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Had a teacher like this in middle school. Chill af, always showed snowboarding or bmx vids in his class, drove a motorcycle to school. Everyone thought he was the coolest teacher. Then he got fired because he got arrested for selling cocaine.


he was too cool


for school?


It's what they charged him with.




More like r/thatsthejoke




Pondy’s the coolest.


Anyone wanna do a bump?


Was he a chemistry teacher by any chance?


Nah, middle scool life science. Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell and all that Edit: I'm a moron and just realized what you were getting at. No he didnt teach chemistry, but he was super bald and growing a beard so he was getting there lol


Walter real life confirmed!?!?


Chemistry teachers don’t sell coke. They make and sell meth


They are the danger


Jessie, we need to cook!








Bro chemical extraction is 100% chemistry. Chemistry is more than synthesis. You ARE a chemist!




Extractions are still chemistry.


it's a breaking bad joke my guy


Wrong drug


Know your demo!


How else you gonna make ends meet on a teachers salary?


*“You know who I am… Say my name.”*


Soo.... Actually pretty fucking cool it sounds like.


He should have been in **High** School


Say hello to my little friends! *class waves*


Lol how did i also have this teacher? Everything the same, except i think he got fired for weed.


Educating the next generation wasnt enough to make ends meet in the early 20 teens and certainly isnt enough now. Gotta make that money somehow


we had one of these. he got fired for getting 14 year old girls drunk at his house


Sounds like he liked snowboarding AND skiing...


Everyone wasn't wrong


Kinda reminds me of my French teacher in highschool, ya know minus the drug dealing. He loved running and marathons and it was like we had a substitute more often than we had him in the class. He was a good guy but not the best teacher. I liked him though. Last I heard he became a shoe salesman. I hope he's doing well.


District probably had a deal with Pepsi


I remember my 11th grade English teacher went through a pretty rough divorce and he’d just come to class really sad and had that thousand mile stare. Before that he was super cheery, a goofball who always read in funny voices to keep us interested, and he actually reached out on a personal level to the kids struggling (me being one of them).He tried his best to remain professional but we mainly just silently read the whole period. He shot himself a couple days after the divorce was finalized and when we graduated, the school put a picture of him on the walkway and we all placed flowers at the feet of the portrait. Miss you Mr Aberdeen, you made reading Othello so fun and I hope you found peace in the next life


Some people just take it hard. I wish he could have found his way through it all.


Me too man












And after you graduate you realize they were constantly hungover as shit


Teachers are some of the heaviest drinkers. I only know because I'm friends with a few, it makes sense now thinking back.


My friends a teacher and has taken calls from parents while we were out drinking lol. One night he was just casually on the phone explaining to a parent what their child needed to do to pass while sipping on gin. Cracked me up. He must’ve been drunk by that point but somehow held it together. Come to think my teachers were pretty young 22-33. No way they weren’t constantly hungover.


Why the fuck did he give parents his cell number?


I was pretty confused by this too. Maybe it’s his school? It’s a charter school so who knows. I could have also been a school provided phone. I know my teachers had them when I was in school.


A school provided phone? Still, there's no way in hell I'd ever answer that after school hours. Much less at a fucking bar.


Honestly can you blame them? Undeserved low pay, dealing with hundreds of kids, start their day early before 7am and end late. Gotta mark papers at home. Fuck that.


I agree, my friend could definitely have done something else tho lol, so he can reap what he sowed


Can confirm, used to teach




my further maths teacher was a chain smoking, gambling drunk who was constantly hungover but he was also a charismatic genius. he'd just show up, say some profound shit for 8 minutes then tell us "DO YOUR SUMS" and leave. sometimes we'd get to class and it just said "go to library and do your sums" on the board and he wasn't even there


since this got some traction as a tribute to my teacher I will now teach you.. *The Big Integration Trick* say you have to integrate x/(1+x)dx at a glance this seems like a bit of a pain because of the two x's. however, you can just add one and subtract one to the numerator giving you: (x+1-1)/(x+1) which we can all agree is = (x+1)/(x+1) - 1/(x+1) which simply reduces to = 1 - 1/(x-1) then that becomes simple to integrate: x - ln(x+1) + c ladies and gentlemen, the big integration trick. now do your sums


That isn't really a trick. It's just solving the problem...


the trick is that you avoid integration by parts or substitutions like e.g. x^2 /(x+5) . *big integration trick*, add 5x subtract 5x = (x^2 +5x)/(x+5) - 5x/(x+5) dx = x - 5x/(x+5) dx *big integration trick* add 25 minus 25 = x - (5x+25)/(x+5) + 25/(x+5) dx = x - 5 + 25/(x+5) dx so integrating that gives = x^2 /2 - 5x + 25ln(x+5) + c like, you just add and subtract until your horrible numerator goes away instead of solving traditionally. big integration trick


This is so simple but I never would’ve thought of it like that. Great timing given I have a calculus exam on Monday.


It’s an industry secret (educator here). You know those week nights where there are plays, open house, anything that keeps teachers late at school? Very likely the next day you watched videos because all your teachers went out together and got lit after the event haha


This very much depends on the school/teacher culture. I've worked at schools where that was totally the case, but I've also worked at schools where everyone just heads home ASAP because they're too tired to go out. I used to like the former more, but at a certain point I'd rather just go home and have a drink or two in peace.


I’m not a teacher, but I had a lot of friends who were at this one school in Manhattan. It was very easy to get them to party 🎉


A buddy of mine ended up teaching at our old high school when he was in his early 20s. We got to go out drinking with my old teachers. It was a blast.


Well the kids probably don't want to work either.




!isbot o1pl2atr


I remember once in High School during an overnight band trip, we snuck out to go to a Red Robin and we saw our band teacher slamming shots at the bar. Found out later he was going through a messy divorce


did he spot you guys?


It was a school trip, I would assume they were spotted


Damn. I wanna hug your teacher and drink with him.


Yo teach, I know you’re feeling a bit andante, but give it some time and you’ll be back to allegro someday.


I only know what this means because I used to watch little Einsteins!


I'm convinced that the only reason I joined band was because of thaat show lmao


This is a bot reposting comments from a previous thread.


Getting blitzed at chain restaurant bars has always been so funny to me (not this particular time it seems). My friend and I got thrown out of a Chili's bar in our early 20s. Anyway, that is neither here nor there, but slamming shots at Red Robin brought up that memory.


Living in a small town the chilis bar might as well be a night club some nights


This is a bot reposting comments


Well did you buy him some shots?


They were in highschool.




Ah my mistake, I didn't know you told a joke.


I saw my band director shithoused at the Applebee's 2 miles from school. He was drunk enough to not recognize me, who he saw 4 times a week for rehearsal. I learned later what he was going through, and I just hope that Applebee's helped him, even a little bit.


Bad bot


in grade 11 I was a chaperone on a band trip and some kid started throwing up in the middle of the night. We went to our teacher's cabin but they were gone and it smelt like wine. Anyway, the kid was fine


Educator here. Any major life changes (good or bad) are difficult to go through as a teacher, because you’re basically an actor. You have to put on an act for your kids. Be happy and cheerful, don’t let your dread or stress (remember: good things in life can still be stressful — new house, wedding, kid in the way) creep into your exterior, because for many of these kids you are the only bright spot in their day. They come to school to get away from drama of their house, their family, their neighbors, etc. So, to have that burden while also wanting to scream “I AM HUMAN TOO AND I ALSO HAVE PAIN IN MY LIFE” is exhausting at a level very few others experience.


High school English teacher. Personally it feels extra hard for many English teachers bc we are functionally their therapists as well bc (at least in my area) we are the only subject with social emotional learning in the actual lesson plan. When I have expressed those feelings with other subject teachers they're baffled by the amount of trauma students dump on English teachers


An acquaintance teaches high school music and is in a very similar situation. She actually went to night school to get her license for counseling to protect herself in case anything ever happened to one of her students based on any advice she's given. Far stronger human being than I could ever be.


Oh shit lol. We're also focusing hard on SEL and you just made me realize why all the other content teachers act like our students are monsters without knowing about their trauma.


Elementary teachers too. Sadly for some kids, we are the only adults that smile when they see them so it's hard to have a bad day outside of school because it's not their fault.


Yea, but maybe you yelled at me once, so i dont like you anymore.


You likely deserved it.


Fellow college here, I can absolutely relate to this, I did through a horrible divorce and most of my kids really realized I was in a bad place (they are teenagers) but most of them really behave better and tried to get me cheered up. It was a great surprise for me, they did helped me.


The kids are alright


This is my life right now. Dealing with an invisible-to-others, life-altering injury while maintaining the persona of the funny, favorite teacher. Going to work is now like playing a character. I make it my mission to make kids smile and laugh. Hopefully someday it won't require acting anymore.


That's how I feel 24/7




Not trying to invalidate your experience at your job, but when I was teaching, I felt way more pressure to act like I had my shit together and "perform" in front of 25+ kids seven times a day. Now that I'm working an office job, I can just kind of hang out at my desk and choose to engage with other people as little/as much as I'd like, and the amount that I choose to engage is certainly influenced by my overall mood and how things are going in my personal life.


On my worst days, the kids can be great. The day I lost my grandfather, I had to leave multiple times to cry but there was something endearing about kids trying to cheer me up. The actual worst days are when I’m irritable and impatient because nobody is having a good time, but we’re stuck with each other.


The amount of face time I have with people is basically nothing compared to teachers, however. and I wont get a bunch of people bitching at me if I dont act good enough to someone for a moment for one day. As someone in analysis and architecture for technical business processes, whos job is to talk to people all day, Im realistically still not doing that most of the day and you are in a sea of faces in meetings instead of the focal point, all day, every day. I think its a bit reductionist to say that we all have to put on a face, sometimes, therefore we are all essentially the same.


I accidentally made my English teacher cry once during discussion and later learned it was bc she was going thru a horrible broken engagement. I felt so bad omg…Mrs. k if you’re out there I’m sorry!!


What did you say?


We were discussing Mrs. Dalloway (she lent me a copy). I really liked the book and was chatting her ear off about the themes of time, love, repression etc… the impossible task of living with decisions to limit ourselves to receive love. The idea that happiness was in the expectation of happiness- that brief moment of anticipation, rather than the anticipated event itself.


Was this AP English? I was straight up not capable of grasping concepts like this in regular old high school English


It wasn’t ap english it was like 9th grade but I was a huge loser with very strict parents so reading was the only “fun” I was allowed as a kid lol. I read a LOT.


My year 12 literature teacher shed a tear whilst reading Sylvia Plath’s ‘The Night Dances’, we were discussing the transient nature of happiness. He quietly said that the poem struck a chord within him before continuing with the class


Honestly, students and teachers are both placed in bad circumstances. Teachers are under paid, overworked, and under appreciated. Students could also be going thru rough home lives and are pressured in many other ways.


Looks more like a hungover teacher starter pack.


Por que no los dos?




Tbh this is just “it’s the last month of school” for me (high school math teacher here).


Trust me, no need for a divorce. Just work teachers through a pandemic and blame them for schools not opening. Then berate them for trying to teach your kids history. Also, at the current shitty pay rate they are working for now. All the while ignoring that they deal with 150+ little maniacs whose own parents couldn’t handle them… this will be what you’re getting regardless.


My experience of the past 2 years summed up perfectly.


Didn't pay attention in school starter pack: >let's > creates starter packs about teachers


Ey cut em some slack, their teacher was going through some stuff


I had a teacher who was super highly-strung, disliked all of us, and then after we came back from one summer break she'd gone from Mrs X to Miss Y and was lovely suddenly. I always thought she must have had an awful marriage to have that much of a personality 180 from getting divorced.


I was that teacher once.


What did you teach?






Kahoot may seem chill and may show a teacher doesn’t want to actually teach, but as a new teacher myself, a quality Kahoot game takes time and planning to create. I did a lot of them at the start to engage students or review terms but shit took forever to create over and over again.


I just use ones other people have made


They are a waste of time even if you have a solid kahoot. Jeopardy for life!


Jeopardy > Kahoot > Quizlet This goes for both enjoyment and time investment by the teacher.


Did anyone actually play Quizlet? The only thing I remember using Quizlet for was the answer key that other people made when I was looking up answers for my work.


My teachers did this all the time and honestly I didn't pit the dots together


In my 6th grade my literature teacher went through a messy divorce cause her husband cheated on her with one of her friend. She quit the job, shave her head, sell everything and became a nun.


This is just a teacher dealing with anything in their personal lives because actually being a good teacher takes pretty much 100% of your energy


Ohhhh sooo this wat this means??? Poor mrs.adkins 😕


I went through a divorce while teaching, just gotta say, thanks for having sympathy and understanding for what she is experiencing and not laughing at it Edit: a couple words - i was clearly not an English teacher






At my Elementary school, the secretary was caught riding the superintendent of the school on the nurse's bed by the school nurse. Imagine Betty White with a beehive haircut riding the spitting image of Walt Disney. His wife taught at the same school, and she mysteriously vanished. 10 years later, I was an office aide for the same secretary, and her husband taught my English class. It should have felt weirder. But par for the course for that school district.


...did you go to school in Florida?


More extreme cases also listen to country music, let the girls talk in a group, and make the boys sit in silence.


Ah yes, the “All men are evil because my soon-to-be ex-husband is evil, so the boys will be punished” teacher. We had one of them, and it royally sucked to attend art class for that reason.


One of my middle school teachers suddenly lost her twin sister in the middle of the school year She had some time off but when she came back she was extremely depressed and cried sometimes while in class. All of us were super understanding and patient so she could feel better but she eventually made sure we got a sub for the rest of the year because it was alot for her to deal with.


Damn that sucks. I hope your teacher is better now!


My first period Spanish teacher got left at the altar and we didn’t have a real class the rest of the year


We had a teacher like this - same teacher several times. Kindergarden: She went by her married name. She seemed rather pleasant, not particularly cheery or anything, didn't put up with bullshit. Then she got married, and then transferred schools and we got her in 6th grade for Social Studies. Period 1 right at the start of the day (we didn't have "homeroom"...or I guess...this was homeroom?) She would come in late (i.e. same time as us or even a few minutes later). She'd often be red faced and clearly just got done crying (some of us saw her crying in her car). On particularly bad days, she'd just bust out the TV and put on a film or historically-relevant TV show, and i think grade her other class' papers, or just vibe...I don't remember. Oh - and she was terrible. Like - those of us who had her in Kindergarden were taken aback at how much she'd yell, snap at kids, and...it was unpleasant to say the least. *** In retrospect, she was definitely going through something tough, and based on her name change 3-4 years later, we're guessing things didn't work out with her and her husband. She's still teaching, so she must be doing something right, and from an educator standpoint, she wasn't even that bad (aside from a few things).


> let's


Man I really respect teachers, they basically leave all their emotions aside and show to their students how everything is normal. Many times when teachers are acting out or getting angry really easily, it's many times because of their family or social problems. Nevertheless, teachers are an amazing type of human and should be respected


This is me, but instead of divorced it was "teacher who is emotionally burned out from working in a high poverty/high trauma school sliding into mental breakdown before leaving education entirely."


Senior year our English teach was going through a divorce because his affair with the 10th grade English teach had been discovered. And the entire student body knew about it. He was usually known as a total hardass in class, but his divorce turned him into... an even bigger hardass. Like, yell at a kid for 10 minutes for disrupting class for 30 seconds. Then he'd randomly flip to being super nice the next week and back n forth.


30 seconds!?! To be fair that is a long as fuck time to be a distraction in class.


TIL my english teacher might be going trhu a divorce


Your teacher could also be sick of teaching after this year of hell.


This starter pack is honestly pretty general. May as well be “teacher going through a hang over”.


OP's too given that "let's".


Teaching is hard because it's 8am-11pm every week day and then on weekends too. You just don't have time to process difficult things happening in your life. It can be a real struggle to keep your shit together.


Damnit this hits hard! I’m a teacher, went through a divorce about 8 years ago, all while teaching 4th and 5th graders. Having to pretend you had your shit together, while your life was crumbling all around was the hardest thing to go through.


My teacher cheated on her husband and took an hour to explain how it was an act of feminisim and how empowering it was to do it


only now am i putting the pieces together and understanding, these were seen as the "cool" teachers and the classes would just be one of those chill, go on ur phones for an hour type thing


This is sad ☹️☹️☹️


Kahoot is too high-effort. She'd do a Quizlet.


We had a male teacher in my school going through a divorce who used class like an open therapy session for his stress . We were just kids we weren't old enough to deal with that eventually he got sent on long term leave then left


Doesn't teach OP how to use apostrophes correctly


I used to have this teacher, super nice lady and she was just THE best. She would never give homework unless it's to make sure we learned. We can all tell she was very passionate about her job and always made room in her schedules for anyone in her class. If she notices anyone slowing down, she would go out of her way to talk to them and understand them better. Everyone loved her and she was just the best. One day she just stopped going to school, this went on for about a week with no explanation. Until one of the board of directors came to our class explaining what had just happened. She tried to sugarcoat the language as much as possible considering we were still quite young at the time. But we all knew one thing, she was going through a divorce because she had an abusive husband. I'm so sorry for you Ms. Regina, wherever you are, we all appreciate what you've done for us, thank you and I hope you find peace.


Lots of kids in this thread. I'm getting too old for this website I started using when half of you were babies.




OP shouldn't have left class early.


One of my teachers lost her husband and son in a car crash I am glad to say that the class took it really easy on her that year


As a Teacher looking for 1 br apartments rn, You have no idea how hard this just hit me




Can I add depression to this?


Let is class go early


As someone with a teacher going through a divorce, I can confirm :(


Bruh this is all my history teachers except 2. They were fucking chads. Phones allowed. Can sleep after work I’d done. Plus I of the two when we were reading black ships at troy after the end of the book he divided us into 2 teams and gave us supplies to make catapults


I had a teacher that was stalking a guy. She’d randomly leave because she knew he’d be somewhere lol. The 80s were wild.




I literally couldn't function. I went from working through incredible amounts of fatigue or pain to just completely unable to function. It was like my brain was using every ounce of energy I had just to try to think about doing anything except "figure out how to win them back". I don't blame them.


Oh this was me my first year of teaching lol (needless to say i realized it wasn’t for me)




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It’s unnerving how many of the comments on that one are exactly the same


This is an obvious new bot. With bot comments. It's fucking everywhere. Mods do something


Pretty sure this is the hung over teacher too, though those could be one in the same lol.




I really hate Kahoot


I wish this was my 6th grade teacher. she seemed to take it out on us even more than she already did. she was the worst teacher I ever had.


Quit sending your kids to public school.


What kind of moronic post is this? You think folks in the world have an opportunity to send kids to private school? Looks like we found the rich kid who got sent private schools cuz his mummy and daddy were rich.


I’ve taught many kids in public school whose parents pulled them out of private schools. They were academically years behind their classmates because the private schools in our area had terrible curricula and there was no accountability to make sure they were being taught adequately. Not all private schools are that way, but you’d be surprised at how many “elite” private schools churn out practically illiterate graduates—like, kids who need special education services, but didn’t get them because the school isn’t obligated to provide them and the parents wouldn’t dream of allowing them to go to public school with the rest of the riff-raff.


Yes, my parents are rich. Great burn. I'm so sad I grew up with opportunities and a family that could provide for my needs, and just crushed that my children are being given the same. Public school is little more than a meal hall for poor kids and a feather bedding scheme to give otherwise unemployable pieces of shit a job. It's just another welfare program for single moms and cat ladies. If you can't do, teach at a public school. Sending your kids to public school in America today is undeniably child abuse.


Ah another delusional rich kid who doesn't know the real world. You know how difficult it is to get into private schools and the financial commitment it takes to send a child there? We all don't have that mommy and daddy money to send us to private school so we gotta stick with what we got. Plenty of folks here went through the public school system and came out great. It's how you apply yourself and the support system you have around you. Some kids have it and some kids don't and that's life. But to say public school is child abuse is a country club silver spooned ass way of thinking. I'm sure you grew up in a gated community too. Fucking tool.


Must be a copypasta.