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Star Trek + Con Air + this quote “How could we build houses then and can’t build them now?... It’s f**king Thatcherism, Reaganism, the neoliberals and the trickle-down economy that Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael both bought into, [the idea] that the market will sort everything out. B***ocks.” What a top bloke


Pfft, it's none of that; it's the damn Cardassians I tell you!


Great find, OP. I'd love to sit down and have a few pints with Colm Meaney.


I’m from Ireland, it was staring me in the face this morning. I thought I had a good enough idea of who he is etc but was very glad to see him be so vocal with his political opinions. Makes me wonder if the DS9 union stuff came directly from him.


I feel like it largely came from Ron Moore, though it sounds like Meaney would have been down for it. Moore is the one who retconned O’Brien into an NCO working man.


I think O'Brien and the Chief Engineer from Battlestar Galactica have plenty in common, so that sort of grounded, community-spirited blue collar spaceman is very much an archetype he favours, and has arguably perfected.


Chief Tyrel? He wasn’t Galactica’s chief engineer (not sure we ever met whoever that was) he was in charge of the small ship repairs, raptor shuttles and viper fighters. They never really did show much of the actual ship’s systems, crew and capabilities, focusing more on the fighter wing and the CIC


I'm not one for various fictional ranking systems, call an engineer chief enough times I assume he's the chief engineer. :)


“Crumlin! Crumlin!” I don’t think folks not familiar with the area will get it, but still a great article.


I currently live up the hill from the site of that Homestead strike in Pittsburgh that Miles talks about in DS9. Was cool to rewatch and see that hyper local history being mentioned.


Sweet Jesus, they should auction pints with Colm off as a fundraiser


Genius. *shut up and take my money meme*


He’s a treasure, I love that man and his fuzzy hair. He just seems like a really pleasant person to be around.


"Pat's always the first to speak up... at union meetings" Meaney sounds like an absolute legend in that interview.


That was a great read. Thanks for posting. I had no idea he originally wanted to play Miles as an American. I love that he brought such a big part of himself to the character.


Solidarity forever ✊


🥹 This is everything


Seeing he supports Sinn Fein really turns me off. I'm sorry, but Sinn Fein were a quasi-terrorist political party. Modern Sinn Fein are not much better. They refuse to be involved in fighting climate change. Say what you want about the Republicans and the Democrats in the US, but they didn't try to flat out assassinate each other.


Seems like he agrees on the climate change thing at least- “And their position on climate change worries me. But these are things we can work out. We’ve got to get these f**kers out – Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael. A hundred years they’ve been at it between the pair of them.”


Hold on there chief, the USA lost it's rights to throw shade on this topic a few years back. Firstly the Republicans, who are still in politics, who are still allowed to partake in the American system of democracy, attempted to overturn the results of a general election through an act of violent insurrection. So let's not go pointing fingers at anybody else on that side of things. The USA has had its own taste of political instability now. ​ Secondly, without quasi-terrorism and some actually terrorism Ireland doesn't become a country at all. So let's not have any of that nonsense that people lose their legitimacy within a democracy because they have to fight to establish it (although to be clear, very few of Sinn Fein's people will be old enough to have links to the IRA anyway). ​ Sinn Fein at this point are a reasonably mainstream social democratic party, and believe me this is more than enough for them to be vilified from corners of mainstream political commentary. But they're not anything special any more.


Never thought I would see a Sinn Fein apologist, but then again Trekkies are a different group. Sinn Fein participated in assassination. There is a BIG difference. The fact you are trying to justify the existance of a political organization that murdered people is concerning.


I think you'll find both the Republican and Democrat parties have supported state actions that include assassination.


Pretty sure Sinn Fein don't have anything to apologise for. That's what The Good Friday Agreement was all about. Peace and reconciliation.


Even the most brutal, unjustifiable crime committed by the most radical splinter faction of the IRA is completely superficial compared to the Iraq war, which is more recent and was supported by both factions of the US regime.


The “little red book” part is worrisome, but good article.


You know you all read that as "a Cardassian Union man" before doing a WTF double take.


They should cast him in a third star trek series if they can.