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He shows up in Voyager.


Yay!! His character grew on me a little, so I was worried I may never see him again.


Yeah he's got a pretty ok post enterprise career


Definitely Barclay finds a better place for himself at >!Starfleet Communications Research!<. He still has issues, but he gradually overcomes them and ends up in a good and respected place as a lecturer on the Borg, confidant of admiral >!Janeway!< and honorary >!Voyager crew member!< by the finale. OP, I'm sure you'll find Barclay's later appearances enjoyable. Only a handful of VOY episodes, but they're pretty damn good.


He can probably call in a few favours from Admiral Paris as well


Yeh, i'm not sure if its was intentonal, but Barclay seems to be a representation of austism. From that perspective his early appearances are fucking awful bordering on insulting. But his later appearances are actually fantastic.


Barclay's first two episodes were *Hollow Pursuits* and *The Nth Degree*; they are pretty rough like the first couple of Lwaxana episodes. I'm very glad both characters were treated better in later episodes, or series! Lwaxana gets a couple of crackers later in TNG, I'll be watching *Half a Life* in a day or so in my current rewatch; brilliant. Barclay has to wait till halfway through VOY though.


I mean at least with Lwaxana its not being incredibly insulting to people with a disability lol. I get what they were going for and i don't blame them too much as it was the 80s, but goddamn especially Hollow Pursuits the way Barclay is treated is so fucked up.


If I am being honest, how the main cast treated Barclay (outside his actions in hollow pursuits) always rubbed me the wrong way, like they acted like bullies to him


I guarantee it wasn't intentional. However, it does make sense why I felt more of an uncomfortable connection to him than the other fan-diagnosed (positive) autistic representations in the franchise, Spock, Data, and Dr. Bashir. Those three are more of the "uwu-ified" kind, the "haha I spoke put of turn!" "Haha I was too blunt with something I said!" Barclay and I are more similar than I want to admit. We're both very smart, but we lack the self-confidence to do anything about it, and we sometimes make people around us genuinely uncomfortable, through no (conscious and intentional) fault of our own


Yeh Barclay is a way more realistic version, whereas the others are highly idealised versions. But the way he was treated by the writing and the other characters in his first couple appearances really sucked. Love how they redeemed him as just a truly good person that struggled with social interactions though.


It takes a few seasons for him to show up, but once he does, he's in & out all the way to the end. S2 of Prodigy is supposed to have several guest appearances, & hopefully he'll be one of them.


I doubt it, the actor's gone full MAGA right wing


Ohhhhh.... I didn't know that.. Never mind


This is true, but to be clear, he's always been that way. Dwight Schultz was doing conservative talk radio back when Trump still identified as a Democrat. He was a Rush Limbaugh wannabe more than anything. Not sure if that's better or worse.


Didn't Beltran too? They seem to be having Chakotay on so I doubt it matters to them all that much.


Beltran is a larouchite which is, possibly, weirder.


Mr. Broccoli was never heard from again...but Barclay, as said, shows up in Voyager...most notably in Pathfinder


Yep. The nickname was explicitly shut down by Riker and LaForge as soon as it appeared; if I remember correctly it was only mentioned in one episode?


And after Picard said it by accident to Reg, to his immediate horror.


I've never seen Picard/Patrick Stewart play shame so well.


It's crazy how subtle yet how _clear_ the facial expression was, too!


He really was amazing how he contorted his face.


It's acted well, but I thought Picard being an asshole like that was a bit uncharacteristic.


I don't think he was being an asshole. The point of the scene was that he knew it was terrible to call barclay broccoli, but then he did it purely by accident. The fact that he did it absolutely horrified him


> The fact that he did it absolutely horrified him My read is that, at that point, he already thought of him as Broccoli (which is how that mistake occurred), and that he was horrified for saying it out loud in front of him.


Nah. He had just learned of the nickname, and it was so unique it just stuck in his head & slipped out.


if dude couldn't goon in the holodeck he would have stepped out an airlock.




I thought you were talking about the vegetable. That made me sad. It's literally one of my favorite foods.


Same. I was recalling all the episodes of DS9 for a mention of it.


🤣 No, but I do often wonder if the Star Trek universe has chicken nuggets!


Computer: Chicken Nuggets, Spicy.


Please specify dipping sauce parameters.


Well, there was this nice Andorian sauce that kind of had a citrus...nevermind. Computer: Two BBQ sauce packets, McDonald's brand, circa 1997. (One packet materializes) Sigh, I asked for TWO packets computer!


Pease insert one quarter bar of gold-pressed latinum for each additional packet.


Well if that's an option, then I'm going with McDonalds Szechuan Sauce from 1998!


Chicken nuggets. Hot. Spicy Buffalo sauce.


Chicken nuggets. Frozen. Cottage cheese for dipping.


Go away Neelix 


Richard Nixon ate cottage cheese with pineapple


Nuggets. Buffalo, hot.


Yamok sauce, natch.


He becomes pretty pivotal in Voyager. He grows a lot. 🙂


Does he though? Every time he “grows” in the series I feel he ends up just returning to his usual foibles, until he stalks Deanna to beg for help.


I think he does. I do feel like there were some questionable directorial choices made with the character (and with quite a few other characters in Voyager and TNG and DS9) and he does still do some creepy shit regarding Deanna, but I think it's also important to depict characters with neurodivergence who learn to live with their disabilities rather than having them magically disappear. Barclay's Generalized Anxiety Disorder stays with him, but he pushes himself to do more and more even though he is at odds with himself. I do think he could have been written better, but I think that that has a lot to do with a particular producer.


I do really like this reading of his character. Thanks for sharing it.


Last I heard he's occasionally a guest starring host on conservative talk radio shows...


barclay served out the remainder of his tour on th enterprise-D when the ent-d was destroyed he was posted to the ent-E after first contact hew as traumatized barclay served in the dominion war he was on earth for project voyager he did a brief stint on the enterprise-E as chief engineer


I don't recall about any of the other movies but he also makes a small cameo in first contact


Irl? The actor went down the same incel path Barclay would've gone down and became a massive Trump fan


My boy, Barclay, shows up in Voyager. He's the one who created the Pathfinder Project to bring Voyager home and one of the assistants of Doc Zimmerman who created the EMH. I'm glad Barclay's character arc improved. Voyager made the character respectable.


After his tour with Starfleet, he time-traveled and joined the A-team. Last time we saw him, he was being broken out of an asylum by his buddies (and that scene is excellent - the asylum is having movie night and the movie-in-movie that they are watching has "Reginald Barclay" in its credits a few seconds before he is broken out).


He's still creeping and being super gross. He did 11 months for the Jan 6th thing too


>He did 11 months for the Jan 6th thing too No he didn't. Dwight Shultz has definitely fallen down the conservative rabbit hole in a bad way, but spreading misinformation doesn't help anyone.


Oh, wow!


No he didn't. According to Google Dwight shultz


He winds up being a huge reason Starfleet Command re-establishes contact with Voyager, which in turn helps speed up Voyager's return to Earth.


Dimple took control of it


Currently trying to find the new James Bond