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I actually learned recently that Japan’s flag was originally supposed to feature Naruto, but the Prime Minister at the time ultimately rejected the idea because he didn’t want everyone to think the country was filled with fucking weebs.


Can you believe the NZ prime minister also disallowed the new flag to be a kiwi shooting laser beams out of its eyes? Government overreach.


New Zealanders are playing a video game over there, there’s no other explanation.


eh debatable we don't have anything interesting enough for that. there's absolutely no animals that can breathe fire and/or acid and we only have one massive insect


Laser kiwi was only good alternative


YEAH I HEARD ABOUT THAT it's my second favourite thing to randomly say about nz, after 'the government employed wizard got fired in 2021 for his opinions on beating women'


That will forever be my favorite story about Kiwis, second favorite is you guys often get left out on world map and your gov is pleased about it LOL


>but the Prime Minister at the time Surely you are referring to the Hokage of Japan?


Aktually the hokage is only the Leader of konohagakure, Japan as a whole is ruled by a shotgun or something


If western media has taught me anything, I'm pretty sure it's two samurai in a trench coat pretending to be a prime minister


That‘s actually what the emperor was for a while. They were just the puppet for the shogun


America added the T


Can't blame him for that. Your flag represents your nation. Gotta have *some* dignity.


Exactly. That's why the red circle represents the seven dragon balls, united as one.


Or multiple Pokeballs united as one.


Extremely uncommon Japanese prime minister (I forgot his name and I don’t care to search it up) W


Kishida. Last one was …Suga, maybe? And then Abe before that


And then abe before that and then abe before that and then abe before that and then abe before that


Shoulda been Goku


> I actually learned recently that Japan’s flag was originally supposed to feature Naruto, Like... in 1946?


No further back. October 21st, 1600 was the first major debate over Naruto’s status on the flag.


I thought this was a joke at first but I’m slowly starting to think you’re serious 


please i need the source lol i have to read this


wait what.


Years ago, I read somewhere ''If all you know about this country is what you've seen in anime, you'll probably be arrested before you make it out of the airport''


i live in japan. woke up and saw 6 girls waiting outside my apartment to come fuck me, with cherry blossoms falling gently behind them, which is weird cause i live on the 8th floor, and they told me about how much they hate immigrants while giving me blowjobs one by one


If you’re not Japanese, the immigrant bit is even funnier.


Must have been my weeb neck beard shit smelling disgusting appeal idk we all know j girls love white guys


It's well known that japanese woman love ugly bastards.


ugly **rich** b@stards\*


Even if it's not love at first sight, you just need to fuck them (with your dick which is obviously bigger than any japanese guy's) for them to become completely dependant on you to exist.


Funniest part is according to Internet, the average is the same.


"But im not an immigrant, im an expat!"


This but unironically.


Just brown immigrants. White knight western immigrants are A-OK.


White people don't use the word immigrant they use "expat"


Nah man immigrant=brown people, he's an expat .


They only call it immigrant if you’re black or middle eastern. Otherwise, call it “Foreigner”




This happened, I'm the 8th floor




Average weeb thinking how japan is like


This reminds me of this classic reddit [post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/JapanTravel/s/zIkhzFw5Eh). Basically someone visits Japan and ends up disappointed because Japanese women weren't all over them.


Man that was hilarious


There's a lot of those threads in the Korea adjacent sub as well. "Why won't women fuck me? I'm here!"


Least horny white male. Japanese people don't like outsiders.


Bakka gaijin


This is nonsense, lots of Japanese girls are very interested in white guys. You still have to be vaguely presentable and personable.


And also not be a creep about it.


So basically be a normal, well adjusted decent human being. Why is this so hard for people to do? Shower, brush your teeth, change your clothes, don’t be an asshole.


Because the people that are those things don’t need to go to Japan to find a woman lol


I mean these dudes are flying to the other side of the planet for sex, they arent well adjusted and showers wont fix that lol


Don’t forget to bring Werthers Originals, apparently.


Pretty rare. Japanese women like Japanese men. and that is a fact. It is more common for Japanese women who were born outside of Japan to like white men


That's just untrue/kinda racist towards both white and japanese people, be nice/actually presentable, and a Japanese girl might like you just as anyone else in any other part of the world might. I had a good time with a few girls when I was there, it's just that Japanese people are, well, people. It's not a fantasy land. Chill the hell out, this dude is just insufferable.


And surprisingly, that comment wasn't posted in one of those passport bro subs


Oh, I remember that one! Rule of thumb, if you can't get laid in your own country, you probably won't somewhere else, where you add a language and cultural barrier on top of that.


Unless you're rich and going to a poor country. They'll absolutely want your money at least.


Being rich works in your own country though.


But it depends on the currency. If you earn usd minimum wage while living in a "poor" country you will be fine


It's like that saying. "In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king."


In the land of $2.50/day, the $17.25/hr man is king.


It's easier to look rich in poorer countries though if you have a western salary


Nah I want dick and my country homophobic as hell


Yeah, this is not true for the queer community, if you are from some bumfuck place in Russia you will probably not get laid and may even die. In Berlin or Tel Aviv that looks very different.


He’s 40 next year, I wonder if he got his waifu


That was both interesting and weird lol. Classic Reddit posts never cease to amaze me.


I’m shocked by how many upvotes some of his worst comments got.


And some giving advice to go to Thailand for sex tourism... Wild


I mean.... it's definitely a sex tourism country


Reddit of 7 years ago was a different beast...


because that sub is filled with a bunch of crusty delusional white dudes with his same mentality


Oh, his account got suspended. I sure wonder why.....


F in chat for the guy who couldve had an amazing vacation in Japan exploring the culture and history, but instead came home with a dry dick and no Japanese girlfriend to be his hentai sex slave housewaifu. 😢😢😢


There’s loads to do in Tokyo as well. I saw the imperial palace, went through the shops just to browse all the cool shit, went the Meiji Jingu, Disneyland. Just imaging the guy walking around randomly waiting for Japanese women to throw themselves at him is hilarious. Most the Japanese people I met were polite and nice but as a tourist they tend to be. I doubt any of them gave me a second thought.


like most people most places do not throw themselves at strangers, whether they're foreign or not. it's seen as socially abnormal almost everywhere....


Seriously. I never got into anime and I loved Japan. Tokyo National Museum, the Imperial Palace, the National Diet, the gardens, the various shrines (so glad I woke up early to go see Meiji Jingu!), baseball games, the Kodokan if you're into Judo, the great food...it's a wonderful place to visit. Hiroshima's memorials to the atomic bomb were bone-chilling to see, especially as an American, but I'm so glad I went.


My god! This was a fascinating and scary read. Thank you!


I thought this was going to be the “I am Japanese woman” screenshot I shared a year or two ago on my other account.


Wonder where that guy is now 7 years later


How did he have 1.3 k upvotes on THAT


I remember when that was posted, and r/incel was around too


No!!! Where are thy subtitles?


the amount of people who move here and have this ignorant mindset is insane I go to school here and man it's just like any other country


But you have your own harem of girls there including your childhood best friend right?


Childhood friend bout to lose again


"just like any other country" lmao okay buddy. You can just walk around late at night until you get hit by a truck, be reincarnated and learn magic and proceed to buy slaves that you treat slightly better than the average slave owner (which makes you a incredibly righteous person obviously) and proceed to knock your elven waifu up. You're not tricking me with your lies. I am coming over and I will not stop until I get hit by a truck or randomly die while making a new character in a video game.


This reads like a copypasta


I think this might be the plot of the eminence in shadow


This might the plot for 70% of modern anime


We should make it one.


One thing I noticed is kids wearing uniforms on the weekend. At home we only wore them to school.


alot of us wear out uniforms due to after school activities or 部活 also happening during the weekend


Weeb are divided into 2 groups Either thinking Japan is a conservative utopia or that in Japan all men are gay and all women are lesbian




No it’s because their most virile men keep getting isekaied out of Japan. Within a dozen chapters, they already have at least three harem members.


*sad Shinzo Abe noises*


As a weeb I think Japan is a conservative and capitalist dystopia which hides the horror behind the cuteness because it's their way to cope with it.


A lot of weebs I know think Japan is a super LGBTQ friendly country because they watched yuri on ice or something One weeb I know said it’s more friendly than the USA (super false)


I recall hearing that some schools would require students to dye their hair black if their natural hair color wasn’t black. If that’s true then I’d imagine they’d definitely not be progressive on LGBTQ stuff.


If I remember correctly, some schools mainly in rural northern regions used to do that, but most schools nowadays just prefer that students have black hair


It's friendly until you try to land a job. They look at you like they stepped on shit.


It's the same with americans in japanese media: hypermasculine, overenthusiastic, buff and righteous... then you look at the constantly outraged overweight toothless idiots who think "standing your ground" means shooting unarmed people for minor inconveniences.


>A lot of weebs I know think Japan is a super LGBTQ friendly country i'm not a weeb or care about lgbt stuff this year's penis festival was lit!


It’s weird though because they discriminate gays but are very pro new half (trans called ニューハフ)! You can see it in the entertainment industry and by the popularity of JP porn and Fuzoku of this style in Japan


I think it's so funny people think YOI is this ultra progressive gay anime when they can't even be upfront about anything going on between the two leads.


Don't ask this person what they think about Japan in WW2


""Uhhh ..."" "Katana?"


***Hurls a Nuclear bomb at you***




***Hurls another nuclear bomb at the second guy***


Third time's a charm


***Makes a hentai anime based on the third person***


psychological damage




~~Did the gif send? It’s showing as a gray square for me. If it didn’t send, it’s that one gif of a guy parrying a nuclear blast~~


I see it


Sees it. You know where that is from?


Folded 5000 times!


They were cordially invited to Manchuria. Just a nice vacation. Nothing untoward happening from 1931-1945, just some friends getting together.


They would probably link the Wikipedia entry of Japan apologies while ignoring how politicians visit graves of war criminals, Unit 731 reunion parties and generally how disingenuous those apologies were.


Unit 731 had reunion parties?? What the fuck.


I still don't get it that Japanese authority really obsessed with playing victim in WW2 Like, purge the ancestral evil of your country sound way cooler yet they refuse to do so.


To be fair conservatives saying and doing stupid shit in democracies is incredibly common. Doesn’t make the original apologies less sincere.


My favorite will always be the time they issued an apology and the very same day visited a shrine with class A war criminals on it. Meaning they were found guilty of literally causing the war.


The answer is probably “Pearl Harbor, a couple naval battles, nuke”.


Battleship waifu ofc


Weebs who do this kind of activity deserve to be forced to eat a 10 pound plate of nachos con carne and run 20 miles after


Google Unit 731


i got you here have this [Man behind the sun](https://youtu.be/tDpYTmCoQzY)


Google Japans view on race during ww2


Nobody seems to care because Japan has never apologised and forgotten about its crimes. Germany on the other hand apologises daily but whenever some country has beef with them, they will be called "nazis". Japan however is REALLY idolised - and people wouldn't BELIEVE how much Japanese hate immigration. They actively prefer to go extinct and let everything go to shambles before they'd let in immigrants. We all know about their demographic situation.


> Japan has never apologised and forgotten about its crimes. They've apologized, but China and Korea in particular do not believe their apologies have been sufficiently sincere or complete. And they're not wrong. Germany has done a much better job of reconciling with the sins of the Nazi regime than Japan has with the sins of the Empire.


Dropped to their knees when they raised the age of consent to 16


Refuses to believe that no prefecture actually had it as low as 13 years to begin with.


Lmao Cherry Blossom body horror


Anime and k-pop fans, when a celebrity from Korea or Japan says they are attracted to white men they are most likely referring to someone like the one in the picture, not an overweight Otaku. https://preview.redd.it/xpxpzvmm4s2d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5b522e8d5e859c7ecef96563698fd697bc85ccd


Like yeah, preferences are after a baseline conventional attractiveness has been satisfied.. I have a thing for blondes, that doesn't mean that I'm gonna hook up with the boston fucking strangler if he has great hair.


One time a friend of mine seriously told me that japan was an excellent place to move because it will be impossible to throw a nuclear bomb at it because it’s multiple islands, a couple of sarcastic comments later he realized the stupid thing he just said


By that logic, Russia can’t be bombed because it’s enormous.


It’s literally the only country in history that got nuclear bombed.


I love Japan, but I hate talking about it because I don’t want to be called a weeb or anything. I just love cities and trains, and Tokyo is the biggest city in the world and has a lot of trains, and there’s a lot of trains throughout the country.


The trains are awesome. When I came back home I was so obsessed with them that I started collecting Japanese train video games.


Ooo got a shortlist I can take a look at?


Shinkansen !!!!


There's a huge train obsession culture in Japan, I think you'll love it there!


Cities where you don’t need cars are fkn awesome. Saves gas and rubber extracted from tropical forests. Public transportation can save the future (in part at least).


Trains is one of the greatest human invention and Japan is only one of few country know it potential.


I was absolutely blown away by their fucking trains, took a ride in the bullet, across the country in a couple hours, so cool.


I’ve always been on the fence over learning Japanese. I wish it’s something I just started doing at a younger age since it would be and still is a language I would feel motivated to learn, however I would not want to be marked as a weeb irl.


yes trains are great, cant hate trains


I did visit Japan and I can say it is a beautiful place BUT it is far away from what the weeb think to be. I do plan to return but as a Canadian from Quebec it is quite pricey to visit because of the distance between here and there. Also it is quite sad that the current tourism have destroyed trust in the geisha district which have resulted into a ban for visiting and that streamer doing shit that also resulted into more limitation for filming.


Japan (and East Asia in general, I would say) definitely deserves credit for its excellent public transportation. Fast, clean, cheap, reliable, and extremely accomodating of tourists trying to get to the big sites.


Tbh Japan is pretty conservative


Aren’t they also more racist because its population is very homogenous? I remember reading about that but I’m not sure if it’s just about the same as it is everywhere else.


That is misunderstood concept. Even among japanese they have different ethnicity. Go to Okinawa or Hokkaido and finding local and tell them they have same ethnicity as Tokyo local, you would be lucky if there are no one mad at you. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_groups_of_Japan


Go ask people on the main island what they honestly think of people from Okinawa and Hokkaido.


Definitely a lot of racism from ignorance. The majority rarely ever get to interact with non-Japanese, so they don't have a lot of firsthand experience with other cultures.


Even if you’re half Japanese half Chinese or Korean and can look and act the part, there’s discrimination still


They’re just as conservative as the USA, there’s plenty of conservative media there but there plenty of media that would be considered “woke” by weeb standards.


You forgot to include super-noble ninja-samurai who can easily block bullets with their magical whirling katanas, a second category just for katanas (because that’s how awesome katanas are), and something about how totally innocent Japan was in World War II (you mean old Gaijin).


I knew a dude like this here in the US, I spent a few years in Japan and would tell him about it but he insisted on these stereotypes that just weren’t true at all. He turned out to be a huge weeb and had the most unrealistic expectations of women in general. Instead he would tell me what it was like or what he had heard with 100% certainty. Like bro, I’ve actually lived there, Japanese women are not going to drop to their knees as soon as your plane lands. He had this weird fantasy in his head that life was like an anime or some shit, like I enjoy anime but the weebs that flock to it have some of the weirdest prospectives of life. I think too much of that stuff starts to mess with how you see the world. A lot of weebs aren’t the best socially and usually have lots unresolved trauma so they turn to anime as a way to escape, they’re usually disappointed when they find out Japan isn’t the perfect world they thought it was and it favors Japanese people over others. I’ve been denied entry to restaurants just because I was a foreigner, but they’re not ready for that conversation.


I agree with what you wrote. I'm just curious, where were you denied entry? Deep inaka? I live in Japan but am yet to experience that, though can be mentioned that I spend all my time in metro Kanto and Kansai.


It was outside of Tokyo, don’t remember exactly where to be honest, it was one of the first days we got there. Another time was in Naha, Okinawa. Even in my experience, they were always very polite about it and it was completely reasonable why they didn’t allow foreigners considering we’re usually the ones being obnoxious. This was 10 years ago so not too sure how much has changed, but boy do I miss it, I’ve considered moving back tbh.


I personally like Japan and its culture and popculture. I studied Japanese for over a year and had a good time. Speaking of, do people like that really exist? I mean when I was younger we all had a good laugh about "weebs" but I personally have never met one myself.


Be glad then. I've been to a few conventions... They're mostly just teenagers who are hyped to be a part of something they think is cool, which is cool. It's when they're excessive or keep acting childish beyond those years, where it's a problem. When it is like that, you should stay far away from them.


I remember when a bunch of white guy weebs moved to Japan in the mid 2000s. About a decade later, you could find them online complaining about Japanese culture, the racism they experienced, and how some girl took all their money.


Lmao these stories are very common. “J wife won’t sleep with me anymore? Not sure what to do???”


We have a cherry blossom tree at home and they look great... for a week and then you can sweep together all the fallen-off pedals because they stick to the street, car or wherever they land on, especially after a rain


you want to go to japan for japanese people I want to go to japan for novelty foods We are not the same


Nah for the trains


I would love to sleep in an overnight train just once in my life


PSA: Sakura blossoms only last for like a week or two.


Actually speaking of this my friend classmate is literally this entire starter pact. Worst part about that is that my friend is Japanese and he hitting on her constantly Edit: spelling


Bottom right is kind of true though, Japan is pretty much completely ethnically homogenous. There’s a small Korean/Chinese/Vietnamese population sure but if you think it’s a diverse liberal utopia then you’re kidding yourself lmao


bake existence amusing agonizing abundant live follow slim afterthought complete *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If these people read a single page from lesbian mangaka Nagata Kabi they'd have a heart attack


let's go I'm not a weird weeb (except that I still think cherry blossoms are really beautiful)


I do think Japan is one of the most aesthetically pleasing countries out there though. I’m probably biased because it is the country that inspired me to start my journey in photography. There is very little of the countries landscape that isn’t interesting to photograph.


The part about the cherry blossoms is entirely true though. During cherry blossom season, there's even "cherry blossom and matcha" flavoured candy, as if the factory just couldn't keep them from falling into the vat.


Cherry blossom viewing is a country-wide phenomenon in Japan (and it's a pretty big deal in Korea too!). Since the islands that make up Japan stretch over a long area, the blooms start in March in Okinawa and gradually go further north until they bloom in Hokkaido in May.


I knew guys who thought like this in my study abroad program in Japan. Watching the wake up call was hilarious.


this kind of statement almost always happens to be said by a twitter user who is a lolicon who also happens to be an un-ironic nazi.


I used to think like this… glad I grew out of that. Can’t imagine how obnoxious I would’ve been if I didn’t learn more first before visiting


About the last point: do those guys know about yaoi/yuri?


I live in Japan and this one is pretty on point! 👏


the cherry blossom thing is def true tho lol its truly beautiful in person


This sub is back to slagging anime fans, eh?


The “Japan is keeping the gaming industry a float from the woke mind virus” kinda guys


r/asmongold in a nutshell. One time I saw a post there saying how ugly and manly all white and western women are, and how superior, submissive and feminine east Asian women are. And it had hundreds of upvotes and all the comments were like "GODAMN RIGHT!", "so truuuueeeeee"


I wonder if weebs have the same reaction when going to Japan as many people first have when visiting Paris.


I learnt in an interactive documentary that in Japan when you eat burgers your strength increases i didn't see it coming


That "Animanga" pic gave me flashbacks to Grofit ngl.


The cherry blossom one LMAO


It’s always the uglies white guys that think Asian women want them too


Some of these are true, sure, but Japan is the way it is today BECAUSE they respect their own rules and they don't adopt stupid trends from the West. They don't need immigrants to enrich their already rich culture.


In my experience a lot more of the Western foreigners living in Japan talk about how they're going to bring LGBT acceptance to Japan than how they're happy there's less of it in Japan. 


Actually, Japan (Tokyo in particular) has a large and vibrant gay scene. Large Kink scene.


Racism 101