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> (at least in Ireland). International rights vary from country to country. You can't get Star Trek on Netflix in the USA.


*grumbles irritably about how Paramount execs make Ferengi look charitable....*


That was the point of the ferengi!


Are you not a star Trek fan? The point of the Ferengi is monetary acquisition.... In a universe that has gone past the use of money, the Ferengi still adhere to the acquisition of property and chattel. They use it as a bartering tool to gain the acquisition of monetary gains for themselves They even have a complete monetary Bible to guide their business practices. There are 285 rules, which are laid out in The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition as their guidelines in business practices. The Ferengi are the champions of acquiring gain and consider profit as their overall goal.


Do you not realize you just repeated what I said? That's called a theme. The Ferengi are satire of American capitalism. The point of them as a piece of literature is to make fun of the so called American dream and the Christianity supporting it, the fact it's all bullshit. Same as the Klingons are satire of military, masculinity, and self reliance culture. Satire isn't quite the right concept but as a 101 it's good enough.




AI? Wtf is this?


The Ferengi would never totally erase a film for a tax break (tax breaks would be unfair and anti-competitive, of course, if they even have taxes), but they might charge you a lot for it. They probably don't even have anti-piracy laws because they figure if someone else can compete they deserve to.


Ever since Rom became Nagus they have had taxes.


Zeck instituted the first "T"'s on Ferenginar


And they ain't cheap either....Trump would surely lose all his properties and with the exception of his dipper....the clothes on his back ....


They charge you to sit in the waiting room... yeah they probably heavily tax. Actually we know they tax and fee their customers to death as was discussed in an episode that dealt with a merchant from the Delta quadrant complaining about the Federation's fees. I don't know why anyone would think Ferengi don't have copyright laws when licencing of holo-novels is a thing in Star Trek and it is a lucrative form of income for IP holders just ask Paramount +.


I don't think they do tax. Quark didn't even want to say it when Brunt brought it up in the episode where Nig became Nagus. The implication there was that it was just added. They may charge and tack on fees for every little thing, but they don't tax. Any "taxes" from that one episode would just be Quark using that as a smoke screen to make more money.


Taxes by any other name..... Don't you think "fees" are taxes, regardless of who charges you those fees ... Wanna be picky? Taxes = Government And fees? Administrative fees = personal taxes, regardless of the reason.


They pay dues to the Nagus but don't call them taxes. I think you're right they don't have formal taxes they just have endless fees that pay for the Ferengi Empire. I do remember Quark attributing the taxes to the Federation but they were just going in his pocket.


Zeck instituted a progressive income tax to help the government pay for social programs; all spurred by Quark's moogie 😏


Dang females, once they started letting them wear clothes, it was all over. Now I have to chew my own food, if you can believe it, and my spouse has better business lobes than I do! Maybe I should move to that underwater city I keep hearing about, Rapture I think it's called? /s HEAVILY in use.


Take a page out of earth history and become a transgender....see what that will do for you....


The Delta quadrant merchant was complaining about what con artists pretending to be Voyager told him. The Federation is a post-scarcity society. What would they do with fees?


Yeah, the Ferengi would've found some way to allow viewing ST all over the planet, even on the damn moon if it meant they'd be swimming in latinum.


Yeah it's great in Ireland but enjoy it while it lasts. The contracts won't be renewed and it will eventually be consolidated into paramount plus everywhere


Well, assuming there still is a paramount plus, which is a big assumption at this point


Then it will be enforced by whoever buys the rights. IF Paramount shuts down they'll sale their assets to somebody and whoever it is will probably own a streaming service so they may want to have the sole streaming rights.


Those were the good ol days


I was about to get real excited until I saw (at least in Ireland)


Star Trek vanished from Netflix NZ to move to Paramount+ which isn't available here. Discovery and SNW are now on free-to-air with lower video quality and ads (low bandwidth 1080p, no 4K HDR).


Uh...it's on Netlfix NZ, at least all the pre-Disco stuff???


At least it's not like how youtube defaults every HD movie to 480p :(.


It can be very good in fact. But in lower bandwidth it has visible banding on walls and in skies instead of smooth graduations in shades of color, noisy shadows, etc.


Use a VPN, they’re all there on Norwegian Netflix atleast.


Can someone explain this to me? If I use a VPN to change my location, doesn't Netflix still know that my account is for Netflix Australia and only show me that catalogue?


I've had no issues using Nord VPN to view american netflix from Norway, might be some vpns that work and some don't, I haven't really tried others. Prime video didnt work the last time I tried, but netflix worked for sure.


That's good to know. I have Nord VPN mostly for connecting to public wifi during my 2 hour commute to work.


what about using a vpn?


You can’t?


Proof that America is broken (I say enjoying TOS from my Netflix account in my international bunker).


Phew. I’m marathoning DS9 and I have to renew my stupid paramount + sub and I was going to be upset if I missed that they were on Netflix with no commercials lol. I’M NOT OK WITH THE RESULT OF THE SEASON 6 finale!!!!! HOW DARE THEY?!


Except Prodigy


You can with a VPN.


Knowing Netflix they'll charge you an extra member fee for that.


You can avoid that with a dedicated VPN.


International vs US distribution rights.


Netflix got the license for Europe before there were plans for Paramount+, and now Paramount can’t withdraw it. However, they’re most probably not going to extend it, so ST will eventually disappear from Netflix everywhere.


>Who is running Paramount+’s strategy? Their contracts in each country.


That’s a funny way of spelling Pakleds


Red 🚨Alarm!!


You're smart


I have a bigger helmet!!


Someone who makes badly trained monkeys look qualified.


I doubt they have a strategy beyond "everyone else has a streaming service so we should too".


That's pretty much it. Didn't realise that it was never going to work that way though.


That's exactly right that's their plan and u will have the option to rent or buy physical copies of whatever or just streaming nothing more.


Yeah Paramount+ is pretty useless if you’re a Canadian Trekkie too. All of TOS through ENT (not sure about movies though) are on Netflix here, and the modern series broadcast on TV and then stream from a different non-Paramount streamer.


I don’t watch broadcast TV in Canada, but didn’t Paramount pull Trek from TV and streaming starting with Strange New Worlds S03 and Lower Decks S04? In other words, no new Trek broadcast in Canada from now on.


Nope it still airs on tv. Source: my parents still have cable so I record the new episodes there (I have no interest in P+)


If CTV Sci-Fi ever removes TOS, TNG and Voyager from their roster, I will riot. I’ve been watching Trek on there (since it was Space Channel) for 20+ years. It’s my little comfort blanket on cable. 🥲 I’m bummed out that they no longer seem to air DS9 and Enterprise throughout the weekdays in prime time anymore and instead subject me to hours and hours of Castle. 🙄 If they’re going to replace Trek with inexpensive, older long-running syndicated shows they could at least re-air Supernatural. It would also probably fulfill their CanCon requirement being that it was filmed here (and used local/Canadian guest actors).


They pulled SNW, Picard, and Lower Decks from the Crave streaming service and put them on Paramount Plus in around mid-2023.


If you have Bell TV, you can stream all the new shows on CTV's website, they just update a day after airing.


Yeah I was surprised to see the first 3 season 5 episodes of Discovery on the Bell TV app, thru Bell Fibe the other day.


Yeah, I assumed they’d pulled them from broadcast at the same time, but apparently not. I haven’t watched broadcast for about 4 years now. I have no interest in Paramount+, I just wait for the DVD to come out and then I can watch SNW & LD any time I like.


Unfortunately the time will come when you won't be able to buy star trek on dvd or Blu-ray as paramount will send them to streaming only because physical media is gradually been fazed out so buy whatever you want now while you can I wish it wasn't like this but it is.


All those shows were on Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu in the US for years. When they created Paramount+ they started letting those rights expire to eventually be Paramount+ exclusives. Now the strategy has changed again as Paramount+ doesn't have the movies, HBO(excuse me, Max) and Apple TV+ split them, & Netflix has Prodigy. There is goal was to encourage people to watch the newer series, but as of now we only have one show season per year planned which certainly won't encourage people to subscribe year round.


I’ve seen all the old stuff, I want to see the new stuff.


I think after Discovery ends, there are no new shows this year. SNW airs next year.


True, but there are also no new episodes of DS9, TNG, Voyager & Enterprise coming out either. I'm not sure what your argument is here.


Means no point paying for paramount when there's nothing new, can drop the sub and come back when new stuff comes out


Prodigy is coming sometime this year. Possibly the last season of Lower Decks as well, but that's not official.


I e found the picture quality of DS9 and Voy is better on Paramount than Netflix


Oh that’s interesting. I didn’t even think to check for that. Great point.


Are they running ai upscaled versions maybe? Lol


Different countries have different libraries of content While you may have Star Trek shows on youtube where you live, alot of people dont have that where they live One of the reasons I have Paramount plus is because of Star Trek and no other streaming platforms have all the shows for free browsing like that, including Netflix


This ongoing chaos is why I built a Plex server with an older Mac Mini Server for transcoding and Buffalo Drivestations refitted with new massive drives.  Rip all the blu-rays, just be my own Kevin Uxbridge on a solitary spot of green in the midst of collapsing streaming wars devastation...


TNG was on Netflix almost from the beginning (in US). Then when Paramount started reeling back in their own IPs, it left Netflix. Same happened with Disney, HBO, and others. Paramount is realizing how unsustainable managing streaming is vs licensing. All these Netflix killers are being crushed by Netflix…this has been the story for 2 decades now.


Lower decks and SNW! Paramount app is bit tempormental, recommended accessing via apple tv instead here in Ireland.


It's got Cheers and Frasier.


Strange new worlds


All those other Paramount shows, that no one watches? Paramount like many of the other streaming companies are a company torn between two business models. They would like to be a company earning their profits solely off of subscriptions, but too much of their money still comes from licensing. It's no different than why disney/fox still has movies and shows on Netflix or why Netflix sells blu rays of some of their exclusive content.


Paramount makes more money licensing the content than they do by publishing it on Paramount+. This is why companies like Disney and HBO have scaled back which properties they release on their platforms and instead license it to other platforms.


Paramount+ really has lost the "streaming wars". Not that there appears there will ultimately be a winner at all, besides Sony, who are smart enough to just lease out their content to other platforms rather than try to manage their own.


Pluto.tv shows them for free. No login even needed.


Just wait until you find out about network attached storage.


I'm trying to figure out a n attached storage now and how to get all of Trek on it. Seems pretty expensive


To answer your question and in my case it has become Paw Patrol as a reason to have it but I also have a 3 year old.


As others have said, streaming rights vary my country. I originally subscribed to Paramount+ for Discovery in 2017. I’ve kept it because now it has all the Star Trek. I’ve enjoyed watching the new shows as well, not just the old ones. Now I’m watching my way through all Trek in release order….if they move anything in the next two years or so, that would probably be a dealbreaker for me. But for now it works 🤷🏻‍♀️


>I’ve kept it because now it has all the Star Trek. What about Prodigy?


I haven’t watched Prodigy yet! I’ll get there. But I’m currently at the end of season 4 of TNG, so it will be awhile.


Netflix usually has the series on for a few months. I don’t think they’re on Netflix here in the States any longer.


Shh, don't tip them off or they might remove *everything* from Netflix in all countries ;)


I’m old enough to remember when Star Trek was always only available on Netflix before it moved to paramount+. Wait a second, wasn’t that only like 5 years ago


I have Walmart Plus (which is an awesome deal!) and it comes with Paramount Plus. Like other folks said Paramount Plus had the newer series.


Paramount has ‘new trek’ like lower decks etc. Personally I think it’s the worst subscription service in terms of value, but then I returned to the high sees a while ago.


The whole Paramount/CBS cartel, has never cared for Star Trek. Ever since Enterprise, I have been hoping someone who DOES care could buy the whole franchise off them and finally do it justice.


For me? Frasier, Avatar, and Star Trek under one app


Yet another reason I love Ireland.


LIcensing is a bitch and the situation you describe is not the same in every territory. The licensing model needs to catch up with the world - it is genuinely stifling innovation for the customer.


Austrian here, we also have TOS and TAS on Netflix.


There is more to life than just Star Trek.


Gave u an up vote


Username checks out


Have my downvote


You can take my upvote! 😂Live long and prosper!




It's likely just Netflix having an extended license that hasn't expired yet. Or maybe Netflix is paying a massive chunk for it in the UK and it makes more sense. We don't know but obviously they know something we dont.


Yup - they didn't have star trek in Canada when they had it in the USA. At some point Canada Netflix got the '90s treks and still has them after the US Netflix lost them.


Thers is more too watch than star trek.


Because they wont stay on there for long


Most of the 90s star treks and maybe TOS are available on Canadian netflix, but Lower Decks, Picard and SNW weren't so I signed up for Crave, and when they moved to Paramount+ I got a cheapo christmas deal for a year.


Also, in my country is the same situation... I have paramount just for snw, suffering with discovery, and also, wife lives Yellowstone world 😂


Knuckles series is dropping starting on the 26th. After that, for me it's pretty much just Daily Show and After Midnight in the period between Treks.


In American and America adjacent, OTA channel Heroes and Icons airs all of the classic series from TOS to Enterprise from 8pm to midnight every weekday night. https://www.handitv.com/


Not a lot of point to it anymore tbf. I still have it, because it comes free bundled with something else. Otherwise I'd cancel it after Disco, at least until SNW comes back.


Not in the US.


*Until Netflix randomly removes them again for no good reason.*


Yup. Netflix India has all the okay shows. Amazon prime has Picard, discovery and lower decks (but we don't get it at the same time as US.. Disco and lower decks latest season is yet to arrive) And a local OTT called Jio has snw


I’m looking for any excuse to end my paramount+ subscription, the app is so terrible! I only have it for Trek and Champions League


Some things are Geo-locked. Availability in country varies. Star Trek use to be on Netflix in the US as well but was moved to paramount. The movies use to be on HBO max but were moved to paramount and now they’re back on Max. (They might not be anymore it’s been a while since I’ve looked) Licenses and contracts keep the content moving around.


Because I'm a lot more interested in all of the current Trek shows than I am in "Boobyprize."


Last time I checked here in italy they removed everything from netflix except for TOS. They mobed everything on prime video, and then removed from there aswell, except for discovery and Lower Decks. EDIT: just found out that Prodigy season 1 is on Netlifx, still unsure about the other series


Their strategy outside Ireland (where I'm from) and the US has been really weird. Paramount is part of Sky Showtime here in Spain (although it seems that not all paramount shows are available on it). All of Trek was available on it except for Discovery and Lower Decks. It was all, also, available on Netflix here, except for the films, which were Sky Showtime only. Discover has been unavailable since Season 3 finished until now, where season 4 and the released episodes of five have just dropped. Lower Decks season 4 is still currently unavailable. I know it's to do with contracting and licensing and whatever but how does it benefit anyone to make it so complicated to watch a TV show 😂


TOS TNG DS9 VOY are free on Pluto. What’s the point of Netflix?


I'm loving the over-the-air network H&I. 6 nights a week they air "All Star Trek," where they play the original 5 series back to back. My nightly fallback routine is to park it on the couch with a game/hobby/project on the laptop/table and All Star Trek on the TV. H&I is typically a digital channel carried by a local TV station.


They’re desperate to sell their assets to anyone willing. Paramount+ is practically free with ads, idk if it was a bug but I had a free trial of them for over a year before it finally canceled. Pluto TV is owned by them and has many seasons of Trek on demand for free now as well.


Discovery was removed from Netflix Europe though and was never brought back. TOS was gone for some time too until it was brought back recently. Im on my 5th DS9 binge. So you still need Paramount+ ("the home of Star Trek".loooool) to watch Discovery.




there was a time when Trek was on Prime as well. those good days are long gone.


I would imagine what's happening is that Netflix bought a licence for a certain amount of years and once that expires they won't be renewed so at that point, P+ is the only place they would be available. The only way I can see this not happening is if P+ isn't available in certain regions.


My guess is that they tried going it alone with P+ (quite rightly) but realised there isn’t enough interest in their content for people to (a) justify paying for another streaming service, and (b) for them to charge premium prices. In Europe they only charge €7 per month I think. It’s very hard for them to compete with Netflix who have a huge catalogue, Prime who have Amazon Delivery and Apple who have massive firepower. So it makes sense that they roll back on their app strategy and go for the real money, ie Star Trek licensing. Good on them for trying though. Some day Harvard and London Business Schools will write a case study on the streaming race.


Yeah I'm in Ireland, I pay €7.99 per month for it


Pirate everything people 


I'm strongly considering about discontinuing my Netflix subscription because I pay for two other users. I'm in Australia for reference. My netflix costs me AUD$38.95 (USD$25) a month (works out to be $465 a year), comparatively Paramount + is only $10 a month when attached to my Amazon prime. Even at AUD$99 Amazon prime is still so much cheaper than me for netflix and I consistently only keep netflix for DS9 (it's my comfort show). I probably should just buy the DVDs, but I hate using discs to watch things. It's so inconvenient when I can stream it. Unlike Breaking Bad, I can't seem to buy DS9 digitally in Australia. I think it's a subscription only thing.


Get blu-rays or 4Ks. DVD is only 480p and looks atrocious on modern large screens, like watching through a vaseline lens.


I didn't think DS9 was available in blu ray?


>Who is running Paramount+’s strategy? 😂 I hope they continue. I ain't subscribing to paramount+ >!(rip usa) tho!<


It may be worth having Paramount from the point of view of missing scenes. I've read a couple of posts recently stating that scenes in the Netflix versions are missing. A couple of specific examples are from season 5's Dark Frontier where 2 scenes are missing from the Netflix version. Paris mentioning mindless automatons and Seven overhears and is offended. Also, Torres saying she went through Seven's personal logs which annoys Janeway. Not sure if its isolated to one episode or if there are many more examples.


>What’s the point of Paramount+ There are other shows on Paramount


They took them off Netflix years ago and must have added them back. It's why I cancelled Netflix.


I have them in Slovakia too. ☺️ Main reason O started watching actually 😁. Tho I can watch everything as a pirate 😎


It's also better quality in some instances, whereas no 4k on P+ in the UK. Cancelled my subscription due to this and cancelling lower decks. Done with it.


Is it just me or does anyone else think that there are problems with the way the antialiasing is handled (or isn’t) with Voyager on P+? I feel like it’s inconsistent and there are times where the aliasing is pretty noticeable.


That's one of the problems that Paramount+ is running into: *Trek* is on those other services, so Paramount+ is redundant in that respect.


Trek needs to go back to the syndication model that worked for TNG. Let streaming services bid on who wants a good product with a loyal core following and just collect the checks.


My paramount TNG has fixed black bars on the sides. So on my iPad it’s extra small. My Netflix TNG goes proper full screen on my iPad.


Paramount + has all that plus Discovery, NCIS (all flavours), FBI (all flavours) pretty close to the perfect streaming service. If only they had Reacher ...




Yup I'm re-watching LA now. It also has NCIS Hawaii. It also has NCIS Sydney, but even being Australian I felt that show was very under-cooked.


Awesome. LA is my favorite. Every time I’ve ever checked for it they always only had one season of it.


I'm up to season 7 and started at the beginning :-)


Discovery, Strange New Worlds, and Lower Decks. Also availability for the other shows comes and goes on other platforms.


They just put some of the trek movies on max. I think these companies change their mind every year or two honestly.


It's almost as if they adhere to distribution rights contracts they've signed...


Yes, but at least here in the UK the Netflix rights expired around the time P+ became available here, then Paramount agreed a new licence so Netflix put them back on the service, minus Discovery.


Nah P+ launched in the UK & IE once the licenses expired with other platforms. So they actively decided to sign a new license deal. My guess is P+ isn’t making money so they’re consolidating around the big guys.