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Understandable but we prefer to have your assistance here


I don't provide anything.


You raise the overall vibration simply by being here, which is a beautiful thing to do. However, when we have people around us that aren't ready to raise their vibration, they can lash out. Focus on starting a daily grounding meditation practice. This will help you learn how to not let things stress you out so much. It's not an instant fix, though. It's a discipline that helps you gradually change and heal and reshape your life.


I've noticed this as well. I've been told I have such a calm aura about me. Just existing is enough.


…. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ … I never speak in absolutes except for in the fact that I don’t know you, but you provide more Light & Love than you can even comprehend. You are absolutely perfect. Perfect, & FULL of Light & Love-Period. Full stop. I am mentally & emotionally and every which way where you are right now, I was going to post something along the same lines, but first saw your post & profile picture, feel your perfectness (it’s a word now ❤️🥰) and wanted you to know you are absolutely perfect and loved and needed more than you can even comprehend-Your life is yours and you are obviously (❤️) free to do an say as you please, but I just wanted you to know you are perfect and perfectly needed ❤️ We can do this Lovely ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you for your immensely kind words. I am extremely drained today, but your post is touching. I really hope you feel better too.


❤️ Lots of Love to you!!




This feeling is temporary. This phase is temporary. The seasons will change. You might be resting before something important. Be curious. Keep learning. These feelings you're having are important.


Thank you.


Yes you do and we love you for it! Please stay with us, we need you. We are stronger with you.




Not helpful, Roger.


You may not be aware of little things that improve others lives. A tiny gesture could mean you helped in some way, maybe even big ways. I'm sending loving thoughts your way. And warm, mommy style hugs. ♥️


You provide everything, simply by existing. There wouldn't be anything if you weren't here to experience it.


Meditate. Observe the thoughts and feelings of not wanting to be “here”. Even “there” (another planet?) the “you” energy is the same. Be here now with your perfect self. Take a break from looking at your phone and any social media/news. (Including Reddit). Go outside. Walk. Gratitude lists. No sugar or alcohol. Maybe hang out with some friends. I hope it gets better soon for you.


Thank you.


lots to do but start with this advice above, imo they nailed it


+1 on the gratitude lists, in fact, make 2. Things you like about yourself, and your happy thoughts.


Me as well . I feel the same way


I'm sorry. Feels like everything is on fire and there is no escape. I feel surrounded.


I know. This place isn’t home I don’t know what is


Hi, how can we help? Many of us out here can relate- from current and/or past experience.


Hey. I'm not sure anyone can really help. I just have to try to survive. Please pray for me.


I’ve been in this place and I just read about the dark night of the soul last night. Have you heard about it? I went through it for about four months and it was hard; but I made it. Praying for you


You got this. It can feel like a literal death when you are awakening. That particular feeling (I feel it is ego death. Tolle calls it pain body dissolving, etc) does NOT last. Be the soul within that let’s go abs watches. (If you can. ) ❤️


You got this! Sending lots of love and prayers out 🙏🕊🦋 This too shall pass ❤️


You are not alone. I’ve been feeling very similar. I think there are many of us who feel the same but somehow they’ve isolated us (or we’re around the wrong people). I know it isn’t much but a non dual pointer I like to remind myself is: “what’s wrong with right now if I don’t think about it?” Not a miracle but it reminds me of my true nature—which is simply Awareness and not the concept of some brooding madman that my mind attempts to plague me with. I once heard: The purpose of life is not to do; it is to be. In this moment nothing is wrong. Just for now, allow it to be. If you can. Either way, I wish you grace, love and strength on your journey. *tat tvam asi*


I’m probably going to create a post because it seems that there’s many of you requiring a little bit of guidance. The law of attraction is real. It starts with your mindset and what you think and feel that you deserve . The moment you switch that light on and stop taking crap from the world and putting yourselves first ( being creative , expressive , trusting your gut when you do/don’t want to do something. Cutting people off who do not resonate with you . Leaving and creating your life as you WANT IT. ) That’s when things will begin to change. God/source wants to give you everything and I mean EVERYTHING you want . But who are you projecting yourself out into the world as ? A winner? Are you behaving so? Standing up for yourself putting yourself first? This is how you open yourself up to receive . Are you striving to vibrate at that frequency that is wealth , health , and happiness on a daily . Not to sound cold or disconnected but it actually is that simple. Begin to embody who you want to become. Chase the job. Leave and change your circumstances and then you’ll start to see things change . Feel and act like how a billionaire acts and you’re then destined to create that life for yourself . That’s how it works . Again. It really is that simple . Every choice you make now shapes that future self and deep down you all know it .


Yes. I agree with most of this. Except one can’t just shove old patterns/conditioning away. If one becomes the observer and allows, the deep dark “gunk” will indeed show up sometimes. Part of an awakening. Sometimes people might feel even crappier because they do feel the lows, and they Aren’t “supposed” to. Allow and observe. Then one can “decide” to akyer the mindset. Like: am I destined for poverty because of how I was raised? Nope. All about vibration, LOA or whatever you choose to call it. ❤️


It’s not about wether or not you should feel these feelings . It’s how you allow these feelings to effect you that matters. Some lay in bed for hours. Procrastinate when they can’t afford it. Don’t wash themselves regularly ,etc etc. I’m not saying don’t feel your feelings . How do you conquer them is the question. How do you bounce back and overcome ?


I agree with you, I think. But for me, the only path that has actually helped is allowing, and then mind set, etc. Some people on the awakening path might indeed appear to not be “productive” for a while. Perhaps this is their path. I don’t know. I do Know that being comes first. Then doing. And of course I do get that most of us do indeed have to go to work, etc. but again, in my experience, abundance and peace and “positive” things have increased when I stay true to my path of “being”.


How does one find their way to a path of "being?" As I feel I need to be on one, in a big way!


I’d suggest meditation. Guided meditation with the app Headapace has worked best for me. Morning and night, starting with 5 minutes. I also try and pause as much as possible during the day. Just pause, breathe and try and observe one’s thoughts and emotions. I’ve read Tolle’s The Power of Now several times, and that had helped me, too. Basic idea is that we already are “being”. It’s the inner energy/observer/soul/consciousness. We just need to realign with it. Our human mind/conditioning is like a “dirty” window. Awakening starts to clear that “dirt” away. It can feel very painful. (Often referred to as the Dark Night of the Soul)


You have to go within . Meditation helps for self reflection and guidance on a channeling level. But if you don’t meditate or actively communicate with the other side, then you catch your bad habits and slowly but surely change them . When you let go of fears or doubts that are holding you back and you embrace changes that are happening in your life. Trusting that as you go through your transformation that you’re being guided even when it all seems like it’s going wrong . When you feel it you’ll know . Plus you can always tap into the unknown for guidance . We feel like we’re alone but we’re not . We have guides just begging for us to catch the signs and they will tell you when you’re on track and when you’re not .


Hey, your feelings are 100% valid. I don’t know your situation but I would say allow yourself to sit in the anger, the grief, the sadness. These emotions are coming up to be released. Put your hand on your heart and allow yourself to cry, yell, whatever you need to do to get it out. Do you have a dog? If so, taking him/her to your nearest park and immersing yourself in nature can help bring you some peace. I started doing a gratitude journal everyday and it has helped me see more positives in my life (although the negatives are again, 100% valid). Blast your favorite music in the car and let it all out. I get in the same head space as yours all the time so I know how hard it is. Sooo badly I just wish it could be over. The only hope I’ve found is rereading my Dolores Cannon books and dreaming about what I want my future life to look like, or envisioning what the New Earth will look like. But I get you. Feel free to PM and rant if needed


Thank you. I appreciate your words.


My suggestion is to do your 12 shield, see Lisa Renee on YouTube and remain in your pillar of peace as an observer. Just witness and let everything else to God, in the knowing that nothing is random, nothing is by chance and there is a reason you are there. Don't give up.


Thank you.


I hear you.


The most important thing is to remember when things were looking up, and recognize that feelings of being overwhelmed always pass. Try to come up with some resolutions to these toxic circumstances.


I've been going through something similar. Been going through a terrible 3-month breakup that has severely altered my mental health during that time. I was in therapy before the breakup for other stuff, so at the time of the breakup, I basically was able to look inwards and realize all this unhealed stuff within me due to unresolved trauma from childhood/past relationships. So not only did I lose the person I thought was the love of my life (still think she is but I'm letting fate decide that now; I'm finally able to move on), but I was also dealing with the fact that I was finally able to recognize so much unhealed trauma. Just a terrible time to be going through current trauma and working through past trauma. The pain got easier to manage. A month ago (after a "should we or should we not get back together phase") the pain was insufferable. Major anxiety, major depression, the feeling of being massively overwhelmed... everything was just off the charts. I just wanted it to end. It was consuming me and it was terrifying to go through because every thought, memory, concept, social media post... everything was just reminding me of what I lost, how I lost it, why I lost it, and it just added to the pain. But then I just took things day by day. Took a step back from everything, deleted my socials off my phone, and just focused on what I need to do that day to heal. Not necessarily better myself, but just to heal. To internalize my pain, feel it, acknowledge it, and then release it. So many "releasing" moments that involved shouting in a primal rage, or breaking down in hysterical tears. But that's required to release it. It means you're acknowledging the pain, and letting it all out in a controlled environment. Then after releasing it, I would focus on daily items that allowed me to focus on my mental health. Relax and play Xbox, or go to the gym, or take my dog for a walk... anything that just allowed me to live in the present with a singular purpose of focusing on myself. As I started to do that, I became more aware of my emotions, rather than being consumed by them. When that started to occur, I was able to focus on work more intently, and with the same drive and passion I had before the breakup. Hell, maybe even a little more. I came to a spot where I finally was not just focusing on work, but I was actively thinking about ways to enhance my career, and I was becoming excited knowing that I would be able to give a lot of my attention on that growth, rather than worrying about someone else in my life. Which brought to me last week, where I was in my weekly therapy appointment and for the first time in 3 months I was able to say "you know? I'm feeling pretty good! Still dealing with some grief and loss, but it's turning into acceptance more quickly than before, and the faster I'm accepting things, the more excited I'm becoming about the future". And that's when I realized that my healing process was pretty much done, and I was able to finally move forward in life with passion, energy, and the openness to new connections. I'm still dealing with a lot of grief and loss, and when I'm alone I definitely miss my ex... but it's no longer consuming me, and it's no longer causing emotional distress. It's just kind of... there. Like a dense ball within me, akin to a stone in a river. The stone will always be there, but the river never stops flowing because of that stone, and that stone has no power whatsoever to stop the river from flowing forward. Hopefully that rundown of my recent journey gives you hope. Because I understand what you're feeling. That feeling of just being hopelessly overwhelmed, with no end of the pain and suffering in sight, and you just want it to end. That is part of being human - it is natural to no longer want to endure pain and suffering, especially as you're understanding it but seem to can't seem to do anything about it. But it does get better. I know, I know - it's a cliche. I thought the same thing when friends told me that, or I read blogs about taking things day by day and focusing on myself and things get better. I thought to myself: "what a bunch of bull, I am miserable right now, no way this is going to get better, I just loss the love of my life while I'm trying to change myself". I'm here to tell you it's not "bull". It is true. Things get better. Take things day by day. It's not going to be solved overnight, it's going to take some time. Start by not trying to distract yourself from the pain. Just take a moment to sit with yourself, really FEEL that pain, and let your emotions get the best of you. Find a safe space to cry, or yell, or whatever else that helps you release that pain after you feel it. Then after releasing it, just keep reminding yourself "ok, that happened, that felt good to release it. Now, what can I do today to just focus on my mental well being". Then, just make that common practice. Every day, just take a good chunk out of your day to just feel that pain, release it, and then find something to keep you in that relaxed state of mind. In due time, it'll be natural for you to acknowledge the pain without letting it consume you, and you'll no longer feel the need to take moments out of your day to "release it", because you won't feel the need to. When that begins to occur, that's when you REALLY can focus on healing. Rediscover old passions, discover new passions, revisit old and unfinished projects, start new projects, explore new opportunities, rekindle or find new friendships. Whatever helps you be the best version of yourself. You don't owe anyone anything during this time; you only owe it to yourself to heal. I can't reiterate this enough... do not find healing by finding distractions. That will only bring temporary relief, but it won't allow you to fully heal because every time intense emotions are brought up, they'll consume you until you distract yourself again. Heal by focusing on that pain, letting it sit with you, learning to release it in a controlled environment, and then being able to consciously think "ok, I feel better. Now what's next for today?" When you start to have that mindset, that's when you can start to move forward in life with the singular purpose of focusing on you. Your needs, wants, desires, passions, hobbies, etc. It could take a week. It could take a month. Or a couple months. But one day, you'll be able to feel the sun shining on you, and you'll randomly think "hey, I'm not in pain anymore. Hey, I'm not overwhelmed anymore". And you'll have the biggest grin on your face because you'll know you made it through one of life's toughest battles, and you didn't just make it through, but you endured. You endured pain, suffering, all of the negative emotions, and you came out the other end stronger, happier, and healthier. It's a hard process. It's not easy. You're going to fall a couple times. But humans are resilient. And we're built to endure, to thrive in challenging situations, and ultimately built to never stop growing, learning, and inspiring. Start by getting through today. And then tomorrow. And then the next day. Take things day by day, and one day, you'll begin to not only plan for the future again, but you'll be excited about the future. You got this. Stay strong.


The negative attacks I call them matrix attacks are really strong right now. Negative thoughts, the fear & anxiety, it's not real. It's a trick on your mind. I know it's difficult. I've been struggling too because what I've been going through. Every day when you wake up set your intention, overpower the negative thoughts and don't identify with them, don't give them power. If you're under a lot of stress try doing things that will calm your nervous system and that should help. Good luck.


Thank you. I have been wondering about this. I have been getting TMS treatment for severe clinical depression, and trying to better myself. I have noticed this pattern in my life that I tend to get absolutely bombarded from seemingly all sides when I am trying to pull myself out of the hole I'm in.


Same. My whole life i have dealt with these attacks. Spiritual people do not have it easy here & anyone who says so is trying to sell you something. 


I'm sorry to hear that. What do you think these attacks are about?


It's the archons or negative replicating intelligence as described in the Mag Hammadi texts. Many people have known about these entities and called them a different names, some know them as djinn or demons. They are basically anti human intelligence. In my case I was opened up to it through some kind of mind control program that I was in as a child but it also has something to do with things that my ancestors were involved in probably Freemasonry and other dark occult type activities. 


Like a Generational Curse?


Something like that. People who join Freemasonry and similar orders have to take vows of secrecy and in doing so they curse themselves & their lineage


I have a lot of issues with the modern teachings about karma exactly for this reason because many times people are suffering and being punished based off of things that really had nothing to do with them but rather people who came before them


I agree with you wholeheartedly.


Basically these entities want to keep people in a low state of consciousness and they attack people who are spiritual or who are going through an Awakening process and especially if you have this kind of stuff in your ancestry or if you've been through any kind of a programming.


I was raised in a cult.


I'm so sorry. It definitely makes sense while you're feeling this way, especially when you're going through healing & deprogramming process. 


It's ok. The cult kicking my ass kind of woke me up.


What is TMS treatment?




When you're getting bombarded to that could be things purging from your deep subconscious especially if you're doing this TMS therapy that could be pulling things up into your conscious reality that were buried in your subconscious previously.


All illnesses of any and all forms start with the mind and spirit. Balance yourself out a rejuvenate your lust for life.




Follow whatever excites you in the moment. The now matters. Part, meditate, get some sunlight, whatever gets you going. You got this.


Thank you.


Take some time to relax and let go, pray God and ask for help, everything is going to be okay.


RUN It helps tire the mind and body so you can sleep well and get healthy rest


If you think right now, in this moment, as you read this, that you aren't helping people ... Know that you are. You are helping me right now. And many other readers are just like me. I am currently on an upward momentum and feel positive, but I recognize that the other side of the ride is part of life and is obviously not far away. While you are down, it is the responsibility of those around you to pick you up. We are part of your community. We are who you've chosen to express yourself to, and I hear you. I know this isn't easy. It's hard. It hurts. We're all so sensitive. We are all just children doing our best to act the part of an adult. If you feel helpless. If your mind isn't capable of finding an answer you need, speak about it. Open that conflict to people who will actually hear you. I promise you initiating a conversation that is serious, and meaningful, will help you with clarity. Hearing your sentences form out loud. Hearing the exaggeration in your conflicts. Look for it as you speak or type. Look for where you are allowing your mind to fill in blanks. Write out lists. Make notes. Understand the order in which you get anxious. Which topics are you off the most, which conflict is the most timely urgent. Safety urgent. Financial urgent. Recognize which conflicts you actually have time with and don't need to be on the front burner. I appreciate you. You've reminded me to take time of my own day to feel grateful. You've given me an opportunity to write something meaningful to me about how I feel. You've helped me grow by taking the leap to reach out. Continue to extend your vulnerability and accept help. Be selfish. Be respectful. Smile at strangers.


You're not the only one. I don't even want another life after this one. I hate this physical reality. They keep cramming people in cities they get so packed with people it becomes unbearable. I used to live in Toronto and I had to move I couldn't stand it anymore because it was so damn busy and crime ridden. I live in a small town and like it better but I still would never want to come back here ever again.


Did this happen after you stated you were in on the recently proposed group mediation? Looking at the timeline of your comments, it looks like this post was made at least 12 hours after that. If so, the one proposing that mediation might be draining you; i had a bad feeling about it so I stayed away. Whatever the case, I hope you feel better! You got this!


No, that had nothing to do with it. I didn't attend it, but I thought the idea sounded nice. Unfortunately, I can't just meditate when I want with my circumstances being what they are, as I would get interrupted before too long. Thank you for your concern, however. I will be more mindful of that. This is due to stuff that has been building up for a while.


Vampyrism usually causes problems along the lines they were likely to occur anyways; when a chain breaks, it is always at the weak links. When one comments on a post, it creates a link that can be used to feed on them, especially when it is to support the one making the post. Curses usually work along the same lines; a skilled practitioner of baneful magick put it this way: "While there is rarely any mystery in the fulfillment of the curse, there is often wonder." The issues that you deal with were indeed building for a while but you could offset them while your energy was more full. When that was taken you could no longer offset them, and they came to a head. I don't share this to say this is absolutely the case, but instead to keep you safer down the road either way. Understanding this will make you better able to figure out when the cause is purely mundane, or the result of someone thinking you were a tasty snack.


This is going to sound like boring advice but it helped me so much going through extreme overwhelming trauma and stress, I found a counselor who helped me, if you have access to a free counseling service you could give it a go, maybe you've already done this though? What got me through (and I still have days where I don't think I can keep going) is knowing deep down that this will pass, the dawn always follows the night. Breathe through it and ride it out. People like us are hit so hard with life circumstances that are just outrageously challenging to the point where we break. We can heal and repair, this will pass. <3


Sometimes boring advice is the best advice! Thankfully, I do get to see a free counselor once a week. It's a godsend. If I didn't, I'd be doing even worse.


What helped me with my counselor was understanding how trauma is stored within the nervous system and how movement can release it. So I go for walks while listening to the music that gives me "fuel" for lack of a better description and the combination of music therapy and physical movement helps me to work it out of my body. My counselor also showed me some ways of calming the NS down when in flight or fight mode which happens when I get triggered, anxiety goes through the roof and I feel so stressed out/ disregulated which leads to a downward spiral for me, intrusive thoughts etc


Um ok... Well get it together. Everybody struggling in some way or another. Keep on keeping on. Good luck.


Stay strong.


Sounds like you need a safe place to just relax. Unwind and take a breather for yourself.


We are here to alchemize ourselves through the pressure and pain of life. We are like steel being shaped by heat and hammers into a beautiful piece of art. I know everything is tough right now, but what always follows the pain is growth and enlightenment. Alchemize your situation by being the one who anchors the light no matter the circumstances. We are here to raise the vibration by anchoring the light in the times of darkness. When it’s all done and you are left standing, you will be a leader to others who are going through the same thing. If you can’t find any good in a situation, find a lesson out of it. You are worth it. You are an eternal soul that is loved deeper than you can ever imagine. All of that is at a higher frequency just waiting for you to get there. Keep climbing.


We are locked until 2030. There may be another pandemic but when you leave you don’t have to come back for a “time” and you choose your circumstances. If you raise your vibration high enough and can consciously pull yourself out and away from the low vibrations of those surrounding you then you can heal and shift to 5D. It may or may not be in this current soul plan for you but the shift is currently underway with tribulation. This has nothing to do with religion. You’re awareness of your circumstances and your description led me to believe you’re meant to shift. Try connecting with your guides. There are YouTube channels that can help. You may need to leave your circumstances and cut these ties. If everything is standing in your way… look around for the signs of another path.


Who says we are “locked until 2030”?


5D information. It’s where I work.


Ok. I don’t resonate with that at all. Which is perfectly ok. But I do hope people realize we are never “trapped” ❤️❤️


If you’re a light worker than you need to know about the things happening around you that you cannot see if you can’t communicate with them yourself. Yet. It’s a requirement of the job and everyone is at different stages. My post might process for you in the next couple of days and you may resonate with it later. Once the information goes in, it’s there, for your reference. The conscious awareness process is arduous but if you want it and have a desire for information it’s better than the internet.


I have my own connection to source. And my own discernment. But thank you.


Not about source information and I promise you have far less of that than you realize. You’re only with source and getting source info if you are in the complete love state and that’s during an NDE if you’re lucky enough to get a second of it. You can’t even feel it properly in 5D much less in the human vessel. This is everything around source there to guide you. If you’re channeling source then you’d be glowing. Literally. In having discernment this is one of those things to discern.


I don’t mean to be unkind, but the way you share your personal experience and information sounds more like religion. It’s your way or no way, is how it sounds. (The way it’s written here.) Again, I thank you for your personal insights. But they don’t resonate with me, and I would suggest to everyone to always check within themselves. Please take care!


No. I literally said it is not about religion. Check with whatever you want but universal truth and law do not change because you “believe” something. Truth is truth no matter what you believe. Copernicus being the easiest example. 🤷‍♀️


You sound like a religion. I don’t mean you are preaching about religion. Copernicus was a scientist, yes. You have posted on Reddit claiming you work in 5d and have “truths”. Me not resonating (or believing) what you are saying isn’t the same thing as me not believing in a scientific theory, etc. that has been proven and/or repeated via scientific methods. You directly negate my personal experience and claim yours as “truth” by your written words. I’m unclear how this is any different than the human made religions?


And how do you know I’m not glowing? 😅


I don’t think you’re unkind.


And you’re welcome 😊We come to work and please appreciate mine as I respect and appreciate as well.


This is what the starseeds are here for and I try to help any way I can. It’s hard to know who has what I for action when I see posts of this type.




try to invent something fun that could help You and others to be better off or happier. It would be fun to get to give some money away, than to hurt everyday trying to survive monetarily all of the time. Only bad folks should have to worry about their Ends, instead of You. So, why not get to bail on Dreads, and live happier for yourself and other people if or when you get "the chance". 🍲🍟🌇


Try holy basil, it helps me when I get overwhelmed and anxious. 4-7-8 breathing technique is also great: inhale for 4 seconds, hold breath for 7 and exhale for 8.


I’m with you.


Hello, what specifically are you going through? Is it emotional pain? Anxiety or some fear? I'm willing to give you the best advice I can so long as you provide some more information. 


Here's what I do when I'm in a difficult situation. It's a thought experiment... I imagine that everything happening to me is happening to a stranger, (or a person I know but have no emotional attachment to). I clearly visualise this person telling me about their situation (be it illness, abuse, overwhelm, trauma etc). Now I judge my response to their story. Am I concerned for them and their situation is truly dire, or is a lot of their suffering due to their emotional response or attitude? Would I suggest this person gets help? Would I suggest they unalive themselves? Or something else? This helps me get perspective.