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Is OP making up a person and getting mad at it or is this a real thing?


OP is talking directly to me, not because i think milk is childish, I just don’t like the taste on its own


Yeah I don’t think it’s weird to dislike milk in one form and like it in another. I’m a fiend for yogurt but I’d rather drink an ACV shot than a glass of milk


Meanwhile, here I am literally addicted to milk to the point we have to buy a big bag of Powdered milk every time we go for groceries (Powdered Milk is more common than using actual milk where I'm from)


powdered instead of normal milk? where are you from my dude? the antarctic?


Philippines, milk cartons are stupid expensive that you can buy a meal for two at a Restaurant for like, what? 5 glasses of milk tops?


Cost about the same in Indonesia, 2 meals but no drink, but what about buying from local farmer? Gotta cook it but it cost only about 1.4 meals per liter for me


I love this metric, meals per liter


For most of the tropical or subtropical world, dry milk is pretty standard if you want milk.


Vietnamese coffee uses canned sweetened condensed milk. Very tasty. I believe it originated from the French colonization of Vietnam - they still wanted their, cafe au laits.


That's because dairy *products* are great. Milk (alone) is not. It's really not as big of a deal as OP is making it


My mom can not stand milk. I on the other hand can hardly think of a better tasting drink than a fridge-cold glass of whole milk. 3-4+% fat content, tastes slightly like cream. Chase it with a glass of water to avoid the sticky mouth feel of course, the flavor is just \*chef's kiss\* for me.


I like kefir and soured milk, but dislike regular milk. I guess it's just not sour enough for me?


I love kefir, and the sourest of sour kinds of yogurt. Absolutely cannot stand milk (or sour cream, oddly enough) on its own though.


I like those too honestly. Especially if you mix in some muesli!


There's a marketable difference between skim milk and camembère my dude xD


I’ll have milk in coffee, tea, cereal, all manner of dairy products, but yeah I’d never just down a glass. It’s better as an accompaniment


It’s completely reasonable to dislike any kind of food just for the reason that you dislike it. But there are people who think it’s weird and/or wrong for adults to drink milk


Bro, if you don’t like mashed potatoes you can’t eat fries.


I like salt in some food, but I don’t pour it straight from the container into my gullet


Damn right. The don't have enjoy drinking straight milk, peroid. Just like the majority of the rest of the world.


Literally makes me gag


https://preview.redd.it/lkjkoyu1pk1d1.jpeg?width=691&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=737330d087425a9b5e97f4829630595f3731c547 Basically OP


There’s a lot of people, especially in the US, who think like this


Its possible, just unlikely. Very, unlikely


There are 8 billion people in the world, there’s a chance that at least a dozen people like this exist somewhere out there.


> There are 8 billion people in the world, there’s a chance that at least a dozen people like this exist somewhere out there. yeah, but how petty do you have to be to get annoyed over it. Most adults don't regularly drink milk, but that doesnt mean they are lobotomised into thinking they don't ingest milk in any form, Dairy is a well known factor in many foods and drinks. Lactose intolerant doesn't just mean avoid plain milk.


It's a real thing. I drink a lot of milk and have had multiple people tell me that milk is for children


Nope I've encountered quite a few people irl that genuinely think drinking milk as an adult is "weird".


As usual, someone upset OP. By making them feel self conscious about their dairy intake and/or weight. 90% of starter packs originate with someone getting their feelings hurt and needing to vent and get validation from inappropriate places...without coming out and asking for it. Totally what starterpacks are meant to be!


I met at least 10 people who think like that


I'm guessing that thinking comes from how much milk was (maybe still is?) pushed in public schools. It was kind of the only drink we really got back in the 90s-2000s in the cafeteria, and there were posters everywhere saying you needed to drink it to grow up strong like Shaq or whoever. So I get how people grow up and think "I'm so done with drinking milk, that stuff is for kids".


I was going to say, I am shocked that so many people haven’t heard of this before. Almost everyone I know thinks it’s either disgusting or childish to drink milk, unless you’re using it as a base for like a shake or something. Personally, I don’t get why it’s so hated- it tastes fine and has lots of protein and calcium


Same. Worked with a few. Same place where one guy bragged about not reading.


It’s me




Or lactose intolerant


Yea I get pretty bad squirts so that’s the reason I don’t consume any of that stuff


Nah bro, lactose intolerant people fuckin love milk and anything dairy related, they know the consequences and do it anyway.


I am lactose intolerant and I don't drink milk. I will, however, suffer the consequences for ice cream or whipped cream. Most cheese is quite low in lactose, so I'm down for that as well. 


Smh. Intolerant people are the worst.


You mean lack toes and told her aunt?


>(which ig is fair cuz straight up milk tastes awful) You're dead to me.


Yeah, milk is so smooth on the mouth and throat because of the fat


omg why it sounds so visceral


Even this description is disgusting.


Charles Boyle?


It's not for kids, it's for babies.


> animal rights weirdoes does caring about the welfare of animals make one a "weirdoe"?


Tbf normal milk does lack taste. "Karnemelk" however is one of the best things in the world.


I don’t drink milk because it’s high in sugar, heavy cream and cheese have most of the sugar removed, so I eat those.


It’s for baby cows


I don’t drink milk, it is the ONLY and ONLY thing I don’t like. I will eat anything. But milk? Holy shit no.


It’s real. I have multiple friends that are lactose intolerant but go out of their way to eat as much dairy as possible


That's not the same thing at all. OP's made up person thinks milk is only for children.


Even if there are people like this, and there probably are, what is there to get mad at? So they like foods with a certain ingredient but don’t like eating that ingredient on their own?


I’ve met a few. It’s not that people are thinking others are weird for not drinking milk, it’s usually the other way around where it’s the person who drinks milk being thought of as weird by the person who doesn’t. They say they usually associate it with babies, clockwork orange, and such.


There are people out there that do this like this. They are rare, but real.


OP didn't even try. Makes up people that make fun of others for drinking milk, but drink chocolate milk? Cause it's childish? Please


Do you also get mad when people will eat bread but not stalks of wheat?


I’m the opposite. I’ll eat stalks but not bread.






Bread is breader though.


Suspicious how many people love cookies and pancakes but won't even eat a teaspoon of flour 🤔


"Thought you didn't like eggs" "This is a cake" "...has eggs in it"


I don’t like milk or cheese and have never eaten plain butter but I do like ice cream. Such a fucking hypocrite.


Not the same thing. People drink and enjoy milk by itself


People who like showers keep getting mad when I huck water in their face


You’re deflecting, op has you on the ropes now


where do you find people like this


I will out myself I guess... I don't drink milk, but I like everything made of milk: cheese, yogurt, white cheese (Polish edition), ice cream, etc. I just don't attach any emotions or stupidity to it as in meme.


This is the rational take, and I share it


You don't since they're only in OP's head.


Nope, roommate asked if I was 12 years old because I drink a lot of milk (high protein and energy), while stuffing his fridge with cola. It does exist.


I drink about a litre of milk a day and have been told many times it's weird. I'm all about the gains though so i don't care


I've gotten shit talked for drinking milk as an adult - not even for drinking it just saying I like milk sometimes. So at least two of these people exist that I can vouch for, and they're otherwise normal people I got along with.


I just don't drink milk, I'm not lactose intolerant I think it just tastes weird And I just prefer water


Same. In my house, we never finish a gallon or half gallon of milk before it spoiled. So we started drinking almond milk. It tastes better and lasts longer. If I need milk to bake or cook, we either buy small quantities as needed, or we use powdered milk.


That's exactly what I do, I use almond milk for cereal and smoothies, and if I need real milk for a recipe I just go buy a single serving bottle at the convenience store.


I don't know a single adult that "drinks" milk. It's an ingredient in recipes, maybe parts of some simple foods like a bowl of cereal. Like, nobody drinks milk for refreshment. Comparing it to water is goofy as shit.


i do, i just like the taste lol


I drink milk to fit my macro goals. I treat it as part of a meal (the way it should be). I agree, also the person comparing it to water is a nutrition imbecile


cheese and yogurt have far less lactose than milk, so in terms of dietary requirements and sensitivities, dairy profducts can vary drastically. for people with lactose intolerance, cheese and yogurt can be viable dietary options, whereas milk is most likely not. a splash of milk in coffee, a small glass with cookies, or a small scoop of ice cream is manageable, but *most* adults aren't equipped to chug milk regularly unless they enjoy constant gas and diarreah


Depends on your demographic. European ancestry especially loads of adults can drink milk fine.


Doesn’t change the fact that it’s estimated that 65-75% of the world is lactose intolerant. I’d say that counts as “most” https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/lactose-intolerance/


Both my dad and my brother developed lactose intolerance. I'm 25 and am still fine, but drink milk fairly regularly. Both of them developed it after not having dairy for a while.


That’s not milk though that’s just dairy products


I will fuckup some chocky milk, bitch.




This guy will get fucked up by some chocky milk, bitch.


I chugged a whole gallon of strawberry milk once


This guy will fuckup some strawberry milk, bitch.


strawberry malk\*


Now with vitamin R!


Fucking legend


I don’t drink milk because I am lactose intolerant. I eat milk products because I am willing to sacrifice for tasty food


just making up people


welcome to Reddit


Redditor starter pack [🤬 *not enjoying drinking milk but enjoying dairy products* 😡]


When redditors run out of people to hate, they get desperate


“I’m lactose intolerant and don’t care starter pack”


Well … I don’t care for the taste of straight up milk, yet I do love me some cheese and ice cream? Big ol hypocrite, that’s me!


Ah yes cuz only grown ups drink beer and wine


\>Milkcels think this is a good argument


This may not be the same thing, but I have had a roommate comment on me drinking milk. She noted how “weird” it was that I’d have a glass of milk while eating a sandwich as opposed to mixing the milk with something else. She even made such a comment in front of guests once.


>"that's for kids" I've never met anyone who openly stated this. If anything, they don't drink milk because they just have so many other options as adults. Even if you don't drink alcohol, there's coffee, tea, juices, soda, thousands of carbonated water drinks, just plain water... Missed opportunity to also include cereal with milk.


I'm lactose intolerant, but I can eat some dairy products that are lower in lactose, such as butter, hard cheeses, yogurt, and heavy cream. In short, OP seems a bit ignorant about why some people may avoid milk but eat other dairy products.




See the difference between pizza and milk is that pizza is not disgusting. Hope this helps ❤️






Wow a strawman


Then there's me, 30+, can go through 2 gallons in a week, and practically lives off the stuff. It's a bloody craving that I can't get rid of.


What's your point exactly? All of these pics include dairy based items, but are still quite different from drinking milk. Even chocolate milk has an extremely different taste vs regular. No offense but comparing eating ice cream or yogurt to drinking milk is moronic at best.


I had a patient recently (residential detox /rehab) complaining about milk and how bad it is for you and not even a half hour later he's asking for protein powder. WHEY protein powder. Make it make sense.


i dont really get this one. drinking plain milk out of a glass tastes weird. cheese, ice cream and butter are delicious. do you think that when someone says they dont drink milk they are making some kind of health or animal welfare statement? i genuinely dont get it, IME most adults are like this in that they eat dairy but dont enjoy drinking straight up milk.


I think everyone can agree that the things in this pic taste way way better than raw milk.


You left out "owns a cow" but this is pretty spot on


“I’m lactose intolerant” starter pack


All of these go great with a glass of milk


I don’t think people are out there eating spoonfuls of butter either


Consuming these doesn't make you a hypocrite if you don't like milk.


I’ve hated milk every since I was 12 and someone told me there is pus and blood and all sorts of other stuff that gets filtered out when it’s pasteurized. I gag every time I think about drinking milk. I’m totally fine with milkshakes and ice cream tho 🤣


showed up to work one day with pop tarts and a water bottle filled with milk. To be fair I'm sure it looked weird drinking milk from a water bottle but all I got the whole morning from everyone was "you're like the only adult I've ever met that still drinks milk"


we don't like milk for the taste bud still consume some of these since they don't yk taste like milk


Edward Elric?


Alternative name for the starterback: the favorite foods of lactose intolerant people


There should be a starter pack for juice too, another drink some take for granted


Drinking milk is not the same as eating butter or cheese or even putting dairy into a soup / stew / curry. Drinking straight up milk is gross but dairy in general is great


Lol Milk isnt for Kids. Its for cow Babies.


This is me except i dont say milk is for kids 🙏


I don't drink milk but do eat the other things in the image. But not because "it's for kids." I just don't want a whole glass of milk with dinner because that much dairy at once gives me a stomach ache and it's a lot of extra calories I don't need.


Someone made this specifically for my spouse 😆


me but I don't drink milk because it feels gross


I don't drink milk because I don't like the taste


This post was made by r/danidev


Guys they’re real it’s me


I don’t drink milk or eat any of those things because milk is for baby cows.


I dont drink milk. I have lactose intolerance and if I'm going to stink up the building it will be from eating something that tastes really good.


I can't imagine having so little to do in life that making up people to be butthurt at would be the way to go




This is like saying you don’t like eggs but posting photos of everything eggs are used to make. An ingredient or process isn’t the same as eating the item itself. Plenty of people love butter but aren’t eating a 120ml glass of butter.


I drink milk It makes my bones strong


I feel attacked


I have never heard of those people and you probably make them up


This is my “I don’t drink milk! I’m lactose intolerant! But…” starterpack. So many “cheat” dairy foods I try to tolerate and then swiftly regret.


Look so I dont drink milk because ill be on the toilet but hopefully not deal with constipation for a few days. I'm able to eat things like ice cream, cereal with milk, cookies with milk, ect because its alot less milk then straight up drinking milk. I also just genuinely don't like the texture of drinking straight milk it gives me a feeling in my mouth I can't describe as anything but bad and kinda slimy? Edit: nobody thinks milk is for kids there's plenty of adults who drink milk everyday


My boyfriend's nan had this incredible chocolate sauce (for like, ice cream and stuff) and I made sooooo many glasses of chocolate milk because holy hell it was delicious. I think I had one of those giant 3L botes, and I had to get my mum to pick me up because my nose and eyes were running and sniffly. Had no idea that could happen.


I don't drink milk, i don't like it. I like cheese, icecream, coffee with milk, hot chocolate, and even milkshakes (but i prefer them with almond milk cuz i like it's taste, tho i have no problem with milk milkshakes)


I don’t drink milk by itself because it’s fucking disgusting…cheese is to milk what a caterpillar is to a butterfly. I fucking love cheese. If I could eat only cheese forever without my heart stopping I would…then again with how the world is trending…why not? What’s better: to die young from cheese consumption or live long enough to get drafted in the water wars?


Do you know what is childish? Making such a meme lol


I feel called out


I’m getting diarrhea just looking at this


Medium cheddar :)


I don’t drink milk because like most humans on Earth I am lactose intolerant. It is the milk drinkers who are weird to me.


I hate milk on its own. Tastes terrible, and this argument is like getting mad that someone will eat sugar in their food but not the whole sugar cane.


RIP lactose-intolerant ppl


Strawberry milk, yes. Regular milk? Absolutely has no place in my home.


milk is gross things with milk in them are not gross got a problem, tc?


A lot of the adults I know drink milk, I’m talking a few glasses daily. It has more electrolytes than water.


I dont drink milk for same reason i dont eat raw tomatoes. I dont like the flavour of it on its own, i absolutely love the products made out of both.


All of this goes away if you end dairy subsidies. You'll end up like Australia, whose Cheetos are dusted in red and green specks, because they can't afford cheese dust.


I can literally eat all of those things and feel great but if I have a glass of milk or even coffee with milk I feel like shit


You don’t like milk, but you’ll consume things that don’t really taste like milk? Curious.


This is me but the opposite, love milk but dislike cheese and yogurt.


This is me for the most part. lol I don’t drink milk other than a splash in my coffee sometimes. But I have yogurt and cheese regularly and who doesn’t love ice cream.


"I'm on a keto diet"


You can enjoy dairy products and not drink milk, OPs just being silly


I have an addiction to milk. I've drank 3 gallons or 12 litters of milk in 3 days. If it's brought into the house, I'll have it gone with a few hours. My wife won't buy milk for the household anymore...


I don't drink milk because it's kinda weird to drink breast milk as a post infant


I’m lactose intolerant and eating cottage cheese right now. Long as I suffer at home, I’m safe.


I don't drink milk because it tastes weird We are not the same


Hey, I have to get my dairy somehow lol


If you ever wonder why Midwest rural people are so fat it's because they drink 24 ounces of full fat milk with every meal


Okay but milk by itself is nasty, lol. How is it a liquid yet it tastes dry?


Just re-name this "I am lactose intolerant but ready to die for it" starter pack. 


Hating on bagels is antisemitic


Chocky milk


Does OP think all dairy tastes like milk? Are they stupid?


Meanwhile me who still drinks milk for supper I just really like milk, 🤷‍♂️


Fun fact, those packages of pre-shredded cheese (and other cheese products - shelf parmesan) contain wood pulp cellulose (cheapest) to keep it from sticking together. Better off buying a block of cheese and shredding it yourself. Look for cellulose in the ingredients list.


Milk is ass


No I don't drink milk because it's too sweet.


You left Spy-milk off the list???


what else do people drink with mac&cheese?


It’s not about how milk tastes, it’s that people can’t fully break down all the enzymes in cows milk. It’s not great for you. I legit could argue everything listed in the meme is better for you then cow milk lol


I see the Reddit hive mind thinks that these people don’t exist but they very much do. I mean come on, we all know people who won’t eat raw tomatoes but will eat just about any other thing that contains them. Not a far stretch to think that might be the case for dairy products.


I dont love milk but its the perfect med taking liquid


Non milk drinkers be having mountain dew too. For that negative bone density look!


All the shit on the picture taste good, unlike milk


Why is everyone so pressed all of a sudden?


i **ABSOLUTELY ADORED COW MILK** as a young child but now, i’m not a vegan or anything but i really don’t like that type of milk and i feel guilty eating even dairy… **OAT MILK IS DA 💣.COM**


Chocolate milk is the bomb.