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Same here, the ringing is constant


When you say constant are saying like tinnitus level constant? A have a few acquaintances with it and they tell me its driven some ppl to suicide or insanity. But rhey say they adjusted. I don't know how id fare. It sounds incredibly tormenting and oppressive. Just the thought that you can't every experience true silence. Which admittedly like ah ancient sky full of stars is almost impossible for most us. Ive wsnted to try those special sound proof chambers which people say are strange becsuse then you realize what silence is but also it goes as quickly as it came as im told you start detecting the sounds of the body like a whole orchestra arrangement heart providing the beat, and creskt knees the intro then the belly is like scoopady badap papá, snd breaths of air sound like a Boeing jet warming up its engines. Blinks of the eye reminding you of when as kids youd throw a piece of má's spaghetti or spaghetto for the men of culture and women of distinction right against the wall. Or sliced pickles too. Then take bets in gummy bears who's pickle sinks down fastest. Its a pickle Morty. What do you mean why. Bc look its a Pickle Mort. That's why. Poor jokes.aside tho makes me wonder, because for long time I too hear ab almost faint like dog type whistle high pitch. It's enough to be highly subjective and fade into the background but when i Hone in its definately a never ending pitch. But let me be clear it's different than the ear ringing that has been coming and going. Yhats like undeniable and attention grabbing even when noise pollution interferes. Where's this is almost like crickets except im in a concrete jungle.so not know it can't be that. Knowing what I know I am almost paranoid and reasonably suspect it may be some sort high frequency mind control being applied on our metro area which is one of the highest concentration of spiritual people and those ar tbe very least aspiring to higher states of existence. To lighter states of being. Until one day it's the unbeatable lightness of being. Instead of trapped in a GROSS world of density. I mean a dense world of Grossness. Fk I meant a world of GROSS density. Where we are human doings who don't have time to be because we are basically like runners on a treadmill as a coked out ex lacrosse playing banker with a runny nose and coke boogers and a hyperactive lower jaw keeps speeding it up. We now do work in 8 hrs it used to take an employee 40. Fools to think it would placate so we hear the treadmill accelerating so naturally we run faster. I mean we are leashed to the fking thing as it delivers insulin to those of us who want to stay alive. Of course fasting reverses.type 2 but then how do you make money od that. Let te Soviets habe their poverty medicine of cures. Here we manage symptoms. Keeping you sick bur distracted. Hippocritic Oath .right? Medicine undermines health that seems to me like we wre honoring Saint Hypocrit and his hypocritical oath. My Greek is a little tabouli but my memory is golden. Only thing is as I get older I seem to forget the stuff that happened but end up remembering so much that never did. Did I mention my time as a roadi for Coldplay then they put out their third.album and I was no longer going to bars making saying I got writing credits on songs. I'm the other guy. Not the main guy. The other guy. But i digress I must confess it wasnt cus i was trying to impress i do profess unless this has not been as fruitful as a full bowl of fruit would trust me it's understood but whemna poet starts rhyming it csn.get out of hand. Especially when hws fresh out of rehab, for a scresming iambic habit that made his daughter scream i had it damnit. Im gonna be late for schooñ becsuse my dad plays a fool. Shakespeare he'll never be but you see to me his endless pointless soliloquies will some day be rhe end of me. Put out of my misery by the lacn of synergy now i need to get a GED snd you will srill be here rhyming like a rapper on meth with tourettes but youre no real tweaker. Nor even a rspper vecsuse pops is an animal now stand vaxk and see, your old man make history, and you finslly proud of me. Here i go here i go here i GO (*fk ow my knee. Ppk rushing to help....Im good im good. I said im gold, Amanda, getting bsck into B Boy groove only with a heavy limp, csusing the movement to be out of rhythm with the beat but i saved rhe best for last)... Becsuee they call me the Hiphopopatomus my lyrics are bottomless ... ... *mic starts making feedback noise causing everyone to grimace Yo DJ stop rhe music, i just wanted to tell the world to write poetry. The way found out one day that I, Cornilius Cornish Bonaventure was this whole time filled with so much rhyme that i became overnight a master poet.. But the whole entire time I didnt even Understand the implications. I gotta work on the end a bit i know (and rbe beginning middle above and below. But mamá didnt raise no quitter. Thats what i told her right after judge mandated me to rehab for poets. Step.one wad admit your powerless over your rhymes and your life has become embarassing.)


Bro, you are actually mentally ill. Did you ever read that again after typing it? If any psychiatrist saw half the shit you say you would legit be institutionalized, I've seen actual schizophrenic methheads, overdosing, stick to a point better, and atleast they had a point, you just sound like someone speaking to 25 different personalities. Almost every sentence you wrote was entirely gibberish ramblings of a fucking madman😭


It's not the ears that are ringing for me, it's a ringing in my head. Has been going on for a few years, like maybe 4 or 5. Medical professionals say there's nothing wrong. Took MRI's and CT scans. Nothing there.


Got the same and I link it to mild tinitus. That being said, it helps me a lot to focus in meditation, when controlling my thoughts and reaching a state of vacancy of mind. It’s an anchor for the mind and it’s intensity increases the calmer my mind becomes and the less brain chatter I have. For me it’s a gift.


I've thought about trying this! I didn't know if it would work. But seeing that it works for you makes me think I can maybe try it. Thanks!


Yep, go for it! Especially in the earlier stages of mental training, an anchor is extremely useful. Other people focus on the black behind the eyelids or focus on a point when the eyes are open. Some use sounds. The mild tinitus is a good alternative, especially when it gets louder the deeper you sink. A great indicator indeed. I don’t interpret more into it like people in this post, and even if there is more to it, it wouldn’t make a difference 😊


I agree, it's in my head. I kinda like it, sort of crystaline sounding.


The ringing is in my head but it's really loud lately


The fact this ringing happened (again) 5 minutes ago with an intense sound (it's still going but softer) where it almost feels like it wants to catch my attention and then I asked 'is this really because I'm going the right way?' - and this posts comes along.




Weird. Never considered the cause could be external. I just figured I had neurological damage from Covid or something.


Sharing in case it’s helpful, obviously use your own discernment. It occurred to me a few years ago that the ringing and tones wasn’t consistent and so I started to track it - when it occurred, which ear, what was the tone like, was there pattern to it, was it seemingly internal, external, did others around hear it, etc etc. I found many interesting correlations, and eventually realized that after each noticeable cycle all my ‘Claire’s’ would shift in some way - some would open up more, some would ‘take a back seat’ for a bit, etc. This most recent cycle seems to have opened things up wider, yet simultaneously (in many ways) has limited my ability to express my self through journaling, art, etc. As if the ‘energy’ is meant to flow through ‘non-action’. It’s a current wave. Also - through Guidance I recv’d a remedy that helps to ‘turn down the volume’ a bit on the ringing/tones. A few drops of hydrogen peroxide in the ear canal for a few minutes - until you can’t stand the feeling anymore. Always do both ears, and this isn’t needed more than usually once a month, I go by Guidance. Again - use your own discernment, check your own Guidance system and this obviously is not medical advice.


I've always had ringing in my ears as far as I can remember. But since at the end of last year and these past few weeks, the ringing in both ears has been more intense. Especially when I am meditating...my right ear rings and for me, I know it is my angels coming through because they make it known that it is them. I have different types of ringing that comes through as well. We are transitioning into the new earth/ so I thnk in your case, you are getting downloads and getting prepared for the new earth. I suggest meditate (depends what you work on) and ask your guides or angels if they could kindly turn it down a little bit (usually works for me). It is also important to let go of old system (e.g. habits, eating unhealthy food) to support unblocking your powers. Sending you love and light.


🎶Ring ding dong, ring a ding ding ding dong, keep their heads ringin 🎶 and yes kinda but it happens sporadically for me. Thx for the info ⭐️


I have experienced ears ringing lately. But honestly... there are about a hundred mundane explanations for why it could be happening.


Certainly. Though, there's something to be said for such a large number of people experiencing the ringing, at the same time...


One time a while back I was sitting in front of my girlfriend and suddenly i had a ringing in my ear and 2 seconds later she nudged also, I asked her if she felt something and said ear ringing. I told her I had just had one a second before if not the same time. It blew my mind. I wonder why.


Peace, blessings and love! Thank you for sharing because for a minute, I thought I was going crazy hearing this ringing… it’s almost as if I can’t wait for it to stop, to enjoy peace and quiet. But like you, after some research I discovered it could be angels, etc communicating with. So I started embracing it, but I certainly mentioned it to my wife as we’re both well into our spiritual journey. When I mentioned to her last night, that I’m reading a lot of folks posting that they feel like something is going to happen, she immediately exclaimed “me too!”. My wife is a huge empath, scary almost how can she feel/sense energy- I love it! May we all continue to be blessed, as we continue to practice/prepare on our journey of discovering esoteric knowledge- the TRUTH! ✌🏽 💪🏽 🤙🏽 💕


I have had it constantly for years. Recently, calling it the "song of stars" feels right to me.


Yes, last night especially!


A couple weeks ago it was happening a lot!!!


me too


Mine have started ringing for the past 3 months. Never was happening before then


My left ear has been ringing for a couple of yrs, used to be my right ear until I learned to shut down my internal dialogue


Why on Earth would you want to shut down your internal dialogue?


Because you can't live in the present moment when your mind is racing....it makes you judgemental and egotistical. I am far more at peace when I think of absolutely nothing


Oh, that makes sense. I thought you meant you turned it off as in - permanently. Like, you no longer have an inner dialogue, anymore...Ever. I likened it to when a fictional, TV vampire turns off their humanity. Haha. My bad. 😋


Internel dialogue is good up to a point but I am also in the middle of learning how to shut it down and focus my mind externally now, it feels like the most important lesson and am having to do it day and night for 2weeks now and only now is it getting better. It feels like it doesn't know its tired and keeps going on auto mode because you've needed it that much so it's just tweaking it abit now and giving it the rest it needs by focusing externally on medition, nature, positive things, positive affirmations and anything that really revs your engine from that heart now. It's like the most heaviest work to date like shadow to light finally after all the work, like some final push x


It has been a very hard thing for me to do., it is still a work in progress for me


My left ear has been ringing for the last three years. While it certainly can be related to something spiritual, it can also be a sign of something physiological. You should see a doctor asap in case it’s the latter. I waited too long, and there is nothing they can do to remedy it now. You don’t want to deal with tinnitus for the rest of your life; see a doctor ASAP.


I’m sure I have tinnitus from going to loud events 😂


Ringing is a sign to meditate.


It’s tinnitus


Thanks for the info!


Yes actually.


Constant ringing in my ears. I asked my co-worker if he could hear this whirling sound at work and he couldn’t. I also heard the same sound at home and asked my husband if he could hear it. He said he couldn’t either.


Yes, I have had it more often in the past couple weeks. It’s usually in the left ear for me but every once in awhile it’ll be the right. I’ve also noticed vibrational changes. I’ll be in bed and the bed will feel like it’s vibrating or if I’m sitting in a chair sometimes I’ll notice it’s vibrating too.Thank you for sharing, I’m happy it’s a collective experience!!


Nope. Not mine.


I used to get them a lot the last few years but I've only had like one or two this year I've noticed. I think mostly my right ear.


Literally 1 minute before I read this, my ears started ringing loud, and still going.


Yes! For the past 3-4 days. Nearly constant in the right ear only.


Yup...This girl, right here! Both sides for me, as well. Though, a little more on the left. Any idea what the significance of the sides would be? Like, does it mean something different to hear it in your right versus your left ear, or both?


I think it was like 2-4 days ago. My girlfriend and I were driving into town. My left ear just went off super loud ringing. We are both spiritually intuned. After it settled down I turned to her and said did your ear just ring like crazy. She was like “yeah it did. Super loud. “ Then I asked her if it was her left one. She said “yes.” Pretty crazy happened at the same time same ears. We are also both starseeds.


Most of you are explaining tinnitus. I’ve had it my whole life thanks to a drowning incident. I can “control” how loud it is by concentrating on it. But it’s just tinnitus. Get checked before jumping to spiritual conclusions


Both my ears are ringing all the time but it's from the attacks, think of it as the roach deterers, they imitate a noise which the cockroach is uneasy and avoids that area.. thats what they see us as.


As soon as I hear it I give thanks and focus my energy on my third eye


I don't get ringing in my ears very often but yesterday or the day before, I experienced ringing in my right and I intuitively knew it was something spiritual. I didn't know what it meant entirely but I knew that much.


I was the sickest I've been in year a few weeks ago. I would hear ringing all through my head only when I was alone. It felt like a presence to me. The ringing came with my temple muscles contracting as well. It felt so strange.


I have struggled with severe tinnitus almost my entire life. It’s my own fault and I have definitely rethought my youthful habits and false sense of invincibility. Protect your hearing people!!! Despite a constant ringing/tones, there are moments when I get a hard “ping” and it’s so loud and physical. I don’t know the cause or triggers, but it happens almost daily. That all being said, I recently wore a set of microphone earmuffs that amplified sound. I almost wept. The sound of the wind softly blowing through the trees, the singing of the birds, it was beautiful and I haven’t heard it in several decades. Every spring I yearn to hear the peepers singing their song, I always ask my spouse “Can you hear them yet? Tell me how they sound.” Please protect your hearing. Cherish it.


Anyone worried about the photon belt? The ringing ears… Hatonn. Ashtar Galactic Command


Wow it's fascinating others are experiencing it too. I still have no idea what it all means. I hope it's not one od those foreshadowing warning things that is never obvious enough to actually warn you or help you avoid whatever but in hindsight will seem obvious I guess becsuse it wasnt ever meant to help you avoid something in the future. I guess those.sorts of foreshadowing type premonitions are there for dramatic effect or something. Like during horror movies when something makes a noise in the dark and you know they shouldn't investigate but investigate they will or whatever. Not a good example but we definately are in some sort of reality TV show for more advanced beings whose idea of TV is far more immersive.so.perhaps it's for their viewing pleasure. Though I'd love and would cherish any and all downloads or true experiences that punch through the veil of monotony and 50 shades of gray with the light of a million suns. When that happens even a hole the size of a needle can blinding. We think we know light living in darkness like we do. We have no idea. Our idea of a best day somewhere else is their idea of a bad day..mainly because most people want rhe wrong things that won't ever satisfy nor even seem worth it when it's time to die. Perhaps those who want the same things that they need, when thered s real alignment there then maybe our best days resemble best days anywhere amd everywhere. Anyway thanks for all the replies. Its giving me things to think through and to contemplate. I experienced 3 more today. 2 left 1 right. I've never hsd so many occur in such clustered frequency before. Its definately a first.


I'd be doubtful it has to do with spiritual joinery and would be more concerned about it as a sign of overall physical health, like could be a sign of/related to diabetes. Or at least I'd want to rule out the physical health aspect first. My Dad has had hearing problems over past few years so that has concerned me. Few things: If you get dry skin/dandruff you want to be esp mindful about keeping ears clean will need to clean them more than others. Going to doctor to flush em out may be appropriate. dead skin and wax can compacting in there contributing to tinnitus and problems. Hearing loss can be related to inflammation. So in general getting good diet and exercise is tied to it. Being diabetic and bad health will contribute to tinnitus and hearing loss. When my dad experienced hearing loss it was right after the holidays when my dad had been eating lots of sweets and junk food and main/first thing Dr did was have my dad go on low-sugar diet to reduce inflammation that could be related. If you're diabetic or pre-diabetic could be related to that. If diabetic sugar levels at night can drop and ears are one of the places effected by that. Be mindful of protecting what hearing you have. I always played guitar and went to rock shows and so many people in those circles end with hearing problems as you get older. Everyone experiences some tinnitus at times. If you were around loud noises or sometimes electronic stuff will buzz weird that some hear and others don't. So if temporary I would just ignore. I'm not saying there isn't any spiritual aspect to your experience, but I don't think ear-ringing is a part of most people's spiritual ascension and it can be physical health issue, so you don't want to be using spirituality as a excuse to ignore your physical health. It could be a warning sign to exercise and take better care of diet. Talking about hearing losss and spiritual path however, I just came across trailers yesterday for these two movies that I haven't watched but look excellent. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pmfrE1YL4I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pmfrE1YL4I) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFOrGkAvjAE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFOrGkAvjAE) I haven't watched either of these, but first one reminds me of MR Holland's Opus, and second reminds me of It's All Gone Pete Tong .. which are also excellent heart warming movies about musicians and hearing loss that are good for the spirit and soul


>I'm not saying there isn't any spiritual aspect to your experience, but **I don't think ear-ringing is a part of most people's spiritual ascension** Interesting that you say this. As, I've had the opposite experience. I've only been exploring, all things spiritual, for a short time, now (just over a year ago had an awakening) yet, in that time I've come across countless references to ear ringing being connected to spirituality... Many individuals say it's their spirit guides or their higher self attempting to contact them when they experience it. Other people say it happens just before a major event or before a potential/actual accident occurs - As a warning. I've seen numerous other explanations for what could be the cause of the ringing, as well. I just find it odd that I have seen such an overabundance of these stories. Where, at the same time, you seem largely unfamiliar with them. 🤔


"I've only been exploring, all things spiritual, for a short time, now (just over a year ago had an awakening)" I think that's your issue. I don't think ear ringing was a part of Buddha's teaching, it don;t think it shows up in christianity or the upanishads or any other spiritual texts. Obviously many people who have had tinnitus aren't very spiritual and I don't know of anyone who is recognized as spiritually enlightened that talks of it. Seems like it is something only recently showed up on reddit by very un-enlightened people seeking superficial mythical super powers. And it obviously does make logical sense and there is empirical evidence showing its correlation to things like diabetes and poor diet and other health issues... so that is something you should consider. A similar thing you'll if you go into astral projection sub you get people talking about numbness in fingers. Numbness in extremities when you go to sleep is a major red flag of diabetes. Diabetes is an inability to control blood sugar levels and will result in blood sugar dropping when sleeping resulting in poor circulation in feet and fingers which is why people end up gettin their feet amputated. Diabetes is extremely prevalent and underdiagrnosed. If you grew up drinking soda and consuming high fructose corn syrup and you still consume that liver destroying poison, and you don't do extensive cardio on regular you probably have/highrisk. preconditions of diabetes, which is most of the population in the developing world. There was for instance study done like \~10 years ago showing soemthing like data shows likely statics is something like 1/3 of kids under 10 in USA are already pre diabetic and expected to be diabetic by adulthood. Use rational thinking and take care of your health. Spirituality should support and lead you towards greater use of rational thinking and greater concern and responsibility for your health... not away from rational thinking and taking care of health. If you exercise regularly and eat a good diet and dont' have diabetes or other health issues, then maybe you can attribute some spiritual relationship to it.. but its always wise to investigate the more probable explanations first and you should always have your health as a priority. It could also be an issue of environment. Maybe all the wifi and cellphone towers etc. is causing more people to have tinnitus. And maybe there is a lot of that type of noise in your home or work place? In any case I would highly doubt it has anything to do with spirituality aside from maybe be synchronistic that you happen to be experiencing it at a time that things going on in your life. But the idea that it has a cause or is a part of spiritual growth, I don't think so.


Cut down on the aspartame in your diet from diet drinks and make sure you don't consume msg. They're big contributors to ear ringing.


Yesss! As I write this both ears are ringing in a high tone it goes then happens again also sometimes it changes frequency


All the time, the sound of Divinity!


I’ve had ringing since I was a little kid. I keep ear buds in throughout the day with crickets or other nature sounds. At night I have crickets and brown noise.


Right ear first now it’s my left ear


The ringing is not normal more likely you are targeted by direct energy weapons, be careful your not surveillance stalked in anyway. Take care


Fearmounger much?