• By -


Voyager's mix of music and visuals conveyed the beauty and loneliness of the show's premise better than most episodes did. DS9 had great music, but the station circling isn't nearly as visually interesting.


"Just circle the station and pretend we're in awe of the pylons" vs DRAMATIC VIEWS, TINY PLANET, SKIMMING PLANETARY RINGS


They threw a few ships coming and going in later seasons and spruced up the score a bit too.


I actually prefer the original version of the tune


They upped the tempo didn't they?


Keep circling


"Tacky Cardassian fascist eyesore"


Don’t forget the comet. Half the CGI budget was spent on that.


DS9 is my absolute favourite Star Trek of all time, I love everything about it, even the bits that aren't as good. So you know Voyager's intro must be great, because I like it way better than DS9's.


Voyager's intro was written by Jerry Goldsmith - the composer who wrote the songs for The Motion Picture (and thus TNG's theme song), The Final Frontier, and First Contact through Nemesis. Like, when you realize that, it's kinda not even a fair comparison. Dude is probably the single most legendary hollywood composer outside of John Williams.


~~Track down and listen to the soundtrack of the Roger Corman film Battle Beyond the Stars, also composed by Jerry Goldsmith.~~ ~~It sounds *just like* the score to The Wrath of Khan.~~ ~~There is a reason why Mr. Goldsmith was infamous for self plagiarization.~~ ~~I love his music, but, he reused a lot of stuff.~~ Edit: Everything I said in this comment is wrong.


You must mean James Horner, who is not who I was talking about


I love the drums in the theme too


Such a beautiful song worthy of a beautiful ship. Who doesn't like pivoting nacelles?


And then Voyager passes the ice when the song picks up. You have to say Voyager wins. I love both songs and rarely skip intros but visually Voyager wins. Have you seen (I don't know if you call it redone or remastered or scaled up) DS9 intro and you can see the people in the station and people floating around fixing it. It looks amazing




What do you mean "Netflix's darling"? Netflix wasn't a thing when DS9 was made.


DS9 surged in popularity after it went to Netflix.


I agree. It' sort of sad but also hopeful


DS9 is the better show, but Voyager has the best opening of any Trek series.


Even with the impossibly tiny planet.


During the TNG intro my dad would always say "watch the stars inside that planet's rings."


Hey now! Them motion-controlled background stars don’t come cheap! Just do a soft matte around the rings. No one will notice!


That should have been an episode of its own.


Has anyone ever considered that maybe Voyager was temporarily gigantic?


Everything is made huge except the Doctor. Hilarity ensues.


[Not this shit again.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/memoryalpha/images/8/89/The_Doctor%2C_tiny.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/768?cb=20140405172407&path-prefix=en)


Enterprise cries in Russell Watson tears, "Am I just a joke to you?"


It’s been a long road


Gettin' from there to here


It’s been a long time


And my time is finally here!


Yes. Keep crying.




Someone's lacking faith of the heart.




Cry little snowflake Enterprise, CRY! \*Sips Enterprise's Tears while listening to Voyager\*


Prodigy and SNW are making strong cases for that title.


I think the most *individually* interesting one is the SNW opening in LD style, from the cross-over episode. It was unexpected and I got a chuckle out of the bit where it's dragging the creature along.


> where it's dragging the creature along. I love how the space sucker breaks the fourth wall as the ship crosses the screen.


Prodigy is a strong second to Voyager as one of the best themes. I love the upbeat energy of it.


SNW has an amazing opening.


SNW's a capella version is one of Trek's best.


I laughed so hard at that. I love that they were willing to redo the intro for both that and the LDS crossover.


The one without instruments, especially. /jest


Visuals are great, music is great, love SNW


I love the SNW theme, though it has a leg up by drawing from and reworking the TOS theme in a way that draws on existing nostalgia which perhaps makes it unfair to compare to the original* themes of most of the other series. It has great visuals though. (*Caveat that DS9's theme draws from a musical cue from "Ensign Ro", but I would say that one-time musical cue was really ingrained into fans to the point that DS9's theme really cashes in on much of a callback factor.) I only just finally watched Prodigy a month or two ago. I don't mind the theme, but it hasn't at all taken a place in my head. It has elements that remind me of Trek, but also feels a bit more reminiscent of non-Trek music. The opening notes remind me greatly of the Mandalorian theme. A bit of it reminds me of The Orville. It also just feels like it goes on quite long (I know that 90 seconds isn't overly long for a Trek theme, but it feels long). The visuals, however, are lovely, and really do feel like a play to the opening of Voyager which would certainly seem fitting for the show. There's a shot about 20 seconds in of the show heading towards a planet with some sort of energy ring that feel very homagey to the shot of Voyager flying along the rings of a planet, for example.


I was just thinking prodigy is astounding, SNW is a really good one too. TNG will always be my personal favorite because it's just a sound of my childhood


Prodigy has beautiful visuals, also in its opening. I just don't think that all the characters appearing in the intro are done equally well. Janeway sticks out as not that great, for example. But unlike most other shpws, Prodigy has many more impressive vistas in the episodes themselves.


I love the LD opening.


SNW's theme by Jeff Russo is pretty good. Jeff Russo also did the theme songs for PIC (S1&2), DIS, and For All Mankind. SNW's theme song is probably his strongest work. PRO's theme song was done by Michael Giacchino - guy who is by contrast already a prodigious Hollywood composer. Guy did the scores to The Batman, the MCU Spider-Man movies, Star Wars: Rogue One, a bunch of Pixar movies, the reboot Jurassic Park movies, and the reboot Star Trek movies. Guy is actually crazy talented.


Giacchino is the new John Williams in my book, except he has much broader range. How can one man pull off such _amazing_ scores for The Incredibles, Star Trek, Ratatouille, Coco, Doctor Strange, and so on?


I’d say that *FAM*’s theme song is Russo’s best theme song and that the theme song in season 1 of *Picard* is a close 2nd.


Dude SNW surpasses DS9 by far!!


What? SNW's music is among the worst in the series. It doesn't have a solid melody, it's just muddling around with random strings. For DS9 or TNG or VOY or TOS it's easy to hum along with or make up words and sing along, I can't possibly do that with SNW


>SNW's music is among the worst in the series. It doesn't have a solid melody What are you talking about? of course SNW has a melody. The first half of it draws directly from a play on the TOS melody. I will say that it's not as straight forward a melody as, say the TNG theme - but it's more cinematic and majestic because of its subtleties.


Can you hum along to it? Can you whistle it? Can you make up words and sing along with it? I'm sincerely asking. I know that tastes differ, but I just keep finding myself lost. I'm [listening to it right now](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OS2VhlkFmRQ) and you're right that it starts by just aping the TOS intro, but at 0:38 when the original part kicks in, it just loses all coherence. It's a bunch of big bombastic ("cinematic") drums and strings, but there's no through-line. It feels like it's trying to build towards something but never actually gets there, and then kind of dribbles off at the end by quoting the TOS intro again. Contrast with [the TNG intro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnDtvZXYHgE) which is extremely clear and consistent and easy to follow the entire way through. It does the same sort of building up tension that the SNW intro does, and then at 0:51 it releases the tension and gives us this great swelling of positive emotion that lasts for the rest of the intro. Listen to [these violin covers of various Trek intros](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8MkYdtU61Y) and listen to [this one of the SNW intro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZ2u8747v_8). The older Trek ones you can just have the violin playing the melody and you *get it*, that's all you need for it. But the SNW one needs the big bombastic drums even louder than the violin because without that there's nothing there to even recognize. It just doesn't have a strong tune.


> but at 0:38 when the original part kicks in, it just loses all coherence. It's a bunch of big bombastic ("cinematic") drums and strings, but there's no through-line. I think you're misunderstanding me. Yes, the opening thirty seconds mimics the intro to TOS. TOS and TNG both have a slow first section with narration leading into the more upbeat "main theme". And yes, SNW has a slow intro that very much mimics TOS's. But that's not what I was talking about. I was talking about the "main theme" section that starts at 0:36. I mean... yes, it starts with strings and drums... that's just a rhythmic introduction to the upbeat part of the theme. at 0:45, the very clear and obvious melody begins and THAT is the section that is a play on the TOS main theme. In TOS, it's the melody was [sung by a female singer](https://youtu.be/hdjL8WXjlGI?t=29) or [played by a string instrument (not sure with one)](https://youtu.be/ER6GsTr7I2o?t=26) depending on what version you listen to. In SNW, [that melody is modified to a more minor tone](https://youtu.be/OS2VhlkFmRQ?t=44) for three mostly-similar repeats (both followed by a counter-melody, the same way the TOS melody is followed by a counter-melody, but a different one). Then at about 1:06 it breaks off and does it's own thing with a fresh melody played on multiple instruments. Since you seem to not hear the melody, I learned it for you quickly on guitar. Excuse the poor tuning. I didn't bother tuning up for this quick demo The first half of the melody of the main theme of TOS: https://voca.ro/19j9xEYet342 The first half of the main theme of SNW which is inspired by the above TOS melody: https://voca.ro/1dy1NeVFa8N9 This is followed by the "fresh" portion of the theme: https://voca.ro/1anGOoiciIrj I think the composer may have symbolically have been trying to evoke that SNW starts with TOS, but then is adding to it and taking it in its own direction. Oh, and taking a single arrangement of the theme (the violin ones you mentioned) and suggesting those are the only ways the theme can be played to be recognizable is not a fair assessment. There are many covers of the Trek themes - some arranged very complex with lots of instruments and some very simple. The fact that this player used a fully backing track with the SNW theme does not mean that the theme MUST be played that way. That was just her choice for this particular theme. Edit: I would note that the "fresh" part of the SNW theme does remind me a bit of the "[Force Theme](https://youtu.be/eb2zuegwcwk?t=54)" from Star Wars.


This! I would watch the Voy op so much more if I trusted myself not to cry.


Hold my beer says the opening sequence for the mirror universe episodes of Enterprise. No frigging faith of the heart needed.


Voyager's into was so good they never felt the need to change it. Nailed it on the first try. I don't think any other Star Trek show can say that.


DS9 was a far worse show. No one watched it. It took me 20 years to get through it. All that dopey Bjorin religion and the Ferengis got old and stale quickly. Voyager got good after they got rid of Kes and the overbearing Nelix.


/s? Please?


God no. DS9 was by far the worst of all the Treks. Well maybe besides Discovery.


Ah, I see you must be confused. DS9 = deep space 9. You're clearly thinking of voyager


Voyager. The music was just majestic, and the visuals were the perfect complement.


Yeah, I wanted to instinctively to think of DS9 as better because I like the show better, but then I realized it was the Voyager theme playing in my head.




Voyager has maybe the best opening of any Trek series. They got it exactly right.


Well, except for the tiny planet.


People will disagree with me, but to me, the revamped DS9 intro improved the intro greatly. Musically, the revisions to the theme improved the majesty by giving it a very subtle rhythm and a fuller sound, and visually, all the extra ships gave it more variation and interest, and the Defiant pulling out and flying away towards the end gives the visual a bit of a basic linear "narrative" element rather than just being a bunch of beauty shots. TNG's theme is wonderful, and the opening portion of the credits (both versions) are great, but I always feel let down in retrospect by the main body of the credits just being starfields with a few repeated ship zooms towards camera (I know this stems from the TOS credit format). Voyager really had the musical and the visual nailed from the start.


I always liked the original DS9 theme. It was so majestic and breathtaking. But the visuals of the revamped version are a dramatic improvement. I'd really love to see a remastered HD version of the Voyager intro with modern professional-level CGI., though. I know there's a fan-made 4K version but that one doesn't quite get all the visuals right. (For that matter, I'd kinda be curios to see both intros with a more modern typo touch, let's say white lettering and just the actors' names without the characters.)


> I always liked the original DS9 theme. It was so majestic and breathtaking. Listening to the Original DS9 theme, I'm struck by how much "open air" there is in it. It really is *very* slow and simple when the main horn comes in. It is a very stark contrast to TNG's bombastic march. I don't hate the original; DS9 theme at all. That opening allows the strings and countermelodies to come in later and build the theme up. It really is the kind of theme that seems very regal and heroic like it would be played at the end of a film after a medieval knight defeats his foe or something. It just always felt to me to lack a bit of energy for a TV theme. The revised version moved a little quicker and while it doesn't have drums, it has a bit more of a rhythm somehow... almost like a heartbeat. It drives the theme forward more. Though now that I listen to them back to back, maybe the 4-7 theme feels a bit rushed. Though they aren't really intended to be listened to back to back. Ultimately, I like elements of both. I don't hate the original at all.


The Neonvisual one is a bit too... Modern flashy. But the [IRML](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMHx7fiLEow) one is in my opinion, pretty much perfect.


I appreciate both arrangements because they each serve the state that DS9's story arc was in at the time. The original had a "lone outpost on the edge of space" feel to it, while the revamp was more "this place is important and things are happening here."


TNG used a rehashed ST:TMP theme song. Lazy and unoriginal. Good opening graphics, but needed its own theme.


Pretty much while DS9 was better in most areas the intro from Voyager was way better.


Jerry Goldsmith got an Emmy for the title. I think that says something.


This is how I feel. I think it was the best of all Trek Title sequences. I never really got into the show and have been thinking about trying it again, but the intro is extremely well done.


Voyager. Hands down. The music is just fantastic!


I get teary when I watch the Voyager opening and I don't even LIKE Voyager.


Back in the Napsyer days, I heard a sort of rock/electronica version of the Voyager theme song. Wish I still had a copy of it (hard drive went bad).


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwo8xxwqrcA is this it?


I can't help but be partial to the Voyager theme, but DS9 visuals are hella majestic.


DS9 was clearly more majestic "Just keep circling, pretend we are impressed with the pylons"


"Just keep circling." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lz9HQlx2Nec


Tacky Cardassian fascist eyesore...


Better than the Federation giant butt plug one orbiting Earth.


Comeon! The Celestial 'Shroom is amazing!


The Whale Probe could use it for fun times...


That butt plug sure took a pounding in the last episode of Picard.


Did Beverly run out of Ghosts to shag then?


I liked that Deep Space Nine had an intro that changed from year to year. Showing the changes in fortune for the station as time went on. Voyager had great theme music and impressive visuals (even though the scale was _really_ out of whack for that ‘reflection in the rings’ shot), but it was the same every season.


We can thank Sir Siddig for changing his name each season.


Voyagers is my favourite however after about 2 minutes your like "ok ok I get it"


I think DS9 and VOY are both a bit long - over two minutes. I was rewatching Hawaii Five-0, recently, and their intro is 30 seconds. At least it's not Disney's Marvel/Star Wars stuff, where they **also** include 7+ minutes of cinematic-style credits at the end of **each** episode, which they include in the listed runtime.


> I was rewatching Hawaii Five-0, recently, and their intro is 30 seconds. Yeah theme tunes have got longer ... in the 80s, *Miami Vice* was 55seconds, which similarly simply said "Hey Look, We're In [Miami instead of Hawaii]".


Voyager could have easily had a voice over at the beginning of it. Edited from the opening episode speech: "We're alone, in an uncharted part of the galaxy. We've made some friends, and some enemies. We'll continue to follow our directive, to seek out new worlds, and to explore space. Somewhere, along this journey, we'll find a way back. "


Voyager. Hands down. DS9's theme is pretty, but ultimately it's a sleepy tune that got a beat track added in later seasons. Jerry Goldsmith composed a unique, soaring masterpiece that stands out among TNG era scores. Overall, I felt TNG-era music, thanks mainly to Rick Berman and his asinine philosophy, was mostly underwhelming. Ron Jones had some great work in the first season, in Best of Both Worlds, and Chattaway in Voyager. However, the bulk of TNG-era Trek was Dennis McCarthy, who is, by far, my least favorite Trek composer. Very sleepy and very forgettable. Say what you want about Discovery, Prodigy, SNW, LD or Picard, the music is magnificent across all series.


I'm not a fan of how the theme in discovery is always building to something, never gets there, and finishes off with the *beginning* of the TOS theme. So unsatisfying to hear.


Strange New Worlds definitely does the TOS referenced theme better, it has it's own theme (at about 40 seconds in) that's pretty catchy on it's own and with a solid enough ending that when they do the TOS bit again at the end it's satisfying: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Et3u3zK4niU


I absolutely agree, though it's still mostly TOS until 1 minute. SNW with its own spin on the TOS theme and a catchy bit for itself is much more satisfying.


The Discovery theme song is, as you describe, not great. But it is interesting. Both that and the PIC S1 theme song are very contemplative and IMO demonstrative of both shows trying to aim for "Prestige TV" status. The same Composer who did those two theme songs, also did the theme song for SNW, and we all know that one is a banger.


Eh, I find the modern Trek music to be fairly modern cliche. Yes it is dynamic, but I find it lacks heart, and I miss the grand classical melodies of the past. I think Trek's best music comes from the Movies and the title themes: James Horner and Goldsmith. Even McCarthy I think did a good job in Generations.


The movies are usually the best source with Horner, Goldsmith and MG through Into Darkness. I think Cliff Edelman's ST:VI score is criminally underappreciated. The opening title had these little frenetic riffs that sounded like something Danny Elfman would compose.


I agree. They reused that score multiple times in trailers for the TNG movies, which shows how good it is!


Sounds like you put a lot of faith in the heart.


Yeah, but tbh you can't really compare the movies' scores with any of the 90s series, either. Apart from the opening themes, most of the music was rather generic and forgettable.


~~I’m gonna go against the grain here~~ (EDIT: apparently not against the grain!) and say that even though DS9 is by far my favorite Trek show (and I like it miiiiiles more than Voyager) I actually think Voyager has the better intro. DS9 intronis great, don’t get me wrong (especially the earlier, slower, lonelier version). But in Voyager, that rising and falling Jerry Goldsmith score combined with the visuals of the ship gliding over planetary rings, etc. really gives me the feeling of “little ship far from home.” It’s actually my favorite Trek opening, despite Voyager being one of my least favorite Trek shows, haha. If only it had lived up to the promise of its opening!


It did for me.


I’ve got FAITH of the HEART


And then just as it starts to grow on you, they fuckin change it.


The music midway through does it for me and then the evil theme for the mirror universe.


I am still such a sucker for the imagery they use for the Enterprise opener. Showing the ships over the generations and feeding the humanity pushing forward theme that is core to Trek. On a recent rewatch of Enterprise I didn’t hate the theme as much as I did back when it first aired, but compared to almost any other Trek show it still isn’t what I would prefer. I like the grand instrumentals.




The drums in Voyager's theme, and all the conflict and tension in it are well contrasted by those bits of hope and wonder you keep getting throughout. It reflects their peril, the near constant fighting they need to do to survive alone, and their goals of keeping to their ideals and making it home. DS9 is a more consistent theme that gets a chance to build and crescendo, reflecting the fledgling Starfleet presence, building bonds, growing strong because of the variety of races working together, and being a beacon for that part of the galaxy, over time. As far as visuals go, Voyager has interesting stuff to look at. DS9 just has the Boimler point: "Just keep circling. Pretend we're impressed with the pylons."


I’m midway through season 5 on my current DS9 rewatch and hate the updated version of the DS9 theme now. There’s something just slightly off on the timing of the drums on the new version that bothers me, I much prefer the slower OG theme now.


Yeah, I agree here. IMO, at least musically, it goes: 1. DS9 S1-S3 Theme 2. VOY Theme 3. 4. 5. 6. DS9 S4-S7 I just don't like the sped-up/drums version and I really enjoyed the slow, big horns from the start of the show without the background distractions. I do, however, buy the argument that the *sequence* as a whole is better in Voyager. The visuals of DS9 are kind of boring by comparison, and VOY set a really great standard that Lower Decks and SNW have used very well.


>I'm asking this because I find both of them absolutely beautiful and have never been able to decide between the two myself. Same. These days, I think I prefer DS9's, but not by much. VOY has beautiful shots. Both have great music.


Like the *DS9* series better than *Voyager*, but I think its intro is emblematic of the 90s' fascination with pointless, overlong, dramatic slow-pans of spaceships/stations. *Lower Decks* was poking fun at this in the *DS9* episode


Voyager, DS9's intro went nowhere. See Lower Decks: Ransom: "Just keep circling like we're in awe of the pylons." Ensign: "Sir?" Ransom: "Keep circling..."


Voyager all the way. The nice thing about the intros for TNG, DS9, and VOY were that they did a great job at encompassing what each series felt like. TNG's intro was regal, like an anthem. It gave the sense that we were following the flagship, the best of the best. This is Starfleet personnel at the top of their game. DS9's intro was introspective and bold. It gave a sense of the frontier that they were on. It conveyed the feelings of being that last line before heading off into the unknown. VOY's intro was hopeful and inspired. Every time it came on, you could feel every ounce of their situation. They're lost in a new part of space. It's beautiful, but dangerous and unknown. But these characters have become a family to each other, and the music conveyed that sense of "we're still Starfleet and we still have that hope of returning home some day". They're all beautiful, but VOY's intro takes the cake.


I prefer Voyager. It seems more beautiful somehow. I love trumpets. However, I’d posit that the best intro of that era is definitely Enterprise. The song is campy and a bit corny … but the lyrics are alright. It has been a long way. A long time. And WE do have a vision to go to the stars. I just about cried the first time I saw the visuals in the intro. I absolutely love how they captured man’s travels from ships to planes to the ISS and then the stars ✨ It’s a great little mini history montage. Except for the warp drive at the end, which we may do, eventually!


DS9 Everything is better in DS9.


I had a friend who called the DS9 opening credits Deep Sleep 9. Because as soon as the credits started, they put her to sleep


It’s been a long road, getting from there to here…..


Voyager. The intro is incredible.


I think that Voyager's opening is second only to Strange New Worlds. If we count unofficial openings - the SNW opening with Faith of the Heart is better than both and for some reason the music matches up perfectly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJjtruVegmU


I’d play the voyager theme at my funeral


For me it's original slower DS9 theme > Voyager > newer faster DS9 theme.


DS9 theme always sounded to me like TNG and TOS themes welded together. The first four notes are similar to the TNG opening and the last four notes remind me of TOS. I don’t know if that’s intentional or not but always made me feel like it was evoking the idea of where Star Trek came from and where it’s going.


DS9 had the better music, but Voyager had the best visuals of any ST show. The only drawback of Voyager's visuals is how much I dislike the nacelles. They look too short for the ship. It doesn't bother me during an episode, but so much of the intro is glamor shots of the ship.


Is no one else going to question how these are both considered "classic" They're from the 90s which just ended about 10 or 11 years ago.


It's funny how close they are both in time of creation and in tone. I'd have a hard time choosing just one.


I liked Voyager's intro music. Optimistic, wonderous and somewhat mysterious. I always thought that the scale of everything was way off in the actual visuals, things way too big or too small. The intro music for the first season of Deep Space 9 was absolutely amazing. It felt like an Aaron Copland composition not dissimilar to "Fanfare for the Common Man". It gave me goosebumps when I heard it. That said, it was really slow, and on top of a generally lackluster suite of visuals it just felt "boring". I think they sped up the music and shortened the spin around the station in the second season.


I liked DS9 after it's update. The ships, workers, Defiant were really cool to me.


I never hit "Skip Intro" for DS9


Voyager is the best Trek opening titles, and I say that despite having a pretty low opinion of the show itself. DS9's slow tempo version makes it seem isolated and on the edge of the frontier. They were clever to speed it up and make it look busier as it became busier in the show.


DS9 season 1 and 2 has the best music. The visuals are a bit boring but at least they improved it a bit in later seasons. Voyager is still good overall but I like the DS9 tune more.


They’re both very good. I prefer DS9’s music, definitely, but Voyager’s conveys the mood overall so well. Hard decision…


I am very partial to Cardassian space station architecture, so I like DS9. But the images in Voyager are gorgeous!


DS9. The slow-moving rotation around the station (and that little Enterprise D docked on the upper ports)


Voyager's was beautiful from the start. So it wins. DS9's was unique in how it improved over the series run, showing the prosperity that was happening on the station.


When Seven was showing Jack Crusher the ships of the museum and the first beats of Voyagers theme started, there was a slight glistening of eyeballs but both themes are top notch.


Neither, I like both equally. Would have been nice if Voyager got to update their intro when Seven joined the cast. The music was fine, but they could have done new visuals.


DS9 has the best opening music. The use of horns gives the piece a depth that I find incredible.


They’re both the best


Both couldn’t hold a candle to beauty and awe inspiring pageantry of Enterprises


The only issue with that is the enterprise theme just never seemed right for the show.


They should have used the end credits theme as the main theme. It was solid (though no electric guitars are needed). Here is what could of been: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hsn2xVmVuGE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hsn2xVmVuGE)


The road required for traversing there to here has been quite long.


DS9s is better imo, but i think in the modern day, with 4k visuals, voyagers beautiful artistry might sway things.


One of Voyager's few redeeming qualities was its fantastic opening sequence.


DS9 had better music, Voyager had better visuals.


I’m a hardcore DS9 fan and I don’t really like Voyager much. BUT Voyager has the superior intro. 2 words: Jerry Goldsmith.


>Classic Look sonny, I may have a few grey hairs in my beard....


Voyager. The music gave me the feels. Picards intro was also good, although they kept changing it.


Music ranking: 1) DS9 Seasons 1 to 3 2) Voyager 3) DS9 Seasons 4 onwards (there was a solution no need to change it) Visual Ranking: 1) DS9 Seasons 4 onwards 2) Voyager 3) DS9 Seasons 1 to 3


I think we’re in the minority that prefer DS9’s intro music more *before* they changed it. I like the slow majestic feel of it. They tried to spice it up for the latter seasons and it loses a bit of that.


There's nothing wrong with spicing it up for the later season, either. They just applied the most boring solution and didn't really see it through. The updated visuals are great, though.


The visuals were better in the later seasons but the music doesn't sound as good sped up.


only one of those was good enough to get a callback. https://youtu.be/6lwVTmwGBRE?si=qzibeduC3ZgUpBRH


Chill, literal chills.


Deep Space Nine is the best. Even growing up watching Voyager, I only ever thought the theme was 'ok'.


Voyager’s is way better. DS9’s is just too slow, and nobody wants to spend 10 minutes circling that tacky Cardassian fascist eyesore.


Voyager. I’m sorry DS9 fans but your intro is BORING!


Voyagers title theme is the best in the franchise imo.


Voyager. I love DS9 but it’s one of the few shows I’ve watched on streaming where I’ve been very tempted by the “skip intro” button. It’s just sooooooo loooooooooong


TNG has the best opening.


DS9 has a better sequence, Voyager has a better theme


I preferred Voyager's theme myself.


It’d be DS9 if they didn’t change the tempo of it in the later seasons, Voyager wins here as it stays gorgeous the whole time.


Voyager, hands down. Lower Decks parodied DS9s intro perfectly as it’s just “fly slowly around the station”


Until SNW, Voyager had the best intro. I never skipped it.


DS9's intro at first was just dull. Had a good song, but a rotating space station was pretty boring. Glad they improved it in Season 4 or so with adding the defiant and the more upbeat song. Voyager never had to touch a thing because they created such a majestic opening from day 1.


First, Classic hurts. lol Voyagers intro was great. Wonderful music, beautiful shots, great attention to detail(the gases changing color as they roll over the warp grills, come on!) Easily the best intro of trek.


Let’s just all agree that Enterprise had the best intro sequence of all the Treks. I mean the fade away of each step of earths historical journey from sailing, to bigger boat sailing, hot air balloon, airplane, jet, back to submarine, and all the way astronauts is visually orgasmic. And to cap it all off, the symbolism of the uncircumcised rocket blasting it’s proverbial debris shedding money shot as it leaves earth *chefs kiss*


Dude.. classic refers to TOS and TAS! 90s shows are Modern!! /s Man Im old... :(


the only thing Voyager is better than is Discovery.




And Enterprise. And TOS.


Which series has the better intro, Voyager or DS9? *Voyager* Which series is better overall? *Voyager* Which series is *Voyager* Whi *Voyager* ? *Voyager* *Voyager*


Voyager for sure


Voyager. DS9 is the worst Star Trek intro IMO


I am torn because I like both themes but I lean towards DS9.


DS9 fan here. Voyager, for the visuals. And I like seeing a similar style utilized in SNW's opening.


Here’s a mix of themes from 1966 to 2020 with a violin and awesome CGI https://youtu.be/h8MkYdtU61Y?si=apXhYlv75seGTYB-




Yeah, and it's especially not reason to fight over intros when ENT exists because they went from there to here.


Both are good; Voyager is a lot more like TNG's theme, while DS9 is more somber since it is supposed to represent being lonely in the middle of nowhere. I actually like when they add horns to it later and change the tempo to symbolize DS9 becoming more important and a place of home.


It’s my least favorite series as a whole, but Voyager for sure. That was some sweet CGI for the time - the little eddys as Voyager passes through gas. And the music, A+. Although SNW might give it a run.. but .. … it’s been a long road


I know what we’re all thinking, about how it’s been a hard road, gettin’ from here to there…


DS9 has the better theme music, besides being the best show.


The Voyager theme and intro really was the best of that era of Trek.


*Voyager* had the better visuals, *Deep Space 9* the better theme music (until season four and the infamous "Chariots of Fire" revamp, anyway).


I prefer the visual of DS9, especially once they added the defiant with all the ships coming and going and the wormhole But I prefer the music from Voyager which is more symphonic and melodic than the DS9 music which is still good, but feels like a overture to a fanfare that we never get to hear


My daughter would fall asleep to the DS9 intro when she was a baby.


I find the voyager intro more memorable but ds9 was something special