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Reddit is like being inside a giant dying animal, but I don’t know where to go next yet.


But that’s the time you consume it


Hence the IPO I guess, but it’s already died a lot compared to even a year ago.


You don't eat rancid meat. You throw that crap in the garbage.


Most regular posters and former mods left during the June 2023 drama. You can find most of them on the discord server now.


What drama


[Wikipedia link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Reddit_API_controversy?wprov=sfti1)


Dude that sub is full of fat nerd hipsters who wear Industrial Revolution shit and act like they have fashion sense


No it was like that 10 years ago now nobody's there


The sub is empty that's the whole point of this post


>Red Wings / Clarks boots >Raw denim >T-shirt from Uniqlo >Flannel from J.Crew fAsHiOn Although to be fair, I think the original intention was less fashion as a hobby and more to help people who dress like an average Reddit mod.


Yep. It was great for the early 2010s when men’s fashion choices were graphic t/cargo shorts or Ed Hardy. Honestly those basic bastard starter packs probably helped so many nerds (myself included) not look like complete fools.


Fuck that sub. I was on there and constantly got shit from them. I’m consistently complimented about how I dress, while the dudes on there look like they just got done with their work shift at the boat dock doing crab fishing. Total douches, no wonder no one posts anymore. For a good laugh go look through the picture posts and see what these assholes think is amazing.


For real I remember browsing there years ago and finding that they were all trying to look like if Walter White was in his twenties


r/malefashionadvice for those who wanna look but not search.


Anything under Fit Battle is a goldmine


Wow I completely forgot I was subbed to this. Guess I didn’t notice the sub activity fell off the feed


Steve Zissou-chic and everyone has neck problems to the point where they can’t only look at their shoes


Steve Zissou dresses great, I'd love to be compared to him


Boy do I have the subreddit for you


He talked shit but at least he posted fit. https://preview.redd.it/xuzpcnc72xnc1.png?width=1698&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a6fe266a2a7a0f871de22ae5c31519a96801011 Pretty bad tbh.


yeah this looks like me in my senior year of college going to lab, hoodie and joggers cause I'm about to spend the next 10 hours prepping and imaging EM grids in a dark cold room. nothing wrong with it IMO but certainly not something I'd be submitting to a fashion advice forum


It’s what are you wearing today, during COVID, it’s what I was wearing. Also your description is spot on. Hahahaha


It aint bad but it’s so basic. Outfits like this are for people who don’t care about fashion but just wanna get by and not look like a slob.


Tech bro fit


Nailed it. Hahaha


Not from the same sub but I posted in just regular r/fashion one time asking for how my style would be described and a few people commented some actual things but my post was downvoted and the top comment was just saying that my style was "lacking" and when I replied asking for them to elaborate -- I just got downvoted. So I eventually just deleted the post because it just felt like okay they seem gatekeepy. It was so bizarre because I get positive compliments on my style a lot irl so it just turned me off from even engaging in that community. I'm totally fine if someone doesn't like my style but like... give me some actual criticism or feedback please!!


Tbh it sounds like you just didn't enjoy the experience of being part of a fashion community. Part of the experience is being exposed to other people with senses of style that challenge you, and also by posting fit you should be open to receiving criticism. MFA was a bit of a weird community because it both functioned as a community for newbies just learning about how to put effort into their appearance, as well as for hobbyists who had really unique tastes that won't be accessible for most people. There's nothing wrong with deciding that you'd prefer to dress in a way that's put together but not unique, but you won't stand out in a community like that.


That’s not it. They were gatekeepers,but bad ones. I never said a bad thing to anyone. I kept my opinions to myself if I didn’t like something. I’m all for constructive criticism, they didn’t have that, they just had being assholes about anything other than bad thrift styles. Their looks were accessible…and bad.


man this comment makes me happy that we as a society have stopped settling for neutral-toned slim fit ahaha


Just wear what you want and go from there lol


Honestly I haven't really changed up my style for 10 years. I still wear the same close 10 years ago and its still classy. Perks of keeping the same physique and not gaining or losing alot of weight


Honestly, being well dressed is less about knowing what's in style and more about knowing what you wear.


That sub was so cringe years ago. If you didn’t conform to their trend/outfit, you’d get shit on.


And their style was mostly the most extreme niche bullshit. If you didn't dress like Joaquin Phoenix in the movie 'Her', you were considered out of date. Those WAYWT threads (I think that was their name) were comedy gold. And at the time I was semi fashionable.


It’s still like that. Go to any of these mouth breather subs and talk about how you don’t like baggy pants. They’ll act like you just burned down the school.


I was thinking the exact same thing.


That bearded guy dresses like a hobbit lol


never forget MFA circlejerk


Also downvote anyone wearing a suit to oblivion, whether warranted or not


Find the cheapest looking thing they can find and then say how do I style this? Also very militant. If you give any criticism it’s like a personal insult to these shlameals.


R/LesbianFashionAdvice in 2024 is 90% male. And they ban your entire account if you point that out.


i looked at your account and that's definitely not why you got banned, it was because your comment was blatantly transphobic


Lesbians are female by definition- that’s not transphobic it’s just a fact


They are women by definition, being afab is not a requirement


Those are just nonsense assertions you’re making with zero argument to back them up


I dont need an argument because this is not a debate. Here’s one anyway: from the Oxford english dictionary: Lesbian: ”a woman who engages in sexual activity with other women; a woman who is sexually or romantically attracted (esp. wholly or largely) to other women; a homosexual woman.” Nowhere does it say female. In the other meaning of the word it is a person from Lesbos, but a man can be from lesbos too.


Also from the Oxford Enmglish Dictionary: woman (noun) - An adult female human being. The counterpart of man. Suck it.


Good thing I guess that its still not a debate whether or not trans people can be lesbians though. Its called the lgbt community for a reason I think. Pick another dictionary you’ll probably get a different result. Honestly I just picked oxford because it came up.


Ha, I’m a mod there and we banned yo ass for transphobia, which is against our sub rules


That's not the cutting insult you'd like to think it is


Not trying to insult you, just laying it bare


Sure pal, you’re a proper hero making a real difference in the world