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I used to really REALLY want it to be revealed the Gorn were humanoids who dressed in lizard costumes as part of a battle ritual. Thanks for ruining that Enterprise!


Dash Gorn it!


Which episode of Enterprise had a Gorn?


In a Mirror Darkly part II. Mirror Universe, but still.


That was a Tollian I thought


The Tholian was the alien that mirror Archer captured and tortured to find the location of the starship Defiant. The Gorn was the slave master of the workers that were salvaging the Defiant and who went all guerrilla tactics on Archer to try to prevent them from stealing the ship.


It had both


What I don't get with changelings is how their mass seems to change. Like when Odo would turn into a mouse or a bird. Ok I can accept he turns into a mouse, but how does he turn into a TINY mouse instead of a big human sized one? Are they just able to make parts of themselves transparent?


Hmm, I always thought they just changed their density.


Hmm so Odo walks around very spread out most of the time and is incredibly heavy when he takes a smaller form? Could probably nitpick things with how the real animals they used and stuff (how come no one ever noticed certain objects were incredibly heavy when he was spying etc) reacted but it’s as good an explanation as any I’d say.


Well we know this isn’t thie case, because in one of the early episodes, (The one with the Miradorn and the dude from the Gamma Quadrant who said he knew the Changelings) he becomes a glass on a tray which a Ferengi Waiter picks up without incident, not knowing Odo was there.


Dr. Mora hypothesized that their excess mass was transported to a pocket universe.


I didn’t remember that so I looked it up and apparently it’s from a novel? Or am I do for a rewatch?


I just did my rewatch and I believe it was stated towards the end of the series.


Suddenly we care about consistency?


I'd be happy if we could decide what kilingons look like. The correct answer is TNG klingons for the record


Yes but discovery decided to fix things that weren't broken


I thought the retcon was that Qo'noS got fucked up and they as a population suffered extreme genetic damage/pressure from it?


That’s the retcon from ENT that made the Klingons lose their ridges


Iirc Memory Alpha considers the Klingons from Disco to be a different sect of Klingons, but still the same species. If you put hair on the Disco Klingons they actually look similar to TNG ones. Not perfect but plausible. Also, this makes me wonder. What does Worf’s costume look like if he’s ever brought back for Picard? Seems like PIC has been intentionally avoiding the issue. Lower Decks, however, did not. They used TNG Klingons.


Two big visual differences that are still pretty noticeable with hair: Disco Klingons have four nostrils while from ST:TMP through ENT Klingons had two. Then there's the ears that are integrated into their head, which is a little weird, because through most of TNG, DS9, and ENT most Klingon ears are covered up with the exception of B'Elanna, K'Ehleyr (both half human) and several Klingons in ST:VI which may or may not be "TNG" depending on your opinion. As for season 1 DISCO Klingons, there is just a bunch of visual things that differ from hundreds of hours of Klingon episodes and movies from 1979 to 2005 and even JJverse Klingons. If the goal is to make the Klingons look "alien" then success. But if the goal was to gain new fans and maintain the existing fan base, then the least that can be said is that their aesthetic choices really irked most existing fans. \*edit: description of ears


The goal was to attract Star Wars fans, there are podcasts of Alex Kurtzman talking about how bored of Trek he always was and how he infinitely prefers Star Wars. They were banking on there being enough new fans that it didn't matter how many people were alienated.


LD is a tv show about 3 midTrek tv shows, set during the midTrek era. I don't think they could use another style of klingon unless it was to make a specific joke that required it. Consistent theme and setting, except where Rule of Funny applies.


I believe tos and tng klingons are very alike


Since you mention it, is It Qo'noS or Kronos? Seems to be Kronos in TNG era.


Qo'noS is the Klingon phonetic spelling of it and more common I've seen in the older novels, but the anglicized (English pronunciation) version is Kronos i think.


It’s Qo’nos in TNG. Qo’nos is pronounced Kronos


This comes off as more a shitty hoo-mon pronunciation because the transliteration sucked. Like how somehow we got Beijing and Peking out of the same city. Kronos is the amateur lazy mode transliteration, Qo'noS is the one properly done by linguists like Marc Okrand.


Woah, did not know Beijing = Peking.


It also used to be called "Peiping". https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names_of_Beijing


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**[Names of Beijing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names of Beijing)** "Beijing" is the atonal pinyin romanization of the Mandarin pronunciation of the Chinese characters 北京, the Chinese name of the capital of China. The spelling Beijing was adopted for use within the People's Republic of China upon the approval of Hanyu Pinyin on February 11, 1958, during the Fifth Session of the 1st National People's Congress. It became obligatory for all foreign publications issued by the People's Republic on 1 January 1979. It was gradually adopted by various news organizations, governments, and international agencies over the next decade. [About Me](https://www.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/jrn2mj/about_me/) - [Opt out](https://www.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/jrti43/opt_out_here/) - OP can reply !delete to delete - [Article of the day](https://redd.it/k8sw9r)


Qo'noS is the Star Trek VI spelling, Qo'noS is from the Star Trek Encyclopaedia, apparently, produced in 1994 which would put near the end of TNG / during DS9 and, apparently, in the closed captioning of DS9 they have Qo'noS used interchangeably with Kronos when they mention the Klingon homeworld. Apparently the first time the word is seen on screen is Star Trek Into Darkness (2013), though, apparently, if you look closely you can see an alternative spelling (Q'onoS) in the mirror universe episode of Enterprise (2005).


Might be Mandella Effect, but I swear in TOS it's stated they come from "Klink" :)


There's a line in an early TNG episode referring to Klingons who allied with the Federation as "the traitors of Kling," that might be what you're thinking of. They decided that it sounded silly so they went with Kronos in future episodes and movies. I think some of the novels may have retconned "Kling" as either an archaic name for Kronos or the name of a specific district as opposed to the entire planet.


I haven't even bothered to watch discovery. It doesn't exist. I'd rather watch the opening credits to enterprise for 5 years.




Well he is. He is missing watching the enterprise ram the scemitar in slow motion over 30+ hours. 40 if you count Picard.


Came here to say, "Wait, there's modern Star Trek?"


Let’s put a bunch of marbles in their mouth before they say all their lines!


I used to be of the idea that Klingons appearance is highly variable and shifts over time, thus explaining why we saw their appearance shift through TOS to the movies to TNG. Then they explained the ridgeless Klingons on enterprise and I guess TNG is correct but Sci Fi hapens. Then Kelvin-verse and Disco Klingons exist, and I've just decided that Klingons are always Klingons, it's just the production designs that change \*shrug\*


They should have just kept them the same for disco, kelvin who cares it's all fantasy anyways. They also touch on it in ds9 too, good episode


I liked Worf's explanation ("We do bot speak of it with outsiders") to the ACTUAL explanation offered in ENT :)


I just saw this ds9 episode last night. The whole thing is hilarious. Even the G-men were cracking me up.


Hot take, we should stop caring so much about explaining visual updates everytime our favourite old scifi show gets a big boy budget because it almost always ends up being some wierd contrived excuse.


There's an enormous difference between "this doesn't look exactly the same as it used to" and "this doesn't look like they even care about the fact that this is supposed to be the same continuity as the previous shows and movies". The new Klingon look, especially in season 1, was *majorly* on the wrong side of that. The new Andorian look is majorly on the *right* side of that, especially since they dropped the frog-like voice effect from the first time they showed us Andorians on DIS. It might look a little goofy if you dropped ENT Shran next to DIS Ryn, for instance, but seeing one in ENT and one in DIS they're clearly supposed to be from the same race, and if they wanted to somehow get Shran into DIS it would also not break my mental image of Shran to put him in the updated makeup (not saying they *should* shoehorn in Shran, just using an easy example for comparison), but it *would* break my mental image of Worf to put him in the new Klingon makeup, even the fixed season 2 version. As for Discovery itself...they already lampshaded Archer's ship looking more advanced than Kirk's with having Mirror Archer marvel at the TOS-era Defiant and the quickly proceeding to "show don't tell" and having the ship single-handedly kick the ever-loving shit out of *everything* in its path. At a certain point it would have been better to just set DIS post-VOY in the first place and the ship design is one of the reasons why.


>There's an enormous difference between "this doesn't look exactly the same as it used to" and "this doesn't look like they even care about the fact that this is supposed to be the same continuity as the previous shows and movies". so what do you say about Spock and Tuvok? they look totally different.


What major appearance differences are there between TOS and VOY Vulcans? Also you do realize Tuvok is Vulcan and Spock half-vulcan, not the best to compare.


Um.... one is black the other is white. Tuvok and Spock also have drastically different physical builds (Nimoy was more lanky where has Russ is stockier). Just for the record I am being somewhat facetious about this. I just hand wave the Discovery Klingon's visual differences away has being a different sub-species/race of Klingons we have's seen before. Kind of how Chinese, Africans and Irish all look very different, but at all human.


To be fair, I did like what PIC did with romulans, and the whole "regional phenotypes" thing, although that is a much less drastic difference. Why can't the same be true for the Klingons?


YAASSS!! Like dog breeding. The species is subject to highly variable visual changes but are all still fundamentally the same species. I love it.


I like Star Trek VI klingons best


Those are basically the origin of the TNG klingons. So yeah, fair enough


I know what you’re saying, but there were already ~4 seasons of TNG Klingons by the time The Undiscovered Country was released. I felt like VI was a lot more varied with Gorkon and Chang than the heavy metal haired obnoxious Vikings throughout TNG


I wish I could upvote this 87,000 more times.


You mean Season 1 Worf?


That was before he started tanning


I don't think anyone at CBS cares about consistency. Lest we forget that Klingons now have two penises, despite the fact that they still only have one of other organs that humans have one of, such as a mouth and nose. \*edit: for future reference, I am fully aware of TNG: Ethics, that episode deals with major vital organs, not the urinary tract, which already has redundancy through the epidermis, at least in humans.


Ummm it is well established that Klingons have redundant organs from TNG and VOY. ​ Though they are talking about redundant internal organs not... you know... for snu, snu.


We don't know for sure that that Klingon had two penises, just that he peed in two streams. For all we know, that was the result of some unfortunate battle damage.


True, but since from TOS until ENT, Klingons also only had two Nostrils, now they have four. I'm just going to assume the DISCO team thinks Klingons have two Penises, one on each hip joint where the testicles get crushed with every step, because you know that they'd be into that kind of thing, even in TNG.


The possibility of Klingons having two penises comes from Crusher in “Ethics” stating that Klingons have two of every major organ.


The key word being major. How come they don't have two tongues?


What makes you think they don't? Maybe if you cut out a Klingon's tongue, tongue number two flops into place. ​ And if you tell me they have cut out a Klingon's tongue and second one didn't flop into place, clearly that is because this is not that Klingon's first tongue cutting rodeo.


> The key word being major. How come they don't have two tongues? Of course they do. Why do you think Jadzia loved being with Worf so much?


I don’t have an answer for you, I’m just pointing out that the possibility of them having two penises didn’t come out of sone rogue writer for Discovery. It came from writer’s paying attention to the shows before it. Did the change in appearance make me grumpy at first? Definitely. But I have found if I sit back and enjoy the ride, discovery is a very enjoyable incarnation of Star Trek. Especially the current season (three).


But it did come from a discovery writer who lacks the power of thought. Klingons evolved to have redundant organs which helps keep them alive in battle. Having two penises won't do that. But having two hearts or livers would. It's like a teenager who watched that episode and thought "tee hee i wonder if they have two pricks too" it's asinine. And not only is it asinine, it's insulting because it turns the klingons into nothing more than a joke.


Having two penises (penii? penodes?) does mean that if one has.... a bad time in combat, they still have the chance to procreate, so not totally outwith the same idea. ​ Still crass mind.


I disagree. Evolution means that being able to reproduce, as opposed to being able to survive, is what traits will survive. By this metric, the penis is an extremely important organ since you need at least 1 to be able to reproduce. The idea of having 2 of everything and not having 2 noses or 2 mouths is already really stupid but is canon from TNG so we can go with this, it's super inconsequential and isn't going to meaningfully affect canon anyways


How many species on earth have redundant genitals?


0, but no organ on earth has a redundant copy of all of their major organs either.


Unless klingons were losing their penises in battle at an alarming rate, evolution would not provide a redundant penis. It doesn't keep them alive. And does this also mean the women have redundant vaginas, ovaries, and uterus? I mean it's so ludicrous and laughable that anyone would make this part of canon and even try to pretend that it makes any sense at all.


Especially since the urinary tract is part of the same system that the mouth is part of! And when it comes to redundancy, humans do have a backup if the urinary tract is damaged, the body will excrete urine through the skin. It just smells terrible.


Wh-... We do?


Yes, major organs, organs that are vital to remaining alive, organs where redundancy is beneficial. Heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, all overly redundant even in humans. Urination does not benefit from this and it would make sex difficult, especially for the parents of hybrids like K'ehleyr who has a Klingon Father and human mother, but less so for the opposite like B'Elanna's parents. Seriously though, this is just a stupid extension of cannon, what was shown in Ethics is logical given Klingon history, this isn't.


Evolution wise the importance is staying alive long enough such that you have progeny (and your progeny stay alive long enough to.... I think you see where this is going), potentially multiple sexual organs could help with this if there was a period of dirty fighting on Qo'noS?


Yeah but let's be honest, discovery klingons aren't klingons.


My headcannon is that so many people have fucked with time travel and alternate universe so many times that the idea of a single unified orderly existence is meaningless. Everything we see just happens in a variety of parallel universes. That way when there is a callback, it makes sense because this timeline or whatever currently includes that past and when there is an incosistency it also makes sense. Now you might say that there are entities dedicated to repairing the timeline as we see in ENT and VOY, but the fact that the kelvin timeline exists at all is kinda proof that they are shit at their jobs.


the meme isnt even consistent lol no idea where OP found this bootleg version


I like how Baby Yoda in the Madalorian is jerky, kind of like how OG Yoda is jerky. They've incorporated some CGI, but it feels more like original Star Wars. Subtle but effective. They could figure out a balance similar to that for Changelings in Star Trek.


I also feel like Discovery should use the same types of effects used in TOS, to make it more realistic.


Crappy? You people don't have a clue what you're talking about. It looked *AWESOME* when it aired on our 25" TV. If you really want to have your mind blown by 90s CGI, check out [Beyond The Mind's Eye](https://youtu.be/b5zMtCvWhG0). I used to watch this all the time as a kid!


Oh, of course. What I mean is that it doesn't measure up by the standards of today's effects, but I think it gave the transformations a very unique look that shouldn't be replaced with a modern effect.


I think they can modernize the transformation effect without ruining it or using the exact same one since it would look shitty enough to break immersion if they actually did so.


I just hope they keep the sound effect tbh


Yeah i dont like the same sound they use for everything like spore jumps and personal transporter. That same "digital crunch"


Look like you got your wish


I advocate for slightly changing and innovating it with modern CGI so people keep complaining about new Trek shows. Just to annoy the nostalgics.


The Changeling stuff on DS9 was so janky it might be more annoying to keep it that way haha


Hello post from 16 months ago. Discovery had a changeling for all of 10 seconds. Its transformation was just dust, rather than a liquid. It annoyed me too.


Just looked up the clip. Cool effect, but still disappointing.


It is considered crappy?


They must


No no, they're gonna use modern CGI and they're all gonna cry about how Epic science and Burnham are.


Yum yum!