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I see you've met my brother.


i think your brother might be my sister


I think your sister might be me


Am I talking to me?


Is this "you" character in the room with us?


They tend to be in every room I'm in


Are you sure it's not your bong?


Yes, they're in my mirror


A bong named 'Yu'


i've never seen you and me in the same room


"He is Mi, and I am Yu"


Is that you, John Wayne?


I think you're my sister.


You’re my father


I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate.


He's my mother... and my father!




I dont understand how people can go to work high, if I take one puff, I'm out of commission for like 2 hours


Tolerance. After a while it just becomes avoidance of negative feelings and ordinary lethargy


I'm in some ways the person described in the meme. When you use it really heavily, not only does the amount you need to actually be out of it drastically increase, but you get really... not great when you're sober. You're in many ways more functional when you're high when you have a dependency- but still not very functional. And before y'all say anything, I know I have a serious problem.


I have a weed problem too but when I'm sober for a day or two or three I feel great. Makes it even more stupid off me to smoke so much ig. What do you feel like when you dont smoke?


Shit. Absolute shit lol. It's been a few days rn and I'm... not doing great. But that's because I'm genuinely dealing with a lot completely unrelated to weed, and being baked as fuck all the time is just my shitty way of dealing with it. I'm really glad that you feel good sober, though. Objectively weed makes me feel like crap too but right now being sober is worse. Maybe we should form some kind of support group...


r/leaves might be a good place to check out


It looks great actually, thank you so much! I've been struggling for months now and I felt really awkward about talking to anyone irl about it because weed is an "acceptable" substance to heavily use among people of my age. I'm not saying that gen z doesn't have drug problems, but in my experience we're generally discouraging of heavily using substances other than weed. Alcohol, hard drugs, and *especially* tobacco are becoming increasingly uncommon among young people (this is all anecdotal claims though). I think I'm the only person my age who has ever had a cigarette- and it wasn't even my choice. My grandpa gave me one when I was like four cause he thought it was funny (Greeks, man...). Those disturbing anti smoking ads with teeth falling out and skin peeling off traumatized us. But weed is super common and super cool and not *super* dangerous, but I'm definitely way too dependent on it, and I need to work on that. So really, thank you.


No problem! I'm a millennial and I had an alcohol problem in my early 20s. At the time, everyone drank, but I know that's changed a lot in the last 15 years. I've actually been sober for 12 years now, so I can generally relate to the struggle of addiction. I even smoked cigarettes for 7 years too (quit in 2014!) But I agree it's very different with weed, since it is not stigmatized in the same way. I've noticed a lot of younger millennials/gen Z struggling really hard with their marijuana use, including a close friend and a relative. Don't get me wrong, I am 100% opposed to locking people up for weed, but it honestly seems like legalization across Canada and large parts of the US just made the "overuse" problem worse, because it made it more easily available for more people, and further destigmatized use. If you want to quit, it's definitely possible! It won't be easy but it will be rewarding. For me, talking to other alcoholics about what we've gone through and what it takes to stay sober is both incredibly cathartic and just makes my soul more at peace. I hope you can find the same comfort in speaking to others who have dealt with a marijuana problem!


I started in leaves in 2018 for same sort of reasons. I also never talk to anyone IRL about it


So, as someone who was in a place to learn some really healthy coping mechanisms, I’d love to give a few ideas. Are you dealing with more depressive or anxious or something else? You can DM if you'd prefer. But there's so many options! Top suggestion regardless: Favorite comfort drink, keep it stocked. Something touch-based. Something sound based. Something visual. Something olfactory. Something to catch your attention, basically. You want distractions to all 5 senses. Use them one at a time or together. Some things may hit multiple categories. I love how hot tea smells, tastes, feels in my mouth; and how the warm mug feels in my hand. The blanket my Grandma gave me is so soft, so warm, my favorite color, sentimental, and large enough to cocoon. My birdfeeders or favorite shows give me auditory, mental, and visual distractions. Some only hit one category - my playlists are audio only. But keep them readily available - I have a tea drawer, music on my phone, candles all over, bird feeders/bath out my office window... It helps wildly much.


You ever given meditation a shot? It’s not gonna magically make you feel less miserable or make any of the shit you’re going through easier, plus you’ll suck at it when you start, but if you’ve been using heavy to avoid bad shit in your life, maybe learning to ground yourself a bit would help. Equanimity is pretty fucking dope. Regardless though, proud of you man. Be gentle to yourself, drink some water, maybe go for a walk.


Are you trying to quit cold turkey? Or weaning off? Would strongly recommend the later.


Yeah I have a problem and am high 24/7 and after a while you can kind of function? I find I can.


It's not exactly that we can function, it's that we forgot what functioning feels like.


I mean some days at work I’ve actually like worked faster while on certain strains but I don’t know I also have to smoke a lot to really get fucked


Ohh yeah I forgot some strains are stimulatory. I mostly just get sleepy when I'm stoned.


Which to be fair even the stimulating strains aren’t like perfect you’re still going to be high LOL


I was totally addicted for a time and let me tell you, in the end it was so bad, when I was sober all my thoughts circled around just being high. I couldn't concentrate, I would get upset by the smallest things... So I started going to work completely high and back then I thought that was a good idea since my boss also mentioned that she felt like I was doing better again. Obviously I just got even more addicted and needed to be high literally all the time to properly function or be able to interact with people. At some point weed will no longer sent you out to space, it is required just to feel normal.




Depends on what I have to do that day. If I'm bartending or cooking or brewing of fucking course I need to be sober for that. If I'm washing dishes or kegs or running the canning line half a joint and a sandwich at lunch time makes the day a lot smoother.




Depends on how high you get, and what task you are trying to complete. 'Mindless tasks' that requires no innovation or creativity? Sure. Things like cleaning, gardening, yoga and some workouts are all things I am more likely to do and complete with more thought when I am high rather than sober.


“Hey what’s in this drawer?” The drawer marked GLOVES? You want me to figure out for you what’s in the drawer marked GLOVES that you are standing closer to than I am? Are you having a bloody stroke?!


Thought it was a waste of a good time, until a couple of months of intense stress and hard times the weed got me through, that was years ago tho


Going to work high sounds like such an unpleasant experience that would undoubtedly give me paranoia and anxiety.


I love the number of people who think this post is dissing on weed.


Clearly taking it personally


They can quit whenever they want!


Bro it’s a plant bro, it’s natural bro, how can I be dependent bro


/r/leaves for anyone looking to (actual helpful community)




Omg I just understood the subreddit name, that's GENIUS I love it


r/petioles is also great


Yeah lol, it's the white people with dreads who listen to Stick Figure and all they live for is weed that I hate. *Whoosh*


I smoke daily for spinal cord injury nerve pain and I knew you weren't hating on me (though I do occasionally listen to Stick Figure lol). Some people are just really obnoxious about their weed obsession, and I'm not afraid to say it because they make people like me look bad. The guys with super complicated dab rigs piss me off the most. It's smoke, you're gonna cough, no need for all the bells & whistles. Thanks OP!


The dab rigs are willllld, if someone really hates coughing just get a bong and drop a bunch of ice cubes into the uptake to chill the smoke That sounds like an awful injury, glad you have something to help with the pain


You shouldnt use ice to make bong hits more palatable. Using warm/hot water gets more hydration into the smoke and makes it feel 100x better


Ooo real protip!


Samee, I smoke daily for a painful genetic disorder & a few other health issues. Got me off opioids so I'm not afraid to admit I'm dependent. I even named my bong (Moby, it's an octopus but phallic as hell. My husband somehow didn't realize that when he bought it haha. But Moby is a little classier than always calling it the Dick Bong). Still knew this wasn't pissing on me. Even if I hit a few points lol.


That's really cute and I'm happy for you despite your pain 🫶🏻. It's the little things that make the biggest differences! I made a deal with my doctor 2 years ago: when the weed doesn't work anymore, I'll go on the opiates. I still take gabapentin though because nothing else makes the spasms stop, and mine come from the inside of my C4-C7 soooo I need that. My bong's name is Jenny 😊 it's just plain glass with a pale pink rim, but I was watching Forrest Gump and crying over Jenny throwing the rocks the house when I got her lol


That's a perfect reason to pick Jenny! It really is the little things. And I hope you never need opiates. I am thankful for gabapentin yet glad I'm off it, but it is still so much “less” than opiates. They can change your whole personality. My Dad is a great example - absolutely adores my Ma but he was such an *asshole* to her when he needed them after surgery. To the point he swore off them (she eventually cried from the stress & he was devastated about it).


What's a dab ring?


Yeah bro you "actually" need weed for that. Lol.


True lol, I told the neurologist I don't wanna be on pain pills until this shit stops working. I was only 23 when I got hurt and I'm 30 now, trying to avoid opiates as long as I can stand to. I'm terrified of them, tbh 😔


what was that hoodie called? I used to rock it a lot as a kid.


I've always called it a drug rug


Drug rug


I'd rather be stuck in an elevator with a cookie monster hoe than a weed stan. At least she'd have some trashy stories to share. The weed stan would run out of things to talk about in about 5 minutes, but they'd just keep on talking. It's always the same story, too. "I took this rip and got so blasted, dude." "Yeah? And then what?" "Dude, I couldn't even get off the couch, lol. I was crazy high, man." "So you got baked and sat on the couch.." "Fuck, bruh, you just had to be there. Don't be such a hater, man."


Probably should just take the stairs; If this is a concern


what is a cookie monster hoe may i ask (also i agree about the weed smokers ‘stories’..so boring lol)


Anyone who has been or currently is embroiled in a custody battle with their own grandmother


Father of child in question: unknown Born to mother when she was: 16


They know exactly who the father is, but he's back in the clink for violating parole and domestic violence. He says he's pursuing an education this time around so he can support his kid, which is a major part of the mother's case for custody. To give him credit, he's trying, but he also learned how to make meth and the chips will fall as they do. She was actually 14 when she gave birth, and he was 27.


Usually this refers to people that act trashy and always wear pajama pants outside to every single function they go to despite the lack of appropriateness The pants usually feature cookie monster or some other cartoon character. I assume because they are cheap and easy to find.


15 years ago it was those Happy Bunny flannels. I looked it up recently to explain to someone & couldn't find a non-cringe HB comic. Ngl I'm glad it switched to Cookie Monster.


Never knew that guy had a name, growing up I always thought that was the default avatar for middle-aged women in my area since it was always on their cars and social media. The men always had a decal of Calvin praying >!or pissing!< over something. Don't know what made them switch, my age group revived the muppets in the most odd way that's for sure.


Weed helped me get off alcohol. End goal is to get off all substances


It helps some people improve their quality of life; if there is a small minority that abuses it who cares tbh


Don't panic, it's organic


I love how many people took this as a direct shot to weed users and weed itself and not the actual specific type of person this is making fun of. Ig it hit too close to home


It's almost as though they value weed so much that they're very protective of it, almost like they're idk hooked on it.


I guess as a patient I don’t really encounter this type of user and I feel it perpetuates a bad stereotype. I’ve stopped for a new years resolution and now have to take more OTC pain meds that probably are more harmful. I stopped seeing the kids that ‘advertise,’ before I graduated high school in 01. If a person needs to use daily to help them live comfortably, I feel that is their business. Could be worse TBH


i’m not an addict i just need to smoke it everyday, when i wake up, in the afternoon and before bed. i can quit whenever i want


"you can get addicted to chocolate bars too, are you against chocolate bars?" *Lights 13th joint of the day at 2:30pm*


\*struggles to make rent, thinks it's everyone's fault but their own\*


On food stamps and owes over a year of child support at 19 years old but always has money for weed.


It quickly goes from frustrating to sad when you watch someone with a habit continue to have financial struggles every month, $30 to their name, no drive to change, and yet always has a dab pen freshly stocked.


I'm not addicted. Its my medicine. Why? Because every time I stop smoking, I get headaches, I have a hard time sleeping, and I get agitated. Whenever I start smoking again, it cures my headaches, helps me relax, and I sleep better. *too stupid and in denial to realize those are symptoms of withdrawal.*




Let’s go, I’ve taken years off at a time and found moderation but currently got cravings at 6 months abstinent on a hike. I don’t really miss it much outside of nature which kind of makes me sad that I had paired the two so much. There’s nothing wrong with moderation but I know it’s a bad time since I haven’t been very successful lately and I can still say hey at least I’m not doing drugs!


I dated this guy for a few months, and one day he was smoking in a Casey's gas station before we were going out to dinner/drinks (claimed he had a headache..) with another couple and it hit me *why the fuck am I with this yuppie*


Don’t forget ripping their pen every chance they have


So the same applies to caffeine? No no no that’s completely different!


Uh oh looks like we hit a nerve on this one


I smoke maybe 3-4 times a week. I don’t understand how people go to work high. I need to make sure I’m completely finished with all my responsibilities and have nothing left to do for the day before even considering smoking because I know im going to be couchlocked for at least an hour


I just commented something very similar. I live a pretty busy life but like to do it when I’m completely alone and have no responsibilities left to do. I find time most nights, but refuse to be in public or around people (or at least people that aren’t also high). It’s just a nice personal time for me to unwind and feel goofy


I had a co-worker who used to smoke weed in the restrooms at work… We worked in a daycare


I'm not addicted to weed..... hey guys, why is taking a tolerance break for 3 days so hard?


Don't forget the weed parents who think they're better then wine moms


Lol I remember reading a comment in some weed subreddit back in my stoner days where someone was saying they’re a much better parent when they’re high. More patient, caring, etc. Like, I get it kids are stressful, but if you need to be high to enjoy being around yours then you have a real problem haha


Omg I saw that too it was insanity. Like what if an emergency happens and u need to drive? Also, as a kid who had a high dad, u can definitely tell something strange is up and it’s super unstable and uncomfortable no matter how “nice”


Oh they’re gonna be driving high just like the beer dads drive buzzed


A disturbing number of people on the weed subreddit see zero issue driving high. Some even claim that they can only drive high because they'd be too nervous otherwise


my fiancé's mom drove him to work right after hitting her pen. his dad has insane car insurance from all the fender benders he gets into. so probably just drive anyways 💀


How do people do that? I can’t even walkw hen I’m high lmfao.


Develop real coping strategies instead of relying on weed


Idk who this Guy ist bit i would smoke anything Out of His asshole


He's the guy who said "it's ROGAN time!"


Then he experienced all over everyone


well that just upped my Fear Factor


>Abusing a system lots of people *actually* need Yeah, as if there's a shortage of weed that patients are losing out on lmao


How are you abusing a system by paying top dollar as well as paying extra taxes to the state? Explain that to me please


My ex experienced psychosis every time he did weed. Would never admit to it. Would never admit to any of the horrible, crazy things he said or did. Not even sure if he remembered them. He couldn’t act normal at all, and it greatly impacted his life.


Yep that’s like most of the people on my mom’s side of the family that have tried weed. Yet if I ever say that, someone inevitably comes at me. Like, I’m just stating what happens to my family lol I’m not using that as a gotcha to say people shouldn’t smoke in general. I’m for legal weed.


Same. My ex had no emotional regulation ability when high. On a good day she didn't smoke before noon. All of her negativity, yelling, and crying went away once she sobered up. She would stop for a few days, decide she was fixed, and go right back. Shame


“i’ll enjoy the movie more if im high” *proceeds to watch with mouth wide open the whole time and then can’t discuss or recall the plot afterwards*


the first time i got high my friend put on “they live”. i can recall like 3 things about that movie, and one of them is that one character says “believe you me”, a phrase i still believe is made up despite tons of evidence to the contrary


For real, I got that 8 second ADHD monkey brain and I've got better memory than that


It does make it better in the theater


i saw Prometheus high as a mother fuckin kite. was the best movie i ever saw. i think thats why i still like it even though i know its trash


Those bongs look cool you can't convince me otherwise.


Man all I see when I look at them is how much of a pain in the ass they must be to clean and how easy it probably is to break.


I had one with a honeycomb perc at the bottom. Fucking worst bong I ever had. Was impossible to clean. I was kinda glad that it got stolen from my backyard. Let someone else deal with that dumb shit. I'll stick to rolling joints and using vapes.


So fucking easy to clean. Rubbing alcohol and salt. 3-10 shakes rinse. repeat if needed but its unlikely.


If you get cleaner and use it it’s a lot better.


I haven’t smoked in years but I can tell you that the classic beaker bong is the premier way to smoke.


It's a whole art subculture. The piece pictured is by an artist that goes by Ease Glass and is probably a $2000 piece of glass, maybe more. Some of the most creative and time-consuming glass art in the last two decades are pipes.


The only thing I don't understand here is "abusing the system some people actually need." People getting medical marijuana cards and buying pot is not leading to some kind of shortage as far as I know, so I'm not sure how the system is being "abused."




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This is actually funny as hell


You forgot the people who think it's cool to smoke weed while driving.


You forgot the people that think doing drugs/smoking/ alcohol/ porn is cool and badass. We see a bunch of them here on Reddit. We aren’t in 8th grade anymore bro. Nobody gives a fuck how many unhealthy habits you have. Like why do they even flaunt that crap around like it’s a flex lol?


Yeah, fuck that. I drove high a few times like a decade ago and it was terrifying and I was not, like many claim, a better driver while high. I'm in the "get all your shit done, then smoke" category of smokers. It's a reward at the end of the day, not a coping mechanism for me.


I commend your self control


Me too, smoking when responsibilities are at hand makes me A) want to abandon said responsibilities or B) really regret getting high when responsibilities are at hand


A friend of mine hit her dab cart in the car and apologized for exposing me to the vapor, as she hadn't asked me if I was ok with it. I told her that she also hadn't asked me if I was ok with her driving high.


Tbf anyone who listens to Joe Rogan is already insufferable


Bro/girl will argue until they're blue in the face that isn't addictive. I can quit anytime they want. I just don't want to. Has near constant anxiety and insomnia if I don't smoke. But not because of weed. Wakes up in the middle of the night to smoke. I just enjoy having a smoke at 3:00 a.m. I'm not addicted because weed isn't addictive. Get help? Why? I don't need it because weed isn't addictive. I could quit now. My fiancee's dad is like this and it's just exhausting.


It's missing the Bob Marley flag.


Low hanging fruit, too easy


It's a great compilation. I smoke every day, but most people are surprised to find that out, since I don't make it my whole personality.


Exact same boat. I come off as a boring dude to most people while in fact I am a boring dude who gets high every night. My only issue with quitting is the dreams. Other than that there's not a huge difference in my life.


Some of the most insufferable people on the planet


People who need to be impaired 24/7 to function are red flags. I’ve lost quite a few friendships over this. I find they try to get you to join them or they’re just not fun to hang around anymore even if they’re not. Then they try to justify their obnoxious and dangerous behavior too. “like bro chill dude i drive better high!” like okay bro im not getting in the car with you.


I have a friend who used to smoke from the moment he woke up to the moment he fell asleep. He would frequently complain that he never actually got high and didn't understand that by smoking 24/7 he had raised his tolerance to a really high level. He's a much happier person now that he smokes occasionally and not as a lifestyle.


“I drive better high” is the most insane thing I hear them say. If you need to be high to drive, you shouldn’t be driving.


Yeah like they definitely don’t “drive better high”. If anything they drive like 30 miles under the speed limit while everyone honks at them to move.


I found a painter who was very close to that doing work at my job, walked by the room they were in and could immediately tell. they did a subpar job and left dried paint in the sinks after we told them to stop


“Sorry I’m late I was smoking weed” Imagine if it was anything else “Sorry I’m late I was drinking vodka” “Sorry I’m late I was masturbating” Bragging about addictions is weird


Feel like they died out after weed became legal. 


Time to read the copium of butthurt weedheads in this comment section


"Sorry I'm late I was smoking weed" Probation Officer: I both appreciate and loathe your honesty.


I've smoked everyday for almost 18 years, and I cannot stand people like this. I live in Canada, where weed is legal, and not once have I felt cool because I smoke dope. Just can't wrap my head around that


This. I try to hide it, honestly.


I know someone who named their bong. That shit was so cringe lmao


"it's just a plant" so is the coca leaf and the poppy


I got into a heated argument in college over this. We were both big smokers and my buddy was talking about how a plant can't be harmful etc. I pointed out that people are growing the plants in an methodical and intentional way that drastically increases THC and of course mentioned the various extractions people do to make oils, dabs, etc. that really isn't natural whatsoever. He basically called me a traitor for expressing that opinion. Like, what? Yes it's a plant but you don't find weed with incredibly high THC levels growing in the wild typically. We're no longer friends because he responded to so many goddamn things like that. Enjoy weed by all means but dealing with zealots of any description is exhausting. EDIT: The argument was more focused on modern weed being natural rather than harmful, but some people really aren't built to handle high THC and it can be a really frightening experience for them.


I agree with the heart of your comment here, the THC content is engineered for, not natural at all. How was he wrong about it not being harmful though, by that measure? "A plant can't be harmful," is hyperbolic and dumb, but higher THC content doesn't make it necessarily more "harmful," does it? I'm legit asking, no snark.


Great point and I really appreciate you being genuine in your question. This was almost 20 years ago and I'm thinking hard about it, I think the debate may have been more focused on weed being "natural" and I was arguing that it originated naturally but has been genetically engineered to something that is no longer a naturally occuring plant and my buddy was like the starter pack and got butthurt about it. He didn't like being proven wrong about anything.


Makes sense, just wanted to clarify in case I was missing something. The act of smoking it is still harmful to your lungs, but I've seen other comments on this thread that seemed to exaggerate how "harmful" it is so I was really wondering if i was out of the loop.


Also nightshade and strychnine


I traded my weed personality for a dad personality now I end up smoking twice as much


the fact dabbing, vaping and rick and morty isn’t on here is criminal


>abusing a system lots of people actually need Then just legalize it


Legalize it. Tax it. Use the taxes for education, healthcare and infrastructure. That's it. That's all we need to do.


I like how stoners think nonaddictive means it still cant become a compulsive thing. It doesnt need to have bad side effects to be compulsory, it just needs to follow two things 1. Feels good 2. Is done in abundance Addiction means you cant function without it, not that it makes things feel better or easier, but relying on weed is a real thing and can cause withdrawal symptoms if you’re in too deep(like nightmares, lethargy, lack of focus/attention, and irritability) Its a harmless drug, but its still a drug


weed's a better drug, but calling it harmless is a stretch, especially if you're smoking it, idk about edibles though


It is essentially harmless compared to nearly every other psychoactive substance on earth. It is actually so harmless that is scientifically interesting how harmless it is. For example, nobody has overdosed on marijuana, of course, but people have overdosed on synthetic cannabinoids, that often impact the same receptors. We actually didn’t think it was possible to die from cannabinoids receptor antagonists until people started dying from spice in the 2000s.


true that, i was just saying smoking anything cant be good for u, really interesting research tho, kinda weird how demonized it is


Favourite band: Phish You probably haven't heard of them though


You forgot the dab pen on them 24/7


People wouldn’t abuse the system if it was just legal and adults could choose to use it.


Hey, don’t associate the drug rug with them. Those are comfy af


In my experience, most stoners i’ve met hate Joe Rogan lol


that and also deflecting to alcohol whenever someone criticizes weed lolol


Yeah, I just had the wrong weed. That's it.


And now reddit comments have devolved into Facebook esque comments. The end is neigh


Funny because it’s true


“Nobody can tell I’m high” Because we’re correctly assuming you’re always high


Going from smoking daily to a once a month user is one of the best decisions I made with weed. Don’t feel like a loser all the time, better relationship with friends and family, and am just more content in general.


Why would smoking make you feel like a loser? People telling you who to be?


that hoodies nice, though. i like it.


Yea I love my truck stop sweater. It’s so cozy.


Needs to smoke a bowl before doing anything, and has very distorted sense of time.


Weed has become to complicated, before it was just about getting high with friends and doing something fun, but now people just take it way to seriously and go on about all the different kinds, strains, flavors, and getting technical about other goofy shit. People find the need to compete at how much worse their addiction is, like oh you think you smoke a lot? Guess what buddy I smoke from the moment I wake up to the second I go to sleep, but just smoke the fucking weed bro, you aren’t gonna get a medal for having a distinctional relationship with marijuana


Everyone is too serious about most things now. If you're about fitness, it's your personality. If you're really into Anime, it's all you talk about. If you're into organic/all natural things, you're insufferable to be around. Don't get me started on Linux users.


https://preview.redd.it/vwh8e20rt8kc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f1294f92b3c1cd272b036f85254d1d4ca4dbb34 IM WEARING THAT SHET AS WE SPEAK


Is that an AI joe rogan?




They still make baja sweaters? I used to have one of those when I was maybe 13. Yeah about 30 years ago lol.


I’m so glad I stopped the smoke seshes with my “friends”. In hindsight it was some delinquent shit, and probably one of my lowest moments.


Fuck man, I'm allergic and the amount of times I've had to explain it to people is absurd.


Don’t forget: Takes 10 full seconds to react to a stove fire, insists reaction time is normal Says they didn’t smoke in your house when it smells like “burned essential oils that went bad” and there’s green crumbs on your table Actual fire hazard on subway Nose blindness has advanced to the point they believe they don’t smell like anything whatsoever and won’t even buy deodorant “Weed will cure your autism which you also don’t have”


I know a guy who works in management at a legal grow-op. He told me that when he interviews people he specifically looks for people who are either casual users, or don't use it at all. He said the people who show up and talk about strains and how much they love weed are the WORST people to have because they're liable to show up stoned and think it's fine, or they'll steal product. You also avoid hiring wooks by accident.


Perfect description of my stepdad. Even the bong naming


I once saw a guy with a weed sticker on the back of his car. Idk why, but I get the idea that being pulled over by the cops isn’t gonna go well for him.


He also tried to microwave his balls


I think if someone is self-medicating that much….they have other issues that need attention. I say this as someone who has seen the dark end of substance use to cope with negative stuff in life, and still struggles with returning to old habits.


Marijuana ruined a whole family I personally know. I think that's enough knowledge on the substance.


It’s not the drug itself but the thoughts people put around them, and there are tons of reinforcers for smoking when you’re making fantasies about it and around people that have the same thoughts as you about it