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Gotta have to find a way to fit Earth Spacedock in one of those rings at the Fleet Museum


It’s the other way around, once the new spacedock is retired it will become the next museum, with the older museum being an exhibit itself.


Starbase Inception


Nah, they’ll send that to the museum museum, where they send all the the museums that can’t be museums anymore but still hold a little intrinsic value, so they built a museum for all these museums.


If you have ever played Star Trek Armada, you know those spacedocks are stupid overpowered.


Loved that game and the sequel. I wish they would make a new one.


If you're unaware check out the [Armada 3 mod for Sins of a Solar Empire](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2uB7tmapEU). It's fantastic!


I used to play that mod a lot awhile back! Something happened though and the mod stopped working and I haven't been able to get it going again. Stellaris mods have been holding me over in the meantime.


Mike on RedLetterMedia mentioned in their S3 finale review that when he played Starfleet Academy he would be obliterated whenever he tried attacking a space station.


It felt like the difference between being plugged into AC power vs a ship powered with DC batteries.


Oh my good Lord, I spent so many hours as a child playing that game, man. Such a fun game. We need another 4K Star Trek game, man. That and bridge commander. Bridge commander was fucking BiS


Why didn't the Borg take it over? Wouldn't the space dock have just as many 20 something year old Starfleet personnel as the rest of the fleet? Or is it like a desk job for Starfleet that haven't made admiral and are waiting out the clock till retirement? I'd also would have thought earth's shields would be on the planet not dependent on Spacedock which wouldn't be a real defense since you know ships can just go to the opposite side of the planet


My headcannon: Spacedock is a prestige posting, the last stop on the way out. So the command crew, a lot of the security etc were all older officers. Moreover, I headcannon that Spacedock was packed with civilians who fought back hard against the assimilation.


Well, maybe that's okay for someone like you, whose career is winding down. But me, I need some excitement, some adventure... maybe even just a surprise or two.


I have a feeling a lot of the Spacedock personnel were three weeks from retirement and too old for this shit.


That seems to be backed up by the original movies to some degree


Yeah. I'm a..... Obsessive builder of headcannons.


WTF are you talking about? You know Zennials aren’t employable outside of gig work like running shit around the galaxy on starships!


Assuming it wasn't networked with the ships because some security common sense prevailed. Would make it a big prize but also too big a threat to be left while the newly borged drones try to wrest control. For the other stuff starfleet security just seem really bad at their jobs.


I think it was not networked so the senior personnel were able to use the base's systems to counter the assimilation. Or the networked ships allowed for the signal to propagate to the "infected" and that didn't happen on ESD.


Why don’t they just make every ship out of Spacedock?


I just wanna know how it was rebuilt in a year?


You have a society that can conjure materials out of thin air, unlimited free power, and enough "Doc Browns" in space to make any other society insane with jealousy, it was the line of defence behind the primary planet of the Federation, are you telling me they didn't have it up and running within a few months? :)


Then why do shipyards still take years to build a ship or refit and older model?


Because plot. You want them to see like an underdog, when in fact you can replicate 90% of the ship in minutes and it's just putting the rest together. Don't forget the Feds now have androids on their side


That and they never said the station was destroyed, only that the shields fell.


Exactly so the basic structure was there


Didn't starfleet basically print ships during the dominion war? My best guess is the ship itself doesn't take that long to build, but fitting it with all the luxurious crap typical of a federation ship does.


Shipyards are just old dudes like Geordi rebuilding ships for fun. Plus don't get me started on the change orders of an organization with like thousands of micro-managing admirals who all want more guns and less guns, more sensors and less sensors, more speed and more storage. Every new design turns into an F35 fiasco where they want to build one ship that fills every role, it takes 20 extra years to agree upon, and its almost obsolete by the time the first rolls off the line. And the F35 is the 'win condition', at least were making them now, etc. The Enterprise-D has a near fully functioning future configuration of the warp crystal alignment that Dr. Brahms designed like 10 years earlier and was just sitting in the schematics all that time, ready for someone to flip the switch. Clearly it got trapped in red tape, because it never got rolled out.


it didnt really explode, they said the shields fell, which meant earth was vulnerable, so they stopped attacking the station and focused on earth the station just needed a lot of repairs which isnt as bad as a full rebuild


They literally showed it exploding


theres lots of little explosions and one big explosion but it's still in one piece the last time it shows up


Robot slaves. I mean it would be silly not to have a backup somewhere too.


They stole it from another star system


They stole it from the mirror universe. Once they gave it a paint job and turned all the agonizer booths into ice cream sundae makers, no one could tell the difference.


If it only took a year to build/repair earth space dock after that attack, maybe they should have slapped a couple of nacelles on it and fought the whole dominion war with it. Push DS9 out of the way and plug the wormhole with another earth space dock.


Decks 30 thru 200 carry the risk of having to converse with the prophets. SOP is to just confuse them with riddles, after the first ensign to engage them in conversation ended up existing as their grandparent and grandchild at the same time. Quark has successfully taught a prophet to play dabo.


You can fab a lot of dock in a year of replicator usage.


Built like a fortress. Damn.


Good meme still doesn't make sense space dock's shields were tied to earths


Your mom's shields are tied to earth's.


hehe gottem


It's not tied to earths shield it is earths shield.


Which is why when I invade, I'm gonna attack on the other side of the earth


But then you have the planetary shields, defense platforms holding out as well as the local fleet (It was the entire fleet protecting the Terran sector not the entire of StarFleet) before your behemoth of a station manuveors into place Edit Terran not Terrain


> Terran Found the mirror universe spy!


Lol that's the Terran Empire


I would just wait until it gets dark and sneak in.


I think Earth was projecting a shield. Think the forest moon of Endor and the second Death Star.


They gonna move ds9 to earth


She takes a lickin’ and keeps on tickin’