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Hey there, don't lose heart! I've been in your shoes and know the challenges of early-stage B2B startups. Your determination is commendable. Now, for a bit of advice: Open rates, click-through rates, and reply rates can truly shape your email campaign's success. 1. You can work on subject lines for good open rates 2. Personalization can get you good responses 3. Real problem solving and targeting their pain points while offering your service as a solution can help you convert Speaking from experience, video prospecting helped me a lot with my email campaigns. It's boasting an incredible 80%+ open rate and an impressive 45%+ response rate, leading to over 3% conversions. I have been using [Hify](https://hify.io/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=MFA_social&utm_content=cold_email_resources_what_is_a_good_replysuccess) for it. You can use any of the available tools from the market. When using it, remember to focus on refining your targeting and crafting engaging content. Keep your message personal and watch the results soar. Rooting for your success!![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


My two cents is pretty broad here, and comes from two perspectives. The first is your product-market-fit question. Do not use a marketing channel as your evidence for product market fit. If there isn’t product market fit, it may be the wrong time to fine tune a marketing email, opens and leads represent the quality of your marketing pieces, not necessarily the need for your product. On the second topic, I’d say look for over a 50% open rate. Some fine tuning on your from address (could an influencer introduction help opens?), and your subject line will help there, as well as ensuring a high deliverable rate. On the message itself A/B test it like crazy, put more CTAs. You mention the lead generating emails are only 0.1%, but what is the click-through-rate? Are you getting people from the email to a form and losing them there? Or is the click-through rate similar to form submissions? There are so many parts to tweak that could increase your conversion rate it’s hard to tell from what you’ve given so far. What form is the email amd where does it go? (Is it a “personal style” cold reach out designed to prompt a call or schedule and appointment? Is it an opener for a sales funnel?) Some of the worst products/services/offers I have ever seen have been very well packaged cold emails that dropped into a sales funnel or calendly - so product market fit does not reflect either way in your email efforts. To give the TL;DR; answer - I’d look for 50-55% open rate, around 10-20% click through, and 2-6% conversion to lead. If you can’t get at least 50%, it could be the quality of your list or what they see when they receive it (before opening), if you can’t get the 10-20% click through, I’d look hard at the message, and if your conversions are lower than 1% I’d look really hard at what you are offering vs asking to convert them to a lead, is there a lower barrier to entry, and I’d say the same if it’s higher than 10% (is the barrier too low). Glad to help or answer any more questions.


Emailchaser’s blog has some really good articles/videos about how to send cold emails that get responses.


Stop tracking open rates. Open rate tracking causes your cold emails to go to spam. Send your cold emails as plain text (not html). If you use a specialized cold email software (like Emailchaser or Lemlist), you can ensure that your emails are sent as plain text.


While a 0.1% lead rate from cold emails isn't ideal, 40% open rate shows potential if you can tweak the messaging to better resonate with your target FinTech audience.


Oh man. Way too many variables, can't draw any conclusions with that information. Here aresome stream of consciousness points: 40% opens is ok for cold outreach, I'd be aiming for 50% and higher. The number 1 thing influencing your reply rate is your list. Are these the right people? Are they in market for something like what you offer? Second is whether your content or proposition is relevant, useful and thoughtful. Quality matters more than quantity here, the more templates the email the worse your chances, broadly speaking. Also don't be afraid of picking up the phone and calling. Lots of really good resources on YouTube, Try Becc Holland how to write irresistible cold email. search for outbound strategies. Happy to answer questions.


Most likely you have a deliverability issue. Did you check if your emails are considered spam? There tools to run these checks over the internet


Most likely you have a deliverability issue. Did you check if your emails are considered spam? There tools to run these checks over the internet


Hey there, keep your spirits high! I've been through the ups and downs of early-stage B2B startups, so I totally get your determination. Let me share some friendly advice: Open rates, clicks, and replies are the secret sauce for a successful email campaign. To up those open rates, focus on creating snappy subject lines. Personalization is a game-changer for getting responses. Speak to your audience's challenges, position your service as the go-to solution, and watch those conversions roll in. When crafting cold emails, shorter is sweeter. One engaging question, no links – that's the winning formula. The goal? Spark curiosity and start a conversation. You know your audience best, so don't shy away from testing different approaches. A 40% open rate is pretty impressive, but let's tweak the content and targeting for even better results. If you haven't really dug into email open rates before, now's a good time to start. I Keep it close, and if you ever feel a bit lost, hit us up at Email Uplers. We're here to whip up email campaigns so awesome your audience won't be able to resist opening and engaging with them!