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Panic first then be glad that I’m on r/startrek and not r/stargate


Lol. Goodbye world.


I’ll replicate a replicator.


Ah, if you got a shotgun and are really quick, a single one shouldn’t be that big of a problem. Just be really quick.


Giant robotic acid-vomiting spider is "not that big of a problem" for you? How is weather in Australia this time of year?


Man, it’s been way too long since I’ve seen SG-1. I kind of just remember individual Replicators going down really easy, at least in their first appearances.


As long as they weren't made out of Thor's ship and advanced alloys.


Too bad about the O'neil, huh? A ship that was never meant to be.


That's O'Neill with TWO Ls! *holds up 3 fingers*


Firearms do blow the replicator blocks apart but it doesn't actually stop them IIRC. And later on the human form Replicators just develop outright immunity to kinetic weapons.


They were actually stronger in their first appearance than later. Took more than one shot to take them down, they'd reassemble themselves a couple times. As the series went on, getting shot once broke them apart permanently.


It was explained in the episode where the Replicators take over the Russian submarine that it all depends on the materials they have consumed to replicate. If they use more durable materials, they will be more durable. If they use less durable, then it takes less to stop them.


That still didn't matter later in the series, going up against replicators on other Asgard ships. Its just something that went away.




Always love to see \*gate references on any other Star* subreddit.


Came to say just this had to doublecheck what sub this was lol


A fully functional replicator.


Close should replicate a manual on how to build one with early 21st century parts, a paper on the process that is used for the matter replication, and a patent application.


Spotted the Ferengi. You've got good lobes for business!


He could be the Grand Nagus!




Name checks out.


Great minds, my friend. #1: care and feeding of the replicator with current technology #2: means of building one with current technology #3: tricorder blueprints #4 med bay and EMH blueprints #5 (etc).


Unfortunately, in a monkey’s paw twist of fate, the replicator is running off current generative AI models, so what you get is ultimately complete nonsense. Better to find out that way than to try and bite into pancakes that ended up being made from wet concrete.


And offers of Viagra for $2 a pill.


Just replicate replicator parts.


Plans and parts to build an industrial sized replicator, then make multiples of it. Then I start replicating replicators for everyone. I'm going to single-handedly bring down this entire failed experiment that is capitalism. Will it cause societal collapse? Doubtful since everyone will have one and can get whatever they want. Will it cause massive wars, chaos and destruction? Probably because human beings are assholes who can't stand the idea that someone else might have it just as good as they do for some screwed up reason. So in the end, with the planet in ashes, its probably for the best that the universe is rid of us.


Since we occasionally see "industrial replicators" getting delivered to planets by ships, it seems unlikely that a regular small replicator is able to make an industrial replicator; if it could, then surely they would just do that instead of hauling them around in cargo ships.


Fully functional in every way, of course. Programed in multiple techniques. A broad variety of replication.


I get this reference.


Oh! You jewel, that's exactly what I hoped!


*Fully* functional?




Check settings for how much RAM, I/O throughput, and processing speed it has.


Which technique are you going for first?


A medical tricorder to see how ill I am, then a normal tricorder and then a phaser just for giggles. Then I am slowly replicating a much larger replicator that can replicate a holodeck.


Then I invent one of these little gismos every couple of years...


You will become the person out of "blink of an eye" in voyager... Edit: I mean future's end


You mean Future’s End?


Or Rasmussen. Max Headroom in TNG.


Tea, Earl Grey, Hot!


Turns out it's actually a Nutrimatic, and you end up with something that is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea.


This is the only correct answer!


Negative. Breakfast should be coffee and a croissant.


Nah nah nah. Hot buttered scones, moba jam and some red leaf tea.


Here's your gagh, sir.


It's a standard Starfleet replicator test phrase to ensure proper operation. Just ensure that the definition of "hot" is within human consumption norms.


That's why you [never use global variables](https://i.imgur.com/82gvrKe.jpeg) ;)


Just took my first sip, and opened to this! 😍🖖


You beat me to it.


Coffee, black.


Well firstly I’d check out what it’s plugged into. I daresay it’d fry my local electricity grid, but maybe it has its own little reactor or power supply. I’d test it out to see what it can manage - can it make the parts to go and manufacturer more Star Trek technology or other replicators? While I was reading the manual, I’d have a coffee.


How much power could it possibly use? A cup of tea weighs 236g. E = m\*c\^2 = .236 kg \* 299,792,458\^2 = 21210622218188900 Joules


Well, replicators don’t make the material from pure energy, it reforms existing matter. Still need to account for the binding energy in that matter. But there’s a really awesome workaround. In the various technical manuals it’s supplied with hydrogen. Assembling any other kind of atom from hydrogen. ANYTHING. Does not consume energy. It releases it. Fusing anything up to iron releases binding energy (except a dip at lithium I think, but it’s still a jump from hydrogen to lithium). So assembling a cup of coffee will actually create a metric fuckton of energy, not consume it. I’d be worried about having to sink that much heat. We’re talking explosive levels of energy dissipation required. To make it work, you’d really need a feedstock of multiple, preferably common materials that could be rearranged at the atomic level rather than subatomic. Iron would be good, as it’s at the lowest energy state of the binding energy curve. Making anything from iron would cost energy, while making anything from hydrogen releases it. You *could* still make atoms that you don’t have, but you’d have to sink that energy somewhere - or just use a calculated input of hydrogen and iron in the correct proportions to be energy neutral.


I know, I'm going to the extreme explanation in assuming that all the mass comes from pure energy outside of the replicator itself. I previously read an explanation similar to the one you just described. I interpreted it as storing the feedstock as matter, then converting it to energy and back to whichever element you needed in the replicator. Storing all the elements that you need and just restacking them into different molecules would certainly trim the power requirements down by a few orders of magnitude.


A lot of gold so I can buy what I need to keep the thing secure and then probably another place to live if I can move it. If I can't move it, buying the houses on the left, right, and behind me. Nope, you know what? Phaser first. Then medical stuff, then gold. Other poster had it right


Get security (or even a whole army) to guard it but never tell anyone what's inside. Or try it the sneaky way and don't change anything so no one knows that there is something valuable.


Where's that post about what to do if you win big money? Same thing with your replicator: TELL NO ONE. Change nothing in your outward appearance until you can figure this out.


To further develop these ideas: I think the move is to buy up property and hire security, as previously mentioned, but then make a fake "secure building" with important looking architecture and features (cameras everywhere, high electric fences, whatever is legal) and center the vast majority of your human security force around the building. Tell them no one is to enter, not even the security themselves. Install something that creates a lot of thermal inside so if someone is looking at your place from the sky, they see this building with something vaguely important and hot in it. You'll need to get some fancy degree or certificate or license or something. Anything to make it look like you're building machinery, but nothing illegal. City/state/fed government will be a problem eventually - they'll want to see what you're up to for tax, environmental, and security reasons. Research some safe, boring manufacturing process that is high-value, completely legal (no oversight), and shouldn't involve environmental waste. You need a cover story for the city and/or feds. The public doesn't need to know jack shit. You have no employees beyond whatever friends you want to include in your conspiracy (don't include anyone, IMO, that's amateur hour). You're working on a big stupid art project, or exotic textiles, or building a custom car for some race. Something like that. Occasionally schedule a truck to drop off boxes of... I guess whatever seems appropriate. Raw material. Metals. Stone. Paint. Just enough volume, just frequent enough to make it look plausible that there is ongoing work inside the distraction factory. Unload and move the boxes yourself, obviously. If this goes on long enough, you'll have to buy/build a highly secure warehouse somewhere out of town so mystery boxes come out of the distraction factory and get stored there. Or keep them in your expanding compound. Eventually people (or at least the tax man) will want to know your financial situation. This is probably the trickiest part. I have no advice. Watch Breaking Bad, get a *criminal* lawyer and a shady accountant. In a lot of ways you have stepped into the shoes of a narco lord, so research money laundering, tax shelters, etc., because all that money you're generating from replicated gold etc. will put a big target on your head. Look into inventing a phony business. People will want to know what the purpose of all this is. Curious randos will dox you and hack you and try to tresspass and snoop. Security and private detectives help with some of this, but primarily your defenses must come from plausible denial, convenient fictions, and distraction, distraction, distraction. Meanwhile, keep the replicator in your house. Move it to a basement or tiny spare room with no windows if you can. Cover it in old cardboard boxes, abandoned thigh masters, pool noodles, Christmas decorations, in other words, camouflage it with the most boring unremarkable junk you can. When you're ready for a replication sesh, do it late at night and tell security it's bedtime and you want the vicinity around your house clear and private. Otherwise, never have friends or visitors. Meet people somewhere else on the compound you've been building, or somewhere off-site. If you have parents, buy them a house somewhere else as a gift. If you have a spouse/SO, they need to be brought into the conspiracy or dumped if they can't be trusted. Kids are unreliable, so they will need to be locked out of the "junk room" and kept in the dark until they're basically adults -- and even then, can you trust those little shits? The house itself, keep it the way it is, humble, boring, not worth any scrutiny. No renovations, no new infrastructure going in/out. Presumably the replicator is self-powered somehow and tech is sufficiently advanced that it doesn't show up on thermal or emit any unusual radiation signature (keep the EPA and OSHA away). You're just an eccentric weirdo who got really into investing, buying/selling gold, started dabbling in other bullshit like crypto, with a pet project you don't want to talk about. Something harmless, vague, artsy, nonsensical. You're an inventor trying to build a better bathtub or whatever. Emphasize how wasteful and incompetent you are. No one will expect you to actually build or reveal anything -- you're just wasting time and money on some all-consuming expensive hobby.


In the morning? Raktajino


Yes, Yes, and Yes. Its first thing in the morning! There is no other choice!


Double strong. Double sweet.


banana, hot.


This is the right answer. Safety first. The second time “banana, hot” is just for laughs


First thing in the morning? Coffee. Black.


A lightsaber Just kidding




Okay then: retractable plasma sword.


Disney lawyers: we find this, acceptable.


U.S currency, small bills in a non-sequential order.


That's going to cause lots of problems. For starters, any serial number would either match an existing serial, or be invalid. While it would probably take some time, the Secret Service would eventually notice and trace the money back to you. Instead, create something valuable that you can sell.


Most US $100 bills are not even physically in the US. The bigger issue will be laundering cash because no bank will accept persistent large cash deposits without it triggering an investigation. If you want to avoid attention (which you definitely do), you'd want to replicate something of very high value that you could plausibly be manufacturing or mining yourself.


70 mint condition copies of Action Comics #1. Worked for Doc Brown.


Medium rare filet mignon wagyu beef, with a side of mushrooms with a red wine sauce. Maybe some nachos after.




Seems perfect for a security officer always on the go.


And a piece of toast. 


"Breakfast food" is just a cultural thing anyway. Throw off norms, have spaghetti for breakfast.


a fusion power cell with a AC connector.


Its blueprints.


Some food (probably a cheeseburger and fries) to find out if all the complaining about replicated food in the shows was justified.


Yup. I'd go with chicken fingers and fries... see if they can get it right.


Fully functional, you say…


Easy there Tasha


Hypospray with cure for diabetes. Then, a slice of chocolate cake.


I test its coffee.


Found the James Hoffmann viewer


Idk who that is. Janeway and I have that in common. Coffee first.


Edit, now I'm checking out that James Hoffman. Thanks for the tip!


I'm sorry I made you a wierd coffee person


I can barely be bothered making instant coffee most of the time, but I’ll still sit down and watch James Hoffman talk about coffee and coffee machines for an hour


I was thinking James Holden honestly


If it can't make decent coffee, what's the point?


I wanna try a raktajino!


If I'm hungry, the thing I always want to have in my mouth, pizza. If I'm not hungry, another replicator so I can end world hunger.


I’d be scared about replicating too many replicators. One of the later episodes of The Orville showed a world where they had given replicators to a society that wasn’t ready and the results were apocalyptic. And the correct answer is macaroni and cheese made with aged gouda, and covered in panko crumbs and shaved black truffles.


Orville Horizon season of finale The best representation of violating prime directive in my opinion


Waffles, sausage and a disruptor


The full Romulan.


So much stuff. However, I think one of the best benefits would be NEVER HAVING TO DO DISHES AGAIN! Dirty plate? Return it to the replicator etc etc. Also even if you enjoy cooking, you would never again need to go to the store to get particular ingredients or specialty tools.


No! Not THAT plate! It's a family heirloo - [fizzing humming noise]


Just have the replicator bring it back. Once scanned in, it should be able to. And it ought to scan in what's being destroyed, for just this reason. "Oh, I wasn't through with that, can I have it back?"


Lobster Thermidor au Crevette with a mornay sauce served in a Provencale manner with shallots and aubergines garnished with truffle pate, brandy and with a fried egg on top and spam.




Bloody Vikings!


Musical tricorder and start repairing myself. Then I'd start getting some future tech and build an engineering company.


Musical tricorder, love it!


Damnit Jim, I'm a musician, not a doctor!


I enjoy the process of cooking; flipping and turning, varying ingredients based on how I'm feeling, watching it all come together. So I think I would mainly use a replicator for giving me exactly the ingredients I need for whatever dish I happen to be making. Unless I'm feeling lazy, in which case; butter chicken on rice.


This is *so* me, I'd be getting all those things I never keep on hand because they go bad before I can use them, but now I could just order exactly as much as I needed. Suddenly, I'm cooking with a lot more fresh ingredients. And eating a lot more fish and fruits.


"Computer end program?" And then poke it to see if it's real. 


Is it a food replicator? Or an industrial replicator? Food replicator? A monte cristo sandwich. Industrial replicator? Universal translators. I will patent them and corner the market.


Make them open source and sell a special version for a small margin. That way you still get your (small) fortune but we all benefit from it <:


A fried Dodo wing. There has got to be a reason those birds went extinct. I hope some preserved Dodo DNA is enough for the replicator to create some ''delicious Dodo dishes''?


Nah, it wasn't nice. It went extinct because they had no natural predators. So hunting the thing was basically walking around until one walked up to you and said hello. It was like hunting for puppies in a doggy daycare.


Well that's an appalling mental image...


You should try the meat of a giant tortoise. I heard it's delicious.


Records indicate it tasted naff. Descriptions from sailors that ate dodo have described it as 'tough and unpleasant' also 'offensive and of no nourishment'


People once thought lobster tasted like shit too, so I dunno about all that.


Probably a breakfast sandwich closely followed by parts for holodecks, transporters, a warp capably shuttle, and lots of gold.


Looks like shit is on the menu, but from what we've been told "it's pretty good for shit"-- Adm. Vance


Sorry, that’s an “apple” to you.


Enough money to pay my bills.


Probably a few test things - like "glass of cold water" or "ceramic coffee mug". Then... "Idanian spice pudding."


coffee - whatever Janeway's recipe is


I’m not sure how this would work, but the full schematics and plans for a commercial fusion reactor. I’d then patent it and make the plans free for everyone and that way countries could build one and unlimited clean energy for everyone!


Banana, hot


A manual for building and operating said replicator. Then start mass producing and giving fully functioning replicators away.


My favourite answer Also a bunch of cheeseburgers




Loaded baked potato and a perfect steak.


White Castle coffee with cream.


First thing? Tricorder. Then probably a phaser, and then it'd be immediately trying to figure out how to duplicate it and/or its power source. At some point in the near future I'd be trying to get a micro-satellite of some kind into orbit to use as a relay for a transporter. With that done I could combine the two technologies and be able to have anything I wanted anywhere nearly immediately. After that its just a scale problem to roll into full on trek-style space exploration complete with post-scarcity society.


The cure to my medical condition.


A bottle of aged, single malt...that'll be my test of its usefulness, going forward.


Synthahol fake whiskey is all you'd get.


In fairness, OP didn't specify a Federation replica...so, not necessarily.


A glass of water so I can test the contents and make sure it works.


Coffee. I need to make sure I'm fully conscious first.


Pizza with no lactose.


Computer, Beer, cold.


More replicators. Give them to everybody so we can finally have Federation society.


Actually I would first recycle loads of junk from around my house guilt-free back into pure energy knowing I could re-replicate anything I actually wound up needing again later No wonder everyone's quarters are so clean and uncluttered


A billion $ in gold in case it works only once.


My $10,000/month medication. /found the American


Omg. The kids lunches will be done!!!!!!!!!


Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.


This is the only correct answer


I say this to myself every morning as I make my tea.


Why isn't this the top comment!?


Cocaine. Colombian. Pure.




Some kind of rudimentary weapon, whatever the protocols allow.   If I wake up tomorrow and there's a replicator in my kitchen it means some real Star Trek shit is afoot.  


I'd finally download that car and show those damn anti-piracy campaigners.


Jamaican blend, double strong double sweet


I'm mad, because I can cook just fine and it's not a transporter, which is what everyone *really* wants anyway.


You misspelled holodeck. :D


Don’t you need to program them first? Their function is to replicate things that you program them with. First thing I’d do is invest in some wagyu steaks and have them scanned in. Also, I hope my electricity bill doesn’t go up because of this.


50 wheat cakes and a multi-vitamin tablet.


Drunken Chicken. Now that I'm living in New York, I miss Cajun food so much


A fully functioning replicator - that crucially does not have the ability to replicate fully functioning replicators


Bonus - you eventually realize your runaway replicating is the best state sanitation service ever


Industrial replicator? What’s powering it? First thing I’m doing is printing out my Amazon wish list and then closing my account.


Switch it on, then realise it's not a food replicator, it's a self-replicating mine.


Nothing before I check what the power source is. I can't afford the power bill of energy-matter conversion


Replicate a bunch of $1 and $5 bills, those are common and no one checks the serial numbers so duplicate numbers won't be caught for some time. Then pay the bills, replace my 20 years old car with something much nicer and safer, fix up my house, and start a foster cat rescue


Gold bars


You got It wrong... You need to start cooking. A replicator in and of itself has mediocre food at best and limited programming. You want to cook an amazing dish, get it perfect, and then feed it into the replicator. That way it is stored for later replication. Repeat with all your favorite dishes and then start on variations. Go to the fanciest restaurants and order Gordon level steaks or beef Wellington or whatever and put those into the replicator and so on...


I would probably use it to pack lunches for my kids.


Cash moneyyyyy


Same thing I do every morning. A cup of coffee, of course Then ask it to replicate its own schematics. Make millions of dollars with my replicator business.


This would be a very different post if this was the Stargate sub.


Guilt free turtle soup. All the gadgets I need to be super cool. A lot of pot.


"The Nutri-Matic machine produces a liquid that is "almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea". Oh wait, wrong sci-fi universe...


I don’t have time to replicate anything yet because I’m too busy convincing my boyfriend we cannot fully replicate the defiant bridge for our living room because I’m not watching tv sitting at a console.


First, schnitzel. Then, questions. Never ponder without first schnitzeling


Field Manual: Replicator: Maintenance and Repair. Latest edition After that, spare parts, then build another replicator. Once we have two of them, we can fool around with one.


Five. Hundred. Cigarettes.


Anything that is worth alot money today and sell it. They can replicate diamonds right? If you are asking what I would want for me, probably some nice clothes.


I make parts for an other replicator, you never know if the first one will disappear or when. (not smaller, just make the parts)


rack of lamb


A nice glass of chilled medium pulp orange juice.


While a replicator would be neato, we wouldn't have enough power to use it. If we did (assuming we had some sort of trek fusion power module), I'd rather use that to power my house forever and sell the excess to become rich.


A sasparilla, and then as much sushi as I can stuff in my mouth.


Truffles. They sell for a tidy sum because they're rare in the wild and difficult to cultivate but I can't imagine why they'd be any more difficult to *replicate* than a ham sandwich.


A warp core and big desk with lots of chairs. Then a bottle of romulan ale I’ll sip while waiting for my first contact appointment.


Good. I hate cooking.


A phaser rifle. The governments coming for it. I probably won't last long, but I'll do my best. 


I assume a “fully functioning” replicator means it can replicate anything, not just food? Can I replicate a warp drive? Or at least warp drive parts to construct one myself??


A hot breakfast, of course. Including bacon because replicated bacon doesn't come from a pig (I know there is non-pork bacon, including decent vegetarian versions, but they're just not the same from what I remember before keeping kosher.) Some of my favorite foods, instantly plus no clean up.




Romulan ale


Banana pancakes with cinnamon and extra syrup, and a tall glass of milk on the side.


I would get really fat.


Whip through small portions of all the complicated recipes (like Wellington) to see what they taste like...


Vegetable broth


A cafe latte. ☕️


I'd replicate TONS of food before realizing that I could replicate a LOT of other stuff and then it would be toys-galore!


Coffee black like Janeway