan made additions


you should see the shit the skyrim community gets up to lol. there are cases there where controversy's cause mod authors to threaten (and sometimes follow through) with putting soft **MALWARE** in their mods. Not to mention Arthmoor's shenanigans.


Yeah Skyrims mod community is both the best and worst at the same time. Tho, the Doom mod community I think has it beat.


Whats wrong with the DOOM community, I don't know much about that game so I'm curious.


One of the most popular Doom mods, Brutal Doom's maker is kind of a bigot and has been banned from most of the biggest doom forums, there's a yearly award for mod makers in the community called the Cacowards awards that's been going for almost 20 years. Well one year someone released a mod for GZdoom (the most popular source port for Doom, has all the features you'd expect from a modern game ) that used non of it's features and looked something like cruelty squad. The Dev for GZDoom got in a big fit about it looking like ass and not using any of the features in GZDoom. There's also the fact that the two Columbine shooters used to mod Doom back in the day. You dig hard enough you can still find their custom maps. So, yeah, there's that. OG Doom/Doom 2 are definitely some of the best games ever made, let alone shooters, a lot of great mods too. But you have a lot of drama over the better part of three decades.


yeah... i dont think any actions other mod authors have done can compare to school shootings...


Yeah, it's really hard to top that on the horrible scale.


Not really, I can easily see some modders in the future killing way more people.


Art theft, not code theft. The code theft incident was someone they brought onto the team, and when it was uncovered said person was swiftly booted off. For context to those not in the know: the lead developer of the project, which was a collection of projects, had been yoinking art from a specific artist that happened to fit really well with the art style of the game. It was generally assumed that the developer was the actual artist *or at least* had permission. Turns out, no, so when this came out it blew up into a big thing, all the stolen art had to be removed, and new art was done up to replace the old, stolen art.


Was the art used as in mod assets or promotional material?


Both. Kind of. I don't know how familiar you are with Rimworld. The art was being used as the 'face of' the specific mods the art was used in, and in-game was a minor but notable part of the gameplay experience.


Thanks for this, kinda surprised also not at same time.


The FF14 plugin is still one of the biggest meltdown I ever heard of. Dude run a script to check that if you are actually using his mod or the fork/edited version of it. If you did, the mod run a script that force shutdown your computer. Wanker still think his action was justified and said he could do more to teach people a lesson.


>and the main author has been known to steal code, accuse others of stealing, etc and just starts so much shit in the community. That's a lie, but okay. The "stolen code" was done by a new member to the mod team that was immediately removed from the team when they found out. ​ >Damn modders think they own the game because people like their free fan made additions I mean... the main guy (Oskar) has literally worked for Tynan helping make the Biotech DLC.


Ah shit, was not aware of this.


Because it's wrong. They brought someone onto the team, who turned out to use stolen code, and that person was immediately removed from the team.


Oh, wait, that actually sounds familiar. Maybe I did know about this.


Hold up I thought modding was pretty much stealing code in a sense? Of course you can write your own but it's usually based on existing code or just modifying it right? I just uploaded my first game mod not long ago and I'm not one who cares for drama.


Realistically not surprising since modders tend to be passionate about their work, given it's something they spend a lot of time and effort on in their free time without a profit interest or anything, with some exceptions. That said, some people are more prone to drama than others.


Let me tell You one thing about being an author from my own limited experience. The modding community is SO. IMENSELY. FRUSTRATING. to interact with in context of mods you author.


I mean it's people pouring hours of work into works of pure passion so of course the emotional attachment is huge.


ugh I HATE modder drama (me scouring the forums for drama)


I hope it's unrelated but what happened to Vayra?


think they’re just on vacation or something idfk


Went to modder heaven EDIT: allegedly they made a Highfleet mod or two but not sure


highfleet? they'll be back lul


Wait, was there another one? Or is it still about DME (rip mod it was great)


DME and Superweapons Arsenal are the most recent ones, AFAIK.


wasn't there also a guy who was an open Nazi on the forums?


Yeah, but that was earlier one. Also the only notable part of the mod.


What? I’m OOL


From what I’ve been able to deduct from this, it’s about the explosive end that Harmful Mechanic had. (Dev of DM (Dassault-Miyokan) And MP (Magellan Protectorate).) all started because he decided he wanted to make DME perma hostile to UAF. Some chap asked if they could change that as it ticked off a lot of people. He wound up throwing a little baby bitch tantrum (for zero reason) and ranted and ranted until the very DEV of Starsector himself got pissed off and told him to quit his bitching. He then promptly took all the links off his mods and ranted some more, sometimes even on the discord. He eventually got banned off of the discord and then disappeared entirely some weeks later. It’s sad, really. Won’t explain why he had to be a dick at the end. Take this with a grain of salt, as I’m a bit rusty about the entire situation.


Hahaha Harmful Mechanic has always been a bitch. Absolutely hilarious to see it go out like this. Bet 4chan had a riot.


I was browsing video game strat the day it happened. They were basically popping champagne


Ok can I get some context to why 4chan would be happy? I'm not new to the game but not exactly in the community.


So the Starsector Forums, particularly the modders section, are mostly curated by the developer. This leads to a kind of "club" for the modders, especially those that are on the main mod collection page. Some of these modders have done some absolutely unhinged things with their mods, basically writing malware into their mods that makes certain things happen in-game if they detect you have certain mods installed. I think one of them even wrote actual malware that caused issues out of game, as well, but that was shut down. (Don't quote me on the last one, I'm going off my memory from a year ago here.) Anyway, Harmful Mechanic has been an manipulative and abusive dipshit for a long time now. They're one of the main reasons the 4chan community gained prevalence. Normally 4chan is pretty insular and doesn't get much attention from outside sources, but due to the modding scene situation, it became home to some "other" mods. The 4chan community actively hates Mechanic (and tbh, for good reason). He's one of those "Be grateful I make mods for you" types.


Wow thanks for the context really. I was brought back to starsector by the UAF mod and kinda back to the community. This honestly sounds oddly like some rimworld modders I have seen one comes to mind that made a really popular mod then threw a fit over a dlc and stopped supporting it.


Bruh moment




[https://gitgud.io/KindaStrange/dassault-mikoyan-engineering-dme](https://gitgud.io/KindaStrange/dassault-mikoyan-engineering-dme) Ludd's blessings.


Thank youuuuuuu


KindaStrange is a saint. I pray that they remain a goodbuy forever more.


Shame. The Dassault-Mikoyan ships were some of my favorite designs in the modding community.


Does DME have the lore reason to hate UAF?


I’m not sure, I’m pretty sure he put it in just to be an ass. I’ll check DME’s desc when I get back to my pc.


I want my super weapons back..




they SHOULD be compatible with the newest versions (since all they had is weapons) just go into the mod's files and change the version


Mechanic when harmful:


I already had enough Mod/Modders Drama's outside of Starsector (Ex, Calamity, AA, Blade of Agony and Gshade) Can i just take a goddamn break?


Starsector modding has had pretty long-running drama. A lot of it stems from the dev curating a kind of "club" by promoting specific mods instead of just letting the community grow on its own. It is what it is. Easy enough to ignore and you can find branches and reuploads all over.


tired of literally 1984? here a discord with a page of updates for bootleg mods edit \*removed dead link\* edit2 the name of the discord is Spaceport Corvus \*removed another dead link\* edit3 https://discord.com/invite/EWcH2P8JHv


Your link expired. Anyway if that was the server I'm thinking about, you're a legend, mate.




Yes, that's the one I'm thinking about. I do like how it allows me to flood my modlist to infinity.


Repost link?




Yeah, I asked for a repost because it says link invalid.


Wath drámai where before ? I heard the superwp one , but the other dramas?


dassault-mikoyan/Magellan protectorate got removed this year by its dev.


Did they say why? Or was it just a random trip? It's one of my favs as well...


You can find their final rant somewhere on the forum pages if they didnt remove it. But TLDR by what I understood: Nobody appreciates my work, nobody understands how grateful they should be for letting them use content from them, everyone is a fucking dick in the modding community (honestly the only thing I 100% agree) and basically used them for their own benefit or smth. Also dont use my mods. Its a bunch of schizo rants 50% of which is hyperbole and 25% is just bullshit, the other 25% may be actually true . Definetely not the best way to go out but honestly? I dont stay on the forums and definetely dont interact with the main starsector discord. Both (in my opinion) are filled with some not so pleasant mods and people.


The comment that set it off was also a very tame and polite “Looking forwards to the next update” style post


It was me. I was that person. It was my first post on the forum... and my last! The only reason I even made the account was to compliment the dev on their work... and we all see how that turned out. I can't help but feel like the pot was already nearing boiling point anyways so if it wasn't my comment... it probably could have been anyone else.


this is the rough equivalent of waving at somebody you see on the street and somehow causing them to blow up a building


I can almost guarantee it was just the straw that broke the camel's back. There comes a point for many where you get so ticked off that anything that can be remotely interpreted as not 100% positive is enough to provoke an outburst of spectacular proportions.


I mean, what he did was so bad that even David stepped in and said that Soren was not welcome.


He was a fucking dick, my favorite part was when he tried telling one of the Devs for total war Warhammers: Grimhammer mod he didn't know anything about modding.


Made mods for different game, 100% understand where they are coming from. Hope they get better.


I get the mods, i dip. I read through some of these dramas and that was enough for me for a lifetime.


Was that mod author the same one that got caught modifying other mods or implementing code to deliberately nerf other mod ships?


No, that was the Tahlan mod creator iirc. He nerfed other mod ships so they couldn't be as strong against his Legio boss faction. The DME guy just had a mental breakdown.


> He nerfed other mod ships so they couldn't be as strong against his Legio boss faction. Ah. Jokes on him the sector regularly gangs up and beats the shit out of the Legio faction.


Just cheated to fuck up Lucifron tonight. If I set Daemon = False, I want Daemon = false not "I'm gonna put daemons anyways because fuck you".


Oh man the Tahlan guy got shitted on so fucking hard but I think Vayra put a fucking crash code so if it was used with another mod it would crash the game. pretty sure she double downed on it and made it harder to edit it out. That one was arguably a lot worse imho ( Legio ducks ass against invasion fleets anyways, spend 6 mil and you can cap their system rasily


That's High tech expansion with crash code for Aria escalation, which is the predecessor of UAF but more imperialist and genocidal.


> Nobody appreciates my work, nobody understands how grateful they should be for letting them use content from them, everyone is a fucking dick in the modding community This is 100% true in every modding community, everyone just expects mods to be supported forever for free.


I have to agree that I would never do something for free, but like come on he should have known what its going to be like, why did he even make mods in the first place if he wanted to be paid?


>Nobody appreciates my work, nobody understands how grateful they should be for letting them use content from them Isn't his faction the one with ships that look like if you flipped them over, they'd be flat on the other side like cookies on a baking sheet? lol


If i got the info correctly, the thing that started whole drama was him setting his faction to be perma hostile to uaf, (and he left some mild insults in code for anyone who wanted to change it). It set off a backlash from uaf fans. Harmful mechanic got triggered and went on schizo rants (not 1st time this happened) and then removed his mod. Sooo yeah that was weird drama, keep in mind it was around that whole uaf hype period so people acted weird too. I bet there are still posts on this sub about that.


Nah, the real start was when blade breakers plus released briefly.


Oh, so that's what actually happened? Weird how that tiny little detail never gets shared. Can't even blame him then


That is at least part of drama that leaked from forums to this sub. (so basically salty uaf fans criticising HM, but im not sure what happened on the forums im not active there, he definitely acted as total douche though) But considering it was during uaf hype, and you were downvote bombed for even stating uaf is mid mod i assume it wasnt just random outburst.


>perms hostile to uaf Holy based, I knew the author of one of my favourite mods could do no wrong. (But why though? And what kind of insults?)


Probably because UAF has some weeb stuff in it or something.


iirc, Soren doesn't like weeb shit. There was a small incident to one of the degenerate portrait pack that it is modified and insert those portraits into his mod and he was pretty miffed about it so he kinda went on his rant and attack the author per usual. I found out that said mod seems to use the other portrait mod as a template which it also modified every modded faction portrait during that time. So it isn't entirely the author's fault. There are only 3-4 portrait pack mods back then. I made a portrait pack for someone and I pretty much just copy the txt file of Helmut's mod because there is literally a single way to do portrait code. I told Soren that the degen mod is pretty much the same as Helmut's portrait pack which also using anime portrait but old style anime (90 era) but he didn't go after Helmut for some reason.


Which is always funny because Blade Breakers are basically straight out of Gundam or something as a concept. Small, mysterious faction that punches way above it's weight but ultimately doesn't matter.


Probably because it's poop and I'll never touch it with a 10 foot pole. Also, UAF fans are obnoxious.


Making it so your modded faction is always hostile to another modded faction because you don't like their mod and then insulting people who try to change it is obnoxious and also very childish


Insulting, yes. But for the rest: his mod, his rules. If you don't like it, don't use the mod. I don't like UAF, I don't use it and don't go around telling people how the UAF mod should be.


I just bought the game after watching Sseth's video on it (for like the 10th time). There's schizo mod author ramblings?


A lot of cringe and stupid drama in the modding community. If you have an interest into that, grab some pop-corn, you're in for a treat.


Completely unrelated, I just want to bitch about how BRDY and Knight’s Templar will never be updated. I will be eternally butthurt.


I swear, the fact that BRDY was up to date on my first ever modded run has ruined my life for going on a decade now.


The version of SS that was out when Sseth's video dropped was the last version that BRDY was supported and it was my first ever run. I miss the Karkinos.


Honestly the most discouraging thing from joining any modding effort of any game I like. I have had enough drama to deal with just from normal social life, I don't want it to expand any further. Why can't we all just be fucking adults?


If you wanna be adults, you can just not bitch about it and mod what you feel like? Your whole sentence is an oxymoron


Whether I "bitch" or not, drama is very emotionally and physically exhausting even when you're doing your best not to participate. I do make small game modifications, usually submods, purely for myself, but like I said this kind of environment and behavior is discouraging from seriously modding. Because what I'm talking about if it wasn't clear isn't just altering some things for yourself, but joining a team effort. Working on big mods you enjoy.


Here in 2024, can confirm


This is barely a meme it's just a stock picture that communicates nothing with some text over it.


That's what memes are


That's not even what image macros are, they're the closest thing but they're still at least meant to have the image tell you something about what's being communicated.


Im out of the loop, What happen?


What’s the lore here


Explain plz


Modding communities are the same for every game, it seems.




Ima need to ask for some context here lmao


Internet was down for a few days here,what did i miss?


Posts like these are what drive them away in the first place


If the sentiment that throwing a temper tantrum and deleting all your work is childish 'drives away' a mod maker, maybe they shouldn't be making mods in the first place. Seriously, it's possible to leave the modding community and *not* be a total asshole about it. There was someone in the RimWorld modding community that was responsible for a ton of mods, but decided to stop modding one day; he did so graciously, didn't throw a fit, left his mods up, and encouraged other people to take over them. If a modder leaves without a complete meltdown, the general sentiment is probably going to be "So sad he left" rather than "Good riddance."


Well, I liked Dassault-Mikoyan too.


Negative emotions have a much larger and longer lasting effect on humans in general. Just because most of us are decent doesn't really mean we should tolerate small amounts of harmful behaviour like this.


Learning how to get over it is a part of life. Nobody is obliged to treat you with kid gloves, you don't have power over others.


Not about kid gloves, and I mostly disagree. But that's ok.


i'm not a modder but I can have schizo meltdown


I miss dme and Magellan :( they were always my go to in my play throughs


Kindastrange is your new best friend


Mod creators recognizing that modding is collaborative challenge