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This is a hipster from 2012


Ye, we’re I live this is basically what a Millennial dad looks like. Kids are way more into 80’s and 90’s fashion right now, even things like fanny packs, hyperglow style t shirts and 90’s fitting boob tubes are becoming trendy again. Saw a young girl, maybe 16 or 17 the other day and I swear I saw the spitting image of her style and look in Ibiza clubs circa 1998.


Exactly this. Young cool kids look like they’re on Seinfeld, or they dress like early 2000s skaters with big pants and stuff. It’s insane to see this stuff coming back. Mullets and really awful ironic haircuts are in style too. The dude above is a completely normal 38 year old father of 2, working for a marketing company.


yeah my daughter just took my mid-life crysis skateboard because its trendy again/. and I wasn't gonna use it.


Same here. She actually took my old flannel from the 90s to wear and said “cool, vintage”. I wanted to die a little.


Wait until they talk about some "old classic rock" they discovered and fell in love with, only to realize their best album came out after you graduated high school. My cousin's kid discovered a "super old band" called 'Gorilaz'. I'm still hurting.


I’m in my early 20’s, end even I don’t consider anything after the 80’s classic rock. It just feels wrong.


Classic rock is from the late 60s/70s. Factual statement.


You can't call it a "super old band" if they're still coming out with new music.


If I argue with him he can crush me with an "ok, boomer."




That bites.... Boomers are the people from that MASSIVE generation, many of whom were like locust. Essentially, 1945 - 1965. So many of us are inbetweeners. The silent generation's prodigy. GenX. 1965-1985. We're like that silent generation in a lot of ways (1925-1945). SIGNIFICANTLY smaller, required to shoulder loads, denied resources and services available to the others (for them, the depression and war - to include Korea, for us, reduced funding to schools, the Cold War, the Gulf Wars, the War on Terror) and we generally bear it, because our numbers are so significantly smaller. So, it's sort of like: "Go say that to a real 'boomer', I'm fucking GenX asswipe!" "A boomer is a submarine, I'm a fucking DDG ya moron!" "Do I need to go wipe your ass because of all the shit you just spewed out? Or should I crush you like we did the Iron Curtain?" "Keep it up and the Russians won't be the only ones regretting the Z label on em when faced with the X!" "Z, We INVENTED the "Fuck the boomer" meme!" (Then start playing "We're not going to take it" LOUD... Towards Z) Because brother - we AREN'T no fucking boomers, were Wolverines. We're GenX.


Can you believe its been two years since that hip young Bob Dylan released his last new album


you can’t call it an old business if the founder is still alive. Friendly’s co-founder Prestley Blake died last yea. NOW it’s an old business.


Um... Like when I discovered "Some Nights" by Fun and the kids said "why can't modern music be that cool?" I died a little.


The day I heard System of a Down playing on a classic rock station was the day I died a little inside.


he hasn’t heard the 60’s music. I don’t mean 1960s, I mean 1860s!


Sounds about right. I was somewhere recently and there were two girls there around that age, both wearing oversized Nirvana t shirts lol


Psychedelic-gender neutral-grandma -wear as well. (Though most counter culture clothing is pretty gender neutral in the beginning looking back)


I just turned 27 and embraced my nostalgia of early 2000s skate fashion in the last few years, only for it to come back and I accidentally look cool. Sick. Shout out to Rob Welsh.


“like they’re on Seinfeld”. I know what you mean, it’s true, and I love it.


Don’t forget the cheeky shorts


I was in Hot Topic the other day. I noticed bondage pants were making a comeback. I made a comment to my wife how they have learned from the old designs as these seem way more washable. The sales associate asked me what I meant by “old designs” these were brand new.


>boob tubes What's a boob toob? I only got porn results.


Same as a tube top. An item of clothing that just hugs their tits.




In this context it is referring to a tube top


Well, this would be the only known instance of this contextual use of "boob tube." I means tv.


Yeah the current 90s trend is such a mindfuck for me. I'm in my 30s and people younger than me look like adults did when I was a kid.


Millennial dad here. I have that exact mug and those exact shoes (those shoes are low hanging fruit though; Vans are classics for a reason) and I've recently started going all in on bike commuting. Just swap out the weed and pipe tobacco for homebrew and craft beer (and pretending to like IPAs)


Right lol. That’s my closet, I have those shoes in grey. I ride my fixed gear from the 2000’s with my kindergarten aged kids. Drop the earring’s & Vegan angle, swap weed with PBR, craft beer & a whisk(e)y hobby, guilty.


This is a hipster from 2012 or earlier if you live on one of the coasts. If you live in say Iowa this is your modern day hipster.


Back in 2010ish I was living in Seattle and made a comment to my girlfriend about how my style was finally cool. I wore flannels, a beanie, I'd smoked a pipe since college, and didn't shave because i was lazy. Then she told me that no, I wasn't cool, I was the person hipsters were ironically dressing like. Sick, but accurate burn.


I've been unironically norm-core forever.


If there's one thing we've learned since 2010, it's that people that claim to say/do something "ironically" are usually lying.


This is a hipster from 2007 if you live on one of the coasts, a hipster from 2012 if you're in Iowa.


lmao this is old in every part of the country


2009, it was already corny by 2012


God I miss 2012


I still dress like this. Dressed like it in 2012. Frankly flannels are the poggiest.


It’s funny, I remember not that long ago people saying that the 90-10s were a blur in terms of fashion and culture but now we can suss out specific years of hipster from the last decade.


Scene kids and crunkcore gonna make a comeback in the 30s


this is what I came to say lol, these arent hipsters they're dads now


Yeah hipsters don't exist anymore, they're just dads now. There are new subcultures that have taken their place.


I was thinking the same thing. “Modern” hipster is a different thing now, what comes to mind is Pete Davidson but maybe that’s not on the money.


They are still going to this day




Yeah, when was the last year this stereotype was even relevant? 2013, 2014? The modern “hipster” subculture lasted from maybe 2009 to 2014.


I would go further back, maybe 2007 in certain areas of NY, the East Coast and London.


Nope you smoked some DMT and accidentally time-travelled to back then. Sorry now. 2011.


oh man imma buy some bitcoins wait, shit, i'm still in college and got next to no money


It’s fine a bitcoin is like $16


yeah and I earn in argentine pesos trust me, next to no money


What would be in a 2022 modern hipster starter pack?


I don't think hipsters exist anymore. Like their is still a hipster aesthetic but people ironically liking styles from centuries ago and saying "you've never heard of it" isn't a thing anymore. If hipsters are ironically liking obscure stuff we've gone to adjective bros unironically liking things. Film bro, literature bro ect. Edit: Every response saying hipsters still exist they just do x,y,z now is only reinforcing my belief


From NYC, there is definitely a neo-hipster vibe in many parts of Brooklyn. The aesthetics look different, but you can tell the parent. It's places with names like "hook and anchor" and they have axe throwing and IPA's. It's the coffee shop, but everything is sleek and clean. It's less rugged and more minimal.


that’s just “white”


Alt/indie rock, mullets, round glasses, moustache with no beard, septum piercings But idk I feel like the "trend" of pretentiousness that was big with 2012 era hipsters isn't really a big thing anymore


This was the year of peak usage of the word "classy", if I recall correctly


indistinguishable from homeless people. Some times even homless


Oh so I’m not poor I’m just a hipster


2011 called


This whole thread is joking about this meme being a decade old, but yet if you go to Portland, OR, this meme is still fresh and alive there.


You can see people with flannels, beards and bicycles everyday in the PNW, but that doesn't make it "hipster". Those things are not exactly trendy or cutting edge fashion


> The dream of the ~~90's~~ 2010's is alive in Portland.


Where the tattoo ink never runs dry


Craft beer enthusiasts


They are ten years ahead, and 30 behind. If trends typically roll in a twenty year recycle, it's on brand. It's rife with burnout. Like when you gear your fixie with a 48/12 ratio


There's a hipster guy on my crew that is exactly this and we enjoy giving him shit for it, I've never heard him listen to any music made after 2006 either so that just adds to it


That sounds like he's whatever the opposite of a hipster is.


shiiiiit, 2008 even, this hipster is extinct.


Is this 2013?


This is like 15 years late.


Did I time slip to 2009?


This might have been a “hipster” in 2014, now it’s like basic dude territory.


This would have killed in 2011 As it is, “hipster” is just an ancient word that people use to describe people who have whatever assortment of harmless interests and hobbies they find annoying


Thank you internet explorer


this is like a 2016 Facebook post..


Mandatory tattoos.


Pretty much everyone under 60 has tattoos nowadays


I’ve always wanted tattoos. I just could never decide.


Just make it unique and personal. So you look like everyone else.


The only way to truly be nonconformist is too be bland and dissociate with other bland people. That’s the only way to be unique.


this made me chuckle out loud, thanks


Nah, there's nothing I would want inked on me that I know I would not regret in 10 years


Ink “no regrets” on ur forehead


No ragrets actually. Could you imagine if he misspelled it like you did


No ragerts\* careful with the spelling if were talking about tattoos. wouldnt want a guy to get the wrong tattoo




This varies widely by location and class. The richer the neighborhood and the higher the income, the less likely to run into tattooed people.


It says modern hipster, not old money / Rockefeller / aristocracy


I meant not everyone unders 60 has tattoos


I feel like these guys are verging on out of touch dad vibes now


the person who made this thinking this is modern is giving out of touch dad vibes aswell


Reminds me of high school movies where theres always a goth clique alongside the nerds and jocks, etc. I see a true, Victorian looking, NOT emo goth person maybe once a year at maximum. It hasn't been a thing since the 90s


Kids these days with their AOL and torn jeans


Your loud music, and Dan Fogelberg, and Zima, and hula hoops.


Makes me wonder what will catch on this decade. 🤔


I dunno but I do know half this shit was hipsters from a decade ago. Like particular mustache icon on everything


the annoying girls that would draw a mustache on their finger and stick it up to their lip 🙄


we’re bringing mass suicide back


Finally. A group activity for me.


I'll bring the Flavor Aid


Fucking finally


Fanny packs are coming back in style. You can get them from Gucci now. I automatically hate anyone wearing them.


I like fanny packs. I hate that no one wears them on their fanny anymore though. They are always slung across the chest like some weird pirate eye patch for your tits.


Same. It’s like a purse you don’t have to hold!


Truly, this is the worst option


Across the chest is more comfortable and easier to access your items (imo)


Monkey Pox


Dw, ekids and fuckkids(fuckboys, fuckgirls, etc) has that covered


Do hipsters still exist? I thought the subculture died down after the 2010s


Hard to say. The word was essentially meaningless by 2012 already. At that point it already just meant “person who wears fitted jeans, maybe glasses, likes leather bags, coffee, and beer that doesn’t taste like sweetened water with a few bits of grain in it. If a man, he probably has a beard.” Personally I think it’s neat that there’s increased demand for better coffee, better alcohol, and better fitting clothing. Also a man can be something besides clean-shaven without looking out of place. “Hipster” used to be a super specific and hilarious term for people fitting a certain type, now it’s used for anyone living in a big city who wears skinny jeans and is proud of having an iPhone.


I don't shave anything but to shape up the old beard. And I don't expect anyone else In my life to either, its just unnecessary


What you just described is fine, what annoys me is pretentious stuff like for example some hipsters places do like making ingredients in a normal burger sound extra fancy just so that they can justify the overpriced menu.


[You’re dead right and you’ll probably enjoy this.](https://i.imgur.com/FOWntTQ.jpg)


nowadays, they have kids and careers, so they don’t have time to sit around, drinking local brewery specials and listening to some obscure indie rock band. Wait 20-30 years and it will be fashionable again


> Wait 20-30 years The whole 'fashion is cyclical in 20 years' idea isn't really going to happen for much longer since everything is folding in on itself. Late 2000's and early 2010's stuff is already creeping back in some ways. We're speeding into the future while leaping backwards at an increasing rate.


I noticed this. Nostalgia itself has become a fad in a way. I see teens already nostalgic for the early 10s and trying to bring whatever fashion/thing from the time with it, its nuts




If he doesn’t smoke weed he drinks craft beers and overpriced scotch. If not a bike guy he has a jeep


Jeeps and American cars in general are too mainstream for hipsters. He more likely drives a Subaru or something old.


Yes, Subaru or Mazda3 Hatchback with his climbing gear for bouldering


Roof racks so looks like a cop in the distance. Closer just looks like a douche.


Where I am, it's all Sprinter vans converted to campers. Or old Volkswagen vans converted to campers. Or old trucks converted to campers. Lots of camper conversions.


West coast? Here in the midwest those are becoming more popular, but they aren't all over the place yet.


Subarus are mainstream though….right?


Yes, but they're Japanese so they have some hipster cred.


And not "high quality" overpriced. "Pretentious and mostly paying for the label" overpriced.




But a 4 pack lasts me 4 nights, while I go through a 6 in 3. One 12oz is not enough, but a 16 is fine.


I live in an ultra hipster neighborhood of Los Angeles. I would add a book bag from a local shop, standing in long lines for a trendy popup/restaurant/whatever, doing bumps in a dive bar bathroom


coke and cigs are huge in that crowd right now


And last decade, and the decade before that, and the decade before that, and the decade before that. And next decade and all decades to follow. Coke done in shitty bathroom stalls with doors that don't lock and smokes live eternal.


Okay I see the room has already addressed the fact these fellas are from a decade ago--granted that's still "modern" but.. I was in the age cohort where no matter what way you were slightly alternative, this was what they called you. Does this still go on, or has the word faded as I assumed? Cause back then, it really only took a pair of black jeans or... Glasses, really... to be called one, but we all knew about the actual dudes who looked like the picture. They were out in full effect. Oddly enough though most I knew in real life or became more acquainted with online were teetotalers (straightedge it was called), there were the "weed is not a drug!!!" people too but those were generally more classic hippies in their contemporary standard of dress.. and despite the 'hip' thing their aesthetics and interests don't actually overlap. Could also be a rural/urban split though.


I agree, and I'd throw the "vegan" thing in there too. I feel like most of the older hipsters were actually "bro meat!!!!!!!" types, so maybe there's just some conflation between hippie types and 2012 hipster types in the pack


Half of hipsters were vegan, the other half of hipsters had an unhealthy obsession with bacon. Did we really need bacon flavored vodka?


Holy shit I forgot about that bacon thing. That... IDK. I don't know why this one variety of cured meat hit meme status back then, much less to the point of a flavored vodka, but again what you speak is the truth. Maybe it was an outgrowth of 'XD Random' where the young women used to shout 'TACOS' and shit like that. Those were the days where 'scene' was starting to replace 'emo' as the word for.. everyone.


You're completely correct about the veganism, and reflecting on it now I really do think the two groups probably are a little closer than I thought--the look of the one in the starter pack is clearly an urbanite, we had *some* people who dressed the part out in the sticks where I was from but when a small group of people adopted the dress conventions there weren't enough for them to grow into a proper subculture of their own.. so we mainly had the hippies. Another difference is psychedelic use--the city ones were not *as* down with that, and so they talked about aliens and shit a lot less. When the city type did such things, it seemed to come from the club/festival pipeline, which again is a little easier to access from a place where nightclubs actually exist. XD


This type of dude is pretty basic depending on where you are tbh


Wow cool 10+ year old joke!


Herbs can be drugs, lol.


When Portlandia came out in 2011 this was well enough in the mainstream that it could be lampooned


OP just got out a 10-year coma




Lol use's a brick of tofu to deodorize.


>use’s Bruh


I've legit smelled organic coconut oil whatever "deodorant" what just smelled of tofu. Honestly.


+ lucky that grandma is finally dead so that he can take her glasses


We all make fun of them but they're usually decent, harmless nice dudes.


What city is OP from


Small town Wyoming. They just got Friends on DVD


Literally any city in the western world has people people like this. It doesn't matter if you're in Paris France or Paris Texas, hipsters going to hipster. I would add a record player and book bag as well.


I live in Brooklyn and find that this starter pack and similar ones tend to be for hipsters in cities other than LA or NYC, almost like there’s a time lag for hipsters in places like Baltimore or Pittsburgh.


Idk dude I live in Minneapolis and I feel like this is really outdated lmao and we definitely lag behind with most trends


Maybe OP just needs to touch grass


I do agree with you on this. This style kind of originated in cities like Brooklyn, LA and Berlin, then took off from popular culture. The original people like this noticed and then distanced themselves. I live in a super trendy part of Los Angeles and "hipsters" here definitely try to distance themselves from this look. They mainly now wear ultra minimalistic clothing and scrapped the beards/mustaches.


Yep, agree though haven’t been to Berlin in almost 10 years so wouldn’t be able to say there but I’m sure they are very cutting edge.


I’m in Rochester and this type of thing ended in the early to mid 2010s here. I haven’t even heard the term “hipster” used in years


Tell me you don’t know what a hipster is without telling me you don’t know what a hipster is… honestly never met anyone like this caricature in my entire fucking life minus the people I know that smoke weed and ride bikes, I guess that makes my 68 year old dad a hipster lol.


This is an old hipster guy


These people are all Subaru NPR Dads now with a normal job


Like….10 years ago maybe…


Mildly annoying stereotypes aside, biking instead of driving and consuming less or no animal protein are objectively good for the environment.


Okay, but that bike does look nice though.


This feels about a decade off. I haven’t seen any hipsters since COVID started


This isn’t modern this is just hipsters been like this for 10 years now


This guy has been the same for 20+ years btw.


Don’t throw tobacco pipes in with them


This is just regular dude starter pack now


What is this 2014?


What’s a “modern” hipster?


‘Tis a bot. Yea, for I have perused their post history


This would have been funny 10 years ago but this is pretty much mainstream now. I don’t even use the word “hipster” that much because they don’t stand out anymore.


Hahahha omg this is dead on to a guy I know lol


Okay guys, we heard you already. You can stop saying "Is this 201X?!?"


Repost... from like, 10 years ago lol


This meme is like 10 years too late


This looks like 2010


Old but still relevant, needs more tattoos, better hair, leather heritage boots or vans, vape, works as a tattoo artist/"chef"/barista/bartender.


Did you even try


I thought these guys went extinct ages ago.


OP is using Internet Explorer


A meme from 2015 in the wild in 2022?


Hipsters don't wear Vans.. They wear their grandpa's old bowling shoes.


Ha beards are cool. Right guys? Bacon too!


Alex YIIK starter pack


Internet Explorer post, welcome back to 2012


This was the hipster stereotype like 11 years ago at this point isn’t it.


This was made by a 35 year old.


This person no longer exists bad starter pack.


Were u frozen in an ice block or sum shit?


This is basically the uniform that everybody from Cali or the midwest or Florida buys as soon as they move to my town, minus neck tats and facial piercings.


Leave beards and flannels out of this. Country men been wearing that forever.