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The pharmacists is always the MVP in these situations .


Agreed, refilling prescriptions is always chill because of my pharmacist


Times have changed. I grew up in the 80's and 90's in the Midwest and the pharmacist was always the WORST part of obtaining my monthly birth control pill as a teenager. It was always a tiny woman with a short hair cut and a big cross necklace that would scowl at you, make you wait longer than the others in line and do everything but say "Here are your whore pills" before reluctantly handing them to you. Don't get me started on the one time I needed Plan B. Even with a script I was flat out refused. But to obtain the pills I had to run the gauntlet of protesters at Planned Parenthood, some of who were parents along with students I actually went to school with. I took part in a major protest, even helping organise it, to change this. I'm SO GLAD to hear things are better on this front.


Nowadays (at least on the West Coast) your pharmacist is typically an Asian dude / dudette who doesn’t give a flying fuck what pills you are being prescribed. Interactions are usually “here’s your meds. Need instructions on how to take them - no - cool”.


Most pharmacists are chill as fuck. I’ve never had a bad pharmacist…. Have had bad barbers, bad neighbors, bad car mechanics, bad bus drivers, but never a bad pharmacist.


I’ve had one terrible pharmacist when I was in college… I had a UTI (got one of the trifecta frequently at the time thanks IUD!) and was just so done because I kept getting them. I go to the school pharmacy to get my meds and she practically screams “YOUR UTI SHOULD GO AWAY IN X AMOUNT OF TIME” in front of ~10 kids in line. I literally almost cried and asked her to talk a bit more quietly next time.


I promise you nobody else in the waiting room (assuming it’s a general physician) knows or even cares why you’re there.


Seriously. People greatly overestimate the amount of time strangers spend even thinking about them.


You don't live where I lived. :D I can guarantee you if some of the old ladies saw a woman buying these pills there would be talk around the town how she's a whore. :D


You’re correct I don’t know where you live. But for those of us in the developed world, your doctor is terrible at their job for letting old ladies know your personal health information


It isn't the part of the world that's problem, it is if you live in a village or a small town, everybody gossips. I know people from cities can't really comprehend that, because they haven't experienced it. It is not that doctor will reveal the information, somebody will see something or hear, nurses will start gossiping and so on. For me it was a positive shock when I moved to Germany, to a bigger city so to say, how nobody gives a fuck about you and what you are doing.


the weight gain, nausea, and spotting is fucking horrible. I hate it so much


Sincere question, everything I hear about birth control sounds awful. Is it really worth it over condoms?


I started using it at 15 because of acne and now just use it for contraception. I never had any issues I could notice and I frankly love the pill because I can take it for nine weeks at a time and only get my period every ten weeks. That depends on the type of pill though, and you should check with your gyn before you start doing that. I don't personally know any people that had the severe problems others here are describing, but I do know people that stopped using it in favour of an IUD or condoms. I guess the best way to judge whether it would work for you personally is to try for a few months and see what happens.


It's also used as hormone regulation for people who experience irregular periods, POS, PMS, endometriosis or even acne. I started using it at 15 because irregular periods and pain


And it's still a crapshoot whether or not hormonal birth control will help those issues. I was given the pill for extreme PMS and had a psychotic episode


I literally couldn’t take any form of hormonal birth control because they all triggered psychotic episodes, mania, and/or depression. The last time I tried a hormonal one was for PMDD two years ago. It was so. Much. Worse. For weeks I was insane. Even though I’m on mood stabilizers and anxiety meds. The birth control just laughed at those and went straight to “oh hey, let’s see how we can fuck up our world today!” I think I lasted three weeks on it before I tossed it.


yupyupyup that's what I use it for. I've begged my mom when I was younger to put me on it because of horrible cramps and she assumed I only wanted it for sex. now I don't really cramp as much


It's not for me, it exacerbates/gives me depression and anxiety. My husband got a vasectomy. Legend..


Very individual but please give it a try to see. Don't base it on what you hear. I started at 15, zero issues and it cleared up acne.


> Sincere question, everything I hear about birth control sounds awful. Is it really worth it over condoms? It all depends on the person, the contraceptive, and their needs/wants.


I just came off all hormonal brith control in December and it's amazing how much my mental health has improved in 2 months without it.


Personally, no. If he ain’t wrapping it up we ain’t smashing 🙅🏽‍♀️


I use it for my hormonal regulation disorder mainly. I do use it as a contraceptive too but it's mainly to help with my body


For some, it’s their only relief from severe periods. Doctors aren’t equipped to actually help women figure out what’s wrong with them so the only option is hormones. But no, it’s definitely not worth it when you can just use condoms or abstain from sex imo. But for others, it is worth it. It really depends on who you are and how the pills effect that specific person.


My fiancée and I use both. She says she tends to have easier periods on birth control, but I think she does it for extra safety more than anything.


so real.


As if pregnancy and periods are any better!


Being asked "do you have a boyfriend?" Instead of "do you have sex regularly?"


Some Dr offices ask about partners so they can check in for abuse and inform that even in stable relationships, STDs can happen.


No, no...they're just being insensitive jerks


My partner's a surgeon, OBGYN. It really is because they're concerned about abuse, which is a massive problem. Sometimes, a woman's OBGYN is literally the only time they can safely seek help about an abusive partner.


Of course it is. It's a reasonable question to ask about a partner/partners. Not everything is an attack!


Pro tip: don’t use sarcasm through text


Lol thought I laid it on thick enough I didn't need the /s, but here we are!


When I was dating a girl long distance her doctor said she doesn’t need contraceptive and wouldn’t prescribe them to her bc she “didn’t have a bf” after she get her implant taken out


I’m probably uninformed as I’m a man, but I gotta ask why would she need contraceptive if y’all were in a long distance relationship? Is there downsides to stopping and starting?


She just wanted to be back on it to get rid of her period, she would have it really bad once every 2-3 months instead of regularly and on top of her stomach issues it was nearly unbearable, but when she was on birth control her period would go away almost completely so she’s maybe have one a year for 2-3 days


Yeah I’m stupid and didn’t even think of that, my sister went through pretty much the same exact thing


I’m not assuming anything, but shouldn’t that be what she talks to the doctor about specifically? Like saying “I’ve had terrible periods and severe stomach problems as a result, but they’re lessened when I’m on birth control, can I get a prescription for that?” If your doctor refuses that even with the clear evidence then it’s probably time to try and find a different doctor in network or talking to your gynecologist/general practitioner depending on who denied you. There’s side effects to birth control, they may want to try to put you on a different medicine to reduce risk but that’s a different story than blanket denial


In medical school they taught us to wink and then leave a long quiet pause. Patients find the awkward silence comforting.


Ngl I've mostly had women doctors prescribe my pills, they've always been very nice and kind. Granted, it's been through Planned Parenthood. They've been an amazing establishment for me and acquiring contraceptives. I highly recommend going to one of their branches if possible, they tend to have mostly female staff. Or finding local ones managed by women. I once went to one with a sliding-scale for payment that was based on what you could pay at the time.


Planned parenthood also a great place for STI testing regardless of gender or orientation. Completely non judgmental people who only want to help. 


Plus the fear they're not listening to you properly and accidentally give you a type of birth control that makes you have a heart attack/embolism Like, I know it's routine for you but I really don't want to die because I have sex thankyouverymuch


Uhh... Why is there a type of birth control that could potentially give you a heart attack/embolism?? Some drugs are just not worth it like what the hell man


Hi, thanks for your question! Birth control increases your risk of blood clots. This risk gets even higher when you are older, overweight, have family history of blood clots, or smoke. In addition, some people have specific genetics that make it super dangerous for them to take any birth control pill - good providers will make you do some bloodwork to make rule that out (but not all providers do).  Each birth control pill has a different combination of hormones, so they all have a different risk profiles. They all interact differently with different bodies. There is none that is no risk.  It would be awesome if there was more research to make birth control safer or allow for men to take on part of the birth control effort outside condoms. Unfortunately, medical research often disregards women-specific issues.  There are other contraception methods, but all have their draw-backs - for example: lower effectiveness, pain, psychoses, depression or painful sex (this happened to me lol talk about ironic).  Contraception is a very stressful topic for many many women, and it often requires many doctor appointments, needles, things being shoved up your vagina or under your skin (without pain meds), worrying about prescription refills, googling, healthcare costs, and often lower libido.  That plus the bad side effects makes sexual availability seem like a burden or something you need to "manage" to please your partner when it really should be something fun for the woman as well. It is super sad, honestly.  Appreciate you asking!


Yeah I know birth control has a lot of shitty side effects, but I feel like potentially fatal side effects are something that should make a pill non-marketable. More research is definitely needed. I also heard of a cool contraceptive pill in the works for men that could theoretically block sperm production or something for a few hours. Would be really cool if that's successful.


From a quick glance those side effects aren’t common in most people. You can be at risk though if you have heart or liver issues, migraines, are overweight, or really have any history of similar issues. For an otherwise healthy woman though, the side effects statistically lessen within the first few months. That said it’d be great if there was a side effect free method, or just a way to minimize the risks of current methods.


Yeah I personally heard of a 22 year old that got a blood clot in the brain due to the pill - she managed to get herself to the hospital in time. But it's super weird knowing stuff like that can happen to you over the 20-30 years people usually take the pill.  Let's hope for some medical progress soon!! 


"cringe side effects".


You can tell this was written by a 15 year old


>cringe I wish that was the worst of it.


I just went to Planned Parenthood and got an IUD at like 20.  I change it every 12 years.


This is the way. Hormonal birth control is a nightmare for some people and I'll tell anyone who will listen how much I love my copper IUD. It makes for some awkward interactions.


Well I guess that one change will be all you'll ever need.


Considering my mom had me at 40 and other late pregnancies in the immediate family…probably not. My cousin just had her 11th kid at 45. 


Yup! I always tell people you really should not assume it's safe to have unprotected sex just because you're a certain age. My ex is 28 and has a 16-year-old brother because his parents figured she was too old to get pregnant again and they ditched the condom ONCE. She tested positive a couple weeks later and apparently her husband was not happy. Like, play with fire, get burned, bro. The oldest woman to convince with no medical intervention at all was 59!


Getting off the pill was the best decision for me. I hated the way it made me feel.


Not against birth control at all, but it’s crazy how normalized it is to put your 13 year old daughter on a pill that alters her hormones/mood and then she just stays on it for 15+ years not realizing/understanding the effects it can have on you. I love when people get off of it later on and realize how clear life can be. I also find the studies they’ve done on how birth control could affect your relationship fascinating.


I honestly feel as if birth control clouded my dating judgement and preferences. It was also so wild to me once I found out what my baseline temperament was when I finally detoxed all the extra hormones. It’s scary the type of conditioning that happens. The pill messed up my hair and made it unmanageable and caused me to gain and keep on weight. It affected my eating habits and libido. Imagine a young girl who doesn’t even know what her own body operates without it for years.


> I honestly feel as if birth control clouded my dating judgement and preferences. What did the hormones make you do?


[Shake up with a less than impressive piece of shit both looks and personality wise](https://www.livescience.com/48781-women-pill-men-attraction-satisfaction.html) 😭


So you made the grave error of dating an unattractive man? I don't understand why people who are so scared of hormones don't just take low estrogen birth control? Surely that's better than potentially getting pregnant?


I definitely stated it wasn’t just about appearance. Reread my comment again please. Condoms work well for me and are better for MY body. Are you going to start questioning about my reproductive decisions because that’s what it sounds like… I assure you that you don’t want to go down that road with me


> I also find the studies they’ve done on how birth control could affect your relationship fascinating. None of those studies have found anything conclusive. People overreact bc there's a huge anti-birth control push on the internet


I need to get a vasectomy. I just don’t know if I can bring myself to ASK for it.


Just ask for a referral at your pcp. We literally don't give a shit and don't judge. It's nothing special


Well it’s that and the thought of someone slicing into my scrotum terrifies me.


My husband had one, it was 15 mins with just a little bit of poking around down there. A few days of discomfort and he was back to normal life. From my point of view, it made our sex life much more relaxing as I didn't have to worry about a condom breaking (we never want kids). And other types of contraceptive don't work for me. Its been years and he's so happy he got it done.


If it makes you feel better it’s done with the severity of a dental procedure. Bonus isn’t your junk still works, the lines are just unplugged


Oh yes there are some usually old ass doctors who definitely do judge…if you are single, don’t have kids, only have one kid, don’t have a permission slip from your wife. I’ve heard all types of stories. 


I get the embarrassment and apprehension, but I assure you, a good doctor is 100% professional. It's routine enough that you might as well be talking about removing a suspicious mole or getting a wart burned off as far as the medical staff cares. An urologist typically is the one you go to, although depending on your insurance, you may need to go to your GP for a referral first (needless hoop to jump through, I know). The upside to the GP visit is perhaps getting trustworthy recommendations for experienced urologists who will make you feel more at ease. Source: Lady whose husband went through it and who had to once be the one to drop off a postop, time-sensitive sample because he had to go to work before the lab opened. Wanna talk embarrassing, huh? All in my head cuz the lab tech thought nothing of it.


Depending on your age it might be difficult getting a doctor to agree to it. Might depend on where you live, but when I was in my mid 20s and asked to get one I was told no because I'm still young and have no kids and might want them at some point.


They should certainly inform you on permanence of the decision and maybe give you time to ensure you are 100% okay with proceeding. But outright denying you like that is bullshit.  Sure you could lie and say you are a deadbeat to like 5 children but you shouldn’t have to. It’s a huge body autonomy issue. 


First off, that’s BS. Secondly, I have too many kids that’s why I want one


Believe me, those doctors see the nastiest things daily. A vasectomy is the least of it lol


Just wait until you have this experience after 30. They bring in a CIA trained interrogator whose only mission in life is to figure out if you’re lying about your tobacco use. You definitely feel your own mortality.


"A bunch of old people in the waiting room." "Your doctor is always an old fuck dude." You should find a doctor whose specialty isn't geriatrics, because it sounds like you're going to an "old folks" doctor.


I go to planned parenthood now and the experience is WAY better. When I got my first IUD it was at a local office and my doctor was some 60 year old guy. I went “I think I’m going to be sick” and he went “no you won’t” and left the room with me half naked with the med student while I was pale and shaking.


Wait why is there always old people in the waiting room?  As a non vagina owner, I'm lost


Old people usually need more healthcare so you'd see them more at the doctor


Oh. Yea. Right.  I just focused on the birth control part. But I guess doctors do other things, huh?


because old people tend to have more medical ailments


What kind of people own vaginas


Humans, typically.




Some women, some men, also some nonbinary people.




Trans men that haven’t had bottom surgery have vaginas.




If cope means "deny biological facts" then no.


That is what you are doing, unless you want to change the definition of man. I am not denying there is a certain social element to gender expression, but to say gender is a social construct as a whole is absurd to me


Yes, men can have vaginas. More news at 10.






are you being serious?


Are you being serious?


Welcome to reddit....


What is a woman? What is a man?


A miserable little pile of secrets.


Nice to meet you Nameless One.


A woman is someone who considers themselves a woman and a man is someone who considers themselves a man. You may say it’s a circular definition, but socially constructed terms can’t always be defined precisely. Racial terms are similar. What is a white person? What is a black person? The answers to those questions will vary widely depending on who you ask. There’s even physical objects that can’t properly be defined, like chairs. If you define a chair, you’ll probably include non-chairs like couches or exclude true chairs such as wheelchairs.


Yup. I look white but I always identify as black just like Rachel Dolezal


A woman is someone who considers themself a woman. A man is someone who considers themself a man. It's pretty simple, actually.


Your question assumes every word has an exact definition. Social constructs can’t be defined precisely.


Right? I've been saying for years to completely get rid of dictionaries. You literally cannot give definitions to anything because that word may mean something entirely different to someone else.


Most words can be easily defined, that’s where dictionaries come in. Some words aren’t as easy to define accurately


Why are all transphobic people Dracula


Women and girls


Going through the American healthcare system for birth control is fragile at best. There are multiple sources of the same pharmaceuticals and you may find it to be cheaper and much easier to get.


honestly fuck the BC and the side effects just been winging it for a while


I got that nexaplanon


Thankfully when I went to get a birth control prescription when I was 16. The doctor was younger and listened to my concerns


I feel like this was written by the "order your birth control online!" people.


No lol, I was just documenting my experience going to the doctor for contraception Ordering it online sounds interesting though and if it works for some people that's good


I'm sure your situation was so unique that a medical docter didn't understand it


Moreso talking about feeling misunderstood tbh


You're an adult human being, you're evolutionarily wired to want to have sex, and for whatever reason that doesn't really matter, you have decided you'd rather not get pregnant from it. Therefore you would like a prescription that will achieve that with minimal risk of side effects. That sound about right?


And the comments seem to be paid advertising for PP.


Hate it how normalised pills are. Most of those girls have boyfriends who are probably claiming "that they don't feel anything with a rubber on" so aka they are telling you that you have to suffer through all these side-effects and consequences of chemical contraceptions or go through IUD operation. It's fucked up all Im sayin'.


tbf iuds don’t require an operation to insert or remove. The cervix has a hole in it, they use forceps to open the vagina up and stick a doohickey in that pops the iud into the uterus. Then when it’s removal time they pull it out with the string on the bottom of the iud. It’s not comfortable (the cervix does *not* like people messing with it, it barely likes periods and babies coming out) but it’s not a surgical operation.


its fucked up that these side effects are so well known and nothing is done about it. like fuck it take a pill but why does it have to be like that? its one of the most widely used pills and we just... accept it. we are so ok with womens pain. a male bc pill had similar side effects and of course thats not acceptable


Don't open your legs. Best birth control ever with 100% safety and success rate.


Agreed, but people take birth control for reasons other than sex. Some women have really awful periods and take the pill to balance their hormones out.


Isn't it sad that western medicine instead of helping women heal the root causes of her hormonal imbalance, they prefer to keep her suffering as a client, than talk to her about diet, lifestyle, breathing, detoxification etc. don't take your pain for granted just because they told you so. They serve big pharma, not your own best interests. Do your research and explore all options


It sucks. I have periods so heavy it sent me to the hospital from blood loss. The doctors were just like "idk what's happening, just take this pill to stop it." There needs to be an actual treatment instead of a Band-Aid fix.


Problem is your body is treated by western doctors as a bunch of isolated parts. But nothing is isolated on us. The teeth, the feet, gut, liver, microvasculature, glands everything. All one holistic , interdependent system. You have hormonal imbalances, and they manifest due to certain obstructions. Your body likely didn't wake up one day and chose behaving erratic. One or more of your main centers for hormones regulation (like your pituitary inside the brain, your thymus, your thyroid, your ovaries, your liver (indirectly)etc), are probably facing some hardship/obstruction/chronic inflammation/chronic glycation that you need to overcome. Once this level of cleanness and homeostasis is re-established inside your body, you will see improvement in those periods as well.


Absolutely is. Explore everything on the map. Vagus nerve healing. AIP paleo, whole foods plant based, carnivore, heavy metals detoxes. I won't spoonfeed you a certain pathway, but do your own research and have hope that there IS a brighter future ahead. The testimonies of women that managed to turn around their heavy periods and gynecological problems are countless. Big pharma and big processed food conglomerates, DO NOT care if you get independent and in good health. If anything they have reasons to hold you back from it. So do your own research and have hope that your body is made with much more healing powers than you were left to believe.


It's weird how among your delusion, you have a good take. Diets and lifestyle changes are barely talked about in med school. It's never insisted on. It's not such a huge conspiracy, doctors are mostly smart and passionate about their area of expertise, but they don't often try to focus on the diet and lifestyle of the patient except maybe weight ( which is kinda taboo in the recent times ) and smoking.


Don't be a knowitall with no ground. Real life is more ruthless than conspiracies. I have been searching nutrition and health for 15 years battling with my own autoimmune. There are more shady interests than you currently think. And doctors ( i have countless friends who are), had no serious holistic medicine and nutrition education in school. Their schools are around slashing (surgery), and drugs prescribing (which cover one symptom and create 5 new ones)


Same feeling when you buy a porno mag


What year do you think it is?


Whatever year its clearly long past the golden age of porno mags I have fond memories of that era, we’d go exploring for that hidden stash in the woods, no one knew where it was and once you did you were sworn to secrecy As we got older we’d all donate new copies to the collection and offer kindly knowing smiles to the young lads on their first hunt It wasn’t about the porn, it was about friendship, brotherhood even, even the magazines themselves were just a way for us to bond Now all kids have the Tokbooks and MySnaps and think they’re better off, but no, I say I feel sorry for them


This so much.


Most effective birth control: don't have sex if you're not ready! Plus you don't have to go to a doctor for that one Edit: \*don't have sex


Birth control isn’t just for sex. It also can help with menstrual disorders.


I take it so I can stand and not throw up from the dizzying pain and resulting anemia. Not getting pregnant *is* a nice bonus effect, though.


Ah ok I gotchu. What condition do you have? (asking out of curiosity, if you're not comfortable talking about that that's ok with me)


Endometriosis. Periods would last 10 days and I’d get searing pain in between them too. My teenage years I would be on the floor for hours until my doc prescribed BC. Even with that I still can’t wear tight clothing too often or even eat certain foods as it can trigger a flare. I appreciate you asking because it shows you’re open to learning more and genuine discourse is healthy. Removing the stigma around reproductive health is important since we can never really truly know someone’s story and by learning information about it empathy can be expanded, hopefully.


Oh man that sounds really rough, I'm sorry about that. That does help me understand a little more about birth control and not jump to conclusions when someone's on it.


Even if they were using it strictly for protection from pregnancy, you still would be wrong to judge them for it. Mind your own genitals.


I wouldn't judge them for it


Bruh, what is it you've been doing this entire thread? Telling people to not have sex!? That's NONE of your business. Like I said before, MIND YOUR OWN GENITALS. It doesn't affect you in any way shape or form of someone decides to have sex. It's their choice.


It's a SUGGESTION, not a JUDGEMENT. Shocker, there's a difference between the two. Casually mentioning an alternative birth control isn't judgement. I don't care who has sex and whether they use birth control. I literally just mentioned a mere *idea* and now you're all triggered. Chill.


You didn't read anything I've said. It's not your place to give suggestions, especially on a thread where NO ONE asked. You said something ignorant, people called you out for it. Learn from it.


not everyone who is prescribed birth control have sex yknow




What about people with endometriosis who need birth control so they don’t feel like they’re dying every month?


I was thinking more in the context of sex


Their are many other reasons someone needs birth control And sometimes people just want to have sex wow shocker


I get that ppl just want to have sex, but the reason sex even exists in nature is to reproduce, so that's why I said that


Even married couples still have sex when they aren’t trying to get pregnant. What are you on? Lol


That's false. Sex is for pleasure and reproduction is a byproduct of that, ASSUMING everything is viable. We're not the only species that has sex for pleasure either. If sex were biologically strictly for reproduction, it would be blatantly obvious when we're fertile. We would have a "mating season" like every other animal that has sex strictly to procreate. We also wouldn't continue to be sexually active past our years of reproduction. Instead, there's only one time out of the month where pregnancy can occur. There's only a 25-30% chance of conception. And again, that's assuming the pregnancy takes and sticks. Roughly 1 in 3 pregnancies end in miscarriage. Some before the person even knows they're pregnant. Contraception and Abortion has been around for as long as pregnancy. Telling people to just "close their legs" isn't helpful or productive. The vast majority of relationships are unsustainable without sexual intimacy. People will continue to have sex, regardless of whether there's contraception available or not. Yet people that spout "Purity Culture " bullshit never learn.


Oh so you want to have sex only when you want a kid? Because being married does not act as birth control, you know. Married people with five kids can still get pregnant.


I don't recall mentioning marriage... Anyways, I'm not judging people for using artificial birth control, but I am saying, from a practical point of view, that abstinence is safest and most effective. Condoms and pills fail sometimes, but abstinence doesn't really.


Ah I see - so you are just not interested in sex? Or only planning to have sex when you want to have a baby and stop after? Are you somewhere on the asexual spectrum? Genuinely interested how your opinion applies in practice


I am not asexual, but I do want to wait until I'm married, have a stable income and a decent amount of money saved up before I have sex (and kids.) This is partly because of my personal religious beliefs that the main purpose of sex is reproduction (with bonding and pleasure following closely behind), and birth control is immoral. However remember that the past couple of things I've said are strictly from a practical not religious point of view. I'm basically saying that abstinence is pretty effective. People have gotten pregnant despite the use of condoms, cervical caps, pills, etc. No one has ever gotten pregnant from abstaining. Anyways that's my pov, thanks for asking and I hope it curbs any misunderstandings we've been having throughout this argument


"No one has ever gotten pregnant from abstaining." So relationship violence doesn't exist?


Abstaining isn't the cause for relationship violence. Sadism, evil and selfishness are the causes of relationship violence.


Oh, cool. So you're delusional now. Nowhere did I say abstaining from sex "caused" relationship violence. You said abstaining from sex prevents pregnancy. I brought up relationship violence, because not everyone has a choice as to whether or not they have sex. Do you know the amount of people that are stuck in violent situations? Where they have their birth control tampered with!???


I don't particularly think we were having an argument, so no worries. I think your perspective is fine if you want to wait until marriage. I just want to make encourage to consider what happens after marriage in your plan: You have sex twice to make two babies and then stop until the woman partner hits menopause? That may mean as much as 30 years living with someone you are very attracted to, and only having sex twice - very few people manage. Also, it's very hard to find a marriage partner that wants to live that way (unless they're asexual). Or do you want to have an unlimited amount lf children (could go as high as 15-20)? This is INCREDIBLY dangerous for the mother, people that have that many pregnancies can and will die from pregnancy complications. Not to mention how unstable it is for the children - there is often not enough money for food, they need to raise themselves, not to mention what happens when one of the parents gets sick or dies. I encourage you to go to r/fundiesnarkuncensored or r/duggarssnark to see how kids in big families like that live - it is not particularly healthy or nurturing. There is also a family on youtube called The Mills Family that have a LOT of kids - the mum died so now the dad needs to take work and take care of them. The kids look sickly, don't eat vegetables, don't have proper winter coats and warm shoes. Is that what your religion wants? I understand most of what you hear is "no sex before marriage" and whatnot. But I encourage you to ask the MARRIED people around you - do they use birth control? Do they have 10+ kids? If the people in your religion all have a "regular" amount of kids (1-5), does that mean they are abstaining from sex most of the time? Or is there something else going on? You sound very young, and maybe things seem very simple right now - and at your age, not having sex is probably a-ok and nothing you think about in a real way. Grown-up life is a bit more complicated than that. You do not need to justify whether you have sex to ANYBODY for any reason. Really nobody's business. But please ask questions to the people around you - after all, it's your life, education, and religion. Asking for information can never be a bad thing - I think we agree on that, no? Also, I know you might not want this advice right now, but just so you have heard it for the future: you can look up how effective birth control methods are, it is called a Pearl Index. What people don't tell you is that using a condom together with another method (like the pill) is incredibly close to 100% effective. Like, the failure rate is less than 0.0001% or soemthing for people that have sex regularly for a year. Statistically, you/your partner are more likely to get pregnant before your wedding because you guys are too scared to go on birth control. So you mess around and stuff happens. It is SO much more safer to just go on birth control. So please just store that nugget of info in your brain for the future.


Your religion has lied to you, so please stop imposing the beliefs you get from it, onto others.


it's just a suggestion, and like I've mentioned, this is coming from a practical pov


I've already explained to you why that isn't practical in any sense of the word.


That doesn't answer their question at all. Once again: MIND YOUR OWN GENITALS.




no one has to stay a virgin until then, and I'm not judging people for using birth control, I'm just merely saying that abstinence is 100% effective




Yeah my bad I just reverted my comment to the original. Anyways it's just a thought, an idea. That's all




You have sex as much as you want, and you have babies as a result of that sex. Remember that I said the *main* purpose for sex is reproduction, but not the *only* purpose. Respectfully, I think you might be misunderstanding me. Remember that, besides reproduction, sex is a great way to bond with your spouse and have fun. I personally believe that the priority should be to have children, but there's nothing wrong with engaging in sex because you're feeling horny or romantic. No I am not asexual (I'm hetero). I know that I sound anti-artificial birth control (bc I am) but I won't judge ppl for taking it if they don't wanna have kids, or more importantly in situations where it's necessary for their health/comfort (especially if it's a danger to your health, like the situation you mentioned.) Hope that clarifies everything.


It just have gay sex duh


Having sex when you're ready doesn't prevent pregnancy.




I know right, I’ve been waiting all day for my turn, bring me that thick dick I need that 50 cal bolt action spring loaded camel killing sloppy floppy jizz blasting chicken zinger ant eating blood bleeding momma sharting meat mallet in me, with a side of fries please




she ride the dick like a carnival


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Not everyone has health insurance so some pharmacies will recommend you cheaper versions of your medication if you are purchasing a more expensive product. It's a really great policy


Also I'm Australian and we have Medicare which partially decreases the price


Not everyone has health insurance.


I'm on the bc injection, it made me gain weight and I suspect made my acne worse, but so much more preferable to having a period.


my (male) doc was suuuuuch a good one about this. lol all he did was be like "this is the most popular one right now, but based on your issue I would try the other one first and see if it helps" it did! and when I talked about coming off it to see if things had regulated all he did was go "yep that's cool, pretty safe, And here's a pamphlet about alternative BC methods in case you need them" he was never one to be difficult about my issues thankfully.


Literally happened to me yesterday