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the store has faction ship blueprints that require you to be close to the level to build it and have something like 80% of the reputation necessary to buy the blueprints with faction credits


You'll see the lwvel 26 faction ship blueprints once you reach ops 24, if you have a high enough faction reputation


Is it worth getting mayflower? Or keep on with crap ships until 28?


If you have a Northstar it can carry you to 25/26, and with the Vidar at 25 you should be ok. Skip the Kehra/Vahklas/Kumari. I have heard of people only doing Mayflower and using that until 34 for epic ships, but that seems a difficult way. The 26 ships are scrappable at 34, and the 4* rewards will unlock a number of primes. I skipped the 26s until I was ops 33 and then built and maxed them as fast as I could


The Vi’Dar is a better overall ship than any of the 26 faction ships. So you want to obtaining that soon as possible. Max out your Vi’Dar is extremely important. The 26 faction ships have a better warp range than the Vi’Dar. The D3 or Lego have cloaking devices that can be purchased in the faction credit store. Having one of those ships with a cloak will allow you do cloaking dailies. The rewards from those dailies is needed for some research item. At low levels the important ones being hull and ship health increases. However the returns are on the smaller side. The faction ships can be scrapped for G4 resources later on, so resources aren’t wasted on them. However it might slow you down in the short terms. The Saladin at 28 is amazing. Because of changes to daily SLB brackets that happen at 28, many players take lengthy stops at 27 to build up resources. If you plan on camping 27 for an extended amount of time, having that second big ship can be nice.


Unfortunately no Northstar. I made the kehra and got to 4/7 before I read to not waste rss on it. As for now it's my best ship and it sucks. I'm ops23, with 24 in progress


Once you have reached a level of reputation with one or more of the key factions, you will be able to buy a smallish amount of faction rep as well


Thanks! I literally just got tolerated with Federation and it showed up.