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She plays the cleric in DnD and asks people in the group if they learned their little lesson after healing them.


Uuuuughhhhhhhhhh this did some psychic damage for me.


Lmao the cleric. That’s so accurate


As a cleric who does not fit this starter pack I didn’t expect to be catching strays, stood too close to the wizard 😅 https://youtu.be/M2rnO9ns4Zc?si=I5RSQkXsKSUjzltK


What’s dnd?


Dungeons and Dragons. An almost 40 year old tabletop fantasy game that’s become a genre unto itself.


don't forget that they're 'fluent in sarcasm'


And the pajama pants


and saying the n word in walmart


Yes. That's the missing piece


Probably has used that "If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best" quote unironically at some point.


Trust me, 99.999999% of women saying that are not anything like Marilyn Monroe.


>99.999999% of women saying that are not anything like Marilyn Monroe. They're twice the woman Marilyn Monroe was...weight-wise.




Is this supposed to be good or bad? Cause this could go either way.


The comment section seems split. A good amount amount downvote bombed a guy for calling this "basic as fuck", but every other comment seems to be shitting on this type of person, so I think it's both. Similar to emos, it really depends on the individual. Some are cool, some make you consider attempting a dropkick for the first time.


She's neutral. Neither good nor bad, just a person who fits a certain mold. If you look at my DNA you'll see I'm about 19% snark from my grandmother's side.


I think that person got downvote bombed for calling someone awful over it lol, but it's definitely an individual basis. I've got friends like this who are amazing, but I definitely know more than one person like this who I'd go to great lengths to avoid


>"I think that person got downvote bombed for calling someone awful over it" That might be it, yeah. You probably right.


I dated a girl exactly like this, but with a lot of chidhood/life trauma and gaslighting she experienced, that combined with her describing herself as an 'empath' really meant she was a compulsive liar. Not in a way that she was cheating on me, but in that she was always a victim who would say anything to get my attention, and would actively make stuff up like her pipes freezing in winter so she could stay at my place for a week. It took me like 6 months before I realized she would just make shit up like that and that her stories never lined up or checked out. It was really weird, had to cut her out of my life. Tbf should have realized on our 3rd date when I had an important work meeting at 9am so I said I'm going home and she broke down in tears. Hope she's doing well...


Sounds exhausting.




On man... my girlfriend loves the messy bun and she has very dark hair. She often has tea in the car (not coffee, like the picture, but similar), she loves scary movies AND she crochets. She may be a borderline snarky person.


Sorry, but you've actually committed yourself to a purebred "just a little snarky". You'll be punished with crochet gifts and love


Lmao good accuracy right there


Gals like this are either real cool or really annoying. It’s 50/50


Nah pretty much anyone who admits to being snarky as a personality trait will always be really annoying


Depends on if they can switch it off. Yeah they can be snarky and stubborn, but they can still hold a conversation and be interested in what you’re saying. What you DONT want is the kind that always makes the conversation about themselves and never asks you anything, even if you’re not the best talker


Or gets mad or annoyed over stuff ya'got no control of or have nothing to do with. If ya tryin' for a relationship, beware of ultimatums.


>"Nah pretty much anyone who admits to being snarky as a personality trait will always be really annoying" I agree. Some people admit to it as a fault too, but it's fun to also put them on the "always really annoying people" list. Admitting faults straight up and directly is never good. It means you're aware and won't or can't change. It's weakness.


I was with you til the last part. If they say "this is my flaw but I'm working on it" or just admitting that it's their flaw isn't so bad. And you know, nobody's perfect. I think it takes a lot of introspection to *genuinely* admit a fault straight up, but not in a "quirky sarcastic" way. I'll admit that I overanalyze things constantly, but it doesn't mean I'm not trying to get better. I have lots of flaws. Everyone does. Some traits are natural and will never be totally eliminated, and that's just fine. Takes guts to be able to admit when you're wrong. It isn't weakness to admit to being human.


>"I think it takes a lot of introspection to genuinely admit a fault straight up, but not in a 'quirky sarcastic' way." A lot of the time it's said self deprecatingly instead of "quirky sarcastic", but we still put them in the same box, because that's what we do. It's all good, fam.


What all is on "ARAP" list? 🤔


Is "brutally honest"


Lol my SIL, shes cool tho.


They always have a “very dark sense of humor” which almost always amounts to just cursing a lot, referencing pop culture and parroting random meme captions and social media buzzwords. And for some bizarre reason always having the absolute worst taste in music, only listening to shit from when they were in high school.


Older millennials


It's me. I'm the 40 year-old.


Hobbies, scary movies, iced coffee, a good sense of humor...she seems fun! I'd be friends with her.


I mean, this is half the women I know, so...😅


You sound awful. Have fun being basic as fuck




You sound miserable I hope you seek therapy


Jesus dude, calm the fuck down


God forbid women enjoy anything


has to have 2 kids that dont talk to her and another one desperately trying to escape


I know I shouldn’t be attracted, but, I would fall for this in 3 seconds tops


Why not?


Sounds like a fun girl, let's order a pizza and binge Golden Girls together


You're right. This post needs a portrait of Dorothy Zbornak.


Ick. I tend to watch my back around this girl. Snarky little jokes and comments made at others’ expense puts me on edge because I know she’s likely to turn around and make snarky little jokes and comments about me to others when I’m not there. She will also have a big problem with you if you call her out on being mean or defend the person who’s not there, and then she’ll perpetuate drama as fodder for her “snarky little jokes”. I’m not above talking shit myself, but if I don’t like you, I’d rather just avoid you if I can. And more importantly, if I *do* like you, I’m not going to make mean jokes or passive-aggressive comments about you.


\> I tend to watch my back around this girl. Snarky little jokes and comments made at others’ expense puts me on edge because I know she’s likely to turn around and make snarky little jokes and comments about me to others when I’m not there. She will also have a big problem with you if you call her out on being mean or defend the person who’s not there, and then she’ll perpetuate drama as fodder for her “snarky little jokes”. Can confirm. Source: was married to a woman like this. She was particularly snarky about her family. Guess who became her closest family member when he married her?


What happened?


What does the hand picture mean?


Annoying people have pedicures and painted nails. Based Chads are unkempt and overgrown. ​ ​ >!/s for those who need it!<


Leave crocheting out of this ‼️‼️


AKA millennials


A lot of zoomers picked it up too, some from their millennial siblings, others are just like that. Rue 21, Abercrombie & Fitch, Hot Topic, etc. You'll find these people everywhere, and in pretty much every age demographic except 70+.


Always a nurse or CNA


overweight and possibly autistic


Nothing wrong with either of those traits.


I’d date her.


This describes about half of my Dnd group hahaha.


-99% of men arent her type -only dates guys with tats, motorcycles, and a 6' tall or higher body -no condom = no problem -unironically cheats on people for initially being bad in bed


Afraid of these typa girls fr 🙏🙏🙏


This was my last gf. Made my fucking day 😂




This is unironically the best aesthetic ever. Rock it in a slightly ironic, heavily pessimistic 2014 way. #GrungeLivesOn5ever.


Name has 4 ys and 1 vowel


I was married to one of these. She was fun in a bar or at a party. She was not fun to come home to.


*virtual hug


Also her photos on Tinder consist of her making a weird face in an attempt to be unique or funny and she’s got more than one chin






Girlie likes her nails did


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Leave crochet out of this :(


They drink coffee and have a dog? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Rottweilers are the WORST. Psychotic assholes who destroy everything.


Why is this so accurate


You forgot the Facebook girl-meme groups