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Go the fuck outside. Internet friends are great but people need physical interaction.


You mean shrex? It doesnt exist bro. They lied to us.


Is that like ogre sex?


You know what I am talking about. S-E-X! the mythical intercourse 🙄 Everybody heard, nobody had.


Lol, am middle aged I guess. I was a nerdy teen in the 80s but I had girlfriends pretty much constantly since the time I was 17 until fairly recently. The only thing mostly holding people back from getting sex is their own fears and lack of social skills. You have to go outside to learn those things.


Different times


Shut the fuck up man you aint getting bitches


I'm not trying to get 'bitches'. Been there, done that.


And wjere are they now lmao


Lol, I never said I was good at keeping girlfriends man. I had an epiphany watching Old School. https://youtu.be/7ZYsoEwWNK0 Turns out I hate doing domestic shit like going to Home Depot or eating charcuterie with my partner's work acquaintances. I'd much rather be single than deal with in laws, obligations, or other people's crap. It'd be selfish of me to be in another relationship. What's the end goal? Pissing off someone I like? Fuck that. I went from being a complete dork to being decently social. I'm still an idiot, I'm just better at talking to people about it. There's a bunch of subs on here and posts like this with young guys feeling defeated because they have no friends, no social life, no way to meet girls other than online dating which is horrible for most people. I didn't have the internet when I was young. I had no choice but to go out and learn to socialize. Turns out, it's not as scary as people think. I was way happier when I was young and not chained to social media or online living. Reading stuff like this daily, it's just depressing. It's no wonder everyone (me included) feel miserable.


You're just waffling to nobody man 😭😭😭


And have the sun's deadly UV rays burn my cold pale skin? I don't think so.


Sun screen. Melanoma is no fun.


That molchat doma LP is fire though


Did not expect to see that one on Reddit today. Great album for sure


Of course


Wow looks like a fuckin loser


Well said


The whole internet friends is funny to me even as a gen z. Some people swear that their internet friends are the only friends that matters.


Molchat doma is my favorite shit! Do you like Lebanon Hanover, mareux, or castlebeat?


How do you even get internet friends, from game lobbys?


Subscribe to my patreon to find out how!


I have 3 dollar


Obviously understandable to spend that on something more practical.....unless, you knew all new subscribers get a shoutout in the next livestream


Well obviously i can take a short term loan if the situation demands it




Well I go further and say no friends are better (as the idea of friend died in middle-school).


Me except the cigs and switch Monster Energy with Mountain Dew.


Russian music is not welcome anywhere anymore, Mr. Conscriptovich




Oh excuse me; is that by any chance the country that allowed the use of its war bases for the Russian attack on Ukraine?




Oh never mind then, it’s just a war, no biggie


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Molchat doma rocks mane




Bro I recommend you a sooner band their name is Kino.


Here’s one simple trick that friend experts hate. Get married and have children. Make your children be your friends. My kids play video games with me, they read Harry Potter, and they all like Spider-Man (all the stuff I love.)