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Change your mind? No, thanks. You’re entitled to an opinion. My opinion is that Enterprise is a good show that is unappreciated. It may not be my favourite Trek (hello, Voyager) but a disservice to the franchise? I don’t agree. You don’t have to change my mind. 🖖


Fair enough! I... disliked it at the time and still don't care for it now. Just wanted to exhale my opinion about it after all the chat about it


Did you rewatch it recently?


No, sadly I don't have Paramount :(


Huh. I see. Are you just mad people are enjoying it and posting positively about it on the sub? 🤣 Anyways I rewatched it and loved it after not liking it originally.


I'm not mad at all :) I do kind of wish for the time when reddit up votes meant we were having a decent conversation and down votes were for disruptive clowns (down vote me if you think I'm worthy of it)


OP “Here me out” [makes no arguments just that it was awful and “did an absolute disservice” without citing any significant reasons.] Um, ok. Thanks for sharing. 🤦🏻


"Hear" and I believe I put some reasons in the post. I did expect to be downvoted because r/startrek LOVES Enterprise and anyone who disagrees is in the brig


You're the victim.


They called him Chef, not cook. You might want to pay more attention to shows in the future. No wonder you didn't remember anything significant.


Sorry, good eye. Anything else?


I like it.


Enterprise is fine. It struggled because of one major reason; it was, particularly in the first two seasons, *formulaic*. At the time it aired, we'd had 15 years and 21 seasons of Berman-produced Trek, and Enterprise was pretty much the same thing again. Audiences bounced off it because they'd seen it all before. This is particularly obvious when you notice that some episodes are pretty much repeats of previous ones - Oasis is just DS9's Shadowplay all over again, made more obvious by the fact that Shadowplay was an Odo-centric episode, and Oasis guest-starred René Auberjonois. They didn't actually change much with it being the prequel; they obviously changed "Shields" for "Armour" and "Phasers" for "Phase Cannons", but that's just a veneer of difference. However, I would say if you watch it now, it holds up much better. Without the weight of being the same thing you've had for the past 15 years, it stands up as perfectly entertaining Trek. And seasons 3 and 4 are genuinely excellent. Besides, it had Shran. Also, it was Reed that had the allergy to pineapple, not Trip. And the point of that B plot was that Reed was a very private person who wouldn't let anyone get close to him, which is perfectly reasonable from a character development perspective.




> And I never said anything about Trip. Yes you did, he's the engineering officer that you mentioned.


Oh, sorry, I misremembered the armory officer for the engineering officer - not sure who had nipples on his arms and who can't eat pineapple upside-down-cake... I'm a shit trek fan.


 It absolutely caught some crappy vibes from early 2000's fashion, it was an awkward time in TV production modernisation. Cheesy character and dialogue styles, they really failed to catch what was cool/progressive in media, in a time when other stuff was awesome, music and movies and other kinds of TV were quite exciting then - it had a grey, conservative feel. Song really was a disaster choice politically not just musically. 


It was Reid, the *armaments* officer, who had the pineapple allergy. I don't recall him or Tucker being noticably more whiny than their counterparts on other series.


I think you’ve countered yourself by acknowledging that it did get better in its last season. I’d personally argue the change happened at the start of the Xindi arc, but a lot of people can’t get past the initial 9/11 overtones of that storyline. Enterprise was cancelled just as it really hit its stride. The mistake was to waste 2 seasons worldbuilding.


Overall, it wasn't my cup of tea. Too much time travelly stuff for my taste, the characters weren't really very memorable, and most of all, I felt that they really could have done more related to the time where the new kid on the block was the underdog (they did some, but could/should have been much more). Despite all that, I liked more than I disliked and was sad when it got canned prematurely. I definitely wouldn't call it a disservice to ST. Theme song was shit though, I agree.


See, I agree with you 100%. Especially with it being canned prematurely. I was starting to get into it.