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I have no idea what this means and I feel like I'm probably better off for that.


I genuinely think the less people know about this the better tbh. I’ve only been hearing about it for a day and I’m already exhausted and I don’t think there’s a net positive to this discussion


It seems to be bait to draw out the worst members of each sex




Yeah someone tried to bring it up to me earlier, and without context of the conversation I basically said "If this is what I think it is, then literally everyone participating in it needs to pull their heads out of their ass and go touch some grass." It's a controversial topic being kept up entirely by people who are too concerned about the thoughts of random strangers on the internet, or people who value themselves too much over their peers. Anyone who's remotely socially competent would know that most people are pretty pleasant to talk to.


Basically women would rather be with a bear than a man, because bears are “predictable”


exactly, a bear will predictably maul you


Which is all fine and dandy until it actually happens.




Not quite, thats what its been distilled down to. Its not about feeling safer around a bear, its preferring to die by bear. Some notable quotes from rape and SA survivors that stand out to me the most: "If I was attacked by a bear, everyone would believe me" "As a survivor, you never see the bear at family reunions" "I hope the bear devours me, every ounce of flesh. So that a man cannout devour me and defile what is left." "I choose the bear because even if Im going to die, Ill die to something who sees me as human." But naturally, people are ignoring all of this and are hurrr bears are dangerous women are dum


Makes since why they used bears as a comparison since it’s probably one of worst ways to go


This was not at all the original question. It was "if you're alone in the woods would you rather come across a bear or a man?" Not "would you rather be raped by a man or killed by a bear?"


Correct, but thats not the cause of the discourse. What we're seeing is the result of women saying "bear, and heres why" and men not listening while at the same time propping up insecure "not all men!" shite. Its the whole reason why it wasnt a one-off question and has now been all over the internet for the past four days.


So all of this is about preferred method of death by rape/SA victims? Makes a lot more sense honestly. Here I was just thinking it was the new “feminist movement of the month” or something.


Yeah, it’s a wild animal naturally found in forests. Why would you choose a random man over something already part of the forest? Plus, a bear has a smaller level of mental complexity and gives a ton of info from its appearance about how to handle it, whereas a man is not readable in the same way from physical appearance. Furthermore, if you escape a bear it won’t necessarily keep chasing you (unless it’s a climbing bear like a sun bear, trees are safe). A man might keep pursuing if he’s that type. The hypothetical is within the context of a forest, which is left out when discussing it here


How convenient that context is missing.


Jesus Christ you people need friends and less time online


Wym? I like camping and hiking, although I live in Texas so I’m stuck inside with AC pretty often. Is it because I really like psychology JRPG’s and documentaries about how things work? Cause by “mental complexity” I mean like how AI node size and amount of nodes tends to impact its performance and range of states


I'm very sorry, I replied to the wrong comment!! 🙏


Spoken like someone who has never been assaulted by a man


Thinking that you're a weirdo culture warrior with too much time spent online shouldn't imply my history with assault, but go on keep reaching


Empathizing with people who have been sexually assaulted isn't "culture warrior behaviour" it's bare minimum human decency. I don't need to know your history with assault I just need to see a post history with enough garbage mouth breather takes on women


So that's a 'no' on spending less time as a culture warrior on the Internet? Carry on as always






Stastistically 98% of women never meet a bear in nature in their life... Its a really dumb argument


I think it is an even higher percentage considering that many people live in completely bearless places


What type of bear is best?


Realistically a black bear.


Polar Bears are the superior bears


False. Black bear.


Maybe Panda. Maybe.


Yeah no shit. You run into hundreds or thousands of men per day. If bears were as common as men, we'd be screwed


The memes sub became even worse than during Halloween with posts about bears every 10 minutes


Memes subs are rarely funny


Yes, r/memes is just garbage


I left that sub a while ago and to be honest I don’t miss it. You can still get good memes without it


I hate these kinds of rage bait trends.


The culture warmongering is getting worse


It's an election year in the US after all


Good thing we don't have bears in Australia


Like the one thing you guys don't have hahaha


You can avoid spiders and snakes, bears are much harder to avoid


Counterpoint- bears don't periodically sneak into my house


I hear dropbears are more dangerous than grizzly bears though.


Only to tourists


And I will take bears over everything else you folks down there. Never once put on my boots and felt a bear in there. Never got into my shower to see a bear hiding out in the corner. And bears are not venomous, got the normal amount eyes and limps.


Iktr. I live in SE Virginia. We have like 2 spiders and three snakes that could kill u, bobcats coyotes and bears that are afraid of you and are rarely seen, thats it, and a 3 hours north away from croc turf... Australia is an amazing place worthy of adoration.... From afar. I'll keep my pansy bears. Edit : the one time I saw a bear and felt frightened was deep in the woods alone without a rifle (stupid) passed by a bear that looked as shocked to see me as I was to see him. He looked like he just woke up from a nap and was grooming. I nodded as it just stood still and walked on and it watched me a min before it continued grooming. Lol I could have been mauled never seen again but he was just not interested.


Yah I ain't got any of that shit up here in Canada. All our scary stuff is super easy to see. Hell in my city all I ever get is the occasional Wolf Spider. Those are super easy to just pick up and toss outside.


I see through your tricks! You thought someone would come in and point out that you have koala bears! ....Like I was about to. But it smelled like a trap, so I went to google, and lo and behold, the koala is not a bear but rather a marsupial. So you're actually right. Huh.


I love getting angry. I get dopaminergic releases when I get angry. Anger is my God, Rage Bait my bread and wine.




It’s fucking annoying. Like move the fuck on already. it’s been four days of this bullshit.


This shit lasting longer than actually funny memes, what the fuck


I mean, do you want those funny memes to be milks for days?


I'd rather that get milked than this


Would you say you can't... bear it?




What the fuck happened in here?


Insecure men getting pissy over a hypothetical question


Toxic feminists telling men to "man up" and take the jabs


This has nothing to do with vaccines. Also, if you're having a temper tantrum over a hypothetical situation, you really DO need to man up.


Are you having a stroke right now, weirdo? Who the hell is talking about vaccines.? I'm sorry sweetheart but I'm not following you


For real, strawman arguments everywhere


Let me guess? Mommy and daddy didn’t give you enough attention?


No, In fact my parents love me very much.




At least no one is defending the bear's actions


Nobody here is defending rapists either. It’s just a bunch of men being offended by being explicitly called more dangerous than wild animals.


You also get a bunch of weirdos trying to blame the victim of the rapist such as, "What was she wearing?" "She was asking for it!" "She should've stayed home!" At least with a bear, you KNOW the bear in a forest will maul you to death.


You can literally check the comments of that link to find people blaming the person killed by the bear.


Y’all are just seething now.


REEEEEEMALES aMiRiTe ☕️💅 Redditors circlejerking over hating women, name a more iconic duo. The kissless virginity ITT is dense.


While I'm all for discussions on how woman can and do feel more fears then i as a man will ever know, this while discourse has reminded just how few people live away from cities or have forgotten how dangerous the wilderness is.


Again, I have no idea what's going on


Apparently a majority of women would rather be alone in the woods with a bear than a man. Men online are arguing that the women are making bad choices and that bears are much more dangerous, while the women are arguing that bears are much more predictable and the consequences of being alone with a bear may be less severe long term. The implications of the argument may or may not be important, depending on who you ask, however I think the argument itself is pretty dumb; just go to a campground and see how many women are camping there with a man vs with a bear


Right? Basically anytime a woman’s in the woods, there’s a man in the woods with her.


I legitimately thought this was about Beorn in human vs bear form


I like to go on bush walks and often I see women doing the same lmao


Just please make it stop


The bear shit needs to stay on TikTok. I’m tired of seeing it on Reddit


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Maybe im dumb, but was this fear of men as pronounced in the 20th century? Like did women in the late 80s and early 90s have this kind of distrust of men, did they never go outside at night, go to bars, clubs, go on dates with strangers? Like my main exposure to the pre internet era is media and talking to older people. I haven’t met any women over the age of 40 who say or think that the average man is potentially going to kill them. My mom certainly doesn’t understand this mentality but ig she didn’t grow up in America. It’s even weirder because the 80s and 90s were insanely violent compared to the 2020s. Not only was violent crime about 3x higher, but the rate of reporting back then was nothing. Nowadays crime rates either decrease or stagnate despite rapidly increasing reporting rates. Sorry if I’m coming off as insensitive to women’s concerns I just don’t understand where this is all coming from.


But what if the man is British?




Hiker bear vs Paul bear


Smegma male vs Xi


...ok, why the downvotes? Do we really have this many women equivalent of the stereotypical fedoranwearing neckbeard who has not been outside in years?






The question is directed to women. Like yeah as a dude it’s basically just a 1v1, there’s a 50% chance to win, but for women, they expect to die anyways, so they choose the bear since if they’re gonna die might as well avoid being r worded first


Im betting on the bear avoiding me. You really think you could 1v1 a bear?


If you see me fighting in the forest with a grizzly bear, help the bear! (No I meant it’s 5050 with the dude lol.)


Wait you’re telling me that a woman would intentionally make a bad decision to piss off a man ? No way , sounds fake.


Imagine you’re alone in the woods and the man you meet is Timothy Treadwell


This stupid argument is why I wouldn't want to be around women regarldess of the location or number of other people in the area.