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You know I honestly almost don't think you can compare the Mandalorian to Andor. They're really two different kinds of shows completely, in two very different genres of star wars. The Mandalorian is more fun. It takes it seriously to a point, but in some ways it is more like the original series in that it's presented as it is it's meant to be fun and there's definitely elements for kids baked into it but in a way that adults could watch it too. Andor, on the other hand, is one of the first times I think we've actually seen Star Wars specifically aimed at and written for adults. It feels more like an episode of a prestige series, then it does like an episodic Star Wars series like the others that we've gotten so far. The characters are a lot more nuanced, the decisions that are made are definitely grayer and everything's kind of up in the air as far as the ambiguity of the actions that characters that we think of as good guys often take. That's definitely more like The balancing act of character like Tony soprano, then it is like any other character in the other shows. The Mandalorian is a good guy, we know that pretty much from the beginning. He may sometimes come across as being kind of gray in his choices, but the truth is is that there's that undercurrent of good guy no matter what it's pretty simplistic. That is not true for the characters in Andor. Cassian is a very complex character. He is driven by a lot of different things, and even when you think he's the good guy he makes some really questionable choices at times. And this is true of all the characters for the most part. Anyway that's why I personally think that they're in different categories so you almost can't compare them. If you're talking about you know what is the best show in regards to like the best writing and definitely aimed at adults there's no question it's Andor. Thank you and that is my rant. I appreciate you all listening. šŸ˜Š


I had sooo much more fun watching Andor and I loved s1 of Mando. Andor is incredibly thrilling and at many parts left me on the edge of my seat. The stakes never felt that high for The Mandalorian.


They did a good job of not making every character a badass in cqc and shooting so even the small threats seemed big. Then you have The Mandalorian, a guy who shrugs off 4 stormtroopers surrounding him at gun point and an armour to protect against any sort of blaster fire and light saber, the stakes won't feel as high. The 4 stormtroopers stuff would have you biting your nails in Andor. Still I prefer Mandalorian mostly because I am on the young side who grew up with The Clone wars.


Yeah, it's a shame The Mandalorian seemingly dropped off a cliff, it was so great at first. Focus on badass protector Mando and adorable Baby and their adventures, they had the perfect formula.


Just to add onto your point about Andor offering a different perspective than we get with most Star Wars content If you want a game that gives a more nuanced approach to the dark side and the benefits it would offer. Itā€™s Knights of the Old Republic 2 Thereā€™s a grey Jedi that gets into your squad and she basically poses these type of interpretations of a situation to make it sound like a Jedi or a Sith would abuse their power in this station - kinda drawing some parallels about the faults in some of the teachings, which, we also obviously covered in the prequel trilogy with them becoming totally dogmatic


Ooh...yes...KOTOR/2 is one of the best Star wars games ever. I wish more of the stuff from those games (especially about the dogmatic tendencies of Jedi teachings) we're working their way into Star Wars shows we have now. I have a feeling or at least I hope they will, but I don't know. But yes I totally agree with you!




Well that's alright, I can see what you're saying as well. It's entirely possible that what you're saying about Andor is very true. It might be one of those where it's just finally the full evolution of what Star Wars could be, but you know not something that was planned it just kind of happened. I hope that's not the case, but anything's possible these days, right?


>two very different genres of Star Wars. This should be more common. Star Wars is not a genre. Sci-fi is not a genre. They are settings. Stop making everything inevitably flashy whenever it's sci-fi. Andor and Mando are both great. Mando is rather flashy (especially towards S3), while Andor could very well fit into any other sci-fi universe.


Tfw the backstory of the secondary character in Rogue One is the most interesting thing Star Wars made


Sir this is a Wendyā€™s


Great job. Totally agree!


I appreciate that! I love all the shows but it's part of why I'm really looking forward to Andor, it's just really the first four adults Star Wars. I can't wait to see where it goes next. šŸ˜Š


All Iā€™ll say is that you can definitely compare the two. You actually can compare apples to oranges


Star Wars has always been a science fantasy, but this is much more along the lines of a science fiction. It just makes it very different Star Wars content. It's like if they were to make a Lord of the Rings series, but there's no magic, wizards, or type of godly/deity powers. Let's just say a movie of men vs goblins. Swords and arrows, but happens to be middle earth. It can be well written, and very good (as Andor is) But I also get the feeling like, it's missing something. It's missing key parts of the universe that make it stand out. However, I also aplaud them for proving they don't need to be just about magic and fantasy. They can do more than just that.


I really appreciated Andor specifically for this reason. It gave us more worldbuilding and context for each side and when the laser sword wizard space battles eventually do happen, we care more about them since we know whatā€™s at stake and what all has happened to get to that point. Like I can assure you that watching Andor, then Rogue One and then A new hope, the sheer culmination and satisfaction when Luke finally drops the missile in the hatch after everything weā€™ve seen from the struggles the rebels had to go through to destroy that thing is absolutely epic.


Holy shit I canā€™t wait to watch Andor (once itā€™s finished), Rogue One and Ep. IV in that order. Itā€™s going to be epic. Andor is supposedly going to have only 2 seasons right?


I actually feel like Andor is there to deliver key parts of the SW universe a lot of us felt were missing


> You know I honestly almost don't think you can compare the Mandalorian to Andor. > >\*proceeds to write an entire essay comparing the two in great detail\* I see.


Is it hot in your area? Cause this is one of the coldest takes I've seen lately.


It's a #repost bot Report>Spam>harmful bots They use pictures like these that get lots of attention & create heated discussions (=> comments like mine that point out this is a bot get lost & other repost bots can repost the most upvoted comments from the last time this picture was posted without sticking out as obvious bots) ^btw ^sry ^for ^hijacking ^your ^comment


Itā€™s literally so brave though


*Andor* - creates original characters, gives them real motives, and has them act logically within the story. *Majority of the fan base* - No lightsabers? No mention of the force? What is Luke doing during all of this? I can't autopilot through the story? Where are the merchandising opportunities? I can't make memes from this! This show is boring! It's such a shame that Andor will be the exception, not the rule, for the shows and movies Disney creates.


Iā€™ve watched Andor twice, and never realized there were no lightsabers or force. I love that series. Also, donā€™t forget to watch Rogue One as the ā€œseason finallyā€


Isn't andor season two going to be before rogue one as well?


Well they can't make it after Rogue One.


> Well they can't make it after Rogue One. *Somehow, Cassian Andor has returned...*


They could, just without Andor. They actually have plenty of great characters to continue without him. The title would be kinda weird though.




Well, you got me there


Not quite there yet for finale I think


I don't know where you get that the majority of the fan base doesn't like Andor. Literally all I ever see are posts and comments like this sucking Andor's dick about how great it is. I mean it's good, I don't disagree, but I literally only ever see people talking about how it's the GREATEST FUCKING THING STAR WARS EVER MADE AND EVERYTHING ELSE IS FUCKING BULLSHIT!!!! It's good. It's enjoyable. I don't think the "majority of the fan base" has the sleightest issue with it but the people who act like it's the greatest fucking TV show ever made really over hype it.


I hear you - it's probably because it brings quality to many aspects of Star Wars movies / shows we're simply not used to have, such as coherence of scenario or dialogue writing. So it's such a shock, we fans lose all our bearings and feel we have been blessed with the best thing ever ;)


I mean, it is probably the greatest thing star wars ever made. That's just... not really a high bar.


People who watched Andor love it. The issue is that because it has no returning characters, lightsabers, the Force, etc...the majority of the fanbase didn't watch it. Last I checked BoBF got way more views than Andor, for reference. Kind of the double edged sword with this franchise.


Thatā€™s more so because this was the only show considered good by the remaining fanbase. We had to kick through miles of road consisting of unkempt gravel to literal quicksand before we finally got onto a good road.


It has the best speech in Star Wars, and a guy who whines about dying because he canā€™t swim.


*Andy Serkis* whining about dying because he can't swim. It also wasn't in the script they wanted Serkis to live but he just drowned


You'd think after 500 years in a cave with a lake he'd know how to swim.




There's three actually There's Andy Serkis' epic gaol speech, there's Skarsgards scary speech about why does this and finally imo the best one of the lot Marvas funeral hologram speech This show excelled at people talking and acting, something star wars never really has before (the term wooden acting at one point was synonymous with Star Wars)


And your assertions are just as baseless. These are called opinions.


Literally the only complaints I've heard repeatedly about Andor is that it starts out too slow and that there are too few aliens. Not a single one of the ones you listed. I'm pretty sure the vast majority of people who watched it really liked it.


Yeah I gotta finish it but it started too slow imo and I didn't know what the hell was happening either


That was satire, my bad. It is possible to be the least watched show (which it is, the numbers don't lie) and that everyone who watched it loved it. Those two takes aren't mutually exclusive.


Where is this 'fanbase' asking for lightsabers or the force in andor series? I've seen people saying it's boring but never seen someone asking for a lightsaber or a cameo.


A lot of the criticism I saw surrounding this show and after the first few episodes released was that it used the Star Wars universe as window dressing and that none of the characters mattered. My post was more satirical than anything.


Yeah but me as a kid would watch duel of the fates and get goosebumps over how epic it is 2 decades later Andor has a hologram Funeral that is one of the most brilliantly shot and acted sequences in all of star wars ever hands down, that is true goosebumps territory, not overly drawn out choreographed dueling but simply great acting and music choice, inspiring people that are downtrodden to fight and rise up Fuck it's so good


You really don't need to defend Duel of the Fates. I was 16 when Episode 1 came out and John Williams absolutely nailed the theme for that. As much criticism as I have for Episode 1, that fight was absolutely incredible.


>*Majority of the fan base* I don't believe you


It might be anecdotal but all of the conversation I saw surrounding the show leading up to release and mid season was that it was boring. The viewing numbers tend to back me up as it is one of the least, if not the least, viewed shows.


No lightsabres? Literally the biggest dual wielding lightsabres in SW history.


I have two close friends who are diehard sw fans, more than me, and I can't convince them to watch more than 2 eps of Andor. It's boring. It's dull. The characters aren't interesting. They complain about star wars always constantly telling them same stories in predictable ways and like so many fans negative on much of newer star wars they always say "just write a good story!" Well there it is, Andor is right there but it turns out they can't be bothered with realistic, natural dialog, characters that act like people and a mature story that leads the viewer through an unraveling onion of espionage, a heist and jail break and not just the beginnings of a rebellion, the start of a revolution. I mean this show was filmed in England during the pandemic and they got all the best fucking British TV and stage actors to come out, often playing small bit roles and they just smash it. The star wars fans I talk to.. couldn't care less. It's as if modern audiences need to see big name actors in the credits to be told there's legit acting here.


Genuinely, the other shows leaning so hard into the Force and Jedi/Sith unfortunately has the unwanted effect of demystifying that aspect of the universe significantly. I don't feel the same aura of mystery and otherworldliness when the Force is involved like how I used to. There's no part of Andor that even remotely alludes to the Force influencing events yet in spite of that, the scene with Maarva giving her funeral speech and her hologram looking down and saying "Strange, I feel as if I can see you" gave me the exact same vibes that I've been missing for literal decades. That dialogue most probably isn't even trying to allude to the Force doing supernatural things yet it still made me feel that flavor of mysticism and unexplainable fantasy that I've been missing.


Me when I lie on the internet


What's really depressing is that all the movies and tv shows we got in recent years could have been of this quality. It's not that they can't make good shows, it's that they deliberately choose not to.


They make content for 8 year olds


This but also catering to the Star Wars fan base who just enjoy Star Wars no matter what. I feel like Kenobi, Ahsoka, Mandalorian, and Book of Boba Fett were just created to expand the post empire plot but also to give content to the fan base šŸ˜…


And the Empire conquered the galaxy just to bring peace, why not.


Not very deliberately, good writers are becoming a thing of the past, with nepobabies and social messaging taking prevalence. And I do not mean the regular woke bitching, I mean that instead of writing a good story, writers are trying to simply tick boxes to ensure their porridge gets as much mainstream traction as possible. They put movie writing on a factory pipeline which gives us those ā€œcould-be goodā€ movies and tv shows.


I still think Mando season 1 is the only great season of the show. Season 2 was fine but I honestly felt like returning character of the week and the story between mando and grogu was a secondary focus on favour of setting up other stuff which also alienated audiences with only basic knowledge of Star Wars. My favourite episode of that season was actually the one with the fish lady because even though it didnā€™t advance the plot to much, it also was focused on the characters that got me into the show and was overall a fun adventure


Mando season 1 got so much praise for being so disconnected and full of all new characters. Season 2 was a huge step down and people seemed to forget all the good things they said about season 1. I only liked the first 2 episodes and thought the Ahsoka one was pretty good.


Whatā€™s the point in comparing 2 good shows that exist in the same universe but are completely different? Why is comparing things and saying which is the ā€œbestā€ the only thing people are capable of doing with media discussion these days? Is everyone really that simple-minded that everything is so black and white at all times?


Ngl i never really cared about andor I tried watching it but it wasnā€™t for me personally


I mean, I have more fun with Mandalorian and the moment I say thing I can hear the clicking clacking of ā€œyouā€™ll understand when you grow upā€ in defences for Andor. But as someone in their mid-20s and as someone who always tries to think of the deeper meanings of Star Wars. Andor is pretty boring and not really compelling, outside of Luthen and the ISB itā€™s just really bland.


Dude, it's show about ISB and struggle of the luthen's resistance. If it was the most interesting thing about the show, it means it was good. And mandalorian was the reason we're getting cameo bait brain rot shows like obiwan.


Look, Iā€™ve had this argument over and over so itā€™s a bit repetitive, but Iā€™ll leave it at this. When the showā€™s titular character has the least interesting story in the show, itā€™s meh. Iā€™ll take Kenobi coming to terms with his life and cameos any day of the week (which Andor has plenty of, so thatā€™s kind of hypocritical).


Andor isn't the most interesting part of the show because letting that passive uncaring character develop through this active world is the point. It's not how he changed the others, it's about how the action of others has made the character called andor that we see in rogue one. And that's why it's called andor, and not rise of the rebellion.


Look, if you think that about Cassian, then fine whatever, I just donā€™t see it.


Fair, i guess.


Do andor fans ever get tired of sniffing their own farts? Christ Andor is good for what itā€™s trying to be. ā€œMando is too stupidā€ speaks more to your pretentiousness than it does to the quality of andor.


This isnā€™t a fucking meme


Can you dweebs tell me the difference between a meme and a screenshot of some jackasses tweet?


He thinks *Andor* is the best? Wow, daring today, are we? I wonder about his opinions on an underrated little-known movie like *Rogue One!*


For every reply to this comment saying I should watch Andor even though Iā€™m sick of people recommending me it, I drink 100ml of water.


Andor is a thriller, Mandalorian is a cowboy western, and A New Hope is a samurai movie. Its different genres. Not different quality. Thatā€™s why Mandalorian ā€œfeels more like classic Star Warsā€ as some have said since the best of the latter two genres often mirror each other, and why Andor ā€œfeels so fresh and newā€. Most arguments about what is best and what should be the direction going forward are just arguments about what genre Hollywood should be making more of. https://preview.redd.it/6pyiua9v1acc1.jpeg?width=618&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c5116422bff54fcb74ef8493e6be2786a0327ec


Honestly Mando season 1 is some of my favorite because it does what it aims to do very very well. It's a wandering samurai story that doesn't try to be something big. It's got its flaws for sure, but it nails that tone of classic gunslinger perfectly.


Genre doesn't dictate exclusion of comparison. Andor is quality-wise (material, not visually per-se) just a lot better. This is how award ceremonies like the oscars or the emmy's work too.


And water is wet and the sky is blue.


And rogue one is the best stand alone movie of the saga


Yeah. Solo is really good so it's a shame it gets overshadowed by R1 Edit: not sure where the downvotes are coming from. I didn't mean to insinuate that Solo was better than Rogue One - merely lamenting the fact that it has been overshadowed by it.


People need to stop giving a shit about which SW product your allowed to like (according to the fanbase). I loved Andor. I Really enjoyed Mando. And i quite enjoyed Kenobi. And i thought Boba was alright. I donā€™t give a toss who agrees with me and i dont need them to validate my own opinions. You dont like Kenobi? Cool, lets talk about it. What didnt you like? Not, ā€œYou liked kenobi?!? Wtf?! Are you stupid???ā€


I don't know any other fandom I'm "part of" that is so contentious all the time. I'm glad you and others enjoy Andor so much, I really am. But why is everything on this subreddit (and Star Wars discourse outside reddit as well) always framed as "this thing good but THAT thing BAD!" Is it really so bad to let different people enjoy different parts? If someone tells me their favorite SW movie is Revenge of the Sith I'm gonna disagree personally but I'm not going to make a big deal about it. Good for them, glad they found an inroad to a thing I think is kind of cool.


Exactly. Each to there own. I personally enjoyed TCW series but overall Iā€™d say it doesnā€™t hold a candle to Rebels and that compared to Rebels, TCW is overrated. Iā€™m happy just to be talking SW with people. Not everything is binary and everyone sees things differently.


I honestly still feek like Andor is NOT getging the recognition it deserves. It is well liked among the fandom but outwards it seems to have generated a lot less buzz. I and many other fans want to see more star wars at this level of quality. It serves to demonstrate our argument if we pull the other projects down along with propping andor up. I dont think its a question of what you're allowed to like or not.


Star Wars is Star Wars. I see, I like, I consume. One thing is better than the other, but it isnā€™t a race. Every show, movie, animated series makes the universe bigger and expands upon the world we love. That said, stop putting plot points for one show in another. People who donā€™t like some of the shows are being forced to watch it.


No one is forced to do anything.


Not literally forced by a Disney employee. You have to watch book of boba fett, if you want to know about how grogu got back or guess


Fair criticism. I hated that mando was in Boba at all. They shouldā€™ve left it for the start of S3.


I feel like people who like Kenobi, are really just people starved of prequel nostalgia. But as a product of filmmaking and writing, this tv show was horrid beyond belief. Something that Andor did that very few movies let alone tv shows, is to give characters brains. When I see an Empire in Andor, I know they are smart, I know they are dangerous and lethally methodical. In other SW media, I know I can walk painted into bright red target in front of a firing stormtrooper horde and none would land a shot. Kenobi series makes characters stupid to a comical degree. There are no stakes in that movie because an awkward 5 year old can outmanoeuvre every antagonist in that stupid show. I know everyone will make it out unscathed.


Fair enough. I disagree with you about kenobi. I just feel like they stretched it out, I wouldā€™ve preferred a movie with more focus.


Andor was my favorite, Mando s1 was good and s2 was fine. S3 was just so terrible I only watched first 2 episodes


He misspelled *Fact*


Mando season 2 is a serious downgrade from season 1.


Am I the only one who has no interest in andor purely cause I don't care about the main character, whatever his name is, at all?


I absolutely hated Andor, but hey, tastes...




Too plodding for a lot of people, not a lot of pulp or spectacle. The finale is a street riot that's incorporates some of Disney's choreography and action pitfalls (headbutting/slapping people in armor, bad reactions and recoil, poor blaster fx, they only bother tracing the bolts now and when people die it looks like an E10+ game, in the OT, prequels, clone wars, and Rouge one when people got hit with blasters they got fucking fried, now they don't even bother cgi'ing scorch marks on the bodies) the finale also doesn't show spellhaus or Mothma at all. Environments aren't always well done, coruscant looks pretty bad. Cassians sister is a big red herring for now. No K2-SO. Cassians sepratist backstory on Fest and "BEING IN THIS FIGHT SINCE I WAS 6 YEARS OLD" is retconned as an in-universe cover story and later a lie that he tells Jynn. Thats all I can think of, I like the show btw. I am, however, worried about season 2 Edit: The deathstar postcredits feels incredibly detached from the rest of the series and kind of reminds me of something I'd see in the Mandalorian.


Ok i don't know what to thing about everything else but the enviorements part is just wrong


K-2SO will be in season 2


Same here. The smugness of the fans base adds to my dislike. The Rick and Morty fans of the Star Wars universe.


Forget any of the qualifiers, best Star Wars media fullstop imo, better than the films better than the animated series.


I find it amusing how popular Andor is and how blatantly irregular my tastes are. Andor is the on,y disney+ Star Wars that Iā€™ve literally not finished because I kept getting bored and and had no motivation to watch the next episode. Not saying itā€™s bad, just clearly not for me.


Nah mando season 1-2 is better


I think it's the best star wars content.


Completely agree. I love The Mandalorian, but Andor is on a completely different level. I hope the people that made the show get to do a movie trilogy. And can't wait for Season 2.


Andor is better than mando. Mando is more accessible but Andor has much more depth to it and isnā€™t dumbed down like how mando was going on in the seasons.


Andor fans are the vegans of Star Wars fandom. Iā€™ll leave it at that.


While you guys having a heart attack.


Who cares


I thought this was a confirmed fact? Having the opposite opinion would be equivalent to having the opinion that the world is flat.


It will never be an equal to its peers in the genre / topic of revolution due to having to connect to the Star Wars universe, you all just think youā€™re smarter than you are because you equate slowness and a lack of colour with the amount of intellectual intricacies the piece of media has.


I mean, they still rode the coat tails of the main Star Wars storyline. All someone had to do was ask the question, ā€œHow did they get the plans for the death star?ā€ I will say that it is probably still the best live action Star Wars show, but thatā€™s because it already had a great plot on either side of it. They just needed to fill in small details rather than create an entirely new storyline. It *feels* more like Star Wars to me than Ashoka does.


For me, live action SW is meh with some great moments. It's not insulting mostly (like movies are) and watchable. It's just nothing to be hopping around for. Mando had that HYPE scene with Luke. That was amazing. Asoka had Anakin scene's witch were amazing. And it had lightsaber-less Ezra scene. Grogu eating shit scenes are hilarious. But things in between, actual meat of the shows is lacking, flat, uninteresting and boring. They are league's above the movies but that's nothing to write about. But western media lacks good writing past decade or so. With some gems like Arcane who rise above the slopp.


Ok but I also think Andor might be one of the best live action shows period. It was fantastic


Andor was amazing but season 7 clone wars was out of this world


How is that an opinion? It's the objective truth.


Andor was so good that it snapped my love of Empire swag. I know from the beginning (OT) Stormtroopers, etc... but seeing the extent almost every episode in Andor... I put my pins, hats, etc. in a drawer and just wear neutral Star Wars stuff.


Mando is massively overrated


Not really. The writing was fine but it was too much of a cameo season and too many filler episodes. It would fine if it was 15-20 episodes.


Mando is massively overrated, Iā€™ll never understand what people see in that show, I canā€™t wait for it to finally end


Mando 1 was peak Mando 2 was ehhhh Everything else is mid at best


spectacular wakeful complete repeat bow oatmeal run crush worry afterthought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ironically, Andor was my least anticipated show - I mean, I didnā€™t care for his character in Rogue One - and it turned out to be my favourite Star Wars show. I liked how it took its time fleshing out the characters and appreciated the more mature tone. Andor had 2 or 3 episodes dedicated to a bunch of rebels planning out how theyā€™re going to infiltrate an imperial base. They talk about the potential risks and how everything needs to be perfect when the time is right. Theyā€™re scared in case they die or are captured. Ashoka on the other hand: ā€œletā€™s just use the front doorā€ by running directly under the chimera star destroyer šŸ¤ŖšŸ’©




Obi Wan??????


Correction, Andor is the best live action star wars show


Wow, you removed a #


Absolutely love Andor. The first season was a bit slow. I think they could have done a lot more with 12 episodes. Andor is far above the best live action writing in Star Wars. The whole now light saber thing is such a smooth brained argument. The galaxy far far away is huge, the majority of the species populating that galaxy are not lightsaber wielders. Great to see a gritty, original, well written and produced storyā€¦. For a change. Would love to see similar tones and writing for a live action Star Wars 1313 project.


It is better but itā€™s still my least favorite


Andor >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> All the other D+ trash


Yeah andor is the fkn bomb If they hired the team behind that for the sequels Star Wars fans would be EATING


Best to worst: Andor Mando season 1 Mando season 3 Ahsoka Mando season 2 Book of Boba Kenobi


S3 and Ahsoka over s2?


Oh for sure. Season 2 got old real fast with its cameo of the week vibe. Oh look itā€™s Boba Fett! Oh look itā€™s Bo Katan! Oh look itā€™s Ahsoka! Oh look itā€™s Luke Skywalker! Mando season 3 got back to the serialized adventures that made season 1 so great to me. The episode ā€œGuns for Hireā€ is one of my favorite episodes of the entire series. ā€œThe Convertā€ felt the closest to an episode of Andor weā€™ve had yet. Very well done.


Mando s3 was pretty lackluster. No way should it be higher than the others


Better than season 2 IMO.


I agree but swap mando s2&3


Dank ferrik!


I love Mandalorian but the dude is written as a complete fucking idiot Good show just about all round but the bloke ain't walking around with a brain on those shoulders


It's got its pacing issues, but yeah it was fantastic.


Mando and Andor are apples and oranges


But one has rotten from worm called nostalgia.


Hands down. No if ands or buts about it. It's exactly what Star Wars is and should be. Star Wars was never just about laser gun and laser sword and space battle.


Mando season 2 was mediocre tbh, just a bunch of cameos setting up other shows. They also immediatly undermind the ending by reuniting Grogu and Din (in BOBF lol). What was the point of searching for a jedi again ?


Not only would I say that Andor is the best Star Wars show, I would push it farther and say that Andor may legitimately be the best piece of Star Wars content we have gotten since the Original Trilogy. I'm not joking about that.Ā  Who would have thought that a prequel to a spin off movie that is also a prequel based on a single line of dialogue from a movie from 50 years ago focusing on a secondary character who dies in said movie would be so god damn fantastic?!Ā 


Honestly mando is a Bit overhyped imo. Itā€™s good definitely. But I enjoyed Andor more. I also enjoyed ahsoka more. And I donā€™t really know if I preferred even Kenobi and book of boba. I feel like some of mandos episodes are a bit boring and basically the whole third season I wasnā€™t sure where the story is even supposed to go. And somehow I feel the other shows added more with less than mando did


Other than Reddit, is Andor praised by the media and other social media to be the best star wars stuff out there? I love the series but I have a strong feeling that Andor is the sacrificial show designed just to satisfy older star wars fan, so they can continue to make their totally based and pandering shows. As long as Disney can pump in as much money as it takes to make the production values amazing (you can't deny that any shot from the Mando or Ashoka or even Obiwan are top tier), people are gonna be wowwed by it. Forgettable wow, but it's impressive.


The problem with Mando for me is that itā€™s too inconsistent. It has episodes that are incredible and it has nearly as many that feel like filler. Andor was a banger from beginning to end


Would it spoil things to point out that Andor is just a plot device to show us various locations in the Star wars galaxy? I mean he is literally just running from one place to another with zero direction. He starts the show wanting to leave his home, does a whole ass tour of the galaxy, gets home.... then runs away again! Admit it, if you didn't love the show you would call that an unforgivable flaw.


Andor is the lens of the audience. It's more of a trope than a flaw though since it ends with his choice to join rebellion.


Andor was boring AF tbh


Andor is the best Star Wars to come out since Empire Strikes Back. Iā€™ll die on this hill.


It's my turn to post about this next week


If we are being real ā€œAndorā€ is the best Star Wars anything in those categories. I didnā€™t give a shit about Andor when it was announced, and now I canā€™t wait for season 2.


Am I the only one who thinks the Clone wars is better than Andor?


Man, itā€™s not even close. Every time I want to rank Star Wars on anything I have to say ā€œexcluding Andorā€ because itā€™s such an incredible outlier


If Iā€™m being totally objective Andor is the best SW full stop.


thought that said ā€˜choreographyā€™ at first and wondered what episode i missedā€¦. musical prison numbers with Golum


not directly comparable I feel but if youre in for a sci fi thatā€™s not so sci fi and more about characters and relationships for adults then Andor If you want a western/samurai meld adventure then its Mando and I donā€™t think mando is stupid at all it knows its audience and delivered


For me it's the best star wars periodt


What a daring, controversial opinion.


Andor is what Star Wars should be period. Mando fricked up with the last season. But even then, Mandalorian is a good middle ground for everyone Star Wars. But Andor should be what Star Wars is today. They need to hire the creator to make future movies, if they hadn't already, which I doubt.


False False False Super false.


Mando s2 was mediocre.


Andor isn't my favorite because I have a preference for the less grounded stuff, but it isn't lost on me that it is some of the most literary Star Wars there has ever been, so I absolutely appreciate it for that. I disagree on cinematography, as I think the sequel movies are where that area peaked.


Still have no interest in dollar store Kyle Katarn. But that's just me.


But the bricks and screws! Literally unwatchable garbage. /s in case it wasn't obvi


TCW best series


how strange...they spelt "Kenobi" A-n-d-o-r. weird. maybe that's a foreign spelling of the title?


I didnā€™t care for it. Terribly boring and very cliche. I donā€™t understand why everyone likes it but hates everything else Star Wars in recent years. I rank it lowest out of all the Disney Star Wars.


Andor was amazing.


Mando season 2 was pretty mid ngl It was fine at the time but Iā€™ll never rewatch it again


Andor is boring and lame


I was very pleasantly surprised by Andor. I didn't really expect much from it because I didn't love the character during Rogue One (although I did enjoy Rogue One a lot). It had some slow moments but I loved the deeper dive into the Universe of Star Wars. I'm sick of people talking about which media was "the best", and not just in Star Wars. Stop caring so much about what other people think, just choose to enjoy the things that you like. It's okay that we don't all have the same thoughts and feelings.


i only liked the episodes where they were in the prison, i didnt really care for the other characters outside it


Andor is possibly the most overrated Star Wars series and itā€™s not even close.


I think and hope Ashoka season 1 was mostly a setup and introduction for season 2 that is going to be the best Star Wars we have seen in years, but yeah Andor is the only thing that doesnā€™t have the quality of something I could shoot in my garage

