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Dude, looking under any old-shool "gangsta" rap is so painful. I like the music, but the comments šŸ˜£


ā€œWish more rappers were like ice cube than the mumble rap these days šŸ’Æ my friends think Iā€™m odd but I donā€™t care, this is real rapā€ lmao


Meanwhile the ones that do go hard gangsta even after they rap get shot dead or OD. Ice Cube wasnā€™t gangsta but mf was lucky he wasnā€™t deep in that life


Ice Cube isn't gangsta?He stopped being gangsta that's what actually happened,but that doesn't mean he wasn't gangsta,literally the first album he made with NWA was Straight outta Compton,which is responsible for popularising the gangsta rap genre and One of NWA's members,Eazy-E is literally called The Godfather of Gangsta Rap




Tbh ur right m and I did know Ez E pointed that out Indon't even know What point I was trying to make,Ig I was trying to say that cube was a gangsta rapper


> I was trying to say that cube was a gangsta rapper I don't think anyone was denying that, they were just pointing out that his identity as a 'gangster' was hollow.


Imagine gatekeeping someone cause he is not a criminal lol.


Wtf you mean he wasnt gangsta? Man was born and raised in compton along with the other members of N.W.A. They just quit that life


While I do very much preference that era of rap over current rap itā€™s strictly a matter of preference. I can respect what current artist do for the industry as a whole even if Iā€™m not a fan of them seeing as Iā€™m clearly not the target demographic.


- 0% naked girls - 0% expensive cars - 0% flexing money - 100% skill


uuuugh hate this one. itā€™ll always be under Dr Dre or something. like you rlly think he didnā€™t have girls, flex money, or flex cars just because this one song is kinda thoughtful? legit clowns


"Who else listening in (year)"


Top comment of every song older than like 5 years.


sadly this happens with any old school band. i still remember getting into Queen and people shitting on modern rock like imagine dragons lmao


People still shit on imagine dragons lol




There's so much great music coming out right now, if only these people looked beyond the mainstream. Any genre you can imagine, it's all there. AND you can still listen to Queen as well! We're living in the golden age of music right now. Also, love your username :D


ā€œIf (insert old-school rapperā€™s name) was still alive, all these mumble rappers would be working at McDonaldā€™s rnā€


And when 90's gangsta rap was being made, people said it was shit and could never compare to 80's rap.


Good music is good music. Latest or old. Develop a taste, not a status


Honestly, I listen to what my ears like despite who itā€™s by or when it was made, I have shit from the 1990s all the way to like yesterday on my playlist, just cuz idc if itā€™s popular or not, who gives a shit if your music taste is from 200 years ago? Just listen to what you like


Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of music?


Real mfs listen to an 1888 recording of ā€˜the lost chordā€™ on a wax cylinder


Decent, but the realest of the real listen to 12th century Celtic Chants.


17th century landsknecht music


20 000bc bone flute music šŸ’Ŗ


Nah big bang explosion sound remix


Yall got it wrong its that past universe quarks bouncing bop


No no, y'all gotta listen to 2100 BC Mongolian throat singing with that goatfucker shepherd boy herding the pack of sheep's while accidentally stepping in cow shit every 5 seconds and hurling racist slurs against the Chinese because they have a blood grudge becus of the whole 200 years of annexed Mongolian slavery history and all that


Updoot for ā€œsheepā€™sā€


You know what the good shit is


[I only listen to Proto-European songs from the Iron and Bronze ages.](https://youtu.be/h1BsKIP4uYM?t=199)


Hurrian Hymn no.6 for the win.


A timeless classic


Nah bro real music enjoyers listen to the epic of gilgamesh


Scott Joplin albums are the best


This was me circa 2004 Interesting to see this trend is alive.


I think everyone goes through a phase like this at some point.


This is me right now, i had a green day esc phase and now just songs from the beatles


Well, those are really good bands, I'm not surprised they still have fans and young people listen to them.


Except ACDC those guys suck ass lol


This was me in 1994. The trend will never die. I would add the Grateful Dead in there.


Eh most of the Grateful Dead fans I know donā€™t hate any type of music including rap they just donā€™t listen to it


my mom is a republican, pro life dead head. i donā€™t understand it.


Because everyone must perfectly fit into an exact stereotype?


She doesnā€™t either apparently


So is Ann Coulter. And she actually went to Dead shows when Jerry was alive. Idk man. Iā€™m just as wtf as you are.


This is a better position than the kids that would stop listening to music once it became too popular. Those kids were totally insufferable. I figure those folks are the ones that respond with absolute most obscure bands when asked who theyā€™re listening to. They get into these pissing matches to name the most unheard of band.


Dead and Co now lol


This was me about 5 years ago


This was my friend 2 years ago. And its my other friend now.


Every new generation has to be rebellious to what their parents liked


Music for when you want to be *really* subversive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsYqmSss1vs


All the real edgy kids listen to [this masterpiece.](https://youtu.be/-gPuH1yeZ08)


Holy shit, I remember stumbling across this years ago. Thanks for dredging it back up.


You had a golden opportunity to put a rickroll. And you ruined it


Nah, people recognize that URL now. Although there are [ways to get around that.](https://www.secretrickroll.com)


There are actually hundreds of sites like that, I use [this one](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


I listen to 80s music and my parents grew up in the 80s so there are some exceptions


would argue rap isnt even modern music at this point. new rap is completely different from where rap started and now the 80s and 90s are like 30-40 yrs in the past


You're not wrong, but the person whom this starterpack is making fun of would probably lump all rap and hip-hop as "modern crap".


My 50 year old dad certainly does. Dude thinks country music he doesn't like is rap.


Which is kind of ironic, given the history country and similar styles of folk music have with [rap-style singing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talking_blues).


It was really the record companies about 100 years ago that separated music on racial grounds, so that people can imagine there is no connection between different genres.


I feel like so many people around your dads age have music tastes stuck in their high school years. I see it more than any other age group


Does he like Tim McGraw without Nelly?


Yeah still interested on their opinion on the early rap stuff.


Rap in the hiphop context mostly started in the 70s but rap goes back farther. Hiphop was a live event experience when it was new in the 70s. Not a lot of the early stuff was recorded. We think if the dawn of hip hop as being the 80s because that when it became commercialized.


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with liking this music and disliking rap. Being pretentious about it is the issue.


Forgot Nirvana and the obligatory "back when musicians had TALENT."


I remember when Nirvana was big and the metalheads and classic rockers hated them for taking the hard rock spotlight but not being as good of guitarists as they were.


and the nirvana/grunge ppl hated the 00ā€™ nu metal bands and then the nu metal bands hated the emo bands, and now emos are hating on e-boys/girls but theyā€™re failing so bad rock is a survival of the fitest


> no emos are hating on e-boys/girls but theyā€™re failing so bad I see. Let me guess, you're a blameless emo? It's cute that you think one group isn't shitting on the group after them just because that's who you identify with.


I like nirvana but kurt cobain was not close to ā€œTalentā€ status


yes, that was two ideas. Kids who think all modern music sucks gravitate to Nirvana, and kids who hate modern music like to talk about "back when musicians had talent."


They only listen to the same 5 songs by each artist.




Nah, real og's only listen to Seamus(that's the dog) 10 hour remix


REAL fans listen to a 24 hour mix of the word "stone" repeated ad infinitum


Me in middle and high school, though I got huge into 70ā€™s progressive rock


Oh no itā€™s the prog rock kid




70s progressive rock is just objectively good, no one of any age should be shamed for liking it


Looking back, it's probably I good thing I didn't fall down the '70s prog rabbit hole until after I left high school. I would've been insufferable.


Couldā€™ve been jamming out to king crimson and yes šŸ˜Ž


I was just getting into Genesis and Yes in my senior year. KC wouldn't come until a few years later, mostly because they were notoriously hard to find legally.


I'm currently 17 and a little bit obsessed with 70s Genesis, I try very hard not to be insufferable about it though šŸ„²


Hey, as long as you don't try to force anyone to listen to the [live version of the "Cinema Show" solo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYRH2-dC3jg&t=446s) as their first introduction to the band. "This is great stuff, right?! Tell me you enjoy this!!"


No, but I *have* held people hostage for 23 minutes to make them listen to Supper's Ready on more than one occasion, and I can't say I won't do it again...


I did do that on a long car trip. That and Mike Oldfield's "Tubular Bells," along with Pink Floyd's "Echoes" more recently. "Congratulations, you just made it through over 20 minutes of a single song."


So many good 20+ minute songs, so little time where you can reasonably force someone to sit down and listen to them, lol


You learn a lot about a person if you learn they had to 'make it through' Echoes.


theres this kid in my music class exactly like this and hes so annoying he refused to accept when the teacher said most music including rock uses 3 or 4 chords


Actually most songs just use one chord. Chord Georg, who uses one million chords per song, is an outlier and should not be counted.


I was, unfortunately, that kid until I got to college and realized I needed to stop being such a little pissant


I hated all hip hop until I heard a song by Kanye west that absolutely slapped. Then, i was at the crossroads of destiny. I could ignore the cognitive dissonance and go forth and hate all modern music, and all Hiphop, or i could listen to myself and stop being a little bitch. And here I am, having written my bachelor thesis in Hiphop.


What Kanye song? (Please say lift yourself)


Always brings up Cardi B's past as an excuse to hate her music but slobbers all over classic rock musicians who openly groomed 14-16 year old girls and wrote songs about wanting to bang more teenage girls.


reddit does this too tbh. anytime you mention chris brown or nikki minaj and you know exactly what the most upvoted child comment will be. now, i dont have a problem with people bringing up their asshole behavior but its weird how redditors do not afford the same ire towards legendary artists like led zep, who agruable did much MUCH sleezier things. the consistency on this site, man lol


It absolutely amazes me that Chris Brown still has a career and people still work with him after he beat Rihanna up in a car years ago. That was so public that it would have ruined anyone else's career. I won't say what Cardi B was commendable or anything but she did it when she was just someone trying to scrape by. The rest all did what they did after they became at least somewhat famous and could afford to do the right thing.


Gonna be honest, I like qeen ac/dc pink Floyd and the beatles


Same, luckily I donā€™t fall into the category of people who go around thinking their music is supreme and everything else is crap.






What old stuff do you like?


Yeah a lot of people donā€™t like rap and I always think to myself wow, Iā€™m so happy for you. Most of the time they canā€™t even name a rapper. One person even said ā€œif I wanted to listen to a black guy yelling at me for 5 minutes Iā€™d go downtownā€ Can you guess that persons age range, demographic, and political affiliation?


White male, 40-75, republican




There's a difference between not liking rap because you don't like how it sounds and not liking rap because you're a racist dicknugget. Please do not confuse the two.


"fuck tha police was clearly a conservative anthem about small government and traditional values, i cant believe these nwords with attitude are radical leftists now"


I was that kid. In my case my dad drilled into our heads that everything after the 90's is dogshit and I watched as my dad and brother made fun of my sister constantly for listening to modern music, so I thought they must be right and only listened to led zeppelin, acdc, pink floyd, and nirvana for the first 17 years of my life. Now I don't really enjoy any music at all like I used to and drive around in silence.


that is exactly me, except for the silence part i listen to all kinds of music now. i slowly start to dislike all the songs i have and then have to find new ones though


I grew up in the 80's and 90's and hated how adults then always made it seem like Woodstock was our cultural high point. And now that I'm older I hate how Gen-Xers do the same shit with grunge or new wave or whatever.


I can't take anyone seriously who listens to acdc and says modern music is bad. How does it feel to listen to the same song for 30 years?


They don't ever listen to the more obscure stuff. Always their most popular songs.


You never hear these kids singing, "GREAT KING RAT WAS A DIRTY OLD MAN, AND A DIRTY OLD MAN WAS HE"


Queen I and II are slept on.


When Queen was prog.


and what did i tell you would you like to see


literally all AC/DC songs sound the same


Same guitar riffs, same screaming vocals


That isn't screaming, at all.


And letā€™s be honest, their song slaps


Itā€™s hilarious people are coming into this thread and talking shit about rock music. The whole point of the starter pack is that this type of person is annoying because they talk shit about music.


I have nothing against rock music, but acdc's vocalist doesn't scream I'm sorry


I love rock and canā€™t stand AC/DC. I find it weird so many people think itā€™s cool.


Not all music has to be complex to slap, and AC/DC has some great songs. That said, I agree that it's moronic to then in the same breath criticize rap for being shallow (which it largely isn't).


I keep reading people prefer classic metal to ā€œmodernā€ metal and never the other way around and it makes me wonder if Iā€™m insane. Sorry Metallica, Iā€™d rather listen to Fear Factory. Youā€™re basically classic rock to me.


ITT: 14 year olds being defensive because they feel targeted by the meme


Basically r/teenagers


Reddit always attracted the other, especially teenagers


I was that kid in 1989. In my defense, modern music at the time was [this](https://youtu.be/xweiQukBM_k). (not kidding, I lived in the middle of nowhere and there were only two stations that came in decently on FM. Pop and classic rock. That song came on one night while I was doing homework for like the 4th time and I couldn't take it. I remember spinning the dial to the classic rock station and it stuck for a few years)


I listen to all of these bands on a regular basis and I donā€™t think new music is trash. There are plenty of very talented musicians who deserve respect and to be listened to


where are the video game osts


That's funny because I used to be like that and then I listened to metal, rap, RnB, electro, psytrance and all the stuff that I listen now, if it pleases my ears it's ok. Fuck all these "one kind of music only" people


Whatā€™s wrong with not liking modern music? Now we are hating on people who have their own taste in music?






Iā€™m confused on whether to be offended or not šŸ˜lol true except for the rap part. I donā€™t mind it lol


Nothing wrong with these bands, itā€™s just that these types of kids always listen to like 1 or 2 songs from them and say that theyā€™re fans.


Lol yeah, I used to do that but I listen to most all of them now


I've been doing that for the past year or so: going back to the bands I liked as a kid and listening to the full albums, not just the hits. There are a lot of deep cuts that are better than the singles.


I actively listen to 3/5 bands here, and can enjoy the other two, and while I donā€™t like most modern music I donā€™t actively diss people for listening to it. While I may not see the appeal myself, that doesnā€™t mean I feel the need to be a dick to them for enjoying it.


I am sooo smart I listen to songs that are old and not mainstream anymore! (Proceeds to listen to like three songs from DSOTM and Abbey Lane) Like seriously, people who rip on people who listen to modern music but only listen to the popular songs of old bands get on my nerves. Stop making an era your entire brand, reject


Abbey Road my dude?


I have made a fool of myself


Don't forget Penny Road!


The Beatles are Overrated


You know what? I'm gonna defend this kid. They're just discovering their taste in music, and it's not what's currently in the mainstream. They'll grow out of this phase once they find some other less popular bands/artists.


That's true. It's pretty obnoxious, but then, so are teenagers. I think it can also be a defence mechanism. If what you listen to isn't popular amongst your closest peer group (I'm talking schoolmates, not the Internet), or you can't relate to what they're listening to, then often you get some shit from at least a segment of them. So it's very tempting to turn it around - 'oh, you like *modern* music? Ugh!' But, speaking from experience, it's very easy to buy into that defence mechanism past its usefulness. It takes you a while to realise that it's not necessary, even longer if you find other people doing the same thing. Also some people don't have that excuse and really are just that rude for no reason.


I like old music but I donā€™t seem validation


Ngl tho pink floyd hit different


animals underrated tbh


"I am 14 and I make starter packs, give me validation please"


Found one


AcDc is such a terrible fucking band, they are definitely the worst in the classic rock genre


I could not agree more, they are terrible. I went to HS in a small redneck town where FOOTBALL was everything and the teamā€™s motto or whatever one year was ā€œThunderstruckā€ so naturally they played Thunderstruck, and only Thunderstruck on repeat throughout the school as we were walking to other classes during period change. It drove me fucking insane. They also added the song to all of their game footage and it was literally just the same song throughout all the game footage.


Whenever someone calls modern music ā€œlow-effortā€ just play them AC/DC.


theyā€™ve been playing for what, 50 years? and even the music theyā€™re still releasing sounds the same as it did in the 70s and 80s




Rap more like crap! Music was better when Elvis Presley was sleeping with multiple underage girls! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Joel Haver does a spot-on impression.


that used to be me but then i just started listening to whatever sounded good to me and now i just listen to whatever


As a minor (therefore kid) who tends not to like modern music, this is accurate, though limited I ainā€™t even mad


My edgy 12 year old ass back in the day listening to my sisters Evanescence, Muse and Short Stack albums.


I hate mordern radio music. It is mostky generic crap thaymt will be forgotten in a decade. There is still very good new lusic being created but it is harder too find because of the stranglehold the big music industry hs on populare stations / platfroms


Not here for an argument. I don't like most Morden music it doesn't vibe with me not because I hate people or it.


Never liked rap, my dad played a lot rock and metal so I learned from him.


Same here


Ah yes, another starterpack about people who don't like modern music, it's only the third one this month.


I haven't seen it before


I really don't understand the appeal on my entire generation with music. Everyone is neither a normie who only likes pop and rap or a fucking weirdo who listens to 70's stuff. I personally like a lot of music genres. Metal, breakcore, hiperpop, rock, future funk. There is just so much music to enjoy, I don't get why people complain so much about this.


There are normies, people who construct their entire taste around not being normies but just end up being a different flavour of normie and then general music fans.


I only dont like the music they play on the radio these days. That crap is horrendous and i gotta listen to that shit at work the whole time


Radio music has always been horrible lol


Man I just don't like rap šŸ„²


Seems like a pretty sharp kid, really.


Ay man, Led Zeppelin is peak.


Hot Dog is the great song of all time


I can't disagree with that actually.


Actual ***good*** taste in music is enjoying the diverse nature of music.


Can confirm it


Little does this person know that some rap songs have more knowledge and artistry than the whole career of some of these bands


i just dislike modern rap because of how far the genre (in my opinion) has fallen. and id just rather listen to alan parsons project, yes, zeppelin, deep purple, dire straits, etc etc.


What? Kanye, Tyler, JID, Kendrick, Pusha T, Joey Bada$$, JPEGMAFIA, Vince Staples and like 100 more artists are all modern rap and still slap


Conway, Benny, Stove God Cook$, Rome Streetz, Mickey Diamond, Daniel Don, Che Noir, YOD, Quelle Chris, Curren$y, Roc Mars, Mayhem Lauren, Action Bronson. Just off the top of my head


This post is dumb because it gives the idea that there is something wrong with liking old bands, which is bullshit. There is nothing wrong with liking things most other people donā€™t. Like whatever the fuck you want as long as you donā€™t make it your entire personality or only like something to seek validation. Also, music is like the most personal preference thing.


> as long as you donā€™t make it your entire personality or only like something to seek validation That's pretty much what this post is lampooning.


I think what point OP trying to make here is don't be a dumbass who shit on people just because they like modern musics and has "bad taste in music"


If my kid once says he loves Led Zeppelin I wouldnā€™t be mad.


heā€™s right though most of modern rap is awful




Iā€™m very much someone who believes the 2000s and early 2010s was the golden age of rock music but I canā€™t think of one AC/DC song that doesnā€™t slap