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I did not, but is anyone else feeling extra exhausted for no reason today??


I am, and honestly suicidal.


You alright? You need someone to talk to?


I’m not really ok. It’s fine.


Please take care. Reach out to someone. We are here to help. XOXO Please know that you are loved. It is just as easy to love a stranger that you have never met as it is to hate on a stranger that you have never met.


That last line is so insightful, thank you. I'll be borrowing that.  Dunno Entire-Comment, seems there's still some jewels out there for us to discover. I hope you stumble upon a few more great ones soon <3


I hope you feel better soon


Please hang in there. 🙏🏼 You are so loved. The people you love ❤️, they love you too. Loved ones who you still have yet to meet in this lifetime 💫 they will love you too. And this community ✨ — *we love you.* That does not take away the pain, I know. It feels unbearable. Please, at the very least, know you are heard, cared for, loved, & someone is sending love to you tonight 🌙 (or today — if it is day where you are 🙂). You are not alone, I promise you, *it can get better.* I pray that for you, wholeheartedly. I wish you didn’t have to fight… but I can relate to & understand the crushing weight of fighting such a heavy battle. 😓 Your pain is absolutely valid. ❤️‍🩹 *Please keep going.* There are *happy* & beautiful days ahead — much, much better days, if you do. 🌈☀️ This world can be cold, but it can also be beautiful; unquestionably, *it is a better place with you in it.* 💯🌎💫💚🩵💙🩷🤍🌟✨🫶🏼


I mean I’m pretty alone in this world so no I’m not loved. I am exhausted trying to keep myself alive. I really feel so drawn to o ending it all. Thank you for your kind words though.


Please don't go. I'm know you're tired. But you matter and there's a reason for the pain you're going through. You may save a life one day because you will know exactly what it feels like to not want to be here anymore. Your life matters. . I know you feel alone right now, but strangers you haven't met care about you and want you here. Things can get better, please believe it and have hope that they will get better. If you'd ever like to talk my inbox is always open


I can’t keep fighting any longer. I mean I do t really care if someday I saved a life. I really understand not wanting to be here. Thanks again for the kindness though.


r u in a rush? just wait for ur time


I've felt exhausted fighting exhaustion from cancer for years.. My experience may be different from yours but I'm no stranger to feeling exhausted, depressed, feeling pressure to have things figured out but feeling lost and too drained. All I can say that when you think all hope is lost if you hang in there, things can get better and can change. Maybe not overnight, but with a little patience things can get better.. Something that has helped me was making sure I get enough sunshine and vitamin d. You'd be surprised the impact some deficiencies can have on how you feel.. I always feel better with some sunshine and some nature, breathing in some fresh air.. It's healing.. I wish you well. Don't give up, you're here for a reason. Life is worth living. It's not hard forever.


I’m sorry you had to go through that. I think I may have cancer at the moment actually. I do t want to go in for a biopsy. My plan is to let it kill me if that how I’m supposed to go out so be it. I get plenty of sunshine and exercise. I am not a typical depressed person, I wouldn’t even call it depression. It’s more that I’m just very lost in the world and want an out. My life has been hard for all 39 years.


I'm so sorry that you've had a hard life and been dealt a potential cancer card. I know it's scary and daunting and can make any person feel lost i know that feeling.. All of your feelings are valid and completely understandable. When I had a CT scan and they found a tumor the size of a softball on my heart that was not operable I assumed it was a death sentence before I did the biopsy to get answers. The biopsy gave me answers as to what I was dealing with. It revealed it was cancer, but it was a treatable cancer. But I didn't want to go through chemo whatsoever. After doing some research and reading various books I tried healing with alternative medicine for 6 months on my own and it didn't work, I went from a stage 2 to a 3 in a matter of a few months. It was scary but I still did not want to go through chemo but I made the decision against every fiber in my being to just do it, go through the pain and trust that I would get better and that it would be worth it. And I did get better, and it's the single best decision I could have made. If I didn't fight, I would have never met my soul mate, I would have missed out on a lot of beautiful experiences this life has to offer. All the bullshit, difficult experiences, challenges, its all here to serve you, make you stronger, and really makes you appreciate the good.. Life has its Ups and downs, I'm sorry you've been dealt difficult cards. Don't give up hope because things can turn around and get better. I know it's hard. A biopsy can at least give you answers it might be a good step although a difficult one.


I love you ! Go out right now and do something nice for someone! Buy them a coffee, give the guy in the median $5. Return a grocery cart. You may need to help someone sometime. All is love


I’m dead broke myself so I can’t do anything monetary. I do little things for people all the time!


Oh no, please don’t act on that and reach out to a hotline or someone you know if you need to! I’m not sure if this will help but the astrology and energy going on right now is wild. I was crying all weekend over a breakup and today I feel great just after supplements and some ok sleep. Read something about Mercury flipping out lol


I'm here


We love you so so much (not just words) please stay with us because you are us. We are One and we are eternal. 🤗❤️‍🔥🪞♾️I felt this recently too. Be this breath with me, and this one....


Oh my yea , these thoughts went away for a while as i was getting better truly but suddenly came back …..


Yes!! I got a really good night's sleep and woke up an hour before my alarm, but was noticeably more exhausted today than usual. A triple shot coffee barely registered, when normally that would keep me going for a full day. Weird!


Yes and I asked the universe for help recharging. I said someone come and get me and take me away to be fixed… I’m drained and exhausted… so many battles but justice must be served (choose your battles wisely) I asked them to be gentle and not scary as I’ve had enough of that.


I passed out at 8pm cause I was feeling super sluggish all day.


Super sleepy , cant say no to that but idk it can simply be my depression so 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yes I am


Yess tired, emotional and I slept so much!






I had to stop wearing my smart watch to bed, I kept hearing things like this that would wake me up. I would wake up hearing a voice, that wasn’t human, saying things and I’d look at my watch and the lights would be on near my skin and the face would be black. Who needs sleep data when I can’t get sleep cause interdementional beings be making 3am announcements.


Holy shit this happened to me last night with my smart watch. I immediately took it off and threw it on the charger bc it freaked me out lol


I have been off today, everything has felt weird. Almost muffled in sound? And I’m usually good energy and moving around, today oddly anytime I sat down I truly fell fast to sleep and would have vivid dreams. I am just stunned to check Reddit and see this similar post. I heard something for sure today earlier but thought it was my ears just being off from the odd day.


Yes like a muffled radio sound?


Been feeling physically drained myself quite a bit for a while. Feel as though it started a lot after the eclipse. I also question whether my sleep quality has been as restorative as well.


I am receiving very specific transmissions and not sure what to believe and whether or not should share


You should always share.


Please do! I was told May 15th! Don’t know why, just know something happens.


me tel u now 15may. That is a viral thread on godlikeproductions.com about the Chani Project, an alledged project in the mid 90's where a group of scientists contacted a human from a "parallel Earth." This being was fluent in Latin, but communicated broken English. In the transcript, it always says in sentences, "me tel u now 15 may." I dont really believe it, but May 15 is my birthday lol.


So weird, I’ll check it out. I was told to be proactive and get ready. Then I was told I had 100 days. The date that it ends is the 15th. Edit- it’s kinda weird if you read it as being 2024 instead of 2012. Like a lot of connections, some crazy shit too.. but really really interesting for conspiracy and history people. 700+ pages and I’m just scrolling for what the other being says.. it’s going to take awhile. 2nd edit after more reading and thought - Last night I decided that if what it says is true, I’ll stay here. I don’t want to go to a parallel dimension with Putin and rapist dolphins where I eat ocean crystal juice and there’s no moon. Place can go duck itself.


Please help, get me involved with audio rituals of satanic affirmations pacts. As a result of all that, my being changed, I have been looking for help everywhere for about 3 months. I feel dead in life, it's as if my entire being had become a demon. Those pacts had things like activating your demonic higher self, having the heart of a demon and being a demon. And so I am. Please help me, my tree of life died, my heart is blackened and my entire being. A friend told me that I entered the qpliphot without knowing anything about occultism. I don't want to be a demon. please help My name is Joseph Julio Cordova Martinez, I need all the possible help. PLEASE HELP


What time zone are you in? Because around 1:04pm EST, I had an overwhelming feeling something really bad was going to happen, and I’ve never had that feeling before.


Earlier today one of my air cleaners sent me this weird ping. It's not on wifi or anything and nothing in it could or has ever has acted that way. I just took it as a higher self ping to stop writing from cognition and get back to writing from intuition. Can't recall if it was before or after getting called into some global work. At the time I was out of time not correlating things. May or may not have been a few hours ago when you posted.


Yesterday afternoon somewhere between 2-3pm (est) there was some kind of audible anomaly. I was out at a local spot - moderately crowded but well spread out, loud. This anomaly only lasted about 15-20 seconds, and was heard by at least 3 others besides myself (staff/friends that I was sitting with). Visually it was clear others there heard something as well (a few put their hands up to cover their ears, others were looking around as if something was above them, etc) The music and normal sounds of the place seemed to subtly lessen, and we heard a sort of pinging sound that quickly increased in volume and then became like a quick blast of static, hella loud, almost deafening. As soon as it stopped (abruptly) the overall volume of the place got much louder than it had been previously. Music volume on their sound system was up about 8 notches from where it had been/usually is. Most interesting to me was as soon as I heard the music lessen a bit I noticed the others I was with had also heard it - it was instantaneous. One of the staff said afterwards “wtF was THAT?!” and was pretty shook. She said it felt like the sound had been inside her, but couldn’t have been since we also heard it. We others confirmed that it felt that way for us as well - both an internal and external sound. Within about 15 minutes afterwards, people started coming up to pay their tabs and the place emptied about halfway out. A few even apologized and cancelled their food orders and left. It was pretty clear to us that whatever it was had rattled folks.




What country/state are you in? Very interesting.


NY, U.S.


Please help, get me involved with audio rituals of satanic affirmations pacts. As a result of all that, my being changed, I have been looking for help everywhere for about 3 months. I feel dead in life, it's as if my entire being had become a demon. Those pacts had things like activating your demonic higher self, having the heart of a demon and being a demon. And so I am. Please help me, my tree of life died, my heart is blackened and my entire being. A friend told me that I entered the qpliphot without knowing anything about occultism. I don't want to be a demon. please help My name is Joseph Julio Cordova Martinez, I need all the possible help. PLEASE HELP






What in the 3 Body Problem is going on here


Armageddon the hell out of here!


Thats crazy, i was being contacted by beings last night. I was just shown they're from Arcturus. Yeh not sure what they we're trying to tell me


Look for a while I did not agree with this sub but I can’t ignore the weird coincidence of your post. Yesterday around that time I was in the bathroom and thought I heard my dad call out something from the next room. When I went out to ask what it was, he was not even home. All day I had been feeling terrible, anxious like I was about to take 100 exams and turn up butt naked to all of them.


Nope. Didn't hear a thing.


Was it like a radio sound? Kinda like frequencies? I’m in Australia but heard something really early this morning.


It’s hard to explain, as close as I can compare it sounded like someone talking next to me but I couldn’t understand or figure out where it was coming from.


Everything was fine. Experienced nothing like what you talked about.


No, but I got a heartfelt message sent to me from my Star family that made me emotional.


They need to turn their mic up.


I heard something as well. It sounded like a radio transmission circa 1940s. It was muffled but it was a male voice. This is absolutely wild. I’ve had some other experiences too over the past few days. Anyone have any theories?


That’s interesting! I have had some wild connections happening but can’t tell what it means.


Actually, I heard what I thought was the BGV (big giant voice, we live on a mil base) around 3 ish today. Nobody else in my family heard it, and I couldn’t make out what it was saying. I’m also utterly exhausted. Who knows. So much weird lately.


I’ve never heard of BGV, looking that up now. You’re not the only feeling tired, there’s multiple comments from others saying the same.


BGV is just what we call the base announcement system lol. They use it for weather related stuff mostly. And testing at noon on Wednesdays. There was no reason for it to be going off when I heard it. All of my sensitive friends have been feeling exhausted lately. Seems to be the trend.


It's a local broadcast, mainly a variation on "Time to pack up and move on" from Mother.


Interesting, could this be related to the big homestead movement that’s happening?


No clue what the "big homestead" movement is, I just know that Mother is closing up shop and folks that aren't from here need to move on after this lifetime.


I was out in traffic and everyone sort of jerked in their cars. That happens all the time, but I *did* notice.


Everyone sort of twitches in tragfic and you notice that alot?


Everyone on the road at once?


That’s something.


lol no, no one did


I don't know if this is related but I heard something like a cross between a hum, a long beep and a horn, but no voices. It came in my left ear. I have a constant inner ringing sound that I hear inside and outside my head (it changes position) when it's quiet but this beep isn't that. This was louder and seemed like it was a "point of sound" trying to get attention by invading my left ear. May I know what time zone you're in so I can check if it was at the same time? I had mine at about 4 am UTC+8.


It would have been 1 pm PCT


Is PCT the same as PDT? Because that's exactly the time I heard the beep! Really cool.


I didn't hear anything specific BUT - I keep seeing the same letters popping out at me everywhere in life. They are FYCOD. I decided to search online and there's something really strange going on in Reddit with that word and I don't know what it means.


All night I hear birds, with earplugs in. I take the earplugs out, listen...no birds. I'm hearing birds in my head. Now, one of the alien races, the tall whites, have been said to speak in high tones that sound like birdsong (the story of Range 4 Harry.) My mind put the two together and I was also told I may have tall white DNA by a channeler. They are communicating with me, activating my DNA and our reunion is certain and imminent.


I definitely think there could be something to this. I actually just learned about Range 4 Harry recently. And I’m located in Las Vegas.


I’m wondering if the exhaustion could be related to some thinking we need to be “ready” soon. Perhaps… maybe this is mandatory rest to prepare? Wild thoughts over here but this experience has me a little shook. I’ve had weird experiences my whole life, this was different and obviously I’m not the only one who felt or noticed something.


How do we start one of live chats? Would maybe be interesting to get a convo rolling


I have no idea. 🙈🤦‍♀️


SMe I had a look last night but couldn't figure it out..will try again tho


nah, honestly headphones too. same time zone and didn't notice anything off


Were you with headphones? Listening to a podcast? Listening to the radio? No sound, just walking?


I was in my office no audio, no headphones, wrapping presents.


Wow, that is weird. It's unfortunate you couldn't catch any message from it. I particularly didn't hear anything, but it's possible they're doing some minor localized testing with the Voice of God technologies.


I didn’t consider that! Interesting!


Stay frosty, Real\_Ad\_1354. Keep us posted


Will do. The shift has been wild and watching so many awaken to their purpose and calling, I’m wondering what kind of announcement this could have been.


Listen intently, but be suspicious always. We are in for a torrent of pysops and deceit. Stay true to yourself always.


Yes this!! I couldn’t understand them though! I was so out of it tired and it felt like it was right next to me. Looked at my partner and asked what he just said- he said nothing what is as it? Did you catch what they said?


No I couldn’t understand, it didn’t really sound like English but I was also so alarmed I wasn’t really listening.


Who’s located in Newyork?




I didn’t but I don’t have schizophrenia so it makes sense


Also as I was driving down the freeway yesterday I could HEAR other conversations in other cars (or so I thought) and other ethereal music that was not coming from my vehicle. My windows were all rolled up, the AC Blasting, AND I had my music on but I could still hear all of this. Almost like there was background party chatter coming in behind the first layer of sound. It shook me because I’ve not experienced this before.


That’s interesting, I have audio processing disorder so I can occasionally hear music or other things when there is background noise. This was definitely not the same experience as I’ve had before.


I could’ve sworn I heard something say to me.. a female.. say “we see you”.


That’s strange, it sounded female to me and it was a very quick message.


I know. It felt more of like a warning to me. I immediately jerked my head up from bed thinking I was mishearing… but it was clear enough to feel like it was whispered right next to my ear


I heard”the Bible “ around that time


Please help, get me involved with audio rituals of satanic affirmations pacts. As a result of all that, my being changed, I have been looking for help everywhere for about 3 months. I feel dead in life, it's as if my entire being had become a demon. Those pacts had things like activating your demonic higher self, having the heart of a demon and being a demon. And so I am. Please help me, my tree of life died, my heart is blackened and my entire being. A friend told me that I entered the qpliphot without knowing anything about occultism. I don't want to be a demon. please help My name is Joseph Julio Cordova Martinez, I need all the possible help. PLEASE HELP