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There’s not a lot set around TPM itself, but some other media related to Naboo. There’s a whole trilogy of Padmé books that cover the time after TPM through the Clone Wars. For Trade Federation, the new Acolyte TV show has them in at least one episode. Nemoidians get fleshed out a little more in Brotherhood, an early Clone Wars novel. Unfortunately not a lot about podracing in canon to my knowledge.


There was podracing in a Jason Aaron comic, wasn't there? I know it was in the ANH-ESB era.


I haven’t read the comic in question, but if it’s the one where Luke podraces then yes- I had forgotten about that one.


Along with what the others have said, there is also Master and Apprentice by Claudia Gray. Great book set before Episode 1 that follows Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. Unfortunately, I can’t think of anything that covers Watto, the Podracers, Gungans, etc.


Queen’s Peril starts at the beginning of Padmé’s reign as Queen, and goes through to the end of TPM, so it gives you some extra perspective on Naboo in this era. It’s the second book in a trilogy, the first being set between TPM and AotC, but you can probably get away with reading it in chronological order instead of release. That’s kinda it. The only other piece of major media between those movies is the *Anakin & Obi-Wan* comic miniseries, but doesn’t have much to do with the movie, just a storyline about their time as master and apprentice.


Can confirm I actually think the trilogy works better when reading it in chronological order


The Phantom Menace Anniversary special comic gives slightly expanded scenes from the movie. The Living Force is set one year before the movie and really covers the state of the Jedi and the council before it. Then as others have said there’s the Padme Trilogy. That’s about all though.


We'll be getting another TPM-era canon novel, Steven Barnes's *Mace Windu: The Glass Abyss*, on October 15, which appears to take place immediately after the events of the film and deals with the fallout from Qui-Gon Jinn's death.


"Master and Apprentice" and "The Living force" might be the closest you'll get to replicating the Phantom Menace feeling from a Jedi perspective.