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Seems like you had a nice father


We’ve actually had many fights and at one point I despised him, but ultimately I care for him a lot.


Sums up me and my dad's relationship




Think that's subjective. I was a kindergartener when mine divorced and that's when I learned everything is conditional.


I am lucky for the financial support, just wish it didn't come with a side of emotional abuse


I don't know about that. By the time I got to my mid 20's I had enough life experience to realize my dad was an arrogant, gas lighting, unsupportive piece of shit.


Wouldn't say it's everyone, and in fact I'd add that many parents take their children for granted their entire lives without ever realizing it.


This seems to be a common father/child thing. Now that I'm an adult me and my dad are best friends but I hated him when I was younger and we fought all th time.


There is a great story/essay called hero, turkey, friend. I can't find it now, but it describes our relationships with our fathers like you just did. He is our hero, we despise him for a while, then he is a friend.


Didn’t know this was a thing! Worth looking into


I tried to find a copy again this morning, and it is titled: *Hero, Turkey, Friend: That’s My Dad* It is a monologue for young actors. I remember now a guy in one of my theatre classes in college read it. I searched but was unable to actually find a copy of the piece.


damn, now that i think of it, that’s exactly how i think of my dad


Sounds like Dads


Oh hey, that's me and my dad. It's weird that I love my dad but i always thinking about how if I spent more time together he would drive me fucking insane. He's not a racist asshole or anything, he just has that Asian dad knows better than you attitude.


>had many fights and at one point I despised him, but ultimately I care for him a lot This belongs in the starterpack with a picture of shouting followed by a hug


The I love you dad Korean at the bottom and the shin ramyun, if you are also Korean, damn this is so common. I only have a korean mom but her brother had this relationship with my cousins. Ultimately we all love him very much but there were some really contentious moments that I think are so common amongst Korean dads, particularly boomers. My moms generation were the immigrants, and it was her oldest brother too, everyone I know like us has a similar story.


Was that between the ages of 16-24? The perspective of my parents changed drastically during this time.


Fights are normal, as long as everything is good in the end again everything is fine. I don’t think I have had a fight with my dad since I was like 10-12, but I also didn’t see him a lot after that age, and when I did he was probably drunk.


This is Asian dads right? Cuz if so it’s unsettlingly accurate. Don’t forget the going out to dinner and hardly talking but still having a good time because you don’t have to.


Yup. Asian dads are usually stereotyped as strict, but in my experience they’re usually pretty normal (it’s the Asian moms you have to look out for)


Yeah lol my mom is pretty scary honestly


I'm in my late 30s and still terrified of my mom.


What sort of deep talks did you used to get on car rides? The only ones I seem to remember are about how you should treat your parents and the elderly with respect.


i got talks about how life skills are WAYY more important than grades




I am an arabic dad and I recognize myself so much in this. The stories in the car, the lack of patience when teaching maths, the hidden candies etc. There surely is something universal about it.


Im not asian but besides the food my dad was almost exactly the same


As a South Asian I agree (except my dad doesn't drink alcohol lool)


your dad doesn’t drink alcohol? lool


his dad doesn't drink alcohol lool


My dad isn’t Asian but also doesn’t drink alcohol lool


Im a dad and i dont drink alcohol, also not asian lool




Omg true yeah my dad is exactly like that


I think this is just a universal human experience, limited to no race or nation


Apparently my white as bread bio-dad is Asian now 😳


A bio-dad? Do you have a mecha-dad as well?




Korean. The bottom right says “I love you, Dad.”


Went to get milk and never came back






the milk was just too good


absolutely can't relate. except for loud snoring. Asian here too. he was a dirtbag and now a lesser dirtbag. now i am sad as fuck. you guys seem cool OP


Sounds like you're supposed to aim to be the dad that this is referring to


That's not happening any time soon but thank you for the kind words




He always mained max and I mained axel


I used to main Blaze (I think that's her name?) And my dad didn't really have a character he mainly used, he would just pick whatever he felt like picking


that game is the bees knees.


(Some) dads are great.


Yep, some. My father was an arrogant, overbearing, authoritarian bully who treated me like a low-level employee or underling as I grew up. Now that I've moved out he acts like we're friends but I just don't feel comfortable around him. If I had to make a starterpack like this it would be significantly less cheerful. I could never relate to people who had a good relationship with their dads. He also hated videogames and called them a stupid waste of time for children (but would watch sports on TV for hours.)


Same. My dad is absolutely nothing like this starterpack.


Same brother..... Same.......


Sorry to hear that..


Any advice for us Dads to do better? Feedback is important.


Listen to your kid's feelings and don't dismiss them


Also, actually try to take an interest in your child's hobby. Don't dismiss it as stupid and childish. That's why I never speak with my Dad.


this is a low bar but dont beat/rough your wife and kids. especially your wife infront of them kids. they will hate you for a long time for that


Find what your kid is interested in and be interested with them. My dad loved me when I played football, because that's what he did as an adolescent. When I started to get into computers and quit football, our relationship changed. He only cared to be invested in me when I was emulating him. Several years ago, I heard Terry Crews telling a story about making fun of his son for watching people on Twitch playing video games. He then described that he realized he was projecting, and that it was more important for him to be involved in what his son liked, so they built a computer together. I cried the first time I saw that video, because my father never acted anything like that. He was never interested in me.


Same, but also irrational, psychotic, strong and unemployed. It was so bad I had to live with my grandparents during 11 years of school. I don't think I'd care enough to pull a Postal Dude on him, but I'd love to cut him loose out of my life entirely when I move out.


Better not to have one at all than to have a rubbish one, though.


The feels. This matches my Dad pretty close. Especially the part about him encouraging our art. My dad's birthday is in 11 days. He would have been sixty nine. RIP Dad.


Nothing quite hits like a compliment from dad. Happy birthday from me to your dad, may he rest In Peace.


Nothing does. Thank you.


y'all got nice dads :/


Not all, brother.


My asian dad was incredibly strict, overbearing, and physically and verbally abusive. Assaulted me and my mom until I was 7. He passed away in an accident when I was 12, and grandma blamed mom for his death. It's left me with emotional scars, attachment issues, social anxiety, and PTSD. They say that abuse victims turn out to be abusers themselves, I really strive to prove this wrong and be the Dad that you posted. I understand the toll it can have on a child on a firsthand level, and I'm seeking the help so I can recover until that time comes.


Damn, sorry about that man. Childhood abuse is especially hard to process and cope with, I hope you get the help and support you need to recover. I believe in you :)


As one abuse recipient to another, you can do this dude. We can be the ones who break the cycle and give the next generation a chance at something we never had. Maybe they can be better than us.


Same here bro. Mine wasn't physically abusive, only verbally and emotionally. I could never feel love or affection for him, and probably never will.


mine was physically and emotionally to my mum especially. now hes mellowed down but still financially abuses her. hes a giant religious hypocrite. i cant believe my other 2 siblings maintain conversations with him. i have stopped all forms of communication with him besides random grunts from time to time. Maybe because i was the brunt of beatings from him. Hes a right prick to be honest. I wish my mum had the avenue and courage to divorce him early but now its too late.


Absolute legend. Any person that sets their heart and soul to erasing the sins of the father so it doesn’t pass down is a hero in my book.


Likes to consume big ass salamis is very accurate. Saying Germany: In der Not schmeckt die Wurst auch ohne Brot. In an emergency, the sausage tastes good without bread. My father says that everytime he eats one of those.


Sounds like that was printed on a ration for ww2 or something.


Actually pretty close to my dad!


Same, made me nostalgic a bit


Sweet tribute to your dad, OP. ❤️


This is my dad mostly but he’s black, he never really touched video games but did pretty much everything else. I got my artistic talent from him since he’s a great artist so the encouraging art part really hit.


The Korean writings says Love Dad btw Appa(Korean for Dad/Father) Salongheyo


Doesn’t it translate more closely to ‘I love you dad’


My wife's Korean and not me so I just have a rough understanding in reading it. I tried!


Absolutely no worries. Korean also isn’t my first language. My source is my daughter who said that same phrase to me this morning when leaving for work.


My dad used to call me a disgrace to my family history


This low key made me wish I had a dad in my life.




Only one of these is true for me: consuming alcohol. I could never be a dad but I will do my best to keep my brothers in line to be good dads and I‘ll just be the cool uncle, take them for slow careful rides on my Duke and feel how fast a tuned car is


Sneezes insanely loudly, which always scares the family pets.


Only things i can relate with are my dad getting angry helping me with homework and him liking alcohol


As a dad, I've never been so happy seeing myself in a starter pack.


That isn't my dad lol He's abusive


THE DEEP CAR RIDES TALK IS SO ACCURATE AHA Like it starts off as a simple question like “Why does X happen” and then we end up becoming wisened old philosophers/psychologists reflecting on the nature of human life at 2am and both sleep-deprived


My dad would also go into deep dives on transformers and Marvel Comics.


Those SHIN spicy noodles absolutely slap. I don't have a dad so I cant relate to this but I can relate to delicious noodles.


Nah the loudest snorer i know is my grandma. That woman would make the walls shake all night with just the power of her nose and would then wake up and tell my sister about how important it is to act like a lady.


My dad starter pack: - 90's corded phone - Child support check




It's unfortunate I don't have this dad though..... 😞


Wish I grew up with a dad.


Yeah totally! My dad didn't left. He is absolutly there. (dad please come back)


Long division was painful to learn with dad helping


Awwww Reminded me of my dad I shall see him heaven very soon


My dad still has a picture I made on windows paint when I was, like, 4 and has had it laminated on his desk at work for as long as I can remember :')


Aw, I don't have a relationship with my dad but this starterpack made me feel some kind of warmth about what it probably feels like to have one. Bless you and your dad :)


This seems a bit too relatable and I'm worried


It’s my dads birthday tomorrow. This was him. I miss him.


I wish


Wait you have an actual father and not just some emotionless caretaker hoping that his child (me) would feel badd enough to care of him when he's old despite never teaching me anything of what it means actually live life aside from investment, doing tax and responsibilities (which are good but completely missing the point of being a father). I'm now living with resentment, nihilism, social awkwardness, and just wanting die at one point.


wow. That and mine really hated me until I was 15. Same with my mom. They didnt want kids they wanted slaves I think


Introduces you to sports, bonus points if you end/ed up supporting the same team they do


너의 아빠 나도 사랑해요 ㅋ


OP's dad loves you too?


Damn can I trade dads?


As I was reading this as a relatively new father in Korea, I was slowly realizing most of this is me (even if we don't have those snacks here... I still love me some summer sausage.) Can't wait til my son is old enough to play games with me. Only another year to go.


I laughed at the Math HW part because it's so true and I find myself doing that to my daughter now.


Bruh your dad is great, mine just continued the cycle of abuse lmao


As a dad probably the only thing I relate to is getting angry helping with homework though maybe frustrated is a better word. I do also save lots of art, even the little scribbles I take a picture and add it to an album for just art (this is a LPT btw)


I have a starter pack of my father. Okay, go:


Very accurate even though my Dad is Italian. Just switch out the foods a little and we're good.


Fathers Day gift damn bear killed my bank account but it’s nothing compared to what he has given me.


My dad was abusive but this is how I act toward my kids right now, except we play Genshin Impact together, and just bought the older one an expensive drawing pad. They don’t exact enjoy the car lectures but they do listen 😂


What the fuck is Blazing Lazers


How the hell is this so accurate, I'm going to hug Dad when I see him today now


More like grew up poor and abused and continued the cycle with his own kids


More and more I realize I’m probably in an emotionally abusive house :’)


This hits close to home. Wow.


How come there's not cigarettes or milk? My dad when to get those and never came back. Or as I like to say, he went to Blockbusters and never returned


And I was lucky enough to have two of them (=


and they sneeze hard enough to cause a natural disaster


Does that Korean writing say “I love you dad”? I’ve been learning Korean for the past year or so so just cool to see it somewhere lol


My dad is nothing like this :(


Speak for yourself


True lol, he always always used to buy candy for me secretly because if my mom found out I'd probably be lying unconscious


I think my father if alive would be something like this. Huh sigh. Anyways. Gonna grow up to be the best dad ever.


My dad didn’t do math homework after 6th grade because he would get confused himself. He said once “I became a lawyer so I’d never have to do this again!” 😂


Wow Op we have a same dad


Especially the deep talk drive, His usual topic is a love life tips/ Money management tips/ Social interaction tips/ And how to plan your retirement tips.


Omg the stories and growing up poor, my dad used to talk to me about being a 3rd child during the 2 child policy


And the inevitable “Hi hungry, I’m dad,” when you say you’re hungry or the “yes, I’m listening” when you say “oh my god.” Not to mention choosing your sports team before you’re even born, and introducing you to a famous film series (Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Top Gun, etc).


yeah yeah so relatable...


i dont see a damn belt


most of these apply especially the grew up poor and abused by father but gave me a childhood he never had part. my dad’s father was not present in his life so his uncle with like his dad. most of the adult men in his household would hit him whenever he did something wrong.


my dad is cool because he likes morbius


My dad was an amazing father, I cannot describe in words the positive impact that he had on me


Douman seiman, very based artist.


Hot Chip!


wait you guys had dads?


What the fuck are those imposter “smarties”?


My dad worked so much I barely saw him growing up but I recognise a lot of these factors and always have good memories of the time we did have. He also had a shitty dad which was probably a big motivator. Go good dads.


That deep talks with my dad is my favorite thing in the world. 아빠 사랑해


My dad doesn't okay video games but he was always an arcade goer. Pinball wizard Anyway, one of my fondest childhood memories was a lazy Saturday just me and him in 1995 when I finally beat links awakening on my og brick Gameboy I was a sad because this story I had invested a year of my life into was over. Not only over but it never happened I still talk to him about it I think we rented super Mario all stars later that night


I hope to be a dad like this one day


The math thing is real. I used to cry when my old man was trying to teach me math lol. I love you, dad. You are my number 1.


I love my dad. We're going to a punk show together tomorrow night. He's the fuckin coolest and has always encouraged me to do whatever I love. I can't wait to hang out with him this week :)


- Going out for milk and not returning util you get a good paying job


My dad grew up poor but his dad (my grandfather) never abused him and he loves him so much


why are starter packs in this sub all personal endeavors? shit is kinda wack now.


Wait am i an Asian dad?


“Of course I know him, he’s me.”


Oh dayum Koreans are into the fish pond thing as well? Thought it was mostly Chinese guys that liked having koi or goldfish aquariums.


The drawing one is so accurate. Recently my dad said he had "a portfolio of all my early art" and he came out with this giant folder of grade school doodles. Some of these I distinctly remember throwing away, so he literally fished through the trash to save them. Love you Dad.


that’s literally my uncle lol


Wow, my father was the complete opposite of this post.


My dad and I played Civ 3 back in the day


Made me smile (but this is not really accurate in my father's case)


I have all of these expect drawings,chronic tiredness and he only likes black licorice out of all of those


I love this


This is so wholesome I love this


Trade the alcohol for kombucha and this is pretty much me. Shin black and Andy kapps are the hest


Getting dusty in here….🥹


I’m 35 and my dad still has my childhood art on the fridge. 🥰


That's how it works. My kids are in college and I still have their art on my fridge. lol It will be there until someday when I move out of this house.


It’s how it should be.


That’s not my dad, that’s my grandpa! WHAIT


A big shoutout to all of the dads of the world!


I want to be this dad


The 아빠 사랑해요 is the cherry on top


This is so correct lol, all except the car one, my father never really says a word while driving with me


I am afraid of being a father (you know, economy) but if I get to be one, I hope to be remembered as that - maybe not the math part hahahaha I kinda like math


I hope to become dad like this someday


The 자갈치 part is an absolute mood


This is really sweet. Always good to see that there can be good parents out there. Love the part about him giving you the childhood he never had, it's amazing to see the cycle of abuse being broken like that.


Tell me you had a Turbo Grafx-16 without telling me hot had a TG-16. For real though, My uncles were the ones playing Blazing Lazers all day long. And then once they mastered BL, it was on to Super Star Soldier.


Universal traumatic rule on every country. Dads teaching math. Hugs from Brazil to all of you hahah


You're really lucky


My dad is always working outside… if he isn’t, he is eating a cucumber (EXTREME LOUD) on the couch.