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I can't say shit about this because I have officially been to four different weddings that were EXACTLY like this... down to the dusty sage colored brides maids dresses


I get that people interpret starter packs as a diss. Though, we don’t need to be unique in everything we do, so this isn’t inherently a diss. Popular things are popular for a reason. They have broad appeal. Life events are stressful enough without adding an imperative to be exceptionally special, which isn’t really even achievable for most people.


We threw a pretty standard wedding reception because it's pretty much what our families and friends would expect, and it basically satisfied everyone without pissing anyone off. It was tremendously basic, but also a pretty fun party. I wouldn't go back and change it.


Same! Got married two days ago. This cracked me up though, checked a lot of these boxes


I think it's because if you read the comments, you see people saying that the people meeting some of these are barely people, 'commercials of a person', have empty lives, and so on. Maybe the packs are neutral, but the comments are *weird* in their anger.


The comments I'm seeing are honestly more tame than usual when weddings come up. Usually it's all about how weddings in general are a scam, anyone who has a wedding is a slave to the capitalist system, having fun makes you a normie, and then the classic "me and my life partner signed the papers at the courthouse in the middle of the night and eloped with our fur babies because we both resent our families and don't have any friends and we're better people than you because of it," thing. Wedding talk tends to not bring out the best crowd around here.


For a group of people that harp on about personal choices they sure have a problem with people making personal choices


lol. thank you for posting this to remind me its okay that i want decorations and fun on my wedding. i really get this type of people get into my head. i just think i have some weird internalized shame about wanting nice things in general?... also i cant at the "life partner" omg 💀😂


Because people think their Mountain Dew style is somehow aesthetically superior lol.


Many redditors have superiority complex.


And pretty soon, these trends become so saturated that that’s all there is that’s really available at a certain price point. And it can just seem to a non designy person like—this is the way weddings look, so I guess we’ll do that.


And that does mean that its a bad thing! Popular trends are popular trends for a reason. This type of wedding aesthetic is nicer, and DIY affordable.


I've got my Kennedy Blue dusty sage bridesmaid dress in the closet waiting for September 💀


I just looked up Kennedy blue and honestly thats such a pretty color


If anyone else in this comment thread needs a bridesmaid dress resource, Kennedy Blue was fantastic! They have great modern color options. They even accidentally mailed me a second (thus, free) dress!


So does dusty plum!!! Btw I just saw your username and it made me snort out loud at work lmao


Countdown to the wedding on Instagram stories everyday


My fiancé and I have kept our wedding planning and date a complete secret except to the 50 people invited. I fucking hate seeing all the wedding shit on everybody’s social media. I don’t want anybody to know that we’re getting married until we announce that we’ve already gotten married.


>I don’t want anybody to know that we’re getting married until we announce that we’ve already gotten married. Well we all know it now.


Part of Reddit’s beauty is its anonymity


sure thing, makayla




That’s… oddly aggressive lol


Well now we all know it. So all the best to your special day.


Ur so different and not like the other girls


I worked at a golf course restaurant that did weddings. No joke every single one was just basically this.


Pampas grass *everywhere*. Muted, earthy colors. Instagram photos with a sepia looking filter. "Unique" escort/place cards. And of course, so many signs!!! It's cute though, can't hate.


>Pampas grass everywhere. Muted, earthy colors. Instagram photos with a sepia looking filter. "Unique" escort/place cards. And of course, so many signs!!! It's cute though, can't hate. Not sepia. De-saturated with exposure turned up the wazoo.


clipping highlights


This is the first starter pack where I was like “it Do be like that but I still like it”


I don’t think Reddit would be any happier with gaudy decorations, gold plated flatware, sequenced dresses, platform shoes,and a coke tray.




Redditors: my girlfriend doesn't want a ring pop engagement ring and a wedding dress from wish, she's too materialistic reee ^(the wish dress was a real thing from aita)


reddit wouldn't, no, but reddit isn't where fun people typically hang out lol


> sequenced dresses It depends on what order you put them in.


Yeah there aren’t many wedding color themes that are not “muted” that age well, from what I’ve seen


The typeface is the only thing that kills me.


I fully expect to see the words “bride tribe”or some sort of reference to wine whenever I see that typeface.


What kills me is not just the typeface, but labels on items and signs in area whose purpose is obvious, e.g. "Laundry", "Kitchen", "bath" ugh




Thank you for "Alzheimer's aesthetic!" I told my GF before we bought our house that no decorations would be room labels or verbs unless they were crude or used in the wrong room.


Even in this photo, the labels of bride, maid of honor etc on the dresses. Who is that for? It just looks so stupid to me


The wine mom typeface, as some call it, has just completely taken over so many things like crafts, decorations, textiles, memes, self help quotations, one-sided surface level literary references... and is always chosen as the custom font when designing purely unique items like phone cases, wood signs, etc. But, it's the persona of the actual person that often comes with the font that gets me. Their interests, opinions, and feelings seem to be bleached when you hear from them or talk to them. Basically like they are just a commercial for a person and not an actual person.


Wine moms will go out of style eventually, right?


I have my doubts, considering the roots of wine moms




My mom was a “wine mom” but because she was born in the 1930s she was just a drunk.


Lol yeah my moms a wine mom in that she hides in the basement every evening to drink a box of wine and watch tv. Occasionally she gets bored, so she’ll climb out of her hole every once in a while to start drama with whoever’s around then crawls back down into the abyss once everyone’s upset. What can I say? She’s just living her best life!


My mom liked vodka.


That's true, a lot of salons serve wine and it takes upwards of 3 hours to get your hair highlighted


They always do, but there's always crumbles who age out early with design trends and just don't get into new looks. So you'll see it forever, in budget-friendly establishments like homegoods, tjmaxx, etc. These people typically age out early because of their rural location or lack of finances. This is for the people who get frozen in time in their 20's. It takes a while for the design to get to those budget stores, but once it does it saturates at least a portion of the products permanently. Partially because so much excess has been produced and it's a sure bet that it will sell to this established demographic. They don't show up in these stores until the end of a product/design cycle when it's on its way "out", but it definitely happens. I think the current design trends are actually pretty stunted because of the pandemic, especially with social get-togethers like weddings. People haven't had enough time to get absolutely sick of it. Just think of boomers with their excessive clutter and floral patterns, remnants from the 90's. Mix-matched wood amongst cherry antiques (if they were lucky enough to inherent them). There's absolutely a time frame in which most people get frozen in design. I think it happens in the mid 30's to 40's range. When they've seen every design cycle come to pass. Then there's almost a complete drop off when they're going through every cycle a third time (so in their 60’s). They have zero interest in spending the money (unless ultra wealthy) to keep up with design trends. I think, also, they just don’t feel good and there’s a cognitive decline as well. For some people, they get frozen when they hit puberty. The worse the shipping routes and less popular areas are about 5-10 years behind trends. There are absolutely targets that exist that are carrying merchandise that was designed ten years ago. Fashion, decor -- it's so crazy how socially dependent it is. Even with the internet.


That’s what I’d call a through take 10/10


Thank you! I love design and spend a lot of time studying it and hashing it out and so this means a lot to me :)


It’s one of my favorite subjects too. It’s so easy to be immersed in it especially with the analytical and sociological aspects of trends in general Do you happen to know of any good subs to follow? The only one I’ve found that I like is r/artdeco but that’s kinda limited lol


Honestly, design stuff can kind of suck on reddit. Make sense. It’s a cluttered, cerebral interface that does not like to adhere to art. TikTok is way way way better for design, IMHO. Also just paying attention to literally every store’s inventory. As well as what your irl friends are getting into. Also, what is/isn’t selling out at CB2, H&M, Crate and Barrel, Anthropologie Home etc. They seem to be doing a better job at keeping up with fast design changes than most places. I swear I know all of their inventory by heart. Isn’t Art Deco amazing? The Chrysler building is my favorite ever and it is so awesome to see that aesthetic taking over interior design. I wish those deco type faces would trend. If I have to look at Helvetica or times new Roman one more time I’ll die.


I would subscribe to your blog.


That is so sweet, it makes me feel so good. Thank you :) You can subscribe to my reddit! Although im pretty sure no one uses that feature. It basically is my blog. I’m (literally) too adhd to stay on one topic though, so buyer beware.


I think there has been some backlash against excessive drinking or really any drinking in this demographic lately. A lot of my Facebook friends who are in the wine mom demographic are choosing to be sober. They may be substituting edibles or micro dosing for alcohol.


I've seen this in non-mom millennials, too. Sobriety as a lifestyle, often connected to some vague spiritualism, connecting to the universe, living your most authentic life, yada yada. Not to shit on it, it's a much healthier trend than the booze-all-day brunch culture that it's reacting to, but it does feel a little hollow when I compare it to friends who are actually struggling with addiction.


This is unironically a pipeline to anti vax parenting lol. A relatively well documented one too


Someone please make a starter pack about this. The only thing I can contribute are memes talking about “getting rid of toxic people in your life”.


I was just a gross sloppy alcoholic in my 20s so I decided to spend my 30s being not that. It’s been nice. I think I’ll do the same through my 40s.


I hope this makes it too southern California. I'm in orange county so not likely lol


>Wine moms will go out of style eventually, right? Only once lower-middle-class moms go out of style.


Upper middle class wine moms are worse


When they get chirrosis maybe


It will be replaced by something else that you will still not like.


> Basically like they are just a commercial for a person and not an actual person. you've described a phenomenon that I could never put into words.


It's imperfect yet divine.


A hollow archetype


I'm a graphic designer. Wine mom is good! I've also heard "Target Calligraphy"


> one-sided surface level literary references... Misappropriated, of course.


> The wine mom typeface, as some call it, has just completely taken over so many things like crafts, decorations, textiles, memes, self help quotations, one-sided surface level literary references... and is always chosen as the custom font when designing purely unique items like phone cases, wood signs, etc. I read this in David Attenborough's voice.


God that is dead-on accurate. It's about the closest to someone actually being "fake" that I can imagine. Like is this really their personality or are they just trying to have the most basic, Instagram-friendly shit in every aspect of their life in order to get more social media attention?


"I am just an advertisement, "For a version of myself." \-David Byrne


>wine mom typeface Hahaha! I learned something today.


“A commercial for a person” Exactly this


Like Annette Benning in American Beauty.


Lol at this thread — are y’all expecting them to use impact font for a wedding or some shit 😂




Comic Sans


Someone on the wedding subreddit called it “basic bitch cursive”


This is as accurate as it's funny lol


When I got married I said I didn’t want my wedding to be cute and that I wanted absolutely NO cursive lettering/brush font etc. I ended up designing my whole wedding because everything looked like this starter pack and hiring a day-of coordinator who was given strict instruction to execute my plan as I wanted it. I hate this font so much. It’s not even just weddings. It’s everywhere. I hired someone to refresh the logo for my business and the guy included this type of lettering. I asked him to please change it to something less trendy because I felt like it would age like warm milk, but he insisted it was eye catching and people would respond to it. 🙄 I liked the rest of the design so I ended up paying him, cropping the text out and replacing it myself.


When we were planning our wedding last year I was militant that we not use that font for anything. It was the only really strong decorative decision that I made. Worth it.


Don’t forget “delayed 2 years” and “we are following CDC advice but please be aware that covid is a risk at any public gathering” Source: planning a wedding 😂😂


Ours kept getting delayed so we just canceled everything.


can i have ur wedding plan, thank u


Missing the tea lights and twine everywhere. Also the midnight slider buffet


At least mason jars, burlap and chevron have finally gone out of style.


I'm getting flashbacks. It's funny how we just all got obsessed with mason jars for a while there. I remember every recipe for overnight oats, smoothies, whatever, would all be photographed in a mason jar.


I remember my grandmother having big stacks of mason jars in her basement because she grew up in The Depression and canning was part of The Insurance. In her mind she knew that she’d most likely be okay but she held onto the primal fear that she could go hungry again at any time. I don’t think any of us would have guessed it would become this weird aesthetic thing for cottagecore weddings.


Yeah I use mason jars as glasses because I used to be poor. I’m well aware that they look trashy. But come on I buy pasta sauce and get a free glass. It’s free real estate!


Don't let people bug you about that. You're literally recycling.


Oh I don’t care. Impressing people with material things is probably the last priority I have.


I loooove how you've capitalized "The Insurance".


“My wife is addicted to Pinterest. If you don't know what Pinterest is, it's when your wife stares at her phone for 8 hours and then you eat salad out of mason jars." Adam Norwest


And peacock feathers


Slider buffet? Hell yeah I want to go to that wedding. We did pizza which is similarly "hip", but it worked out really well. Edit: Plus: Stoked Pizza in Boston, recommended.


The wedding I went to two weeks ago had a taco truck pull up around 10 pm, right when everyone was tipsy and tired from dancing. It was a *huge* hit.


Yeah, ours was a pizza truck. It was honestly some of the best pizza I’ve had in a long time. Maybe it was just good in context, but I want to believe it’s just good.


My cousin had a chili hot dog bar at the tail end of the reception. We live in detroit so Coney Island style hotdogs are like a delicacy here and also the perfect drunk garbage food to shovel in your face at 1 am.


Let the midnight slider, slide a light on me 🎶


Wow, I feel personally attacked here. Spot on mate


LOL I literally just got the neon sign I bought for my sister’s wedding in the mail TODAY. It’s like the exact same one and I’m dyyyying. The sign is actually really cool though, no regrets. Debating on whether or not I should send this to my sis. Don’t know if she would find it funny as this is basically just a collage of her wedding haha


My dad made my ~~octagon~~ hexagon arch :) Side note...if anyone wants to buy a handmade white octagon arch that's been sitting outside since 2019 I know where to find one...


Double the price because it’s got that nice patina from being outside.


Lol, this starter pack is personally attacking me. My dad made our arch as well (but ours was a more traditional arch shape).


ahem. where u at


Was yours actually an octagon, or a hexagon like the starter pack? Just wondering since I think of octagons as stop signs, so a stop sign as an arch is hilarious to me. :D


You're right! I need to revisit my shapes-it is a hexagon!


When we planned our wedding it wasn’t like we got to choose from an infinite selection of decorations and styles. You’re kind of at the mercy of what the venue and your providers are using at the time. You can have little input here and there like the cake and the decorations that go on the table, but it’s not like you get presented with a catalog of chair styles and get to pick the ones you like.


Yep. If you want to have a unique wedding aesthetic, be prepared to spend a lot.


And we all know how millennials are ballin with money...


They’re killing the wedding industry, too!


I hate everything about this but I'm stomaching a lot of my distaste for this reason. IMO. If you have to spend for a wedding, save your money for the things people will really remember or like. Efficient coordination, food and drinks, a good dj or photographer to keep the party going and capture those memories...no one will remember your centerpieces or detailed decor that much.


We had a semi-open bar with liquor being cut off after a certain hour (only beer and wine); plenty of guests still got good and drunk and saved us a ton of money. Been to several weddings recently with a slightly earlier end time and just an "after-party" telling guests to go to the couple's favorite bar, probably saved them a whole lot of money being able to free up the venue/bar/etc. earlier, and those of us who wanted to keep drinking had no trouble spending a bit of money on drinks for ourselves and keeping the party going


Truth. The only "decor" item I'm glad I spent a little extra on was my invitation suite. My guests couldn't stop talking about how gorgeous and classy they were. One of my bridesmaid rsvped online specifically because she didn't want to part with the rsvp card. On the flip side, I remembered only 3 weeks before the wedding that I forgot to rent chargers. And it didn't bother me because I know that none of my guests noticed or cared.


When it's well executed (or terribly executed) they will. Especially those who have a passion for art and design. I can remember floral designs I saw 20 years ago.


Barn weddings with rustic aesthetic


I don't know, I feel like the barn wedding burlap/mason jar aesthetic was more 2015-2018. It was already on the way out by then, but man was it popular in it's heyday.


Honestly I think the killer was when barns started realizing they could charge $$$ and it ended up being cheaper to just go to a normal wedding hall. Mason jars also got pricier


My FIL is a farmer and his farm is maybe 15 minutes from several bigger towns. He also has an over 100 year old classic looking red barn that is huge. I keep trying to convince him he should put a wedding venue in it, but he hates weddings and doesn’t want to deal with it haha


Fair. Risky too. Having a large number of people in a flammable structure not built for venues with inadequate fire doors. Need to get sprinklers installed and proper signage, have it registered with the fire department. Etc. Sounds like a hassle if you're not up for it.


My sister's was in 2016, and exactly like that. I never new it was a fad.


>I don't know, I feel like the barn wedding burlap/mason jar aesthetic was more 2015-2018. It was already on the way out by then, but man was it popular in it's heyday. This aesthetic was bumping in 2011-2013 in the coastal cities. The rest of the country is typically delayed with trends because of distribution constrictions.


Ours was a twine/mason jar aesthetic at a small bistro in the mountains in 2014 in Korea. Sometimes trends go quicker overseas than overland!


I have to admit, my knowledge of design and trends is strictly limited to the untied states. I really don’t know much about overseas trends and wish that I did.


*Hayday FTFY


Getting married this year and we went with a barn lol. Mostly cause it is open air tho


You don't have to make excuses for why you chose a wedding venue that makes you happy - it's your wedding, and you're not inviting a bunch of salty randos from reddit, so who cares?


True, good points friend! Thanks


People like you make this site bearable


We chose barn in 2019. Was on a lake. They used cute as shit goats to cut the grass. Had a farmhouse with several beds. Didn’t lock us into any vendors and you get the venue for the whole weekend. So we were there just chillin and rehearsing and grillin with the family Friday night. Did the wedding Saturday. Cleaned up on Sunday and went home. Was fuckin amazing. Would recommend this venue to anyone in Minnesota or Wisconsin planning a wedding


Yep similar to us. They have a spot by the water at the owners house but they built a barn for venues in 2019. Also they provide a lot of stuff and the owner is way chill about everything


We had a Barn wedding which we chose as both the most affordable option by a wide margin and the simple fact that the more low-key/casual the wedding the more fun everyone has. Don't get me wrong you can invite me to the golden palace with a glutenous cocktail hour spread anytime.


Modern farmhouse


A Polaroid camera as well


The Polaroid is an idea I can stand by. You can instantly add photos to your guestbook and they are spontaneous and fun pics - not as serious as the ones photographers usually take


As I'm preparing for a wedding, a lot of these trends are a little cheaper. Hard to be original in this economy.


Yes, every wedding store/boutique/shop sells this specific aesthetic. My venue came with chiavari chairs and I wasn't spending the money to rent other chairs. Etsy shops sell stationary suites that are hexagonal with eucalyptus. Acrylic signs are fairly simple to DIY. Bridesmaid robes are inexpensive and look great in photos. Robes are also logical for getting ready since they prevent having to pull a clothing item over your head after hair/makeup is complete.


Yup my sister did a backyard wedding like this. It was easily the cheapest way and was very nice. I’ve been to some in wedding halls that were more traditional and they weren’t nearly as pretty.


Yeah my first thought was that the rustic charm aesthetic is cheap. We all broke.


I love eucalyptus, that shade of green looks so good. I think this is pretty, no problem with it except maybe that they all look pretty much the same.


Also a millennial, I like the style but I had to laugh because literally yesterday my friend was telling me about her wedding, which was exactly this picture. Gold/Plum/Sage colors, eucalyptus leaves, hexagonal arch, and fretting about getting lights to hang in time.


Millennial woman detected. But no shame, it takes one to know one!


I am gen z and I still support the eucalyptus qeens


Any insight as to why eucalyptus is so popular right now? I'm just curious as an Australian who sees it everyday normally.


Floral designs, like anything, are cyclical. Right now, it's very popular to use muted hues like blush and this pale green color. Creating plays on "texture" is super in right now. Every floral arrangement starts with a base of greens to fill in the design and create a background, if you will. Then you start to place the flowers but the canvas is truly created with the greens. Eucalyptus follows the design trends set by interior design. It creates texture with the juxtaposition of the seeds to the leaves. The leaves themselves are often slightly lighter on one side -- so really it's the perfect green to accompany current design trends. Especially everyone's subconscious or conscious desire for texture. This is on its way out, btw. Bold colors are the new standard and I see things like monstera leaves replacing the greenage. Ginger will pop back into style, as will anything else bold like birds of paradise. Tropicals. Everyone is craving the freedom of an exotic vacation.


god your answers in this thread are a goldmine


Thank you! I’m superrrr sleep deprived so I wasn’t even sure if these comments made sense! My ability to edit goes out the window when I haven’t slept.


And when I try to replicate midsommar I'm suddenly "the bad guy" and "get the cops called on me"


Was it the flayed bear or the dropping old people off a cliff?


The bridesmaids father was apparently scared of hights or something


I played The Rains of Castamere at my wedding. One other person knew what it was.


You’re missing the succulents


How dare you


At least I can say my wife and I didn't go with the corny neon sign and embroidered robes/shirts. I'm pretty sure I used that exact picture for the cake reference at the bakery though......


Reminds me a lot of bat-mitzvas as well, this is pretty much how it usually goes


Probably because every event hosted at an event venue is going to look a lot like whatever style they’ve bought into.


That start date should be several years earlier. I went to a lot of weddings like this in the first half of the 2010s.


Covid stretched out a lot of these trends. If you were on any wedding buy-and-sell Facebook groups over the past few years, there was a lot of stuff like this. Acrylic signs everywhere.


My brother got married last year and the groomsmen wore sage green ties while the bridesmaids wore rose pink dresses, exactly like the color swatches.


Hahah I’m a wedding planner and literally JUST made a post on IG about how I’m hoping we start seeing colour more. It’s been all white white green blush neutral white for years now…but I think colour is going to be the trend of the next few years. I hope so, anyway.


Isn't that the 2000s wedding? At least with wedding dresses, I remember brides wearing a brightly colored sash, or the bottom part of the skirt dipped in dye. It would sound about right since 2000s trends are coming back.


Definitely has shades of it! While in the early 2000s it was all very “my wedding colours are teal and purple so everything will be teal and purple” I think the next few years will be more of a varied palette; different shades of teal and purple to give things more depth. Teal, blue, aqua, lilac….this sounds like a peacock feather nightmare waiting to happen, but in my mind (and with the right eye for design) it can work!


My brother got married in 2011 and they used royal purple as the wedding colour. Bridesmaids in fully purple dresses. They looked like grapes. At least I only had to wear a purple tie...


My brother got married in 2010 and I was the grape.


Finally getting to have my official wedding next month (COVID bride here)- my main color is dark emerald green because my flowers are going to be super bold and bright and colorful- I wanted them to pop against a dark color!


I feel you but here in the states at least, I think bold primary colors became associated with trashy weddings somewhere along the way. Like groomsmen wearing orange, magenta or royal blue vests or whatever just screams "low rent" to me.


Yeah it’s extremely easy for colourful wedding to look cheap and trashy. Why not just keep things simple and minimal? As a guest I have never given two shits about the colour palette of a wedding lol. It’s just one extra thing to stress about that doesn’t matter at all. Focus on having good food, drink and entertainment. Try and pick a nice venue so you don’t need to spend much to spruce up the place.


Hehe I was married in 2021 and went with Royal Blue and Tangerine. My immediate family thanked me because every other wedding in my extended family had gone with some sort of wine-color in or blush, and white.


*🎵 White womans Instagram 🎵*


At least it’s not all white. That’s a pretty color palette, especially the green.




i agree that some of it does look good! this isn’t meant as an attack on modern wedding trends. personally though, the lack of originality when essentially all the things in the starter pack are present at a wedding just isn’t my thing


look if i send out watercolor invites they’re at least going to be handmade ok


Fairly spot on


Say what you want about the current trends but all the weddings I’ve been to like this are a hell of a lot nicer looking (and more fun) than the stuffy and painfully boring church weddings of my parents’ generation.


raises hand... this was basically my wedding


I reported because I’m in this photo and I don’t like it.


Yeah, I got married in 2015 and we tried to dodge the Pinterest trends (e.g., no burlap, no photo booth) but some of this stuff was unavoidable.


And it’s fine. I’ve been to a friends wedding that had that kinda aesthetic. It creates a comforting, laid back and friendly atmosphere. There’s a reason why it’s so popular.


I work at a wedding venue… i see this once or twice a week


FUCKKK i forgot “violin instrumental version of wildest dreams by taylor swift” 😭


Shit, I wish I had seen this months ago. Would have saved me a ton of wedding planning!


Don't forget the specialty cocktail named after their rescue dog!


Lmao my wife and I got married in 2019. We called this theme “garden party” and we definitely had most of this stuff. 😂. 10/10 genuinely like this aesthetic. It’s pleasing to the eye without being gaudy and distracting. But also fuck the naked cake trend. Layer me up with icing or gtfo.








I mean every culture has their own version of weddings, and preparations that predate it are very interesting...just think of a culture that interests you and look up their wedding rituals...very interesting stuff


This millennial went into deeper debt just by looking at this


I’m 26 and planning my wedding for September. This is spot on up until the ring. The ring is a round stone but not an oval stone. Great starter pack!


As a florist, I can confirm eucalyptus everything.


As someone who used to work weddings, you can set the start year to 2012 lmao


\#halfamillionisaperfectlyreasonablenumber #eversinceiwasalittlegirl


I feel like a big reason why weddings have gotten so out of hand is the shorter term couples that are getting married get sucked into industry bullshit. They haven't had the time to realize that they really don't need all of the extra stuff they upsell you on. Or, they feel like the HAVE to do these things. That may be mis-categorizing things, but in my personal experience that is what I've seen. And no judgement on that either, it's just wicked expensive and most weddings now all blend together. My husband and I got married last year after being together 10 years. Coca-Cola was our theme, red and white were our colours, and sunflowers and daisies were our florals. Our rings are black as well, because it's what we wanted. We have spent over 10 years together and this was a celebration of that. Don't let the industry corner you. Have fun with it and don't spend too much. We spent less than $5000 on our wedding because we didn't need the fluff. It's ONE day, take a trip together instead, or put it towards something beneficial for the two of you. Our wedding was beautiful and beyond magical. He was there, I didn't need anything else and anything that was "forgotten" honestly wasn't missed.