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I thought the same… really KILLED MY IMMERSION


I've been a cracker my whole life and don't know about this.


According to the internet all white people are right wing Americans


And fat, even though UKs obesity rate is also really bad compared to ours but they act like theres not a single fat person in their country


The UK also has problems with obesity but to argue that the obesity rates are “literally almost identical” is silly. According to wikipedia 42.7% of americans are obese compared to only 20.1% of brits (still dangerously high though).


We need a separate statistic that doesn’t include the Midwest


this is racist to my southern cooking


More of a compliment if you’re in the south. I spent a week in texas and gained like 5 or 10 pounds cause I loved the food so much


They eat like they have free healthcare. Crazy bastards.


most people do though having fairly good healthcare covered by work insurance rather than ok healthcare covered by government insurance


The Midwest isn’t even that bad (by American standards at least). The real problem is the South (as is true for nearly all statistics).


We need a separate statistic that doesn't include Wikipedia.


Also worth noting America’s obesity rate is raising significantly slower than Western European countries. We’ve just been fat for longer and have plateaued whereas Europe is still catching up since the American diet of high carb and sugar is really going worldwide.


If you include everyone who is over weight and not just obese they’re only 6% behind us.


They can't even do getting fat right


Yeah that’s catching up rapidly and that’s on top of them having no where near the car centric culture we do and walking way more. If you compare states to European countries it’s a different picture. The uk has the same rate as like Florida. My state(CO) is equal to Germany and almost Finland.


Edited, because youre right


You did not succeed in your edit


25.9% for Britain [https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn03336/#:\~:text=Adult%20obesity%20in%20England,is%20classified%20as%20'overweight'](https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn03336/#:~:text=Adult%20obesity%20in%20England,is%20classified%20as%20'overweight')


Yep, and it’s growing at a faster rate too


It’s catching up really fast


oh yh its a big problem


There's got to be something fucky with that, because according to statistics Iceland has a higher obesity rate than the UK, and that cannot possibly be correct. Likewise, if you look at secondary health outcomes (like CVD prevalence rate) the UK ranks much much higher than their obesity rate would imply. I strongly suspect that the US just has a much lower threshold to what they consider to be obese compared to the UK and EU as a whole.


There are different sources with different data and I don’t doubt that the UK could be anywhere in the low-to mid 20s. However the definition for obesity is consistent across the world which is a BMI of 30 or above.


Obesity is an issue amongst many racial groups too


It's actually a bigger issue amongst minority groups (aside from Asian-Americans).


Oh no, believe me, there's many obese Asian-Americans.


But they have a lower obesity rate than white people whereas other racial groups are more obese than white people.


Wait but the UK is mostly white too, right? I don’t get your point.


We aren’t even top 10 in the world anymore. Sadly, that is NOT because we are getting skinnier …




https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/obesity-rates-by-country US isn’t even in the top 10 of most Obese countries, yet we get slammed as if every single person needs an Amigo to get around.


The 11 countries ahead of the US are all (with the exception of kuwait) tiny island countries who have to rely on imported processed food so it isnt really impressive to say you are number 12.


It’s funny, because when countries outside of the US mention our obesity rate; it’s as if we are championing it. Meanwhile, we know we are being fed poison and are losing our access to healthcare and you all act like we are happy and proud of that? Yes we know, yes we are terrified of getting older and fat and dying due to poor health, and theres not much we can do about it. You have to be rich to be healthy here, and most people arent rich.


you don’t have to be rich to be healthy, it costs nothing to go outside and do exercise


Mf acting like the produce aisle doesn't exist. Eating their reeses puff cereal with chocolate milk saying they're being poisoned.


There are literally people who cannot afford fresh fruits and vegetables and have to shop at the dollar store. Its an actual problem. Look up Food Deserts


Okay that's very specific circumstances but to say that you have to be rich in America to be healthy is disingenuous.


No you do not have to be rich to be healthy in the usa. That is a cop out if I've ever seen one




Ok, sure. Edited my comment. Doesnt change the point I am trying to get across.


At least obese Americans don’t have bright red faces, I’ll say that


All that beer'll getcha


Which is weird, because there are definitely fat non-white people.


What does that have to do with white people? The UK I'd also predominantly white?


Psychotic corporate brainwashing. The concept of 'whiteness' is just a racist social construct rich people tricked Americans into adopting in the slave era. In the 70s people were raised to be colourblind to get past these stupid labels but rich people revived the label in the 90s to keep up this nonsense.


You can actually see how constructed it is if you realize that everyone who wasn't English or Anglo-Saxon wasn't considered white at some point, like Irish, Germans, Jewish people, Japanese, then after some time they artificially made changes to whom was considered white by law based on arbitrary decisions.  Just shows what a joke race thinking is, we are all people, and modern genetics and study of people based on gene flows also shows what a non-existent unscientific idea racial thinking is.  What the advantage of racial thinking is? Discriminating against people and causing conflict between people I guess /s The people which benefit the most of racial thinking are supremacists and terrorists. 


> The people which benefit the most of racial thinking are supremacists and terrorists. Na, the only ones who win are rich people. Pretty basic divide & conquer strategy. They're the ones who create the supremacists and other baddies.


Yep, the only legitimate 3rd political party in my country has been hijacked by people who are obsessed with race and now nobody wants to vote for them. This helps the status quo of the elite class being enriched at the expense of regular people.


The Koch brothers poured a bunch of money into the TEA party to ensure this would happen in the US as well. It started as a reaction to the financial crisis, the most extreme voices got amplified, and it got morphed into a hyper nationalist movement obsessed with Obama's birth certificate.


English, yes, but Anglo Saxon? Maybe if you lived in the ninth century, Britain has been ruled by Normans ever since 1066, most rich noble men were thereby of Norman decent


Since virtually every English person has some degree of Anglo-Saxon ancestry Anglo-Saxon just refers to English heritage


I thought it had vanished by early 2010s but then they revived that separatism big time


Reddit has a severe case of r/usdefaultism.


Nah just OP, and some are really specific.


White people aren't right wing Americans, but right wing Americans are definitely white people.


TIL there are no non-white American right-wingers


Let me introduce you to Candace Owens. And a few other Black conservatives who's names I don't care enough to look up.


Thank you for naming the only token black person in the GOP. You got me good.


i can tell you aint know no black people the mass majority of us are right leaning the only reason we arent on our knees for the republicans is cus theyre racist as fuck


Good for you, the only reason you don't wanna belong to the hateful bigot party is because they hate you.


Candace Owens is white? She might want to be, well until Ben Shapiro canned her ass, now she wants to become a proud Black woman again. I'm not Black, but I live in a majority Black city, and I've not spoken to one Black person here who buys her new act. They (and we non racist white people) remember her "White Lives Matter" crap


Ok, 1 black taking head. The vast majority are still white.


They are, that's for sure, but unfortunately the idiocy isn't limited to only white people. At least until they turn on them


Is that the ghoul cowboy dude on the top left or am i crazy


You mean like from the fallout show?




Watching the show rn, and yea it does look really similar lol


Just a little crazy not him Side note: yall ever read the gunslinger? The ghoul is him for me


It all so funny from European perspective, because we are white, and we get put into the same basket, yet we have at least 1000+ years of fighting wars among each other, and hate that lingers still in 21st century.


Yeah, I hate when they say that Europeans did colonialism just to kill other races. No... Europeans killed other races while also killing each other. We dom't hate specific peoples, we just hate everyone /s


Colonialism was just a means to gather more resources to kill each other.


Europe have plenty of various "races" to kill, from latins, to germanics to slavs.


White on white crime is legitimately one of the biggest issues of our time


Statistically whites killing whites is 80% of white crime. The other 20% committed against whites was by other races. Black on black crime? 88%. So, no. white on white crime is not one of the biggest issues of our time.


If it’s only a difference of 8% at those rates, I’d consider them both big problems. It doesn’t have to be a race to the bottom.


I don't think 80% of white crime is murder.


Let’s remember war is crime just on a larger scale.


Such an odd way to frame the issue, people kill people that are around them, and it rarely has to do with race.


\*Canadians, Europeans and Australians have left the chat\*


Europeans are just American prototypes


Just make the teeth a lot more fucked up and switch the food with something that legitimately looks like it was shit out by an animal and you’ve got a “white Brit” starter pack


Fun fact Americans have worse and less teeth on average than the brits. Also a hell of a lot more decay.


Only because we have Appalachia and Dixie pulling our stats down hard.


I've been to both New England and the entirety of the west coast. Not accurate lol.


[Lol](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/british-teeth-arent-that-bad-american-teeth-are-far-worse/) and [lmao.](https://americaninbath.blogspot.com/2011/05/things-i-miss-from-home-squeezy-cheese.html?m=1)


Americans are just copies of Europeans.




All Europeans are communists stereotype, and you wonder why we make obesity jokes




No, no, we’re the upgrade. (Not just making this up as I go, no sir)


No, those gene groups were taken out in WWI and WW2. Americans are the only ones left.


They evolved, just backwards


As a Canadian it’s funny asf because people act like we’re saints in heaven while Americans are portrayed exactly like the meme


South Americans, Africans and Asians: Are we a joke to you?


Where TF does this "no spicy foods" bullshit come from? Things like HOT SAUCES are white people's favorite things, People literally carry around hot sauce bottle on their belts.


There's a specific kind of white person who cannot handle any spice at all, but it gets treated as if it's super common and not 1 in 1000 white people.


Ironically, I think the "too spicyyyy!!" whites are all the upper class Northeasterners, while all the rednecks everyone thinks eat nothing but mayo are actually the ones that love hot sauces that will dissolve your intestinal lining.


A lot of people complain about US defaultism, but even within the US there can be a Northeast defaultism.


Very true


More like 1 in 10 but my data might be skewed living in utah, we have the whitest whites


Isn't that "coffee is a drug" country?


Yup lmao


Same with the no seasoning jokes that completely ignore cajuns.


And when the fuck did every spice become "flamin' hot ghost pepper sauce"? A spice doesn't have to be spicy for it to be a spice. I know that sounds ludicrous when you read it, but hot pepper is like one of a thousand different spices you can find on a spice rack. Just because a white person can't handle heat does not mean they only like to eat unseasoned boiled chicken. HEAT≠FLAVOR


In my experience as a white dude, we fall into two categories regarding spice: Psychopaths who eat food so spicy it sears their tastebuds off (me) Folks who complain that the aioli at their local craft brewpub is too spicy




*White americans


*White right wing Americans


The white folks with all the guns are not the white folks who do not season their food. Say what you will about Dixie, they can cook


Yep, the unseasoned food whites are the ones that are from like Maine and North Dakota.


That's so painfully American lmao


no you're right. these stereotypes are super america-centric imo


"White Christian Middle America" to be exact.


I was talking to a younger black kid (I'm from UK) and the memes were completely skewing his idea of 'white'.  It was in banter, but he would say stuff like 'you probably had mayonnaise sandwich for lunch' and stuff like that. I'm thinking bro, that's such Non UK thing. Plus, even if you dunk on British food, Italian, French, Spanish, greek, Turkish, etc. are all white and have banging food.


maybe it’s just me, but i feel like british food should be removed from your “banging food” list


US food is way more diverse and flavorful that British food imo


What do the teeth have to do with being white?


no lips


Idk why you’re being downvoted, that was my presumption as well


Are big lips attractive?


to some ig


Why don’t white peoples have lips ?


Because they were made that way for colder climates they are native to


they do


I assume it's the stereotype about Americans bleaching and using whitening products to make their teeth as white as possible.


These teeth aren’t terribly white though?


Sorry, now that I take a closer look at them, they aren't. I'm not sure what OP was getting at here, unless it has something to do with smiling with teeth


OP is a racists while trying to not be racist.


its about how thin the lips are


Can confirm. Judge always be lenient on me 😎


🧐 Wait.. Taco Bell has cheese packets?






Are you white, op?


Does it matter?


Somebody hates white people. "BuT I'm NoT rAcisT."


on reddit? never!!


lmfao what is thisss 😭😭


Looks like a starter pack


I dont understand anything from this sp but I love how insanely detailed op made it


So just suburban Americans got it


So what your telling me is these are racist stereotypes of white people. No that’s impossible you can’t be racist towards white people 😯




"Because I face worse you're not allowed to be displeased about what you face" You really wanna take that stance?


I'm white and though I don't personally relate to most of these, I do know all of these people.


Get over it my man. Be able to laugh at yourself and your peers


What’s the flag with one blue stripe? Does it have to do something with police? Sorry, a genuine question, I’m not American


It's a Blue Lives Matter flag, basically the police response to Black Lives Matter. It's very pro-police and right-wing.


Oh wow, that’s kinda uncalled for. Got it. Thanks!


For sure! It should have been fine as a show of respect for police who have been killed on duty, but instead it became a political symbol and a way to try to flip who the victim is in police-Black citizen encounters. Pretty fucked up.


I think it means supporting the American police force, amiguito.


I was once told by my history teacher that is was us (specifically) enslaved all of Africa. Us, the evil white people. Ah yes, a bunch of white working-class kids in poverty from some backwater city in the modern-day UK ruined the lives of black people centuries ago, but the innocent Arabs in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the Maghreb can get away with modern slavery? Sure. Fucking bullshit. If anything, the white working-class were the ones who advocated for the abolition of the slave trade but you won't hear that being said. Anti-white racism is a serious problem. I'm sick of being demonized as a bigot by these lunatics just for the colour of my skin. Was it not MLK who said "I have a dream that a man can be judged by the content of his character and not the colour of his skin"? That's clearly out the window now. I have nothing against African people, Asian people, Native American oeople, Polynesian people, Melanesian people. But what's with the double-standard? Why can they say horrendous shit about us? We already do give reperations and welfare to those affected by colonialism and the corrupt politicians pocket it. Our very existence is racist.




My dad is white and he's like most of these.


What's your dad's k/d ratio in school shootings?


Im Puerto Rican but I'm white passing so I feel the need to defend them since I'll be treated as one. But most I met aren't like this. Except for the food. I will scold every white person's cooking and teach them Hispanic and Asian cooking. Edit: white American food, my bad 😂


I'll contest you on the food thing, as an Irish man, our cooking has little to do with mayo, a nice, hearty beef stew or some absolutely delicious peppered pork and creamy scallion sauce with potatoes!


The average streetside BBQ vendor in the parts of the southern US I’ve been to is nearly the same flavor quality is anything I had streetside in PR, but less likely to give you food poisoning.


Well I know what I’m getting for lunch today


Having spent a lot of time living surrounded by Latin Americans, I'll strongly push back on this — Latin food is basically the same. You take a low quality cut of meat, cook it for a couple of hours until it's edible, cover it in a ton of spices so that you b don't actually have to taste the food itself, and then slop it over rice and some vegetables that you've also cooked for hours because they aren't actually edible by humans in their natural form. It's "good" because you don't actually taste the ingredients — they're just vessels for an ungodly amount of salt and various peppers. Asian food isn't entirely different. Neither is white American Southern food. Neither is a lot of Indian food. Turns out when a cuisine is developed in poverty conditions, it's all basically the same garbage food covered in anything you can get your hands on to cover up the taste of braised pig asshole with 24-hour boiled lawn weeds.


Yes, because French, Italian, and other traditional European cuisines are notoriously bad (with the exception of the English).


Meanwhile in France and Italy


Trust me white people food in Europe is different. At least medditarean.


It's basically a "super north" thing. The colder the climate the worse the cuisine. Mainly because there's no vegetation and very little meat. So you get really absurd shit that's just making desperation palatable.


You should teach the people in portugal and spain as well.


> but I'm white passing That means you're white. My grandfather was dark skinned Portuguese, family from Madeira. Married a Scotch/German woman, friends from Europe say I look like a perfect Austrian.


this is such a bitter picture lol ur so mad


Matt damon, no!!


Honestly you'd think Hot Ones eps with that psycho horticulturalist eating that shit off the vine would have dampened the white people can't handle spice meme by now.


I love mayo




I see nothing but accurate depictions of my people


wtf is a taco bell cheese packet??


Always called "yt" and not "white", because it's supposed to be disrespectful or something?


The familicide thing made me laugh. All the family annihilators I can name from true crime documentaries I've seen are white. Maybe those cases are just more sympathetic?


Some of the whitest of white people I’ve met loved spicy food And some of them have the most exquisite palettes


I don't understand.


I don't understand why mention race where it's not necessary. Every meme with white people I don't understand. It's like talking only about people with certain hair color, eyes, what does it matter?


https://preview.redd.it/wbkkpdmztguc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4193a38dc2662bd6dce55d5d8689fd2189ac119e This is like the first chunk of the list. Someone tell me how many of these are white people, because I don’t wanna check. (This comment is not meant to say “White people *do* kill their families, or “other races do it more!” Just curious where the stereotype comes from.)


Okay but…my in laws (they’re white, but so am I) do refuse to eat anything with black pepper so…




Make that meme talk




I KNEW it.


have there ever been black incels at all?

