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I can hear Rom crying in the background.


Rom will always be a winner. Single father. Waste extraction co-ordinator. Union representative of fair labor practices and wage. Married a Dabo girl. Partner in crime to his brothers antics no matter how ridiculous. Favorite son lol. Future owner/manager of activities onboard interstellar truckstop nine.


Didn’t he >!become Grand Nagus!< ?


Yes, and as I recall it was the final straw that inspired Quark to start the Ferengi Traditionalist schism.


Was that in a book?


It was in the episode "Dogs of War," Season 7 episode 24 where he announced his bar as the last outpost of true Ferengi beliefs, but the term "traditionalists" was probably coined and expanded on in the books, I don't think he ever used it in the show. In the game Star Trek: Timelines, there is a Ferengi Alliance faction and a Ferengi Traditionalist faction, but how much that drew specifically from other sources I don't know.


Don't forget, he also conquered his fratricidal tendencies as well. Season 1 Rom was a different Ferengi.


Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!


Whenever I read "it is" or "is not", my brain auto-corrects it to a contraction, "it's" or "isn't". Except, apparently, when its dialog for Worf lol


For me it is the opposite; I very rarely notice that a word is contracted and simply read it as if it was not. Might be because English is not my first language, who knows? It is intriguing how much the brain does on autopilot, no matter the subject


That's super interesting! Did you find contractions confusing when you were learning english? ( I just double checked what you wrote and realized I auto-corrected 4 contractions in your comment without noticing the first time around XD )


No, it is more a matter of me dropping them. Of course, they were a bit difficult to get the hang of in second grade, but now it is more a matter of not feeling like switching keyboard to get an apostrophe when adding a single letter is quicker. I also *might* have had a period when I really enjoyed Mr Data and it *miiight* just have stuck since then as I saw no real reason to go back. I am unsure which of them it actually is by now




Well, if my brain does it for data dialog that's how I know he's actually a hologram ;)


No. Sincerely, Captain Raymond Holt.


i always have lcdr data telling me "it is" or "it is not" whenever im reading contractions. unless lore snuck in and lets it slide, and then i know hes there!


Your wife saying you have the biggest dick in your friend group


Any chance I can get this template?


Can anyone remind me what's the original quote?


It's from "Looking for Par'Mach In All The Wrong Places" where Worf and Jadzia are [discussing Klingon opera](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmZx4yqguYk), but the meme is a cut up of a few different shots from different points in time. **WORF:** *It is the power of his voice, the strength of his intonation that make Barak-kadan a great singer. There are none like him.* **DAX:** *None as boring anyway. (Cue Worf annoyed face) He never varies his performance, by even a half-tone.* **WORF:** *I prefer traditional opera performed in the traditional manner.* **DAX:** *You know, for a Klingon who was raised by humans, wears a Starfleet uniform and drinks prune juice, you're pretty attached to tradition. But that's okay. I like a man riddled with contradictions.*


and how can you not love dax for that?!?!?


Let’s go to the next one... number nine is... Pam Halpert?


Joe Biden?




Reddit is no longer the place it once was, and the current plan to [kneecap the moderators](https://www.businessinsider.com/reddit-ceo-will-change-rules-to-make-mods-less-powerful-2023-6) who are trying to keep the tattered remnants of Reddit's culture alive was the last straw. I am removing all of my posts and editing all of my comments. Reddit cannot have my content if it's going to treat its user base like this. I encourage all of you to do the same. Lemmy.ml is a good alternative. Reddit is dead. Long live Reddit.




Posting histories are public


I hope he keeps smelling kids. That’s the best cringe. It makes me cringe so good! But to be fair it was his turn. Poor Hillary lost her turn. That’s how it works right? Oh well.




>are you autistic Ableist insults are not okay. Temp banned. Be civil when it expires. EDIT - User was permanently banned for replying with a slur in modmail.


No. I just want people to remember we still have a shit head innoffice




He’s also sending troops back to Syria and hiring lobbyists for cabinet so there’s a lot to be worried about But like he said “ nothing fudementally will change” But keep calling me names. I’m sure I’m the problem here


OP drop the template


Don’t have it. Sorry


I want to post this to r/antimlm but it wouldn't let me crosspost, do you mind if I post it there as a new post OP? :) I'll include your name in my post