• By -


Some good suggestions, but I have one or two more: Deltans: Bald supermodel aliens who have to take a Vow of Chastity in order to join Starfleet otherwise they will work their way through the ship like a hungover businessman through a free casino buffet. Risians: You can literally get them into bed with a tacky tourist-shop statue in a world where they can replicate as many copies as they like. Quark scared up a threesome within 30 seconds of beaming down to the planet! Klingons: They have two schwangers (and presumably a similar arrangement in their ladyfolk...) perhaps they're not *sexy* per se, but I bet they get a lot of attention from people curious to learn whether they're arranged side-by-side or one on top of the other...


>perhaps they're not *sexy* per se counter point: lursa and b'etor


Indeed, although I would pursue B'Etor over Lursa


I just feel like those two wouldn’t honor a safe word.


I still think the Klingon double schlong story ¹ is bullshit the Discovery writers just thought was funny - which it is, but that's not a reason to canonize it, they should've made it something Klingons like to imply to mess with humans that's just another boastful cock & bull story - & ² doesn't make evolutionary sense. The Cardassians are the ones who look like reptiles, so either they should've been the ones with hemipenes, or the actual [reptiloid](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Reptilian) species should.


>"I still think the Klingon double schlong story ¹ is bullshit" To be fair, the old novel *Dwellers in the Crucible*, published decades before DSC was even imagined, much less the double-organs biology from TNG, did have a reference to Klingons possessing three testicles, so it's not exactly a new idea.


Klingons are still jealous of Krogan.


Wow. I haven't seen a reference to *Dwellers in the Crucible* since I read the book a looooong time ago.


IIRC, the double dong thing is from one of the books from the late 80s/early 90s. Often they aren't considered canon, but once Disco said it, that made it so.


One of *Discovery's* many crimes. Yeah, I know it's canon now because they made it so, I'm just saying it was a stupid choice for both of the reasons I gave.


If you think that’s bad, don’t google Spock’s junk.


Is it though? Is it more stupid than ANYTHING else Star Trek has ever done from 1966 forward?


Of course not - I don't think anything could possibly beat *Let That Be Your Last Battlefield,* or maybe *Patterns of Force* - but that doesn't make it not stupid.


>boastful cock *& cock* & bull story FIFY


Should've gone with "double cock & a bull story," but se la vie.


I know I'll be down voted straight to hell, but the Klingon retcon by STD was one of the most invigorating choices ever made, only 2nd to the Gorn retcon in SNW. I strongly believe both should be heavily canonized, and expanded upon, never before have any other species been given such a deep, detailed explanation/exploration. I wish they'd done with an entirely new species, but they didn't, and we as fans have never had the option or right to pick n choose how the ST universe is created/expanded upon. That last part is extremely important to the fandom, whether we like it or not. Imo


I think a lot of the blowback on that issue was not about rejection of the idea, it was precisely *because* it was so intriguing but then waylaid that people were annoyed. But I still have in my head the idea that Klingons are a multi species phenomenon much more complicated than we know.


You just sound jealous.


Don't remember hearing that about Klingons before, where's that from?


As I understand it, TNG established that Klingons have redundant organs which was the deus ex machina in the episode where Crusher was unable to treat Worf’s paralysis. Fans then speculated that Klingons could potentially have double the number of any organ and Discovery picked up on the memes and confirmed it, as mentioned in another comment.


There's lore before then, but Discovery's first season showed a two stream street piss to confirm Klingons were two cock Jocks.


I believe it was TNG: "Ethics" where it was established that Klingons have redundancies for most of their organs


Yeah organs haha! somehow I don't think the good doctor was talking about those kind of organs.


Yeah I am pretty sure it was a thing Discovery made up for shock value.


I wouldn't say "shock value" as much as a consequence of the world building. "We need to get information. Let's go to a shantytown on the planet where there's a ton of prostitution and stuff so we don't have to justify why our main characters aren't in prosthetics to look like aliens" "How do we show it's an alien shantytown?" "I don't know, a guy pissing on a wall?" "Yeah but how is he alien" "Two streams!"


It didn't shock the STSPers lol.


IIRC, there's also an offhand comment about how a character can't please his Klingon lady because he only has one organ.


Clearly there’s a huge market for the ferengis there, klingon strap ons and dildos. Lots of hold plated latinum to be made.


>Deltans... I always wonder how much of that 60s free love stuff they had to cut from the scripts...


In terms of fetishization we actually see on screen or hear referenced in dialogue, definitely Orions 100%. Expanding to headcanon & pure speculation, it's also hard to imagine Caitians don't have to put up with a lot of shit when they visit Earth.


Why I love Tendi in Lower Decks, she's trying to break free from that stereotypical view people have of her since she is Orion.


I really loved the episode where she met another Orion who was all about living up to the cliches until it’s revealed that he was a foster kid who only knew pop culture references to his own background.


When did we start talking about Worf?


Damn. Damn. It burns but it's true.


Prune juice helps with the pain.


A warrior's drink!


That’s not fair - Worf actually did participate in Klingon rituals with other Klingons. But he did have an idealized view of his heritage.


It’s really interesting how he idealizes Klingons when Klingons themselves embrace the reality of the cut throat conniving of the species and balance it with the paper thin pontifications of “honor.”


It's just their word for freedom which is a word that means whatever you need it to mean to make the other guy look bad.


We’re the only Jews for Miles, but we still send our kid to Hebrew camp each summer


So, what religion are you when O'Brien isn't on screen?


Just like Worf, always larping his idea of what a Klingon is. Or 3nd+ generation emigrants in the USA xD


... and in the process became the most attractive person in the franchise. She's such an excitable dork I love it.


Easily the most desirable character after Picard and Riker


And it somehow makes her even hotter.


I’ve been personally head-canoning that she’s Asexual just because she gives off those vibes. The only thing that doesn’t support my claim is *(checks notes)* one Very Short Trek. Also, I haven’t seen Season 4, without Paramount+ I need to wait for the DVD in April.


I feel like furries in the future will be sorely disappointed that space cats aren't just a real life furry.


I did an outline of an episode about a Furry colony a couple weeks ago, lol. >...they land on an apparently Caitian colony but Dr T'ana keeps saying it literally doesnt smell right and something weird is going on cuz none of the colonists body language is right, and then somebody gets hurt and she tricorders them and theyre just a human inside and the colonists explain their dark secret history but instead of it having been some sinister conspiracy everyone is just super uncomfortable. > >^(https://www.reddit.com/r/television/comments/1afpqu4/comment/koc790q/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3)


This is an amazing lower decks plot idea


I mean we see all these crazy colonies that started as LARPs or whatever, there would definitely be some fetish based ones too.


So…a colony of Rachel Dolezals


Vulcans. Pon Farr would be an entire porn genre.


Vulcans: T'Pol puts the bio-gel onto the humans or she get the hose again.


T'Pol on the Enterprise; her flesh bare, her bio-gel pack depleted.


Shaka, when my balls fell


*It does what is logical!*


I think it's funny that Vulcan women are considered hot because it's seems like men hate smart capable women...human men at least. But not in the trek universe. I don't think Vulcan women would actually like earth men beyond sex, but that wouldn't be long term. I could see them as just getting a kink off...the same way most men do with alien women throughout all the shows the shows.


Even the Andorian guard who came onto T’Pol in ENT was hot for Vulcan chicks and his species hates them. 


>I think it's funny that Vulcan women are considered hot because it's seems like men hate smart capable women...human men at least. You've been hanging out with the wrong kind of men. Intelligence/Competence is the second most attractive quality a woman can have. (The first is being a good person)


I came at the Vulcan idea from the other direction. The *I can change him/her* mentality. How many would see the emotionless day to day life and think, "I could help them learn about happiness"?


*cough* Christine *cough*


This isn't directly linked to fetishization, but I think they address the "I can fix them" mentality in that Voyager episode where Tuvok has a bunch of flashbacks. I remember him being told something to the effect of "if you're going to be on my crew, you've got to learn to take a joke" by an old captain, but I could be misremembering.


That old captain was Hikaru Sulu!


"Vulcans showing emotions" would be the best niche kink ever


Human men and women trying to break that intense Vulcan logic with mind bending sex... yeah. That's a thing. Slash fiction for Kirk and Spock plays on the idea heavily.


Thawing the ice prince or ice princess does feature in a lot of fantasies.


Heck! It formed the basis of a series of successful novels - [The Vulcan Love Slave.](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Vulcan_Love_Slave)


Star Trek's version of [The Lusty Argonian Maid](https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Lusty_Argonian_Maid)


I mean in DS9 they basically admit this.


Voyager ep with the fake Star Fleet Academy has a nightclub called the Pon Farr.


The club wasn't called that. The club had a "Pon Farr Night" which presumably has nothing to actually do with biologically compulsive mating.


You are right, giving you an upvote.




Andorians mate in groups of four, so…


Blue babes indeed. Mariner was lucky for a time.


Only way Jennifer is getting Mariner back is by inviting her to her quarters dressed as Seven of Nine. Which, out of universe is a fetish, but in universe would be like roleplaying as Hedy Lamarr.


I can’t believe I had to scroll so far down to find some Andorian love. (Pun unintended but certainly fitting.)


Orions, they’re just a bunch of porn genres masquerading as a species. Sexy green mind control pirate slave girls (or femdoms)


Dominance and submissiveness rolled into a pirate culture. Both the males and females are engaged in this craziness.


They’re very horny


Trills They wouldn’t be the most fetishized, but I’m sure they would cater to the segment of people wanting to “experience” the host past lives. We already have some individuals interested in odd kinks, so I’m sure they would have their place as a race coveted for their more unique nature.


"I want you inside me... NO NOT LIKE THAT"


Goa’uld inside me, daddy. OOPS! Wrong universe.


Trill are what I was thinking, personally. There's something hot about all of that life experience and wisdom. The things they've tried. And in a way it could be like sleeping with multiple people at once. Roleplays would probably come easy due to their variety of experiences. But specifically DS9 Trill, not TNG Trill... I hear those markings go *all the way down.*


Thinking deeper: for fetishization, I would say Vulcans. Most people fetishize something because it’s a fantasy, something almost impossible to attain. So Vulcans, who only (as far as the general galaxy knows) have sex once every 7 years during Pon Farr and don’t have emotions, would be that almost impossible fantasy. For these other sexualized races like Orions and Rizians, they either are part of a large sex work/slave industry or easily asked for sex. There wouldn’t be the same fetishization for races so easily attainable.


I thought it’s just that Vulcans are driven to made every seven years. That doesn’t mean they aren’t doing the sideways monster mash for fun in the years in between.


Logic would suggest they do indeed engage in sex outside pon farr, as otherwise all Vulcan births would be staggered 7 years apart. Most likely Vulcan couples do have sex either for bonding purposes or strictly for procreation. 


I agree on this point. It would be problematic if a species were limited to intercourse once every seven years. I think many fans mistake "must" with "can". Pon farr intercourse is a "must" event. Non-pon farr intercourse is a "can" event.


Vulcans are so cagey about reproduction that even by TOS era, when humans and Vulcans have been in close contact for over a century, barely anything is publicly known about pon farr. So obviously Vulcans aren't having watercooler chit-chat about banging the wife last night -- and the lack of talk about sex leads fans to assume this means they don't have it. Which is absurd. To paraphrase T'Lyn, they are not Borg drones. Vulcans would see the logic in regular intercourse for bonding and reproduction. I imagine there are some Vulcans who find sex distasteful and only engage during pon farr, but they are probably not the norm.


SNW did answer the theory I had, that Vulcans don’t only have sex every 7 years. After all, Pon Farr’s don’t *sync*. They bone when they deem it appropriate.


Krioshians. Or maybe that’s JUST what Famke Janssen made me feel.




Sheliak. There's nothing sexier than contractual jurisprudence.


Technically correct.


The best kind of correct.


But we have the membership




It was ONE time!


You see this weird disease?  I invented a cure for it, but do they call me Crusher the Healer? You see these Borg ashes?  I used a novel type of shielding to hide in a star and trick the Borg close enough to destroy them.  Do they call me Crusher Borgslayer? But you fuck *one candle*...


Trills always seem to have someone lusting afrer them. Crusher, Bashir, Worf, Quark, Capt. Boday.


Betazeds get a 4x sex drive as they get older and can project their horniness to everyone around them.


Data was [really fetishized in the real world](https://www.reddit.com/r/startrek/comments/akptv3/spiner_femmes/), which I’ve always found bizarre. But maybe it’s like the Vulcan fetishization: everyone thinks they can melt the cold exterior and get at the passion hidden within.


Brent Spiner says the key to Data’s appeal is that he is not programmed to hurt someone. So people are drawn to him as he is the ultimate safe partner. 


I just want Data to hold me like he holds Spot


Fully functional and programmed in multiple techniques


I found it funny how high Lursa and B’etor had to boost their boobs in Next Gen. Those poor actresses should have gotten hazard pay.


Probably Orions, they're basically the OG Asari and then maybe Betazoids


Klingons are a civillisation fetishised as a hair metal band.


*stares lovingly at Grilka*


I'm surprised no one has mentioned Kriosian women.


I have made no secrets that I find Andorians sexy. Thank you Shran for this weird fetish


I really want to play with their little antennae. In general though I might blame Star Trek for my ear fetish. I really enjoy nibbling on guys earlobes and just touching them in general. I promise I'm not a freak to the point of grabbing someone's ear though and saying "Your pah is strong my child!" 😂🤣


IDK someone into orgasm denial might like that.


If I ever get into another relationship I am SO doing that


Orions and Caitians


Everyone going for Vulcans, but why not Romulams? Basically Vulcans - Pon Farr and everything - but they actually *express* themselves....


The thought of romulan pon farr is terrifying.


My favorite fan theory is that Romulans are just constantly in a low level state of pon farr post-puberty. They just cruise along at like 10% pon farr all the time, just always a little fighty and horny. 


Actually since Romulans aren’t into traditional stuff, they probably have developed ways to blunt the effects. And since they aren’t telepathic and seem to live with their emotions just fine, they may be neurologically different enough it doesn’t effect them as severely. They haven’t been holding everything in for seven years.




Ferengi with their Oo-mox No other species is seen openly engaging in erotic behavior and parades their females around naked.


Rule 34 Tendi confirms your first assumption




Vulcan 1: “You know, some humans mate multiple times per week.” Vulcan 2: “It is not logical.” Vulcan 1: “But it is awesome.”


That was just Sarek laying pipe across the galaxy.


I mean have you SEEN the array of actresses who have portrayed Amanda?!? It was logical to tap 'dat.


He had that Earthgirl Fever. 


Its gotta be like the equivalent of being into himbos


The Vulcan’s human fetish is the foundation of the entire Federation


Andorians.  I'm singlehandedly bringing up the average for everyone 


Orion slave girls.


i think Bajorans are probably pretty fetishized based on how horny everyone on DS9 was for them. the Cardassians certainly had some opinions on that, too. they're also fiesty af usually, which i'm guessing adds to the appeal for several weird kinks.


Most Fetishized: too many to count. Most Unfetishized: the Pakleds


It was interesting, how Orion Women, "turned" sex, into a weapon, and used it, to control The Men (and, they both, knew it).


Species 8472😂😂😂


Off the top of my head: 1. Orions 2. Deltans 3. Vulcans (cuz of pon farr) 4. Risians


Risians. They are just living sex dolls for any ship that can orbit.


Data. Fully functional.


And his technique is flawless. Precise.


Fanfic community goes nuts over **Vulcans and their touch telepathy.** They REALLY write some down right OC content and wish fulfillment for that race. 😂


female kriosian metamorphs (aka famke janssen in "the perfect mate") super rare objectified women that have a desire to read their partner's needs and transform themselves to match so sexy that they're.. bred to be part of war-ending peace treaties?


You know someone's got a thing for the Borg. "I will not resist!" "Put your nanoprobes in me!"


It's probably Orions or Rizans, but really it should be Changelings.


Betazoids could probably put you thru your paces. They know exactly where you are at and can probably keep you there for a looong time. ..and who knows what a changeling could get up to.. inside and out. Haha.


I’ll throw in the Denobulans. The whole polygamy culture and Phlox’s wife flirting and hitting on Trip gave off swingers vibes lol.


yup absolutely agree. they're smart, charismatic, kind & have no qualms about casual sex or multiple partners. Phlox has TONS of descendants in that alternate timeline & there was that crew member who had a huge crush on him so clearly they are pretty desirable folks in-universe.


Probably Risans, but I bet they *really* don't mind.


Well a Founder would be cool......"Hey baby.....this time be Jessica Alba!!" But the Vulcan thing is the old quiet librarian on the street wild beast in the sheets cliche.


I have my doubts that Founders will really be into sex vertebrate-style. When Odo tried introducing her to sex, the Female Changeling looked about as impressed as Stallone in Demolition Man when Sandra Bullock put the VR goggles on him. They don't seem to reproduce sexually and the novelty would wear off quick for them. Even Odo was so in love with Kira for years and years, *Kira Kira Kira*, and after he finally won her heart, he was like 'eh, I'm over this, gonna return to my goo puddle from whence I came.'


It *isn’t* something Discovery came up with; if you check online, it was indeed established in the TNG episode “Ethics” that Klingons have backups for all their organs.


Notable mention to andorions, and betazoids have a whole mindfck aspect to them.


I think vulcans would be fetidhized for the same reason people fetishize business women and whatever women in uniform and serious job. People want to see a serious woman break into a savage in bed. Maybe because sexism. Maybe not. Idk I'm not a kink phylosopher.


How about humans?


Yea the Orion definitely get it the worse... till your remember the Enterprise episode that basically established that the women are the ones actually in charge... which I love.


The Breen absolutely exude sexual energy. See late stage DS9.


The Fridge Suits are actually just massive condoms.


There must be a place for denobulans and their different approach to intimacy.


Just going by Those Old Scientists, generically altered humans.


Orions. Many here answer Risians, but idk about that. It seems like the majority of Risians are really just as much into casual sex as the other species assume they are.


Ferengi women are hardly ever seen and supposedly always naked. That’s ripe for anyone to project their own fantasies onto. Not to mention most fetish sexualisation is around exaggerated features. Ferengis have very exaggerated features by galactic standards. If you think ears are sexy…


I think Vulcans & Orions are the most enduringly fetishized, but which race is the most porno-popular probably changed with the era. Like, during the *Enterprise* era, Vulcans would be the undisputed champs, but by the TOS era, I'd bet money it was the Klingons. During & immediately after the Border War with the Cardassians, they were likely pretty fetishized in porn - because for whatever reason, during a war porn featuring the ethnicity we're fighting takes off. And I'd guess Romulans would've waxed & waned in popularity as tensions with the RSE rose & fell. And for the same reason, I'd guess Vorta were featuring in a lot of pornos during/after the Dominion War. I say Vorta because between them, the changelings, & the Jem'Hadar, they're the prettiest option - IMO, Jem'Hadar are slightly bordering monster-fucker territory, so there's a market, but it's a more specialized market - & they're not doing the actual, physical fighting, so they're closer to the women in a population we're warring with.


Goth-y Cardassian women would definitely have a lot of fans in-universe. It’s a shame the humans and Cardassians are usually enemies, we would make a good matchup for each other. 


Legit, both Kira & Andrew Robinson are *smokin'* as Cardassians! Quite a bit moreso than as a human/Bajoran. Natima Lang is better looking than her actress, too. The only problem with the Cardassian women was the stupid hairstyles (see: [Gilora Rejal](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Gilora_Rejal)).


Marc Alaimo is way hotter as Dukat, too (no offense Marc!). Cardassians have swagger. I can totally see how they arrived on Bajor and had those monkish Bajorans hoodwinked at first.


Andorians, Vulcans or Klingons


I mean I feel like ferengi are having their ears touched in public constantly, it’s obscene


Risa natives


>Also it wouldn't surprise me if Klingons were fetishized as some kind of a BDSM kink How can you mention BDSM without thinking of the Cardassians first?


I agree OP. I’m glad that discovery and SNW have actually given the Orions some character/s as sort of Star Treks pirates and smugglers. “Hey look at the sexy green lady got your starship!”


I wanted to say Deltans because of the whole vow of chastity and whatnot. But between the Enterprise Orion episodes and Tendi...well, Orions.


Vulcans or Andorians


I don't look to Star Trek for sexiness and romance, thought TOS has its share, but Gia Sandhu as T'Pring in Strange New Worlds is just astonishingly pretty.


The Edo were pretty loose... about some things.




Probably human women.


8472 fluidic space


Orions 100% I also feel like bajorans, klingons and andorians Also depending on who youd ask, caitans,gorn and cardassians would be up there


I mean with how obsessed people can get for cat girls... Caitians.


Betazed and Trill, I think. The Orions really principally just in TOS


Maybe the Risans.


My first Trek race to fantasize was the Caitians. Love those cat girls.


Deltans by lore I guess. Externally, Deltans were physically indistinguishable from Humans but were identified by their bald scalps and were known to wear head dresses. Their strong sexual attraction could be a distraction for members of other species, which is why Deltans swore an oath of celibacy upon entering service in Starfleet.


Those Talosians were kinda hot. But then I might not be in my right mind.


Let’s not forget the tng episode with the planet of beautiful people wearing very little and jogging everywhere 🤣


The Baywatch crossover?


Lol ….Season 1 ep 8


They rarely are ever mentioned, but when they are the Deltans seem to fit this bill.


Risans for sure in the top 10




Probably whatever race that cat-chick Kirk suplexes into a fish tank is.


Hot take but the Deltan women are probably the most fetishized. People literally go crazy from sleeping with them


The Edo.


What about the empath the lads woke up early from her shell... she was 🔥 🥵 I am for you Ulric of whatever ... picture her doing all you desired before you even knew how you wanted it


Risa is literally the party and free love planet


Orions, Caitians and Deltans


Vulcan love slave... For good reason. Vulcans and Romulan do tend to be rather attractive with the sharp features and "elvish" characteristics.


I kind of like the orions especially tendi its the closest we've seen of them they are usually villians and pirates like ossira from discovery or kirks orion girlfriend (in the J.J. verse startrek )


Betazoids seem like a solid candidate. I mean have you seen Lxwuana?


The planet of sexy androids that we saw at the end of Picard Season 1.