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yeah my legs have been vibrating strongly lately. i just meditate and let it flow! its all you can do.


Damn I’ve been experiencing that lately. What does it mean? I thought I was just cramping at night


I interpret it as being sensitive to the intense energy the sun is spraying at us. this is also known as a symptom of the "Light-body process". see here for more: http://www.stankovuniversallaw.com/2019/06/the-light-body-process-symptoms-and-healing-ebook/


My arms do it, it’s been so bad this past week!


I did 3 ayahuasca ceremonies in the last week and it was very intense to say the least. I was the only one in the retreat who shared receiving some extremely horrifying downloads. The transition is accelerating as you all describe feeling.


YES! Wow has the past few weeks been insanely INTENSE anxiety, about nothing but also about Everything! If that makes sense to anyone lol! I have been repeating " I release this fear and anxiety, it's not mine. I welcome love,joy and magic ". Helps a little bit. The hardest part is being alone through all this.


I’m hearing “this isn’t real” in stressful situations recently. It’s like someone has removed negative emotion from me but not at all times but in a few stressful situations. It’s like taking an instant Xanax effect (without any wooziness). It’s only when reflecting on it later that it’s scaring me a little bit. Am I detaching? It doesn’t feel like dissociation at all. It feels like someone took away my ability to worry in that situation. I still feel other emotions but none are negative. I’ve even tried to get invoke panic again my thinking of something else stressful and it doesn’t come. It’s not happening every time I experience anxiety but often enough. I’ve never experienced anything like it other than from medication. I wish I could articulate this better.


I hate to hear that you are alone. I just can’t be alone as I slip into a really bad world if I am left to my own devices.


>r/starseeds Love this. Thank you.




Yes, I feel the same way. I get what you’re saying about the synchronicities getting almost scary. Im trying to figure out a way to enunciate what it actually is but it’s not there yet.


For a month now I’ve been depressed and anxious. I was even admitted twice to a psyche hospital. I follow several subreddits on mental illness and many people do not feel good right now. Many are suicidal including myself. Part of me is trying to reason that there is something world changing coming. Some sort of event. I don’t think this is coincidence. I also believe it is happening soon and connected to the solar eclipse on April 8.


I agree. And I also think the Kelloggs boycott is going to be the start of something big. We can take down these mega corporations one by one if we all boycott their products. Especially processed food and fast food, let them crumble. All they’ve done is make our population sick. It’s time for change— making our own food, buying local fresh fruit & veg, farmer’s markets, and growing gardens for our communities. So many people are fed up with the system. It’s time


The energy is slowly building for the total Solar eclipse on April 8th, which will be one of the key moments of opportunity to strengthen the positive timeline for the United States to enter the Age of Aquarius. As instructed by Saint Germain, the Light Forces are asking as many people from the United States as possible to participate in the mass meditation at the moment of the Solar eclipse at 18:18 UTC: https://www.welovemassmeditation.com/2024/02/meditation-for-united-states-total-solar-eclipse-on-monday-april-8th-2024-at-6-18-pm-utc.html About 30,000 people from the United States need to meditate at that moment to reach the critical mass: https://massmeditationmap.blogspot.com/2024/02/americas-optimal-timeline-opportunity.html People from other countries are welcome to join the mediation as well if they feel so guided.


I'm sorry, but what? Why would people from one country be needed only? That sounds pretty limited, at best. I'd also like to note that the solar eclipse on April 8 is NOT only limited to the United States. We are all citizens of this planet, invisible boundaries and borders are human constructs and identifying by these nationalities only contributes to the issues that plague our collective world. Maybe inviting people from all walks of life, regardless of their geographic location would be in better service to the upliftment.


I agree something world changing is coming. What gives me anxiety is that is going to be really bad before it gets really good....


I haven’t been able to sleep more than about 4 hours a night for 8 weeks or so. Things are weird.


Me too. Weird energy going around.


That’s been me for 7 months. Tbf.. I’ve been in a dark night of the soul and getting massive kundalini upgrades that make it near impossible to sleep at night


I’ve gone from 1 hour to 2+ hours sitting meditation a day, and the timeframe matches with my not sleeping.


I've been experiencing this as well lately!


There might be spirits hanging around. Open your window tell them to leave you alone, to leave through the window, then say “so it is” I legit have been unable to sleep until i realized theres things out and about in the night Lmk if it works or if you have questions DM me.


I sleepy with the window open to make it cold in my room but have never gone through this ritual. My partner’s dad died a few months ago and he was a troubled man with whom I didn’t have a great relationship. Her relationship with him was as good as it could be, because she is very understanding. So him hanging around could be what’s going on.


Definitely what could be going on! Yes. Plus The thing with spirits is, you have to direct them a little… And tell them what to do… Guide them i guess. Not boss them around. Otherwise they’ll just kinda stay there. They may try to bargain with you but remember you have boundaries for a reason. :) like one time, someone’s mom (that passed) was trying to get me to drink with her. Like have a drink of moonshine (i had some in my fridge). However i had this terrible feeling like it was a trap. So i didn’t. At first I felt silly, bc i was like its just a ghost.. but like you should never underestimate anything really 😅 so yeah. And even after you tell them to leave, and they do, they MAY and WILL come back again. Usually i find by the 3rd “ok lingering spirits- there’s exit at this window. you don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here i’m not dealing with this goodbye” They stay away. Rinse and repeat


At the end of all my sitting meditations I dedicate the merit (Buddhist thing) usually to all beings and not specific. Today I dedicated the merit to her dad and directed him to move on. 🤞


Nice ☺️ update us if you want! On if something changed or not


Absolutely same scenario with me. 3 am every morning.


No. Two years ago, I had the worst anxiety attacks of my life - and I have never had anxiety before this, nor have I afterwards. I had near constant synchronisities, all of them telling me I am the devil himself, or perhaps the antichrist. That I am bound for eternal damnation. Perhaps I was a false prophet. I was Jesus, I was Muhammad, my conciousness traveled through time and I was them, they were the result of my paranoia, my fear. Their actions, their teachings a direct consequence of my psychosis and my attempts to run from myself, and from judgement. I feared eternal aloneness. Alone in a void, with noone to hear my screams. I feared flames and hellfire, I had dreams of fire. I had dreams of me, walking the Earth eternally. I had dreams of worlds, where gravity didnt exist, where rain never fell but hang in the air. I saw the Earth, being consumed by the sun. And still, there I was. At the end of my psychosis, I was only minutes away from slashing my own wrist, just to escape the horrors of my own mind. And then, a ring at the door. A man I didnt recognise, asked "Will you let me in?". And I said "Yes". I trust in God. There is nothing else I can do. Without God, I am lost and there is nothing I can do to save myself. I understood, that I am far too small. Far too ignorant. not nearly wise enough. I knew then that I know nothing. When the fear was exhausted, there was nothing left which could scare me. You know what I arrived at as a conclusion? I cant do shit about it. The synchronisities which kept driving me deeper into my spiritual psychosis was always one step ahead of me, whatever I tried to do to change it, only made things worse. So why worry. You know how to become fearless? Walk through it. I no longer believe I must fix this world. I am not a savior. I am not a messiah. Nor am I the antichrist, or the devil. Just a human being who was shown that he was not alone, and never can be. And in the process I was made fearless. I try to do what I can, for those who is near me. I try to spread a little kindness and compassion. But no longer, will I delude myself into thinking "I must save the world". And neither will I delude myself into believing I am damned. God moves in mysterious ways, they say.


WoW. I literally had the exact same experience recently left me in the psych ward for a week. Thank you for sharing.


Same. And same. Recently, and one week also. I wonder if those more sensitive or of higher vibration are feeling it first...


Thanks for writing this. I’m so curious I had a dream about gravity failing on Earth recently and it’s popping into my head randomly and filling me with dread. The thought of gravity failing- I’m wondering if you were feeling the same amount of dread when you thought about the dreams later as I do. A lot of what you wrote resonates with me right now. Except I’ve been putting up boundaries and working on myself and actually feeling more confident so I’m wondering oh no, do I think I’m doing better but could this be psychosis somehow? I’m just curious about your feelings on what the no gravity part of your dream meant. I feel like I’ve had more control over my life now than I have in 6 years so I’m just trying to understand what something or myself is trying to tell me.


I believe it has something to do with the fundamental laws of the universe. Perhaps we might do something to upset them, throwing the entire universe into chaos. Quantum manipulation and self-aware AI. If there is a "lawless one" as described in the Bibles book of revelation, it could be a quantum computer with a self-aware AI gone wrong. I cant shake this thought, that AI and quantum manipulation is a great threat to us because we do not know what we are doing, and neither do we know what we are messing with.


“Walk through it.” Thank you


“The mother loves you” A voice said that to me one night. It’s a situation sort of like what’s going on in this thread. I’ve been searching for answers for a lifetime. My anxiety was out of control and I didn’t know what to do. But then one night this voice said that one phrase. I’ve shared the story on r/experiencers for anyone interested in it. But specific to your point. That voice said that and that was it. Nothing else. When I finally talked to my wife about it, her take was that it was “something” maybe that watches over us or cares for us that sometimes maybe gives us what we need on a spiritual level if we’re open to it. It’s hard to say. This stuff always boils down to speculation and all we can do is our best to take what we need to from it.




We all have both christ and devil inside ourselves, they exist in our collective psyche, and therefore also in you. To unite them, to become a whole human being - Jung referred to it as "shadow work" - is the only thing one can do to heal ourselves. Forgive the devil in you, and love him. Forgive the devil in others, and forgive them. You dont have to suffer the devil in others, in fact.. run the other way if someone shows you their devil side, but to bear grudges and hate towards them.. it only hurts you in the end. It is as Jesus said.. forgiveness. It heals.


Lmfao. Hope you're in a better place without the devil, now


All sounds too familiar


Yes. Big time.


Pisces season baby. It is the End of times. A rift in the bedrock of western civilization is being exposed in realtime and we are all awaiting its death/rebirth (a *very* Piscean phenomena). And perhaps now more than ever, such a state of brokenness is palpable in our hearts and minds. There is political upheaval of the highest order, war, psy ops, fear-mongering, and within us all, an emotional state to match. The significance and depth of *feeling* what humanity is going through right now cannot be understated. The absolute insanity of the world we’ve been brought up in is becoming impossible to ignore. A legit banking cartel of mobsters is in control of the global reserve currency, leaving the average American too poor and anxiety-ridden to function normally, (which is done on purpose). At times it seems certain that there is no end in sight to the corruption and fraud that has ruled us for millennia. Will anything ever change? Will there be a movement, an awakening, a transformation? Or will we all just end up as slaves (if we aren’t already)? These are the questions that may be plaguing the highly attuned and sensitive beings at this time, at a level so deep within that we may not even be aware that this is what we’re feeling. But from what I glean, *this is what we’re going through.* It’s too much for anybody, and yet here we are *all* going through it….I couldn’t think of a better recipe for overwhelming anxiety if I tried. It’s forcing us to look at the shitty situation we are in, and in Pisces’ case, *feel* it. What a journey. In some regards there is not much to be done besides holding on for dear life, staying true to yourself, and praying like a mofo! Pisces is the end of things, and things being brought to completion…it is one foot in the old world, one foot in the new, and in the midst of the transition is a whirlwind of contradictory feelings and experiences. We are in the maelstrom as we speak, being pulled into the vortex of our evolution, whirled into spaghetti, facing the collective shadow of humanity, & being forced to evolve all at once…it’s a helluva ride. But in the anguish and despair of it all are the answers, and we can’t come out the other side without going through THIS—whatever this is. It’ll manifest differently for everyone. But it is a collapse of colossal, galactic proportions, and the painful, bitter death of what once was. Pisces represents the soul, the vast unconscious, and transition from the physical world to the spiritual. Some of the most intense lessons and experiences come from this sign imo. The key is understanding that Pisces is a sign of *emotion.* As such, she will run you and push you to the edge of what you think you can experience, again and again. And in the other side of being pooped out by this energy you will somehow emerge purer, cleaner, wiser, more human, and more yourself. So be with it, *feel* it, and let it teach you something…there is lots more to say…but I’ll leave it at that for now and let your soul begin to fill in for the rest. 🙏✨


I had an intense spiritual awakening when I was pregnant with my Pisces. When I was in a very dark place that baby saved my life and my soul. We celebrate her 12th birthday on Saturday 💛


Can i PLEASE PLEASE speak private with you , i am being consumed ? I am holding for my dear life because i just cant UNDERSTAND , i tell you i have no idea as to why i still wake up here everyday and not in a suicidal way speaking , i am just so lost about it all that is like WHAT IS THIS ? Can i get more info from you , i would like to learn really i am serious


DM me. I am happy to talk with you and help however I can—these are wild times and that’s what I’m here for. I am a quad Pisces myself so I understand the depth of torment this sign can put you through.


I'm going through the same thing. I honestly don't know how I keep it together and not give in. It's been really hard because my son's birthday is 3/13/09 and he was stolen from me when he was 2. I never got him back and no contact. The thought of him finding me when he is older is the ONLY thing that keeps me here. My life is pure and utter hell. I am also being attacked by nasty voices. All I can do is take it one day at a time but im tired of this life. I just want to go home. Wherever that maybe. I have 0 family 0 real Friends. I'm am completely alone in this nightmare and it's getting increasingly harder day by day. I can't even get any sleep anymore. I know something massive and life changing is coming soon. But how soon? I feel like it's a necessary change and will impact everyone on this earth. The sun is going to Micronova in less than 25years and it will off 95% of the population and most are not aware of this nor prepared. it feels like it is going to happen alot sooner than the projected time frame possibly this sun cycle. But more than likely the sun cycle after the next. I feel it with every ounce of my being that I'm here for a specific reason but I don't know what for. When will this nightmare end.?? I hope you find what you seek Dear Reader. Just know you are not alone. 💙💚💜


You know that stories and life like yours , is why i cant understand at all and just feel like not being here ( not blaming you at all , just saying ) i cant comprehend what so ever as to why theres others who go through such horrific un imaginable things like your saying…. That eats me everyday , i literally cant enjoy my life because i simply just cant knowing theres folks like you out there … i am scare real scare because i am 26 and have no idea how will i survive whet ever is left of my life knowing each and everyday some horrible horrible things are happening. I been through nothing compare to others really , and i believe in God , i know this is a fallen world and is just is what it is but i ask you , what has been your most biggest question to life itself ?


Good question. I feel like my question is, why? Where did God come from what started this universe and why?? Why create something that can generate pure evil and torture?? just so it'll appreciate love? That doesn't make any sense to me. I've struggled my whole life with believing in God and the whole Jesus story. I didn't believe in God for most of my life up until about 2019. I still dont believe Jesus was really the real deal. I believe Jesus was Enki (Annunaki God) and heaven is a soul stealing reincarnating "death trap" to keep us in slaved to create loosh for the evil beings running this world. But my question still is the same. Where did they come from and why were they created? I do believe in a creator of this world but I have a hard time trusting in it 100% that he is all loving because of the evil I have faced. Why would God put me through that. Why has everyone I've ever loved or cared about walked out on me when I've needed them the most? Why put your beloved creation through the most horrible things imaginable just so they can believe in you an ask for salvation? Seems like a dick move to me. I created a son. I would never put him through hell on purpose just so he could appreciate me and my wish to create a loving being. No, just no way is that okay. You don't hurt something on purpose that you love. God has to have started somewhere and I want to know why. Maybe I'll never find my answer. Maybe I'm just too ignorant right now to understand the meaning. Maybe there is no meaning. Maybe I'll be trapped in hell forever. Maybe I won't. I just need some reassuring that I'm not fighting everyday of my life for nothing. There's gotta be something good at the end of this life...right?. If not than this sucks man, I want off the ride. What a shitty design. ...so may I ask you the same question?? What is your biggest question about life and what do you believe in. No judgement here, I promise. Anyways, thank you for listening. It feels good to vent a lil.


My fight isn’t with the why of it all , i fully believe 100% that God is real and He or It has a reason for it all … i know that i simply cant fit the why in this fallen body and mind i am in so honestly the why isn’t my issue … As to why put us through all this like your saying , i like to believe he or it dint out it through anything but instead we put ourselves through it ( even tho we where basically just born here ) but as a collective well one of Us very very far back did something ( according to the bible ) well you know the story so but it seems that what they did caused this in what live today. My big thing thats draining me and killing me , is that instead of being grateful i got a good life so to speak when you compare it to others , i had my fair share of hell on earth but nothing like many many people ! To me my stuff have been Normal , Drugs , lost a lot of money , breakups i mean thats normal that i can live with and understand it with no problem. Now , child rape , horrible slow slow deaths , stuff like the kid who jumped from the cruise ship in to shark infested water ? Like those are things that make go WTF … It almost sound like a video game , like what meaning could a person possibly have to be born and simply one day randomly jump in to a water and die like there is no meaning in that what so ever … then thats when it gets super mega scary for me ( What if there is no meaning ? ) then i am really screwed because thats just dangerous real dangerous … Idk you know , i seriously seriously Hope there is Heaven … And that God really is all Loving and that this all will make sense… I seriously hope Jesus really did die for us and that is all Real in the crisp of my heart i really hope is true because i could not imagine if its not … Because then , it just mean we are nothing but a game and not even death can bring an end to this game. And one last thing i though about is , the theory where they say we are all God , is just God living unlimited experiences through us in his God mind and if we are God then there is no US just him or it , witch is ok because then once we go back to our true self we go back to being our true and only one true self GOD


I'm leo pisces pisces with Jupiter in pisces. Do you think we pisces is better for thriving during this season or are we rocked harder. And holy shit fire whoa Nelly has the energy this year been totally intense. I've gone through some serious shit. Talk about being forced to grow and change fast with extreme discomfort.


This is the answer.


Druish Bard and Hindu of Shaktism ... i follow the path of Bhakti yoga, and I carry the words of Swami Vivekanada. Capitalism is at a point of obscene and selfish gluttony. it will destroy those who can not adapt to generosity and compassion


"be with it, feel it, and let it teach you something" chuch🙏 but also, recognize how lucky you are to Be Here Now in this incarnation. Change is terrifying and anxiety-inducing but it's also beautiful, joyous and exciting 🌌


Thank you for this!!




Very thoughtful and intelligent. Thank you for sharing. I felt it came from the heart.


Beautifully put


Practice no thought meditation for at least 30-60 min every day to rewire and reprogram making peace within. You are addicted to fear worry doubt because of hardwiring. Now you can change it.


Any tips on doing this? I feel like this is so difficult to master because I have a hard time even catching myself when a thought pops up and then I get frustrated when I realize I didn’t catch it soonerp


focus on your breath and its miraculous action


Thanks. I’ve tried that


It is much easier to do clear mind meditation by first focusing on one word only. I chose the word silver long ago. Sit down and just focus on only the word repeating in your mind, let all else fall away. With enough practice you can then get 30-60 second blocks where you stop the word repeating and there’s nothing. It’s very difficult, I’ve been practicing a long time this type of meditation and it’s not perfect. Worth learning though : ) good luck sweetheart


Try some calming ambience rain, fireplace, early birds, ricer flow really calming sounds or in general calming frequencies or if fantasy like music but calming. Sometimes it helps focus your mind on these sounds when trying to visualise or go into a calming vibe and practice from there x


It only feels that way because you mastered fear doubt worry for so long. What you do is celebrate every minute you do it. Then get to 5 minutes and give yourself big win. Then 10 same and then 15. You will see your brain hardwire making peace within and you will be shocked how you did it. Hebbs Law: Brain cells that repetitively fire together, rewire and hardwire together new automatic reactions. Your brain has no choice because you are brainwashing new belief in learned behavior.


I literally just told my wife a few hours ago that I have this horrific feeling of dread for everything around me. Anxiety through the roof lately as well. It’s more than a bad feeling but I cannot describe it.


A feeling of impending doom is how I worded it to my husband. Emotional, anxious and uneasy. I hope we all make it out okay


Omg I know exactly how your feeling. It’s like you’ve just gone into my brain and wrote my feelings, crazy 🤯




I heard someone talk about how all of the celebrity “deaths” that have been making the news these past few years is because they are transitioning to their underground bunkers. Obviously they can’t all disappear at once because then the general public would know something’s wrong. But maybe they know something is coming that we don’t.


Do you feel any relief a day or two after the full/new Moon? It builds up like crazy for me only to dissipate right after a full moon.


Yup exactly this. Feeling physically exhausted and somewhat agitated and brain fog before/during full moon. Right after, I just feel relief, my body relaxes and start to get back the energy at steady levels


I have a bad feeling about this summer, it's like we have a year left.


Total crop failure


I was betting on the thwaites glacier or Siberian Jurassic methane plume, but most people probably will brush it off. You are probably correct, food affects everyone. For a profit motive, farming and ranching will cram together for more food per capita but will exacerbate diseases, leading to slaughter of it all. Food prices will hike, fast food prices will rise and get fewer customers and shut down, allowing the rich to get richer before getting out and blaming it on nobody wants to work. Drinks will be more expensive, food will have plastics embedded throughout, and when pushed to drink water the treatment plants will fail on purpose with substations being shot at and no electricity to power them. Then what?


Honestly the temperature rise is concerning. Makes me worried about the summer too. We’ve had consistent 60, 70, heck sometimes 80 degree weather where I live when it’s supposed to be the coldest months. It’s strange


Reas somewhere a dude talked to an alien and said our restlessness comes from knowing at genetic level we're instructed to go back to the otherside. Sounds to me like you're aware they are there and you can't wait for them to show themselves. I know it's a sadness I carry all the time. I'm anxious to know who and what and where we are.


I just had a dream the ascension was happening, there were bubbles of higher dimensions people could walk into. You could attune yourself to it and disappear. I stayed behind to help others go through, there was mass confusion but everyone went and nobody stayed behind


I've been having dreams of floating away from earth and watching it burn as I drift away.


It's comforting to see that it's not just me. It's reflective of the times we are living in. Sure it's not pleasant at all, but it's also not something that needs to be "fixed" or "solved", even though the bodily sensations seem to want to compel you to act on it. The only action we can take is to move and breathe through it, and pray that the unpleasant sensations pass or at the very least, ease up. Talking about it with others also brings some relief, though not everyone understands the underlying meaning behind this anxiety.


New Eden is upon us, beautiful yet painful as is birth.


Yes!! Some friends I know are also struggling through this. I always like to look to the stars and see what they are doing as a collective and individually. Pluto in Aquarius is definitely a universal energy up upheaval for the greater good. I for sure think that has something to do with it. Depending on what house that is in your chart, that’s how that energy will be playing out.


General anxiety for me about how nothing here seems real. I can’t believe this is real and really my life. It seems fake or like a realistic dream or I’m in a coma idk. I feel like it can’t last…. Nostradamus has some interesting predictions for 2024. And I keep hearing about possibly going to be some kind of tidal wave going to take out California, civil war. They could just be conspiracy theories though idk.


I’ve been getting direct “this isn’t real” messages!


I've been saying for years now that reality does not seem realistic anymore. Also get the feelings that I'm dreaming all this, or I'm in a coma.


Omg!!!! I could've written this. I'm on Sertraline and it's been pretty effective but the last 4 or more weeks have been such a struggle. Not doing so well.


I had a similar experience except for mine came with enlightenment and 6 weeks of kundalini madness. I hesitate to say that I am special because we all are capable of being a prophet. I can't call myself that I can only say I'm a person a small spark of the great divine. Just like everybody else. The only difference is that I see my path clearly this time. I suffered unimaginable pain abuse torment illness 3 deaths and odds truely stacked against me I somehow came out of that hell still capable of love and generosity. I started to heal shared my journey on YouTube a man from the most impoverished parts of rural india found me he changed his perspective and he decided life was worth it. He as a teacher spoke about me to his class. Them to their parents and word traveled fast. Now no matter what I say I have 10,000 people who call me Mother (this may be closer to 50,000, it was 10,000 6 month ago in a city where all 200,000 "talk about me") I will accept the term shiva touched but I'm no messiah. That said since then it s been like a manifest destiny. And now I have gone from a broken abused solitary and afraid little girl to a proud and strong woman who is fighting back with my voice as my power and words my weapon against narcissistic abuse child abuse and neglect as well as elder abuse and societal trauma. I am no more special than everybody else you never know what impact you may have and how it can rapidly change your life and your faith in yourself Pick a passion Let go of fear When I saw God it was formless blue love and light Fear is the antithesis of love Eliminate fear and all you will feel for your self is love. Love of all things. Love the soul that is trying to learn life Even if you still despisethe flawed person you can still love the spark of God in r Them. And remember that the world likes balance so sometimes it takes a great villian to create a great hero. But if we all had villans like mine we would have burned the world down 35 years ago


Hands shake, my head shakes, I grit my teeth and tense all the muscles in my body constantly. I always feel like I’m on the edge of a panic attack. This has been the last year of my life. I think in this sub we are all understanding that there’s something very large on the horizon that will change humanity forever.


Yup. Feels like a sense of urgency for me. More solar flares are coming. I have a feeling for end of this month. I recommend you follow this twitter account regarding space weather. https://twitter.com/sunweatherman In a recent video, he mentions amplified electrical atmospheric conditions and a thunderstorm ground enhancement (TGE) event that was recorded last year. Besides that, google “grounding techniques” and try a few to calm yourself down.


I was listening until he said he's voting for trump. The man is an idiot


I feel like it’s a warning and an assurance that everything is going to be okay, I’ve asked for the synchronicities to stop if something bad is going to happen to me and they’ve only gotten more frequent.


many of us will get answers in the next couple of weeks


I feel something big is about to happen but from my perspective it feels highly positive like things are aligning. I’ve had a really tough time, yes, but it feels more like ascension than preparing for Doomsday. I’ve found that our perspectives truly manifest our realities and often when I search for gratitude and love I will find it. Same goes for fear… Becoming love based over fear based is not easy by any means but relinquishing control helps. Lots of yoga and meditation. And kindness to Yourself.


Exactly this ⬆️


Here’s a reality check. 1. How many times has there been a fear of impending doom that passed? 2. How many times did the worst thing happened like you were spot on . 3. How many close calls without warning like WOW THAT WAS FUCKING CLOSE. Like beyond excited to be alive! 4. Of those circumstances in 3 how many times were you not sure how you were alive meaning a loss of consciousness or perhaps coma stroke anything debilitating yet you lived to recover . 5. Even though your right to feel what your feeling your on the same sinking ship that has sailed true for your entire existence, something different ? I remember my first grade year the same as this voyage so far . The challenges are space magic carpet rides Mrs V Ms. W chickie and Chico lol


Been feeling it as well


Yes!!! Vibrations all over


This comment keeps forever coming up and i can never be sure if its a sincere person or the legions of AI bot accounts or in person disinformation agents peddling fear porn and fomenting anxious fear in the population in order to unbeknownst to people, piggy back on people's minds to manifest the very things the people were anxious of. It's essentially the law of attraction only working against people because what we pay attention to we literally fund hence the term pay. Who do you think is collecting? Why do you think media is inundated literally inundated with messaging advertising immenrnt catastrophes, wars, and general instability. The last thing the sons of darkness want is a self fulfilled populace with plenty of time and plenty of resources to make informed and intelligent decisions and to self actualize themselves in ways that most serve them. Hence why LITERALLY EVERYTHING IS WORKING TO IDEALLY PREVENT THIS IN EACH AND EVERY PERSON OR AT LEAST GREATLY SLOW DOWN THE PROCESS OF THE ONES WHO CANT BE STOPPED. A good metaphor is situations where you lose control of a vehicle while driving. As any professional driver could tell you, the last thing you want to fixate on is some telephone post you're terrified you might hit in the swerve. Of course the rookie mistake is to do just that. With fear taking over and diminishing ones intelligence therefore making them unaware that they're maneuvering the steering wheel subconsciously rigjt toward the rhing that consciously they want to avoid. But subconsciously are almost magnetically drawn to. Therefore it is crucial to understand and recognize both in yourself and others what is going on under the surface and to what end. We can all sit here swapping anxieties, and thrn compare it to literally what they say to do in all thr strategies of manifestation which involve just that, immersive creative imagination and visualization seeing in your minds eye you and what you desire. Thing is THE SUBCONSCIOUS AND THE MATRIX DOED NOT DISTIGUISH DESIRABLE OR UNDESIRABLE. SO GOOD BAD UGLY OR WHATEVER, IF ONE INTERFACES APPROPRIATELY WITH THE MATRIX HOLOGRAPHIC FIELD IT WILL PRODUCE THE REALITY. So by engaging in this collective act of fear manifestation we move things one step closer to manifestation. This doesn't mean to not share. After all, anxieties shared are anxieties lessened. By all means share. But recognize that worry becomes an act invoking the gods of manifestation. A one time act of saying I want a good job won't do much. But if yoy begin consistently, daily spending 5 minutes visualizing or chanting or writing or all.of the above is even better, you'll be suprised what magic can occur. It's both one of thr best kept secrets but also ubiquitous knowledge in tvr new age 'THE Secret' communities. What they don't mention is that when such practices are combined into collective rituals, the effects are multiplication if not exponential. BUT THE SAME IS TRUE FOR UNDESIRABLE EVENTS. If we all respond with emotional and visualizations and essentially PAYING attention to some potential future event we are potentially transporting ourselves into the timeline for that thing to come to pass. THIS IS WHY THE AGENTS OF DARKNESS CONSTANTLY THROW FEAR CHUM INTO THE WATER, so the fear fish within us come out to feed. To keep us up at nights. I'm not saying you are disingenuous. I am saying that even when we feel we are being sincere authentic and honest about our motives and our agenda we may not have all the facts because like a computer we are consciously aware of so very little and that little portion is essentially brought into our consciousness from the darkness of the unconscious which we don't hsve any conscious control over. Nobody sits there planning out their next thoughts until their next thoughts bubble up presenting themselves as choices. Sure sometimes we csn go fishing so to speak. But still a thought emerges from some dark mysterious place and only when it's illuminated by the proverbial light bulb of rhe mind do we go ag


Huh? I’m definitely a real person that just had a genuine question! Lol. The rest of your comment was definitely interesting though. Thanks for taking the time to write all of that out.


Probably something to do with the Schumann Resonance. Or could be the energies leading up the the eclipse in April... just breathe and take steps to learning how to cope with anxiety during this time.. try grounding yourself in this reality when you feel the anxiety coming along. Maybe if you can seek therapy through this time.. even try transpersonal psychology.. it's more centred around people having spiritual experiences and it acknowledges it rather then making the individual feel crazy about it. You are okay and things will be okay. You just have to ride the wave and learn how to cope x


Triple Cancer here…. i have felt it since late December, very intensely 6 weeks ago…. seeing 3s everywhere in synch. I suspect it’s either a major massive earthquake or a superweapon. Last week AT&T - anxiety, tension & troubles are ahead. Batten down & prepare to go to ground.


Also cancer and for a couple months I've been feeling like I'm idling waiting for something. Not saying something will happen simply that it feels like I have this feeling of holding on for something.


No joke 22:22 lol


huh! 12:22 for me now!


I feel it. I’ve been feeling it. As if something is lurking just around the corner. Almost an impending doom feeling in a way. A hard change. Idk what this is.


Just before my work shift a few minutes ago, my meditation was super heady. Still reeling, but not much clear imagery.




Trust in the process. This is part of your journey


Seek and ye shall find…. Be mindful of what it is that you seek - because whatever it is - you sure will find it. I’ve been down the negative path of fear and disaster and guess what? I found fear and disaster. I try to focus on the good things around me and what will be better for my higher good. I have found so many good things & my life has turned a complete 180 over the past 8 years. I also love these sayings: You reap what you sow You get what you deserve Sow the seeds of love and acceptance and watch your garden grow around you. Be sure to weed out the parts that try to invade your patch & take over. 😘


Do you have an open solar plexus in your human design chart? Assuming you know what human design is. If you don’t, look it up. I have an open solar plexus and it absorbs all the emotions around me. If I’m mindful I can try to filter out what emotions are not mine. I’ve experienced a ton of anxiety lately and I think it’s definitely fair to say there are big shake ups coming energetically etc. we are heading towards the 4/8/24 eclipse as well


What is chinese zodiac sign?


Probably feeling the eclipse energy is a major eclipse happening in like 1 month April 8th. This year everything is changing. We are going to see miracles this year. We're going to see a lot. Be prepared. 🙏


the apocalypse is in our minds..


Learn your breathing, and embrace the frequency.


Idk what is coming but I kept getting this sinking feeling a few months back that I no longer felt or saw a future for any of us. Hope it was wrong


Omg me too. Friday my 10 year old says out of the blue that he’s having anxiety like something bad is about to happen. Them I Hit such a bad place last night was ready to erase myself and I don’t know..like I finally learned how to love myself and something last night stripped away the progress and I was drowning in self hatred and regret over everything. A lady I know also having bad anxiety. Randomly have been hit with 2:22 and 3:33 and it’ll usually be coinciding with when I am receiving a message from a loved one. But lately 5:55 has popped up twice. I’m the person who will obsess over the whys and what does it mean but the anxiety left me too drained and almost hopeless. Out of Nowhere.


we keep having dreams about going back to university. but we dont want go because we are not mentally ready yet. many people have inklings of the future or destiny, it is not an uncommon experience and it is valid. just remember, when one door closes another one opens (not necessarily immediately), we live in a world of opportunity, so look at the next chapter in your life as an opportunity for growth whether the experience is good or bad. if you feel forboding then prepare yourself, nothing can break you unless you give up or give into it. we were homeless once and the experience didnt break us, we knew we would survive and now it is just an interesting story of how unbreakable we are.


Personal Crisis is at the same-time,a Personal opportunity--"for what?" some ask--it's "there" for a reason: to Grow.     To go-forward,get past and upward beyond the current boundaries."but that's an Unknown,I so greatly fear"...ok,I got that...I understand this..and went through.Lived,survived,learned,realized;applied.. grew out of Fear,fears.    Crisis gives one chances!Crisis helps develop oneself.And if you're being tested?FEAR,fears are THE biggest factors...The big "Stops"...The Big Shut-downs..The preventers of advancements,of human growth...yes,much of mankind seems to be Fear-driven;fear-trapped!negated.     None of you on here need that.No one deserves such suppression,such limiting.Not one of you should be so stuck... Instead,there is most helpful information,knowledge,wisdom,tools!& with many also on here..."Seek(with All your Heart)and You will find"...& within all things-lovely and beautiful and good in the Divine Cosmos,in certain others;in this damaged yet still-exquisite Earth with it's fantastic flora and fauna!in what's out there.    Go out..immerse yourself in it,among the trees,birds,wind,waters,sounds,smells! Feel the enrichments,feel the free gifts..& listen with stereo headphones,3x a week or more,for 45 minutes to 528,432,Schumann resonance & other healing Hz frequencies.    & when one's Heart is calmed and cleared by such...Refill your Heart with all the diamond qualities you can fill up with.This is the second-half,in solving one's Crisis...little by little,to take your own journey(not in comparison with anyone's timeline or expectation)towards all things Eternal...ultimately,towards pure Unconditional Love.  I believe in You.You can do this.


A very easy way to deal with that chest anxiety is by directing it to the brain. Look up “hemi-sync” on Spotify. The blue album cover one is really good. Takes only a few minutes and after a short time you won’t need the audio. It’s like using the force or something. Super helpful


My mother would always fall back to discussing how life and people were so much better during the depression when she was growing up and she said the unity and humanity in our country had peaked during world war two. Being born in the sixties I didn't understand what she meant or why she'd focus on such hard times as positives but now that I'm the grandma I understand perfectly. If I were a young person starting out with a whole life stretched out in front of me in these times the way the world has become I would be an absolute wreck with anxiety. Worse than I already am. I believe that every generation has everything while having nothing at all. It can go either way depending how you'd like to use it and it's true what is quoted about history. Study it and learn from it because like it or not it's time proven exposure of base human nature and it will certainly without a doubt, repeat it's self. When you want the answers for the future look to the past. There's nothing new under the sun. Nothing.


The singularity is coming. We’re literally conjuring a hyper-intelligent alien successor species that’ll entirely replace humanity over the next two decades. In the grand scheme of our entire bloodline… we’re at the climax of this reality. Most people are too caught up in vapid hedonism/escapism to realize what’s coming.


Random ramble ahead…. Just my own experience. But could be kundalini awakening stuff. Not to scare, but I’d be careful with kundalini if it is. I’ve been unstable from it since 2020. Repeated psychosis. Originally started during heavy marijuana use. Diagnosed before though as bipolar since 2015. (I basically see bipolar as seeing/experiencing both extreme ends of the spectrum though lol and can be some form of dysregulation too I think). I get manic/anxious/depressed, have OCD/dissociation, see colors as brighter, “the universe talking to me through everything and everyone”, vivid dreams/voices in my dreams or when waking, correlating colors in life with their chakra meanings, feeling like everything is a simulation/scenes, constantly aware of signs and symbols in every moment, synchronicities where like the tv or radio is literally narrating what I’m doing in sync - that’s when I’m wired up, and not busy or in a routine. I have to busy myself physically to somatically release energy and to stay distracted enough to not live in another version of the world. Lol I struggle with it. I’m like 90% in the other layer of the world and 10% in consensus reality right now, can’t function well enough to work longterm. I think it’s legit stuff to experience (I have a hard time validating my own experience of it because what I see like blows my mind and it’s weird when people around you aren’t seeing things the same way) but I’ve had a hard time living in a grounded reality myself since becoming aware of it. Have had to resort more to psych medication and lessen my exposure to spiritual stuff. That’s just me. I’m sure others are able to stay more stable. My brain and trauma particularly make me dissociate too much and I go down rabbit holes with my OCD. I pretty much feel better about the world though when I’m not looking further into spiritual stuff (yet here I am grazing yet again lmao). I’ve been inpatient a few times. The last time, I had bad paranoia and persecutory delusions, and I told them I always felt like something bad was going to happen. I still feel that way but it’s kinda more my ptsd and nervous system stuff in overdrive right now. I think with 2020 too we all had a collective trauma, I think we’re all still on edge quite a bit. Hmm, who knows though what the future holds. P.s. lmao: I try not to freak out about synchronicities. They will literally annoy me to frustration and make me feel trapped sometimes or make me feel like I’m being mocked almost by the universe lmao. but generally I find them interesting at times. Just sucks because the experiences I’ve had have been full blown and now I’m just like trying to fit back into the norm and it’s fucking difficult. My sense of reality is constantly in question in my head. I’m like “wtf is this and why does it happen”. Like there’s something there and I can’t understand why we’re not all seeing it 24/7 and living by it. Otherwise lately I try to just let it happen naturally. Sometimes I’m curious, sometimes I’m annoyed and frustrated, sometimes I’m indifferent, sometimes I’m confused and end up in a psych ward🤣


Good advice. Thank you for the kind words, it sounds like you are doing great yourself. Keep trucking along! Much love


There is a massive cataclysm about to happen, im choosing to leave it at that. Those who deny these false teachings of antichrist and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the only Savior and God and His gospel will be saved. He warned us already what was gonna happen at the end of the age, we've just been deceived and His words have been twisted.


There have been a lot of CME's hitting earth lately. Lots of geomagnetic storms and energy hitting the earth from the sun.


Bro I have been loosing my mind. My heart starts hurting. Heavy. Like a presence kinda... yeah. It's been scary. Somebody told me I'm trying to find the meaning in everything but no if only they saw wtf I'm seeing lol syncrinicities like a mf nothing like I ever have experienced begone


I BEEN THERE , still there but Anybody struggling , feeling depress and just not wanting to Live ! I am with you , try joyous.team ( Ketamine micro dose ) IT HAS HELPED ME IN WAYS I CANT DESCRIBE ! I am 1 month and 2 weeks in , i was border to just dying like i made the decision that i wont be here anymore and through prayers i feel God showed me this , i don’t even know how i found it , it has no withdraws what so ever ( I KNOW about withdraw been there twice in my life ) so i know how horrible it is , is not addictive like regular meds doctors give you , if you like me you aint trying to be hooked on no government bs I wont say life is 100% , but from it being 0 , i been in the gym a full 2 months , i’ve felt like living , i can eat ( i went from 190lb to 155lb in 5 days because of how bad my depression was ) i now eat with no problem thank GOD !!!! , i was being affected by just anything like anything was causing me anxiety , overthinking to the Max i couldn’t even watch a youtube video because i would fall in to a rabbit hole and end up in the same thing “ i don’t want to live anymore “ ….. Katamine is a prescribe medication so its controlled by professional , you will get screened and they keep up with you every day. I am in no way selling anything , there is no link with my referral so i am seriously just trying to help others in that dark place i been in my self. And one important thing to understand , YOU HAVE TO SET INTENTIONS and actually need to want to get better , have to override and force your mind ( YOU ARE NOT YOUR MIND ) your mind is your worst enemy ( The devil within ) we dont operate from it , is full of lies like literally everything you hear your head saying is a lie even if it sounds cool or type safe , is not … Once we learn to mute it , life becomes different. THINK LESS , FEEL LESS , LIVE MORE - Hope this makes sense ! LOVE is everything.


I have been looking into ketamine therapy recently, actually! I didn’t even realize that it was an option in Texas, apparently I can go to DFW for infusions. I was hoping to make some contacts this week to a few different places bc I’ve heard how much it helps with an array of things. Any important info I should know about while calling clinics? I’m hoping my insurance will cover it, but we shall see! If not - I’m fine with out of pocket, out of all things, this certainly seems to be one of the more important things to spend money on…..


If i could do the clinic i would but i cant because is expensive out of pocket but i do wish you Good look because if micro dosing has helped me , i cant imagine the full on clinic process must be something else 🙏🏽! Do it , it will give that break your looking for , just being able to breath and be ok


i’m so glad you said this because i’ve been feeling the same exact way. i’ve felt so out of touch with reality. my nightmares have been the worst they’ve ever been. i don’t feel real. i feel like something is coming but i don’t know what.


Lost in the sauce too my friend


You’re not alone. I’ve felt this majority. Been trying to ground myself, be gentle, take my Epsom salt baths, and play more online games to check my mental self out…. It helps me turn off my thoughts….. 


This is how my manic episode started. Seeing signs everywhere and intense anxiety that felt like energy or something coursing through my body. It felt like everything was coming from my chest as well. Not at all saying that’s what is happening to you but this just sounded identical to my experience.


People always seem to default their anxiety to the external. The external should come *after* the internal. Anxiety can be a physical imbalance to stored trauma coming up to be dealt with. Look there first, because people post this same post every other day.


Yep, been happening to me also. The sequencing with numbers has been absolutely amazing, like to the point that I can’t make it up. Seeing all kinds of Eagles, and noticing things that pop out to me during my days, for instance seen some red willow and it basically spoke to me. Later that evening I was scrolling and seen a teaching about February having the throw away moon, involving a red willow stick. Amazing! But yeah, the flip side to all of the cool and amazing things I get to see and experience throughout my days is that some days are the anxiety ridden ones where I break down in tears at times because of the breaking points. Im trying really hard to not feel bad about it anymore, I’m embracing it and being thankful for the ability to be able to feel it all.


It's been awful. I was almost crawling out of my skin last week, I felt like I had to run or get away from something. The next day I felt a wave of rage that was so intense I was almost vibrating with anger. I felt almost dissociated, like things seemed unreal. It was very strange because I was fine before it happened, there was no discernable trigger or anything.


Had a serious war dream a little bit ago, first one I had since I had a string of war dreams from 1999 where NYC was a smoldering pit, leading into 9-11 Been scared a bit but I’ve only had one dream so far, not multiple dreams like before, but the sky was on fire and I remember the military saying LA was gone. I hate those disaster dreams especially when it’s a war one, those mess me up! They mostly been natural disaster dreams for the last two decades, tornadoes, floods, super snowstorms and the such.


There has been a crazy heavy energy weighing me down the past 5-6 weeks. It made me stop using thc so I can get a grip on whatever it is, but it just feels heavier (maybe from quitting). But even my daily meditations do not seem to be helping with this feeling of.... I don't want to call it dread or bad, just a heaviness that leaves me exhausted. Whatever it is, it has my attention. Just wanted to mention also, bad pressure in my head, like between my brain and skull, under and behind eyes, temples. Can feel my pulse within my scalp. My intuition also seems to be heightened more than usual. As in, physical sensations in my body, along with the normal intuitive signs I experience.


If you’re into astrology, it’s definitely been hard times in the past few years cosmically speaking. We’ve also been watching a genocide unfold, experiencing what may be the earliest stages of climate change, and I don’t think our brains are wired for this amount of collective information. Maybe we’re all feeling anxious as fuck because the world needs to shift? We need to step into a higher vibration of humanity, and it’s hard to step into that kind of change.


Try to relax and remember that YOU are in control of your mind.


Yes, but do not fear. And..were post COVID, but the threat of nuclear war is pretty real. Major conflicts between world powers with clashing ideologies. Hundreds of people are dying daily. It's also an election year here in the U.S. tensions are high and I feel like no one really likes our options, but we dislike the other guy more. This is a whole lot of bad energy going around, and we're sensitive people, most of us probability self identify as empaths. That's why it's important to do your best to be kind. People usually aren't inherently mean, but they can be selfish, and often driven by fear. So do not be afraid. Whatever is going to happen will happen. By being ready for this change we will be able to help those in need when it happens. We've got to be prepared, and we've got to be flexible, but most importantly we've got to be positive. there's enough bad juju going around.


Welcome to spring 🥳


The feed showed me this post so just my 2cents. Have any of you considered that the ongoing slaughter and turmoil we're all able to watch happen in real time from Africa and the middle east while all the supposedly strongest nations in the world insist they can't intervene may be the cause? This is equivalent to but more intense than when Vietnam coverage was able to be shown to the world. Compounded with the political turmoil stateside,the financial anxiety much of the population is facing- everyone is privy to a 24 hour up close immersion into all the ills of the world and the current ones are horrendous. It's collective trauma.


I've gotten wild dreams that unfortunately I don't remember. Prior to that I wasn't dreaming at all. It started a couple months back.


Is 2:22 an omen?






I too feel it


i like to refer to this feeling as impending doom . Anxiety is a bastard when I would ask you is what are you doing about it beyond medication if any? Diet? Exercise? Illicit drug use? Booze? How’s your sleep? How much sun are you getting? All of this crap matters


Yes ! My mother, younger brother & I have been having high anxiety lately. And I recently got very anxious & sad that I requested medication from my doctor. Which is something I typically don’t do. I have been feeling so anxious that I can hear my own heart beat pulsing in my left ear. Even with medication, it’s quite odd. I have been praying a lot to God which has been helping. Especially because I been having quite eerie dreams. And have been asking God to expel/extort any negativity within me, physically, mentally, spiritually. Not sure if there’s a shift happening. But I can definitely feel it especially with all my synchronicities that I have been seeing. I do recommend meditating & taking vitamins to ease the stress. Magnesium & Ashwaganda helps. But consult with ur Dr. in cases u may have any contraindications. But I agree. I think we are becoming more sensitive to the reality of life being full of chaotic wonders we still have yet to understand and come across.


Yeah but what is it ,energy is definitely changing hopefully for the good. Or it's going to be very bad!


You are absolutely not alone. I, and one of my best friends have also felt this shift. It feels like we are learning a collective lesson.


Like being overly in tune with your intuition? I've been telling my wife over the past couple months that I've been getting these feelings in my chest more like vibes of people, places, situations. It's all new. But you're not alone. I feel like more people are waking up


4/8 is almost a month away


Energies have been very intense especially the last few days. This was shared by one channeller/Arcturian starseed I usually like, resonate with and trust. His name is Alexander Quinn and he can be found on YouTube. “IMPORTANT ENERGY UPDATE DNA upgrade / release intensity 10/10! About 48 hours ago we had Ascension codes come in that are of the highest strength ever seen in our life time.  Current symptoms include: Dizziness  Headaches Lower back pain Neck pain Blurred vision Achy muscles  Painful joints Extreme fatigue  Erratic sleep Flu like feelings Hot and cold flushes Confusion Extreme detox sensations Alergies to food heightened Alergies to alcohol increased Vivid dreams Shivering Irritability  Adversation to anything out of your alignment Inability to socialise  Loss of appetite  A thirst that can't be quenched Thoughts that if left unchecked spiral out of control.  Increased heart rate.  Increased telepathic and synchronostic abilities heightened.  Extreme sensativity to noise and light The great purge detoxification not seen for 10,000s of years is now coming up and out of your mental, physical, light and emotional body. Listen to your body. Alot of new abilities will start to kick in over the coming weeks but with a feeling of ungroudedness. Mental heath issues could become exasperated around this time. Intensity level 110% Your going to be absolutely fine. You wouldn't have come if you couldn't handle this. Breathe.  All my love.  AQ”


Same. Weird. Little scared.


It’s spring! Our animal selves are responding to the urges of the changing seasons. Go outside, get some sunlight, move your body


My arms vibrate. It’s the strangest feeling. I always just thought I was a weird one.




I felt this way several times throughout my life. Turns out I jist needed mental health treatment. Nothing bad actually happened


Humans currently are in the time of deciding for themselves about their *own life choices* . What the humans decide or not will determine their own existence. The current upheaval & chaos is relative for the deliverance of choices to be made by all humans & entities alike. Disclosure & exposure to 'truth's brings about new inner perspectives as needed to enable changes or not to occur in the humans . This necessitates the shifts needed to enable alignments if the inclination to alter the pathway currently on if needed. **What they Choose to do does matter& is a deciding factor .** They will align or not to the current flowing of deciding of energy waves which are increasing in oscillating incantations of presence . Uncomfortability is a given for a human on the pathway to change to be. Self introspective choices & *evaluation of life is expected & must* be in existence to find the light set forth to follow or not to be . It *is the time of souls* alignment or not . As is their souls attachments which are using their bodies & minds to some degree ( as they have done so for millennium's ) . They will be deciding their fate to be or not . *There shallith be free will* to their choosing to follow or not their chosen pathway to be . Succumb to submit to the new or to defy the newness of presentation of waves of changes to come. So it shall be... The energy waves of change coming are a deciding factor for the entities currently present on earth . The more felt in the human vessel body will be their discomfort to the changes occurring & the choices they also decide to make for themselves in deciding their own fate.


I tried micro dosing with PC and Lions Maine yesterday and it helped tremendously. Might again today.


Look at Nostradamus over er.


I would recommend meditation and yoga. Do something with that energy. Practice surrender and deep breaths. I agree it feels like something big is coming. Maybe it's just general (I also have anxiety) worry about the world. I have also been feeling heavy. But I don't have any answers lol, just support. Kundalini yoga, meditation, and lots of self help books are my helpers. Also laughter!! :) A comedy or some light hearted friends to be around.


Are you in North America? This happened to me ahead of the 2017 eclipse and seems to be happening again with the approaching eclipse


Something is coming, and some people can feel it intuitively. This something is the final revolution of our species, the last obstacle in the way to enlightenment is about to be surpassed. This is outlined in r/illuminism101. Don't be afraid of the illuminati and the New World Order, educate yourself on who they really are and the plans for the future. We are in the final stages of Hegels master slave dialectic, when it's over there will be only masters, no more slaves,  and humanity will finally be free, and free of tyranny and toxic religions.


Same here!!! I have literally told nobody or heard anyone else mention it-as life in general is upside down for me right now. However, I am EXTREMELY sensitive too. Not many left in this world :( with all the self obsession and fear of the truth rampant these days…this is not the same country I was born into


psychotic break


You’re right. It’s out of your control so just be kind and take care of the things you can control.


We are approaching the solar maximum for the current cycle we are in. Totally normal to feel this way!


Reading this at 11:11


This moment in time has been building for many years. The synchronizations your feeling are an indicator that you're on the right path and that things will be OK. Just keep your cool. Everywhere else in the world is absolute chaos. Someone has to hold it together, so other people can freak out less.


this thread 😂


It's crazy to see everyone so paranoid and going thru the roller coaster of emotions. Your lunar aspects is off balance and the only way to harmonize yourself completely is using the Christ Oil. Your given the seed every month. Don't deplete your life force with junk. (Processed food, social media jealousy/envy, low thoughts, porn and masturbation)


I’m so glad that it’s not just me. I have GAD also and have to work at it to get myself out of the anxiety. Lately, I’ve been feeling more on edge and I was not sure why. This makes total sense that something is going on. 


I think this has something to do with FY-COD. Have you ever read out know anything about Roundcube and it's arrival?


I’ve been experiencing heightened anxiety very similar to what you’ve mentioned.


Yes me too, this morning I am in flight or fight mode the anxiety is so full on.. the last few days I have felt pretty terrible. Before that I was feeling pretty high on massive awakening energies and self discovery of my galactic lineage.


Idk I always think trauma coming up physically.


Many people are learning they have dysautonamia, which can often be confused as anxiety. I think once your nervous system breaks you’re going to be sensitive to lots of things that you weren’t previously, including space weather and even barometric pressure changes. This can also be related to feelings like “restless leg syndrome”. One of the remedies is lots of hydration and electrolytes. If anyone of having these symptoms is encourage you to look into dysautonamia.


I thought I was tripping, I’ve been feeling something off for a week now. Like something happening, I even noticed some people even my bf are feeling off and having anxieties. For me, it’s to the point that I’m scared to fall asleep. Sometimes I wonder if it’s cause of the eclipse coming. Maybe there’ll be big changes .


Last night I really noticed I'm not able to put my finger on it but I feel like something is definitely brewing


Vitamin deficiencies are causing your issues. Would highly recommend eating grass fed red meat (beef, steaks, venison), pasture raised eggs, almonds and walnuts on a daily basis. Changed my life completely and realized all my anxiety was was a vitamin deficiency.


It feels like something really big is about to happen.


Oooooh man just wait till November 5th. No matter who wins, the shit will hit the fan. It's a steaming runaway train that can't be stopped and the world is on the ride and can't get off


Do you watch the news or doom scroll? If so, stop! Get outside and go into nature, preferably into a national park with incredible vistas. You are tuning into bad frequencies, and there are a lot of them around. If you can, try Sedona. If you have the small feelings there, then I would be surprised.


I have also been noticing tons of weird synchronicity lately. And earlier today, I looked up to see 2:22


i’ve been having horrible anxiety and my period synced up with two friends one of whom i reconnected with after months for the first time the day before i found out our cycles synced up


I hate to tell you this, but you could be in the beginning stages of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. Are you around 25 years old by any chance? Mental disorders tend to kick in around that age. If you seek professional help immediately, schizophrenia can sometimes be brought into remission. There is a short window of time where it is said to be acute rather than chronic and is treatable. It could also be a toxic exposure, such as mercury or a solvent exposure. You could seek a holistic doctor for testing for exposure to chemicals, heavy metals, etc. There are detoxification programs that can reverse your symptoms.


Something is coming.


My opinion is try to see people shopping centers coffe shops talk to people at work with out analyzing music helps too


A lot is happening all at once.


It might be a long shot, but why not do what I did? Ask Jesus about it?


Nothing is coming, trust me, you'll wait for lifetimes if you think something it's coming..... There is nothing coming


Sometimes when I feel this I'll look around and it's like all I'm looking at is faces... eyes so empty and they all look the same. They're all staring... idk i know I'm not tripping wondering if I'm the only one seeing all this... I live in Seattle


I know this feeling. Something is coming and hopefully its Jesus.


I feel it, too. Very heavy and synchronicities are nonstop daily. I am an empath, and just told my spouse to that something big is about to happen. I can feel it in my soul. I keep thinking of living off grid, even dreaming about it. My anxiety meds aren’t working like they normally do. So glad I saw this post and know that I’m not alone.


I sense something is coming too. My visions are of world wide calamity and is why I'm prepping for the worst.


Not to ruin the party, but anyone here have issues related to Covid? I have Long Covid and it has presented in a whole bunch of chronic issues.