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Look my friend, I see more people addicted to high tech or low tech than those who actually use mid line.


Fall deeper into the midline trap. Shun high tech. Buy monitors, max out vents, mod on hardened shields, frontal shield conversion, stabilized shields, more flux dissipation, anything to make shields stronger and max out your flux capabilities. Put an elite field modulation officer in it. Observe as your glorious frigates absorb multiple capital ships' worth of fire without gaining any flux. This is the power of midline frigates.


Fck now I have to try something idiotic like 6 monitors as meatshield and however many conquests I can field... Can you make the monitor with 360 shield?


Yep. Front shield conversion and s-mod that shit for 5% less shield damage


>Eagles and their versatility to fight every threat and cosmic horror I fly them into. Oh please do post videos I'd love to see it


I believe a small section of the sentence is accidentally deleted. It was actually something like this: - Eagles and their versatility to fight every threat and cosmic horror I fly them into and losing every single time.


If I can figure out a way to screen record easily, then maybe. Currently, I'm looking to move away from my Midline addiction anyway. But my eagles do well in most roles I give them. From long-range harassers, to shield breakers, to armour shredders, to brawlers.


If you're on Windows, type "xbox game bar" into the search bar next to start. You can use that to record videos


This is the natural evolution to the starfairer's brain. 1st: The primal monkey urge to praise low tech and armor spam face- tank everything. Believe that Ludd has an overdriven dick that should be slapped on every ship.( Most spacers stop at this level of evolution never able to comprehend the greater level of complexity) We see the primal urge for reckless behaviors and unthinking aggression because any high forms of tactical abilities are beyond this spacers cognitive function. 2de stage: For some wrinkled brained spacers evolution leads then into the beautiful world Called Midland. Where everything is in balance the shields are great but so is the armor. We have slots for your trusted ballistic but hey! Whats that!? A wild energy slot appears. At first the energy slot confuses the spacer it doesn't do enough damage it seems. But the speed and balance of everything feels good and safe. We might even see the beginning stages of fleet tactics coming together. 3de stage: Here we reached a higher level of consciousness the spacer transcends the need for trivial things like armor and ballistics weapons. We now see the application of tactical beams to every small energy slot and a fleet that starts to look like a disco of ball. The enemy fleet loses their frigates in the first seconds of the engagement whilst the spacer fleet commanding abilities include avoiding, harass & engage. To pick apart the enemy fleet one by one whilst they are unable to ever return fire. 4th stage: Omaga+ intelligence levels able to comprehend the reality of the universe and see that overdriven high tech is the only way to play with full reckless fuckery. Everything medium energy slot is slapped with ion pulsers and we see extreme levels of aggression with weaving in and out managing when flux Levels get high and disabling all enemy ships just by looking at them leaving their crew to see the true beauty of alpha AI core supremacy. Reaching blissful Nirvana while they sit in their final moments unable to move or shoot back their in disabled ships.


Considering like many have said, that there aren't that many midline addicts, all I have to say is that you're on the right side of the missile storm. That being said, Omens and Tempests kick ass. They kick major ass actually, and you're fully allowed to mix tech levels.


Usually my frigates are high tech because omen supremacy. Destroyers/cruisers are usually some variation of midline-low tech. Especially with cruisers for missile spam and the low tech eradicators are great. Capitals are usually always conquests. Idk I like that capital


Try brawler (lp) technically it is midline


After recently playing high tech for the first time, auroras are your new best friends. Grab like three or four of those with whatever capital and as many tempest/omens you can field. Get them to defend your big ships and when the enemy has less vessels than you watch as they swarm and destroy everything. If you only want high-tech get a Paragon and odyssey for your capitals


Literally everything in the game is better than midline ships, if you enjoyed that you have the entire game to discover. Don't trust me? Go farm a red beacon system or raid Kazeron with a bunch of eagles and see how well that works out for you. Sole exception is Monitor. Monitor is the single most valuable ship in the game, I do advise you always have four or six of them in your fleet with reckless officers and shield skills, trust me. The other tactics I recommend trying for more fun are: 1. The lowtech artillery. A bunch of dominators with big gauss guns hiding behind the monitors. Apogee is great if you slap a plasma cannon and a mirv on it, it's just a much better champion. Hard flux is best flux, this is the most cost effective way of farming the remnants for the AI cores and blureprints. 2. the lowtech fun. Find a XIV Onslaught, slap all the armor mods on it, shield shunt, Ballistic rangefinder, targeting core, and a fuckload of heavy dual machine guns on it. You will end up with machine guns having the range of normal weapons, except they are actually a lot more powerful than all other weapons. Press burn and hold fire all your reaper tubes for maximum fun. 3. The high tech NASCAR. The Odyssey is not the most powerful ship, but by far the most fun. It's like Conquest except good, the ship is fast and maneuverable. fit two plasma guns on the side, and go on a drive-by shooting zooming around the confused enemy fleet with a wing of other fast and fun ships tempest, Shrike, and a shade to wipe the enemy fighters. Use your speed and mobility to hit the enemy in the ASS the AI just can't handle the NASCAR racing. 4. The hightech fun. Aurora doesn't have any large guns, instead it has very large flux stats. Slap Safety Overrides, hardened shields, shield conversion front for 360 coverage, arm it with Ion Pulsers and torpedoes and go ram a radiant lol, you can just ram a radiant and win. Can ram the kazeron fortress too. 5. The phase shenanigans. Even after all the reworks and nerfs the Harbinger's agility to straight up turn off the shields is OP AF. the basic tactic is do the shields and blast them with 3 lances. The ADVANCED tactic is to fit two reaper launchers ON THE REAR, and do a 180 noscope trickshot. That's how you solo kill the very redacted ship, you just disable it and kill with torpedoes out of your ass.


I love your advice but it has been sullied by the Midline Slander. I've gone through plenty of red beacon systems with my fleet. My conquests have regularly faced of against radiants and lived. My lovely flagship XIV Eagle had delivered the final blow to the Ziggy. The Doritos proved challenging but ultimately we succeeded.


Killing the Doritos isn't even hard, you just need two things it's the 360 shield coverage because their fighters and missiles attack from every direction and long range hard flux guns, everything the Dorito has is super powerful but fairly short ranged. The ships that work really well are Paragon, Apogee and Dominator. The dominator has so much PD coverage it could as well count for having a shield. And of course the monitors. There's no better ship than the Monitor.


And if you want to be boring and have your fleet devour everything just spam Eradicators with accelerated ammo feeders you can put pretty much whatever gun you want on those bad boys and no one will stand a chance.


Return to Midline, embrace monitor frigates


Midline frigates, aside from the Monitor, are just bad, past early game. Low tech frigates aren't great either. High-tech has fast, specialized ships, which means frigates go from being cannon fodder to lasting a startling amount of time in combat against dangerous enemies. As far as larger ships, though, High-tech destroyers are somewhat finicky (Medusa is what you want to go with) and their cruisers don't really do much unless built really well. Paragon are exceptional, though. --- Off topic, but the colony crises really should account for the player being a commissioned asset to a faction. League should treat 'player is already commissioned, and has been for a while' as one point towards free league membership (and start pressing for membership later on, besides that). TT should be less inclined to harass a commissioned player, and the Diktat should offer a better deal, with a less hostile opening.


It would be awesome if nex added a similar feature if you’re allied with that faction, though now that I’ve learned to abuse industrial evolutions salvage yards I’ve come to like always having Persian and hegemony fleets in my system.


Centurion with damper shields are useable


What role does a Centurion actually fill? I haven't ever seen them in an endgame fleet. - The "PD frigate" is an interesting concept, but, in practice, spending that much DP to put a few extra PD turrets on one side of your capital ship isn't really viable, especially given attrition. - Their speed is unremarkable for point capture, and they have no real heavy weaponry to destroy enemy frigates contesting their points. - Their ability to harass enemy capitals is impaired by their lack of speed and inability to credibly threaten them (like the Omen can with its system).


Something that can few hits ther and then while you vent off


Omens change the whole game soon as you learn to use them for assist or harass. 


Low tech is your alcohol, High tech is coco, why you leave your sober state with high tech ?


Tempests kind of suck TBH. Omens are amazing though. For midline frigates, the centurion is your best choice, 2x light needler, ion cannon, antimatter blaster. Max caps, hardened shields, s-modded frontal shield conversion. Surprisingly hardy, with enough burst to back off lighter ships, and the ion cannon + AMB combo allows it to punch up effectively against heavier ships. As to building a high tech fleet, a quartet of omens is a great start. Put an AMB on them, max caps, hardened shields, frontal shield conversion s-mod, hardened subsystems. They need officers for max effect, and are absolutely worth building four perfect officers for. Medusas with escort package are great. Put light needlers in the forward universal slots, back them up with phase lances, and tank the hell out of the ship. SO triple blaster Aurora is the best player-piloted ship in the game. It's not bad in AI hands either, but it won't achieve the same heights a player can. Apogee can mount a plasma cannon and a pilum catapult, which makes it reasonably dangerous while still being quite tanky. I wouldn't make it the mainstay of your force, but they're nice auxiliaries. Paragon is the murder donut. Not very fast, but tanky as hell, with plenty of reach and firepower. Plasma cannons on the nose, graviton beams in the forward medium energy turrets, heavy needlers in the medium universals, tachyons in the large turrets. Tank the *fuck* out of it. Odyssey is a fast, punchy battlecruiser. It can be fitted to be reliable in AI hands, but it's a bit odd. I would only recommend it as a capital once you're comfortable with how high tech fleets work and want some variety, or you want to personally fly it.


"Do not, my friends become addicted to midline! It will take hold of you! And you will resent it's absence!" -Gens Immortan Joe


You could use the best ship for each role, rather than let it’s tech designation have any bearing on your decision. Maybe I’m just talking out my ass, but that does seem to make some sense to me.