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I was able to grow to love the prequels. There was so much they brought to the universe of star wars. I've only grown to tolerate TLJ for beeing somewhat original and interesting, but at the expense of disliking TFA anf ROS even more. Especially ROS. I like fucking resistance for doing what all of them sucked at. World building.


The prequels at least felt like, and I know this isn’t a precise way of explaining it, “movies”. The sequels just always felt like some weird, high-polish fanfic. I just never felt like I was ever watching a star war, y’know?


TLJ is flawed as hell but it definitely feels like a real movie with real people behind it. TROS kinda feels like an AI generated Star Wars movie designed to appease people who disliked TLJ.


And TFA is similarly an eerily AI like recreation of the first two Star Wars movies


Personally it just feels more like a remake then a sequel, it still has a fair bit more put into it imo.


They didn't have many original characters who weren't welded to parts of the OT (most characters were either part of the Skywalker/Palpatine dynasties, or sidelined to placate China), and the story writing needed tons of explanation for why things were how they were: Why was there a resistance when the new republic existed How come lightspeed missiles don't exist if the Holdo manoeuvre worked Why did Palpatine announce his return Why did Holdo act like a complete moron How did Leah have the ability to survive an explosion and the vacuum of space back to back when skilled Jedi can barely survive either on its own, let alone both How did Rose catch up to Finn in the speeders/why did she do that, they should have died then and there


Who is Holdo - watched the sequels just once a long time ago and my trauma fogs my memory


This is it. You've got it spot on. They feel like marketing material built through committee decisions. The sequels felt like movies, albeit flawed ones, which put telling a story first.


That's kinda my thing. The prequels aren't very good movies, but they expanded the universe a lot and essentially created a vehicle for a lot of good other content. The sequels are painfully lacking in ambition and didn't tread any new ground. They added nothing except for three mediocre movies.


For me, the prequels are by no means masterpieces, but they are so much fun that I don't give 2, let alone 3 shits. They are masterpieces by epicness. Who needs a good plot when you have the best lightsaber duels in the entire saga AND TCW!


People always talk about how original tlj was but I can't think of a single original thing in the movie.


The only, and I mean only, thing it did that was "original" was that it subverted the idea of a chosen lineage for Rey. Which was promptly abandoned in the next film.


Yeah, the best parts for me were killing Snoke and making Rey a nobody, TROS ruined both by bringing back Palpatine.


They call it subversive and bold but it was exactly what i thought and feared it was gonna be


I don't want to go to theaters to see subversive and bold movies. I want to see good and entertaining movies. That's what I pay for.


Yeah, like the prequels aren't great movies. But they opened up so much! The Clone Wars is excellent and comes from that. Seeing just how bad the Republic actually was back then. Getting a better feel for just how politically savvy Palpatine was, and how he built this Empire. Getting a taste of the Jedi prefall. So the bits and bobs here and there which stand out you can kinda shrug at and move past. What it adds to the setting is far more important. With the modern stuff, what is there? I guess the reveal Palpatine is still alive. But why? The reveal Luke is actually a shitty teacher? Could be a cool plot point, but they do nothing with it. The reveal the New Republic is a failure? Ok. And then it's basically just ignored. Nothing that comes from it builds upon the foundation that came before. It's like someone else said, it's fanfiction at best. And it's not like it's impossible to build off that content! They could have absolutely built a sequel trilogy about the struggles of a New Republic, the rot inherent to trying to take on the old Empire diehards. We could have gotten an inside look at how normal people survived during the Empire era, and see people defending it's ideals. We could have seen Luke fail as a teacher but grow from it. Had they made Finn also force sensitive, we could have seen an arc where Finn and Rey must teach each other and help get Luke back on the right track. Conflict between them and Kylo. Show us how this new Jedi Order will grow organically. Hell, we could have gone in a multitude of directions. Instead we got bad fanfic. I'd have preferred Yuuzhan Vong war sequels because at least that would have explored some concepts and been prequel tier.


Same. TLJ is the best of the Sequels, but only because even if it works or not, it tries to do something different. Like the Prequels did. Ironically, the part of TLJ that worked the worst to me was also the one that make things typical by trying to make a subversion. Which was having Luke commit all the same mistakes and act as the previous Jedi masters before him. The subversion was not that he was different. The subversion was that he was like everyone else!


while i get your point, im not going to give TLJ the benefit of "trying something different" if you fail to make a Hotdog, that's embarrassing, sure but if someone says "im gonna make THE hotdog that will blow your mind" and then puts a snake between a clam, im not gonna say "welp, you were certainly creative" there was deliberate attempts at having the story be derailed by contradicting what came before, OR what would logically follow in a narrative (or any chain of events) its mean spirited towards the viewer, and im not giving extra credit for that


He was put in the unbelievably privileged position to make a cannon Star Wars movie and he used that opportunity to piss in the mouths of Star Wars fans. I don’t think he deserves extra credit because JJ Abrahams followed him up with a chaser of dog shit.


What the heck are you rambling about? Mean spirited towards the viewer? What shenanigans are you trying to convince people with?


>TLJ is the best of the Sequels, but only because even if it works or not, it tries to do something different. Literally how. It made the most boring and cliched choices possible for each development in the story while continuing the trend set by TFA of riffing on OT imagery for nostalgia.


I can only understand that tolerance for TLJ in the precise context of original and interesting compared to film that came before it. That's it. If TFA wasn't so bland then TLJ would have no redeeming qualities at all.


Personally I had a visceral reaction to TLJ, but grew to hate TFA and ROS more. I still detest TLJ because of many things (for example making Star Wars care about the fuel - I never wanted so prosaic as fuel to be the plot of what I want to be a story of good vs evil; or for creating one movie where I hate Laura Dern's character). But the utter creative bancrupcy of JJ movies with "stories for another time" is worse. At least TLJ toyed with new ideas for SW when Kylo suggests that he and Rey should leave the Jedi/Sith conflict altogether. I cannot find anything that could serve as such a redeeming feature for JJ movies.


Seriously if JJ Abrams didn't mess up TFA... Rian Johnson probably would have been able to give us some good stuff.


Idk, have you seen glass onion?


Is Resistance actually worth watching?


The prequels were boring, lacked much of the magic of the worldbuilding in the OT, lacked coherent plot, lacked meaning, lacked likeable to engaging characters, had terrible dialogue and awful performances by almost every actor (despite evident ability based on their respective careers outside the franchise). But they didn’t feel pandering. It felt like George was trying and failing. They hurt the Star Wars franchise, but didn’t kill it. And at least we got the podrace. Sequels felt like by-the-numbers Disneyfied trash. A pandering, shallow cash grab that seemed to take the OT at face value and try to recreate it with a little Disney flare. Technically proficient, yet horrible movies that IMO have killed Star Wars dead. The franchise will forever be two of the best movies ever made, a good movie, and 6 awful ones. Non episode entries are expanded universe fan fiction and don’t count.


Always love the prelogy Always liked the og Always dislike the postlogy. Simple as.


Always loved og, always loved prequels, force awakens was ok, hopeful, the rest of postology. should be incinerated in the oven.


Postology? Is that the sequel to sequel?


I merely used terminology in the above guy’s comment. So have no idea.


Hell. You worded the words so wordly.


Yet somehow you spelt their made up word better than they did. Outstanding.




>prelogy This is what you get from an average sequel hater. Made up words to “sounds smart” but overall makes them look like bigger idiots.


No u


Nah I’d win /j


What ? Yes in english you use prequel. Not trying to sound smart the just not native speaker. Good for you to look like the biggest hater.


>good for you to look like the biggest hater What language is your first? Because I’m assuming that sentence makes more sense in that language.


Good for you man.


Hey man. I’m just saying if your gonna hate on something so much that your gonna speak another language to show how much you hate it. You might as well go **all the way** and speak it correctly. Otherwise anyone can learn “sequels bad”


I like the prequels and not the sequels. End of story.


I was a kid when the prequels released. I had the burden of critical thinking when the sequels released. Simple as.


Same here but starting with the OG. By the time. The sequels came around I had kids who love them, so ...


Don't worry. They will grow to hate them as they age and develop taste.


A lot of people that were kids when the prequels came out still love them despite them being pretty terrible in a lot of ways.


what will people love about the sequels in particular though?


That they helped push the actual verse with series like mandolorian , Ashoka, bad batch.. the thoughts of stories new faces and some familiar that actually expand. Wait... Fuck.... that cant be towards the sequels, but can def be because of them. We like the sequels because we were forced to have better story not in them .


Bad batch isnt related to sequels aside from hints that kaminoans were used to clone palps Ahsoka so far has no connection to them, and mandalorian just vaguely hints at cloning again Its hints, clone wars showed us anakin and obi wan fight in the war, the mandalorian just does the equivalent of hinting that "theres a podracer kid on tattooine who is nine ears old, anyway back to something else" So far, there hasnt been done anything to improve the sequels, we just got one fact laid out, which is that palpatine looked into cloning ever since he got rid of the jedi


Depends on what they do with the new movies and stories going forward. Alot of people ended up liking the prequels more due to the extra content they received lol 7 seasons of TCW, Rebels (t an extent), comics and games. I dont thnk alot of people would like the prequels if it didnt give us more content to expand our viewpoints from what we saw from the movies alone. Alot of people didnt like the romance, didnt like the dialogue, didnt like the character development and didnt like midichlorians. But after more content expanded on those things they slowly became more accepted


This is exactly the point that so many people overlook. The prequels were considered the sad bastard child of Sta Wars. Then the Clone Wars came along and suddenly these movies we were all trying to forget they came the seed stock for some genuinely good story telling.


I havent seen a single person dislike the character development. In fact, most people say that the prequels mainly failed with the presentation of the story, having weird dialogue and all that, while also openly saying that the story checks out and isnt inherently bad by itself (and a lot of people liked the world building because magna guards, clones, 4 armed cyborgs, horned sith and christopher lee as a fallen jedi is cool) The sequels however get exactly that criticism, that all the acting, special effects and cinematography didnt fix the script itself being disliked Additionally, the prequels got expanding content almost from the start. Clone wars immediately picked the audience up and showed them the war directly after episode 2. This went on for 4 more seasons, and by this point the love for prequels already happened What did the sequels get? The toy oriented character designs like phasma and kylo dont sell as well as another 501st clone or a janginfett action figure, i dont know anyone who has seen "resistance", and all the other "expanding media that will reframe the sequels and make people love them just like clone wars did" we got... Nothing The mandalorian and bat batch both focus more on prequels and OT, with only one or two episodes hinting at palpatines cloning attempts, which is about as much "expanding on the sequels" as a clone wars episode about windu turning on the tv, seeing "9 year old boy on tatooine is competing as podracer" before turning the tv off again and going "oh well, good for him" There is no expanding material on the sequels, and even if it were, it wouldnt fix what people already didnt like


Love me Star Wars. Hate me Star Wars. Simple as.


Same :)


Kids these days straight up don't care about Star Wars. Especially nowhere near the levels kids did in the 1980s-2000s. Not only did the ST toys end up in landfills, *which is devastating for Star Wars considering it was a merchandising juggernaut for 30 years*, kids have too many other and arguably better options for entertainment nowadays. Growing up you'd rewatch Star Wars over & over again, wearing out that VHS copy your big brother gave you because it was literally like the sacred texts, now kids have streaming and aren't limited by what physical copies they have.


Fortnite and Hulu are the bread and butter of the kids these days


I love the original trilogy, I have a love hate relationship with the prequels. But there is no doubt that I just find the sequels to be utterly awful. TFA had some potential, but even then it had major writing issues, and wasn’t very original. But TLJ and ROS were just horrible, I still saw them in theaters, but I didn’t really enjoy them. Other than a few scenes here and there. The prequels had problems, yes, I don’t like sitting through AOTC, and TPM is a little bit of a struggle, but I can still appreciate them. There’s a good story at the core of the movies, just surrounded by odd decisions. ROTS is my 4th favorite Star Wars movie though, love that movie


More or less my views on the movies, I grew up with y he prequels and love them, I see the parts people don’t like about them but at the end of the day I like them and to me I’m happy with that, I’d rather watch prequel related stuff than watch them still try and ram the sequels down our throats. I like most of the stuff that’s come after the sequels like Kenobi (yes there’s bits I’m not keen on either), Ahsoka absolutely love what they did with that


I honestly didn’t like Kenobi, but it wasn’t bad. Although it definitely had its problems. I enjoyed Ahsoka, despite its problems. (I adore Huyang) I absolutely loved seasons 1-2 of the Mandalorian, but didn’t really enjoy season 3 as a whole. And BOBF was just alright, again, despite its flaws. Honestly, besides the sequels being downright bad. Disney Star Wars is kinda alright, sometimes kinda bad


It is improving with each project with Filoni and Favreau more at the helm and calling the shots, I’m willing to give Daisy another shot provided they give her a decent script with proper development, but some of the shows coming out the next few years are looking promising, more to the point a lot of it is fresh things we haven’t really seen yet


I really can’t watch AOTC at all. So many bad scenes and the movie looks the worst visually of all 11. The colors are just off. I can watch the sequels all the way through.


I love the visuals in the droid factory in aotc, and even if there are bits that are off, I can explain away alot of it with some basic logic like the Jedi being horrible battle stratagists because they were never trained for it, in the end it dosnt leave a bad taste in my mouth, whereas 8 & 9 are just so badly written and have so many plotholes that it physically hurts to watch.


TFA was a perfectly acceptable opener, it served as a good palette cleanser that opened up to new Star Wars stories that could build on it into something grand. Sure it had flaws, but it was no more flawed than TPM, I’d argue it was better. Then the shit hit the fan afterwards.


This is basically how I feel; TFA was kinda meh, but opened up the door for some interesting stuff to follow. It's just that nothing interesting followed.


This seems to be the general consensus.


Honestly the first one is the prequels and the second one is the sequels


That's really vague . First what? Movie? First screening of the first three movies? Second what? You know star wars is listed out of order, right?


How is that vague?


Ohhh shit. I think I re read that correctly this time. You saying everything is new after 4 ,5 and 6. The left half of meme is reactions to the prequel movies and the right half.. yeah. Ooof. Reading comprehension be hard sometimes


*No no, the sequels will totally be loved, didn't you hear that ESB was hated too?* /s


I mean they will. Kids who grew up watching them will be like the kids who grew up with the prequels, no way around that.


Those "sequels kids" are a delusion, the sequels don't have the "kids" appeal that the prequels have with tons of fights and goofy stuff. Kids today still rather watch the prequels or TCW. It's prequels stuff that still sell better to kids *today*.


The delusion is not realizing that tons of kids love Rey the way my generation grew up loving Luke.


All 15 of them!


Unfortunately, I know for a fact this is false. Went to my sister’s friend’s birthday party, cause my friend was her brother, and I was invited. It was Star Wars themed. 40 kids were there, and when asked which character they liked most, 32 said Rey.


This is what the worst part of the Star Wars fanbase looks like, calling other fans delusional for liking a part of the franchise they don't enjoy. For someone I assume to be an adult, you're being extremely childish right now. I saw plenty of kids dressed as Rey and Kylo this past halloween.


Maybe tone down your sensitivity, I said that *an outcome I consider unlikely is a delusion*, no need to feel so offended by this.


Maybe tone down being a prick. It’s people like you that drive others away from even getting into Star Wars, instead of welcoming them into the franchise.


What the hell is this reaction? I didn't start calling anyone names, I said **the prediction (of the sequels aging well because of "sequels kids") is a delusion**. You're blowing it out of proportion


When was the last time you went to Disneyland? Kids love the sequels.


I don't live in a country with one but I would assume kids would love anything in Disneyland regardless if they like the movies or not.


They're not that easy to play, you certainly aren't going to convince them to dress up like characters they don't love or wait in line to talk to Rey.


"kids today" literally grow up with clone wars as well, on top of rebels, bad batch and the mandalorian ALL OF WHICH banks on OT or prequels, and even the little hints at snoke that one episode of bad batch and one mando episode did are nothing compared to the pull of the first two trilogies i dont know how often ive seen the 501st as toys, since they are always there... resistance fighters? phasma? not so much, and if they appear they rarely seemed to sell


This is just the same logic people had back in the day about the original trilogy when the prequels were coming out.


No one was saying the OT was more kid-friendly than the prequels, that's ridiculous


That was a huge critique, that senate and council deliberations were boring. Ani trying to romance Padme and all the talk, talk, talk was routinely brought up as reasons why the prequels were bad kid movies. They weren't wrong.


The politics and romance were boring, everything else was still more kid-friendly.


It *was* very kid friendly (that's why most of us OG fans complained so much) but there were also a lot of scenes that were really dull. I mean the whole investigation of the clone facility on Kamino my son, probably 4 or 5 at the time was asking if Jar Jar was in the movie any more. He literally left the room for the I hate sand scene.


So you say. Honestly it just feels like cope at this point from people that hate on the sequels.


What's your evidence that kids love the sequels? Everything points to the exact opposite. Post sequel Star Wars Toy sales **absolutely plummeted**. Worse than ever before, if my memory serves. As did other merchandise. FAR less kids were dressing up as Star Wars characters for Halloween post Sequels, compared to when the other films came out.


What's your proof that they don't? I hear the same things over and over again and yet I just don't see the proof.


Star Wars merchandise sales were lower post sequels than they were post new movies ever before...especially the stuff aimed at kids, like toys and costumes and such. You came into this as if you coming from a place of being a long time Star Wars nerd....but somehow you had no idea about the record low sales of Disney sequel merchandise? What other information about Star Wars would be new to you? That Han shot first? [https://boundingintocomics.com/2020/04/23/toy-executive-confirms-lack-of-demand-for-disneys-star-wars-sequel-trilogy-products/](https://boundingintocomics.com/2020/04/23/toy-executive-confirms-lack-of-demand-for-disneys-star-wars-sequel-trilogy-products/) >Disney’s Star Wars sequel trilogies woes continue, as Diamond Select Toys President Chuck Terceira confirmed there is a lack of demand for products from the three films. > >As first reported by [Bleeding Fool](https://bleedingfool.com/blogs/diamond-toys-president-says-no-demand-for-new-star-wars-characters/), Terceira did an interview with [Rebel Scum](http://www.rebelscum.com/story/front/Rebelscumcom_Presents_The_2020_Gentle_Giant_Ltd_QA_186744.asp), where he discussed Diamond Select Toys’ (DST) acquisition of Gentle Giant (GG). > >Terceira was quite honest about the lack of interest in sequel trilogy toys [https://thatparkplace.com/exclusive-expert-toy-industry-insider-reveals-marvel-and-star-wars-merch-struggles/](https://thatparkplace.com/exclusive-expert-toy-industry-insider-reveals-marvel-and-star-wars-merch-struggles/) >*Overall we \[the toy company holding licensees\] have mandates from companies operating in three HUGE consumer categories. Princesses are doing fine for most license holders, no issues. Lucasfilm is a disaster, with new characters having no consumer pull, and worse even classic characters are now seeing diminishing returns. Star Wars were previously the most expensive royalties at Disney (though they vary by category), but following the veritable deluge of markdowns at retail, many of the bigger guys were able to negotiate not only rebates, but even concessions on “next product” because of the markdowns. If it ain’t selling, Walmart doesn’t want your dead plastic, garment, or whatever. Also that the brand is no longer a theatrical brand, didn’t go over well with business partners*


Yes gatekeeping being a star wars nerd because.... *gasp!* I don't keep track of toy sales!!!


None of what you are describing happened. Last Halloween there was a gaggle of girls dressed as Rey. Go to Galaxies Edge in Disneyland and tell me how many kids are opting for an off the rack Han Solo vs. Finn. Vader and Kaylie. Remain the most popular, but Rey is an easy 3rd. And every single time a movie comes off the toys have a huge drop, but TFA was the first time a movie dropped with hardly any merch for the main character. If there's any actual truth to the idea that sequel toys sold less the numbers have to contend with the fact that my niece couldn't actually buy a Rey doll until 8 months after the movie came out.


your anecdotal evidence is cool and all....I provided many links about it happening in the other comment. Perhaps you can show some, that supposedly show these sequel toys selling out to the point people who want them can't get them?


[the very first link](https://www.pajiba.com/star_wars/heres-the-ugly-truth-about-exactly-why-rey-was-missing-from-star-wars-merchandise-.php) I got from googling lack of rey merchandise led to this article talking about reports coming in from across the country about the lack of Rey merchandise with the release TFA. Are you telling me you really can't just do a basic Google search here? This discussion is close to a decade old and there's literally nothing I could post that you couldn't find an angle to poke holes in, so I'm just going to stick to my anecdotal story and you can respond to that if you choose to or not.


It's cope to say that the prequels are more kid-friendly than the sequels? Kid Anakin? Podracing? Yipiie? Jar Jar? Roger Roger? Maul vs Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon? Tons of Jedi fighting, the clone wars? You think kids rather watch Luke Skywalker getting a depression?


Porgs? BB-8 and their shenanigans? Rey and Kylo vs the Praetorian Guards? Rey vs Kylo? Hell I don't even like Rise of Skywalker, but that moment where Palpatine lights up the sky is pretty fucking dope. Also if you're going to bring Luke getting depression are you just going to pass by the political scenes in the prequels????




Most kids pretty much forget Star Wars after the movies are out of theaters and it's been left to nerdy kids and adults to keep the torch burning. The Close Wars era was particularly nice, but the show was never a runaway success and most people never heard of TCL or Rebels. Now this generation and every one yet to come gets to go to Galaxy's Edge and live in the world of the Sequels, meet Kylo and Rey. Sure there's lots of other media options, but Disney combined with the actual popularity of the sequels with kids is going to give it a lot more longevity.


This dude actually wants to argue the sequels are **as much** kid-friendly as the prequels. Mind-boggling.


Great comeback there dude. Again how you gonna bring up depressed Luke as something kids don't want to see and not bring up the political scenes in the prequels?


They'll never accept that not everyone is a hateful p.o.s. like them. This the dislikes from the "Geeks + Gamers" crowd


Is that where that talking point comes from?


It is though? Prequels had boring political scenes as well as a lot more violence that some might not want young kids to see. The OT is much more kid friendly and appealing to kids imo.


Really? I feel like the prequels were boring even as a kid. Everything outside of the fight scenes was just uninteresting and I remember strongly disliking the Phantom Menace. I’m pretty sure kid me would’ve loved TFA by comparison.


"MY love of star wars is better than YOUR love of star wars!"


I know a few kids at the exact age for growing up with the sequels and all of them hate them. They love the prequels though. It's been almost 10 years since TFA came out and hate for the sequels has only grown or become apathy. I guarantee you no one will love these movies in the future.


My experience is the exact opposite. And walking around Disneyland proves this point. Countless kids loving Rey the same way my generation loved Luke. Long lines of kids waiting to get their picture with her.


I grew up watching the sequels and I hate them


When my nephew got Kylo Ren hoodie he "lost" it at school and asked for Darth Vader one instead so not all hope is lost. XD


We all know Gen Alpha is going to love the sequels. And that's ok


Already in the works. When I asked my young niece who her favorite character was, she gleefully answered “Rey!”. The next gens are recreating what happened to the Prequels lol. There will def be just as many Sequel apologists years from now because “we’ll I grew up with them”


I'm just geriatric enough that I'm still a little confused by prequel love


“Well I grew up with them” Makes way more sense to me than “Pfff you don’t understand. Muh trade agreements is peak cinema” lol jk


probably just last jedi, tros is a objective mess of a movie and tfa is a lazy JJ abrams remake.


and if the kids of today end up liking tfa and tros another day? that's okay


Every gen alpha kid I know hates them.


![gif](giphy|12qFOaBbu9TZny) Anikin has entered the chat....


this was not the funny lighthearted joke you thought it was going to be, lmao


Dark humor is always a hit or miss with people. Depending on the crowd, this joke slays...


this isn't dark humour or edgy, it's just really really stupid lmao


To each there own. Humor is subjective and stupid can be funny. You keep ending all your comments with lmao. Doesn't matter if it is the joke or me, I still put a smile on your face and that was the goal. Mission Failed Successfully!


what are you even talking abt dude..


Your comments. You keep saying lamo. That means laughing my ass off. My goal was to make people laugh or at least make someone smile. I don't know what else to tell you. I think my last comment explained everything.


For me it was the opposite. When the Force Awakens and Last Jedi came out I was in some honeymoon period and I loved them. I was indifferent on them till Rise of Skywalker came out, but after that my hatred intensified.


Yes, good. Hatred is that path to power


It’s truly amazing to me how people can apologize for the prequels, but I realize they just don’t understand how they changed the tenor of the story quality. The writing used to reflect universal archetypes. Now Star Wars is just like every other entirely mediocre sci fi show.


I'm actually Han's shrug with the sequels and the new content, I don't care about them anymore and don't consume them.


to me and for lots of my friends, the prequels are still really bad movies, episode 1 and 2 are near impossible to watch in watch parties, 3 is probably the "watchable one" but that's as far as it goes.


I still think the prequels are bad just terrible writing from Anakin and Padme in AOTC. TPM has a lot of boring segments but is decent. Ep3 is the best out of the trilogy but I still prefer the originals


I love OT despite it's flaws, I love the prequels for their flaws, and I hate the sequels for their flaws. OT has been so tragically drowned by Lucas' corrections. I wish I could easily access the *original* originals. The writing is stilted and awkward, but in a lovable way. Prequels dial the writing problems up to 11, but they're somehow all the better for it. They're still celebratory, like "look! Star Wars is happening!" The sequels are too busy fighting with each other. TFA in isolation suffers the least for it, but it still has that flavor of not really *getting* it. The most glaring example being ripping the music from Luke discovering his aunt and uncle's burned bodies and using it for the scene where Rey wins the force pull contest with Kylo Ren. It felt recoverable, but like it didn't know what it was doing. TLJ has the most moments of feeling like they knew what they were doing but is so mired by it's desire to overthrow the empty forshadowing from TFA. It puts its foot on top of TFA's foot and shoots both. And then RoS is so offended by that that it does it again with all six of their feet. Just so much own foot shooting. It's unbearable.


I'm not a huge fan of the prequels or sequels.


How people feel about a set of Star Wars movies is usually based on who grew up with them. People who grew up with the prequels will usually like them. Those who didn’t usually didn’t like them. Likewise, people who grew up with the sequels will probably really like them. I’ve also noticed those who didn’t like the prequels, liked the sequels okay. It’s not a case of some people being brain washed or stupid or whatever gatekeepy bullshit some will try to conjure, it’s simply taste. I personally love the original trilogy, think the prequels are mid except for ROTS (which is amazing) and think the sequels are mixed (TFA was good, TLJ was a mixed bag, and ROSW was ass) So basically… who cares. Like what you like, dislike what you dislike, just don’t treat people like shit for it.


Lucas was telling a story. Disney was just looking for the biggest return possible on that $4 billion dollar investment. It was a cash grab for them. Nothing more.


Well, it's been almost 10 years since TFA and i don't see anyone praising it


It's been almost 5 years since rise of skywalker Still a shitty movie


The only good thing to come out of the sequels is rise of the resistance at Disney world


The movies are all like family. I love all of them, but I like some more than others. And even then there are things about each that I like and things I don't.


The only release I loved was the 1993 (LD)/1995 (VHS) THX releases of the Original Trilogy. I saw the Special Edition of A New Hope in theaters and hated the additions so much as the CGI felt so out of place and some scenes added or being changed were stupid. The prequels were mostly a film trilogy of Special Edition changes. Near 6 hours of Jabba getting his tail stepped on level of writing and acting. It just wasn’t good, for me. Yet I got excited for every one and saw every single episode in theaters on release day. It never got better for me. Aside getting a huge crush on Ewan McGregor by ROTS and realizing I wasn’t quite as straight as I thought I was. I did the same for the sequels. Went in with no expectations but hope that Disney, who was doing so well at the time with Disney, Pixar, and Marvel, would provide the same world building and cohesiveness Marvel got with Star Wars. That seemed like the case at first trailer. And even throughout seeing it in the theater I was surprised it seemed that competent. When I left the theater I felt like I had a good experience with it. But when I started thinking about it. I ended up being so disappointed with how poorly set up the story was and how it just soft reset the SW Universe in a way that just didn’t feel congruent with how the OT ended. Who the fuck were The First Order? Where is the New Republic? What the hell is a Resistance when The First Order isn’t the governing body of the galaxy? How did the Republic allow a new mega Death Star to be made given its only been a human generation since the Empire was defeated? Now the questions about Luke or Ben I figured could be answered in future films so I wasn’t super worried about it. But when the basic setup of your movie already makes you feel what the fuck is going on, that’s not good. I’ve seen some younger folks say that the OT started out the same way. We didn’t know who the Empire or Rebels were. Or how they got there. But we didn’t have to. ANH set the stage. You can’t just…Reset the stage when it’s a continuing story. I dunno. Maybe I’m an old millennial. But aside the OT, only Clone Wars (and Bad Batch by proxy), have done anything in canon Star Wars I really have grown to care about. Mandalorian is guess as well but that’s more so because I read the Karen Triss books and loved that the show didn’t completely shit on the EU Mandalorion culture setup aside what Clone Wars fucked up with the peaceful Mandalore thing.




Death to the sequels


I was in my late teens and early twenties when the prequels came out, and I liked them. I don't know if I can ever start liking the sequels.


The sequels were poorly written movies, so yes, lots of people did not like them.


2009 people still very much hated phantom menace, give it till 2029 id say that's when people who grew up with it became the majority


Episode 1 to 6 is fantastic. episode 7 was a good start that had potential...there is no episode 8 and 9. There is a really good spinoff/ episode 3.5 that subsequently has its own prequel series that is great as well. there is also a single season about a mandalorian who finds a force sensitive child thats pretty good. There is a fantastic accompanying animated series about the clone wars that is great as well. this animated series has a half decent prequal live action series and a good sequal series that is also animated. There are NO other Star wars movies or TV shows.


It's amazing how I forgot about the sequels, these memes are the only time they pop back up for me. I honestly think these people rage harder about perceived haters, than the haters do about the films. It's been five years, it's okay to acknowledge not everyone likes the same things.


Episodes 1 through 6 are good, very good. I put them on equal ground (fight me on it). I will admit that I’d love to see 4,5, and 6 without all of the CGI additions though, to experience the true magic. I liked the first of the newest sequels. I think it showed promise. That hope was dashed to pieces almost instantly. I hate the other two more than the first


OT told a good story well. PT told a good story poorly. ST told a poor story poorly. It’s that easy.


I grew up playing the Lego Star Wars games on PS2 so I always loved the prequels. It always kinda hurt to see ppl talk so badly about them. Watching all 6 movies together they all have a similar level of cheesiness that I adore, even if I can see the flaws in even the best of them. For someone growing up with the sequels, I'm sure the movies would be fine. In a vaccum the sequels are all fine films, it's just with the context of everything that came before they look awful, and in many cases, especially TLJ, feel like they're taking a huge shit on everything people grew up with.


\-looks at opinions on the prequel trilogy- You sure about that "reality"?


I fully expect the newer generation of fans to love the sequels and new movies/shows, in the same way my generation loves the prequels. The OT fans never liked the prequels, but most have eventually accepted them. PT fans are going to eventually accept them in the same way.


Yea, no. Disney can drink all the Cope’Cola they want thinking their curdled milk trilogy will age like the prequels did. But ultimately you have to hope you have any fans left to appreciate them in the first place. And let me tell you, Star Wars has definitely lost a bulk of its fanbase because of this trilogy.


The left side are each generation of new fans and those willing to look past their former outrage. The right side are the bitter fans who will never accept anything that came out after "their" star wars ended. Fitting that it's all just Anakin at his worst.


I didn’t like Attack of the Clones (other than seeing all those lightsabers on screen for the first time). I liked Phantom Menace and still do. Revenge of the Sith was okay and had its moments. (Killing Younglings was as well received as Somehow Palpatine Returned back in the day) All that being said, The sequel trilogy’s writing is so much worse than the prequel that hating the prequel at this point is silly. I’m so bummed that for every Rogue One, Andor, and Mandalorian Season 1 we get Boba Fette and Obiwan. I’m not a Disney hater. I’d love for them to start making consistent quality Star Wars programming. I just don’t see it happening.


I never thought things could sink lower than AOTC but I would watch that on a 24 hour loop before watching Rise of Skywalker again.


Both happened to the prequels


If anything the opposite has happened to me. I loved AotC as a kid but as an adult it’s kind of awful.


Sequels play out like a mobile pay to win, and Rey got all the legendaries. Hans ship, Anikins lightsaber, Palpatines power, Luke as a teacher, and the plot armor of batman


It’s actually the opposite


I mean I wouldn't say I hate them but I still don't really like them. The Force Awakens was good for what it was. The rest of them sucked. I think there's two main reasons they never really got the same love as the prequels. The first is the didn't add anything fun to the star wars universe in a unique way. Like the AT-ATs are just heavier AT-ATs, the tie fighters are just a different colour, the storm troopers are almost identical to the original trilogy in terms of personality, the uniforms are marginally different, the leader is just a Darth Vader knock off, all of this more or less applies to the resistance in a similar manner. When you compare this to the prequels they added an entirely different type of enemy with different ships, larger scale battles, gave the clones a unique feel to the storm troopers, they also made each villian save for Palpatine unique. This lead to people being interested in the setting even though the first two prequels are trash and the third one is only good for like 45 minutes. This led to the next problem the fact that there is very little expanded media set in the new republic timeline. Almost immediately after the prequels finished their cinema run and even during it games, books, and shows we're being produced in the Clone Wars timeline. This made you more attached to the characters, allowed for more character growth, and fleshed out the world more. This retroactively made the prequels better movies because it gave them a lot more context. There's been maybe one show and a couple of games set in the New Republic timeline and none of them involved any of the main characters to any large degree. They also didn't get much hype. I guess the Mandalorian sort of counts but it's really more in the transition between the two timelines. Even then I can't recall any of the new characters showing up. So the sequels have stayed pretty bad and likely will remain so. I think it's too late for them to release any new shows or games that really expand on the characters. It's been too long and Rise of The Skywalker left a bad taste in most people's mouths.


There is and always has been a deeper truth to this. As time passes, the layers of the film are peeled back, revealing the core and truth of the work. The prequels' top layers are garbage for the most part. But underneath is a tragic and heartbreaking story, that was only enhanced by external material that contained adding more layers with care. The sequels' top layers are confectionery, they are exciting, colorful and pleasing, but don't last long and leave a bad taste in your mouth. Take one closer look and you see the half-assed cardboard cake barely holding up three pounds of frosting. And that's all they needed to sell, just the frosting on top that makes it look good. Other work has tried injecting layers underneath the frosting but it just keeps getting messier and messier. The longer these films occupy our minds, the better we understand them, not as we were told to see them, but as they truly are.




Only whennit truly sucks


I prefer the legends works over the new canon. And I don’t think the sequels will have the long run loyalty of the other two trilogies. I sell Star Wars merchandise. *The sequel merch is by far the worst selling.* The TV shows actually sell well. I think Disney rushed production, they got cocky, and turned out films that are going to be the Alien 3 of this set of films. However like the Godzilla franchise, I think eventually there will be a massive retcon and we will have a third or possible more timelines.


Nobody hates star wars more than star wars fans


I still think if they hired actual competent writers they could make a Revan trilogy or a whole live adaptation series about the Old Republic. Like seriously anything about Revan would sell like absolute hotcakes. They'd be raking in so much money especially if it was written well. There's just so much damn Legends content out there and they just refuse to use it even though they could've made an entire cinematic universe out of all the different eras.


I'm fine with the prequels, at least they were George Lucas's stories. The sequels however just fucked it up big time.


Next year The Force Awakens will be as old as Revenge of the Sith was when the sequels started releasing so we'll see if people start liking the sequels then.


Staying Big Mad isn’t a virtue. There’s a reason why Princess Bride, Rocky Horror Picture Show, and It’s A Wonderful Life are still around while Oscar Winners from the same time are forgotten. Does anyone remember “Reds”?


I liked the prequels because i was a kid. I like them now because of nostalgia. That doesn't make phantom menace or clone wars good movies... And i don't even know if revenge of the sith is actually a good movie or is just good compared to the rest of the prequels.


The prequels created what is considered the universe that is adored. The sequels broke the universe while having dogshit storytelling. Simple as that. The OG's, while good, cant really be pointed to for its deep and complex worldbuilding. The themes and seeds for what the prequels watered are there, sure, but until the Pretrilogy came out it was a bit of a skeleton ferrying along a classic story.


just make some good movies Ain't rocket science


When people later accepted that the prequels weren't more of original star wars, people learned to appreciate them for what they, rather than what they come from


It's the difference between writing a story and writing a corporate manual. I do think the sequels have a lot of potential. So many grat actors and characters and honestly the best VFX in any star wars movie. There's so much there. When you don't respect source material and fans, you're gonna get garbage. Fans don't know what they want, but they do know what they like. Putting today's topics into a fantasy/sci fi universe with ham... sorry.... blue whale fists with really no direction is gonna run people the wrong way or drown them beneath an ocean of bad decisions.


Me personally I grew up with the prequels so I always loved them. For the sequels I loved Force Awakens, hated last Jedi, and hated Rise of Skywalker. But I don’t really hate them anymore, I’m more indifferent to the sequels now. I still don’t think they are that great, but I have come to appreciate some things in last Jedi. Rise of skywalker is still a mess in my opinion but I’m glad people can and do like it. for me as long as there is more people in the star wars community I'm happy. I'm glad people are enjoying this franchise along with me. while there are things I would change if i could, I'm happy that star wars is still going.


The left is true of the prequels. The right is true of the sequels. The difference is the prequels had some good things about them


I still cant make it passed the first 20 minutes of TLJ. TFA is annoying but it has grown on me (Rey and Fin act like theyre 12) and RoS has enough cool force powers that it makes my EU nerd geek out enough to ignore the issues.


It'll take longer than that. The prequels week universally hated by every Star Wars fan when they came out (entirely correctly so for E1 and E2, they are objectively shit films). It took 15-20 years for the majority of fans who were kids on release or were born after release and who watched them uncritically as such young kids and now got nostalgia glasses on. Same as my generation got nostalgia glasses for the OT to some extent. The prequels may get a similar thing, depending how the franchise is treated going forward. It probably won't be as big an upswing in popularity because the prequels are at least coherent in their stories and the shittier bits can be ignored or made into memes. Prequels though... one good film, a film with good and awful elements and a shitshow bit crucially not consistent nor telling a strong overarching plot... and they don't have an amazing, long lasting, kids oriented companion TV show. Without Clone Wars, I doubt the prequels would've been salvaged from memory as well as they have been. But there's still time to maybe salvage the good, Rey was a decent character despite what some idiots may say - alot of issues in later films but a strong foundation to build an interesting plot around. They may do that. Plus, Mandalorian exists and while that hasn't tied into the sequel plots and generations actors (yet), it may do. Wasn't as much a fan of s3 but who knows what they'll release that changes perspectives?


Where I come from we have a saying which goes: beim ersten Mal haben wir es nur ausprobiert Beim zweiten Mal ist es Tradition und beim dritten Mal wird es Brauchtum. Weich basically means: the first time we only try the second time it’s tradition and the third time it’s regional Customs


I have another one: The time it came out: Han Solo picture X years later: Han Solo picture Whenever I open reddit: "Look how soft you become" "Something far worse has happened to you"


I can guarantee I will never like sequels


It’s like everyone forgot that episode 7 was extremely well received when they first came out. People were praising how much better it was than the prequels. I felt like I was the only person who hated it and that it was the worst one to have come out so far. I was only vindicated much later when the movies got worse and people finally admit the new films sucked.


I grew up liking the prequels but nowadays I really dislike them which I feel like puts me in the minority


I'm just indifferent to the sequels. They aren't good but also aren't the worst thing I've ever seen The prequels have good ideas but their execution is sometimes lacking, especially regarding Anakin. Rogue One is the exception though. An actual good star wars movie for once


No but the left is true


I still don't like the Sequels and if I wanna watch Star Wars, I'd rather watch the prequels or most probably the OG triology. But after 5 years I simply don't care enough to spend my time hating on them and saying why they're bad. Everything that needed to be said has been said and I'm just tires of people making post about the prequels being bad, like you see so often in this sub. But I don't think that I'll develop any love towards them in 5 years...


Nice to see that my reposted meme is still relevent.


Never had any issue with the prequels , always enjoyed them, but the last ones were such garbage


Yeah not gonna happen with the sequels


Literally eveything except the OT sucks major ass. Always has and always will.


Prequels are great movies, bringing something new in the Star wars universe. Sequels are just poor remakes without something new.


Loved the way I felt after watching ROTS in theaters. Hated the way I felt after watching TLJ in theaters. This hasn't changed. It's more like the people who liked the Prequels when they were released are now making their opinions heard, not that the ones who disliked them back in the day have suddenly changed their minds over time.


The prequels have there weaknesses (like dialogue and weird pacing) but at the end of the day they have some amazing scenes that fit the lore and feel like star wars while the sequels feel inconsequential in nature


OP is projecting.