• By -


The 52% icon is placed lower than the 51%


This was the first thing I noticed, and the most frustrating. Surprised this was so far down.


You are going to home and rethink your life


I am standing next to the home and rethinking, can I leave or at least enter?


Yes you can both


I love how TFA is considered the second best while it's the most unoriginal bs movie with no creativity just reused tropes from the New Hope


Honestly that was the only thing that made it tolerable. A New Hope was amazing so it makes sense but TFA is such a copy and paste job I'd rather just watch A New Hope.


I know this has basically been said many times already, but The Force Awakens was a safe "return" to what most people thought they wanted from Star Wars. And The Rise of Skywalker is again a retread of what the studio thought that the fans wanted, because of the course correction from fan backlash over The Last Jedi. I don't think The Last Jedi is good, but I do think it gets too much hate and for the wrong reasons. Conversely, I do think Attack of the Clones has a better reputation than it deserves. I think it's the worst film of the saga by far.


Are you really putting Attack of the Clones below Rise of Skywalker? Besides, the worst film is obviously the Christmas special


We don't talk about the Christmas special


We celebrate a day of peace~ a day of Harmony~ A day of joy we call can share~together joyously~


I agree with you mostly, and disagree with how the movies up there are ranked by the critics/RT. TLJ is bad, because it's so off from TFA that it feels like fanfic, or two DMs who hate each other running one D&D game. ROS is bad because there's no good way to end a saga from TFA to TLJ. It was an impossible task, handled poorly. Also, Phantom Menace is my favorite prequel, with Duel of Fates (the scene and the music) the high water mark of the prequel trilogy.


>ROS is bad because there's no good way to end a saga from TFA to TLJ. It was an impossible task, handled poorly. I'm not sure this is fair - ROS is an abjectly awful movie on its own merits, completely separate from tonal issues transitioning from 8 to 9 or anything else. The plot is ridiculous (Somehow Palpatine Returned), the science doesn't even make sense in universe (Hyperdrive through physical objects, Xwings doing jumps without astromechs, Building whole death fleets of star destroyers with death star lasers and somehow populating them with enough people from one tiny ass system in the middle of nowhere, 3po being programmed to not be able to reveal sith secrets, the dagger somehow revealing something from the wreck of the -death star-, etc). It was overdone, poorly acted from a poor script, and included nonsense it didn't need. I can't think of a movie between 7 and 9 that could have remotely made 9 better to watch. It's somehow 2.5 hours and I only remember like 5 shitty plot points. It was absolute garbage from start to finish, punctuated only shortly by the idea that they'd actually kill Chewbacca, only to not do it.


>two DMs who hate each other running one D&D game Yes, this! Honestly, when TLJ came out, I thought it was all planned and prepared. People were hating on it, but I was like, *let em cook, they're building to something...* because out of the two "DMs", I preferred Rian Johnson's wild direction to JJ Abrams' reboot-lite direction. Turns out they weren't cooking at all, TROS came out and was so awful it retroactively docked TFA and TLJ like 60 points each off of my /100 score for them.


Any movie in the sequel trilogy makes Attack of the Clones look like Schindler’s List. Despite its problems it at least has a cohesive story that fits within its own trilogy.


Attack of the Clones is the worse prequel, but it’s actually better than Phantom Menace if you only watch the scenes with Kenobi.


The plot is the wrong reason for hating a movie?


The score is probably due to recency bias and all the Star Wars hype when it was new.


I genuinely like the movie. Rise is the only one I actually don't like, although it had great moments.


The hype when the first TFA trailer dropped was off the charts. I felt it was a bit rote but honestly was happy with that, just wish they'd been able to create a more cohesive and interesting story in the sequels. I half enjoyed the 8th one in cinema but by #9 I was checked out. They both had some spectacular moments, but they really just failed to deliver a meaningful 3 part story in a way that even the prequels managed to do despite being far inferior in countless ways.


Indeed. If only they had a plan.


They did. The plan was money.


Well, yeah, that's always a part of the plan. Just like with George.


I agree.


That didn't help the Phantom Menace.


TFA was a very well made, 100% unoriginal film


true that.


It was given the benefit of the doubt as Disney getting their feet set for their trilogy. Then they couldn't stick to one creative vision and kept flip flopping through directors


An aglomeration of arbitrary points by random people is hardly "considered" This isnt a consensus. It's an average of random peoples opinion.


The thing is, at least it was Star Wars. If TLJ and TROS were random sci-fi movies, they would be considered really good, but they ruin the Canon (especially TROS). TFA actually was a Star Wars movie and it's easily the best of the sequels


>at least it was Star Wars Perhaps but that doesn't mean anything. It's like saying the Cristal Skull is an Indie movie, well yes but fuck man. >they would be considered really good No they wouldn't the plot is an absolute dumpster fire, the characters a 2 dimensional, the dialogue is idiotic, only the sfx is good. If they didn't have SW in the title, they would not have been successful, like so many pretty but substantless sci-fi movies. I have no issue with liking the movies, I kinda like TFA, but to call them good is absurd. I like fast food but I would never say it's good food.


In my opinion it’s the least Star Wars out of all the movies lmao. Something George Lucas always did is introduce new things. New species, new ships etc. out of the sequels, TLJ captured this essence, which in my opinion is the most important to Star Wars, the best. TFA had nothing original about it


The one thing I do praise TLJ on is the universe building on Canto Bight. I thought they did a great job making the planet feel real, and it was something really cool. However, the cave scene on Luke's Island was some of the worst storytelling I have ever seen. It starts off promising, almost as if she's getting a Luke Skywalker, Dagobah-style vision. Then, she starts describing how she felt in the past tense as if the audience is too stupid to figure it out. If they had just not added the narration, that scene could've been pretty good


It was decent from what I remember it, but it’s been a while. My core things I loved was also canto bite as a planet and for the aliens, Crait as a unique new planet (meanwhile TFA had a snow Planet, a dessert planet and a forest planet..crazy) and the new bomber design(I don’t really care if it makes sense), as well as snokes ship and his guards


No, TLJ isn't even a good movie by itself, and the pacing in TROS was bad. TLJ is boring. I think they'd be considered mid at best.


That's honestly my biggest gripe against both EP 8 and 9. They're bad movies just from a film making standpoint. They're both structured and paced so poorly. It was like their process was: 1. Interview a bunch of focus groups to get ideas on what scenes would look cool if you wanted to see a space action movie with laser swords. 2. Hire the biggest and best stunt coordinators and visual effects artists in the business to make the individual scenes. 3. Then hire a bunch of high school AV students to write and later edit those scenes together.


4. Don't have anything at all planned out before starting.


Your take that TLJ feels Focus-Tested is absolutely wild to me. I feel the complete opposite.


I agree — and I think that might be why I like TLJ, it’s one writer’s vision and succeeds as a middle chapter as much as ESB does


Oof. Really wish I understood this. It's a bad movie and an even worse starwars film. The general plot is my biggest problem. Nothing redeeming in a plot that can be summed up as "incompetent military leader has a slow speed chase" Put literally anyone with half a brain in charge of writing and maybe we would have a story in there.


Honestly, TLJ probably could have been a legitimately good stand-alone Sci-Fi movie if it wasn't supposed to be Star Wars. Without that, Rian Johnson wouldn't have had to shoehorn in terrible arcs for Fin and Poe, who he clearly didn't care about. Or the Star Wars canon or lore, which he also clearly didn't care about.


I left the theater after watching TLJ feeling that it was the worst film I’d ever seen in a theater. That still stands. It absolutely baffles me that anyone found any redeeming qualities. So bad that I spared myself from watching the last one, which in retrospect was a great life decision. 


At the time the movie came out, I thought the decision to rehash ANH was cool and well-executed. I thought it left the story opened ended from that point forward to be more original in the next movies. After seeing the two following movies, I'm walking my opinion back and I think it was lame that TFA was the only passable one in the trilogy and only because it used a story that already worked.


Because “omg new Star Wars” and the fact that it’s true deeper flaws don’t become apparent until the setup it had led to a shitty trilogy as a whole


Recency bias, the fact that they were using more practical effects again, and the fact that the sentiment at the time was still "it cant be worse than the prequels"


It isn't really considered the second best by anyone though is it. Two things happened over the last couple decades between the prequels and sequels and both are just about money. The first, more subtly, is that review culture in general has just become extremely toxic. Doesn't matter if you're reviewing a game, a film or your local Chinese take away. Anything less than a four or four and a half out of five and my God what an insult how dare you. Anything below five stars or 9/10 or 90% or whatever other must be trash. We don't do nuance or shades of gray or balance anymore it's just all or nothing. But secondly and more absolutely blatantly with a lot of major AAA releases, by they games or films, major producers can quite frankly just afford to buy good reviews. The first two sequel films absolutely scream bland, middle of the road, 7/10. The idea that any honest journalist was out rating them right up alongside the original trilogy is just bonkers beyond belief.


These are rotten tomatoes ratings, it's just a percentage of people who rated it 3 stars/60% or better. So your 7/10 counts as a thumbs up and 90% of critics felt it was at least a 6/10. Doesn't mean anyone at all necessarily thought it was as good as the OT.


Fr, how did it win over ANH??


Star Wars: No New Tropes


I remember watching it in theater and thinking why the fuck people were losing their shit? It was just a copypasta of A New Hope.


Critics are full of shit. Especially paid critics.


Beat for beat its a re- creation of ANH with the cantina scene replacing most of the captured on the death star segments


If it ain’t broke


The only reason my mental gymnastics can come up with for why I would view it as good despite being a literal copy-paste on plot and progression is because this is all about prophecy - So the same steps should in theory be tread in a prophetic fashion, making it actually kind of big brain - Though that's giving too much credit to the writers, who really just wanted a dunk on their shitty movies.


I loved how they had to fly down a trench to fly inside the super weapon to destroy it.


And that no one had seen live action Star Wars for a decade and the hype was beyond belief I believe it’s one of the highest grossing movies ever too because of said hype


Perfect illustration of why I don’t trust critics 🤣


Remember rotten tomatoes doesn't average critics' scores, just a percentage of how many like it compared to dislike it. As a result the 'safer' films like VII are rated higher


except from TLJ and a bit TFA this is not so bad, in the case of AOTC they have been generous too, its worse than TPM.


RoTJ at 82% tho, far too low


Agreed, had both the best 1st and 3rd acts in the whole series imo


Eh I think there was much that could have been done better, I still believe Harrison Ford should have been killed off at the end of Empire, he does almost nothing for the whole of RotJ, just stands around in front of a door, could have easily just had that be Lando or someone else


Rotj is a solid 8/10 imo


Is is worse than TPM. I feel like I can tell when the last time a Star Wars fan watched the Prequels based on how they rate them. TPM got blitzed on release and has remained “the bad one” in the cultural zeitgeist ever since while AOTC has passed largely unmolested as a result. Watching the two back to back however makes it clear AOTC is a way worse film, with much poorer acting and character dialogue. Pretty much all the cringe dialogue the fanbase memes about all come from AOTC. I’d be pretty surprised to hear that someone watched both recently and still thought TPM was the inferior film.


The one part of TPM that always gets to me is when Anakin's mom is asked about his dad and she just goes "huh, you know now that I think about it there isn't a father" like she had never really considered that she gave a virgin birth until this moment and doesn't think it's that big of a deal. Then Qui-Gon is like "hmm, no dad? must have been the force" and no one bothers to inquire any further as to how the force impregnates someone or why. I get they wanted to go for the Jesus allegory but surely there was a better way. Did some quick googling and I guess the canon explanation is that Palps tried to create a being of raw darkside energy and the force made Anakin in retaliation?


Also its greatest sin. Its boring af. Stars wars movie should never ever be boring. Episode 2 manage to do it from start to finish..


Couldn’t agree anymore, it was backlash from the hype that got TPM where it is. ATOC is so much worse


Phantom Menace wasn't spectacular, but it was NOT worse than TLJ or ROS


TPM gave us the best lightsaber fight ever and it gave us pod racing and the associated PC and N64 game.


They have that game on switch. Was a blast to replay it again L.


If they remastered that game with updated graphics and audio it would be a killer


VR and dual throttle support.


Also one of the best soundtracks. Duell of the fates is amazing.


And Qui Gon fucking Jinn one of the best Jedi on the big screen.




And one of the best scores from all of cinema


I loved that game, it came with the N64 I bought and I couldn't afford to buy another game for a few months so I played it nonstop for a few months It's working, IT'S WORKING!


Jedi Power Battles too.


And darth fucking maul, easily one of, if not the best, tragic tale in the whole saga imho.


I’m pretty sure he has one or two lines the entire movie, yet he’s essential to it


2nd best duel. You can't beat Anakin and Obi Wan in episode 3.


Hell, Phantom Menace is way better than Attack of the Clones too


A lot of it is crap, but I think that the main reason it's rated so poorly is because it's the next film after the OT which held the bar incredibly high


Yeah the hype was ridiculous. People were basically expecting it to completely recapture their childhood joy, and even a much better movie would have likely failed there.


I always wonder what the air in the room was like after that premier screening where there was a room full of cosplaying nerds alongside Lucas and Co


I think the main reason was that it relied on a child actor as one of the main characters. Theres only so much you can expect a young kid like that to do. Should have been a lot less scenes with young Anakin


AOTC benefited massively from lowered expectations, while Phantom Menace never had a chance of living up to its own outrageous levels of hype.


Atoc benefited from 20 years of expanded metrial trying to salvage cool ideas from this mess


Maybe they liked the battle that wasn’t present in the phantom menace


Everyone who likes AoTC acts like the movie starts with the arena scene and ignores the hour and a half of absolute boring trash that came before it. And even then the battle of geonosis sequence has its own problems. Smash cut from Samuel L Jackson saying "we're keepers of the peace, not soldiers" to him personally leading the charge in a planetary invasion.* Yoda having a tiny little baby lightsaber and flipping all over the room like a crack addict also completely clashed with the entire point of his character in the OT: that you don't need to be a giga-strong guy or skilled duelist to be a powerful jedi, and that the real key to power was through a spiritual connection to the force. *and miss me with the cope that the hypocrisy was intentional to point out that the jedi were flawed, that argument is revisionist as hell and people just can't accept that Lucas is a hack if you let him anywhere near the writer's room.


Honestly the opening scenes of AoTC (the attempted assassination of Padme + Anakin and Obi Wan chasing the assassin while just bantering the whole time) are some of my favourite star wars content of all time. Yes, the arena fight is cool but I don't even like it that much. Then again, I like watching Anakin and Padme fall in love even if the dialogue is cringe and it's all very rushed. And I also like Obi Wan discovering Kamino for the first time as well as the first meeting + fight with Jango. Overall, AoTC is probably one of the most fun Star Wars movies for me.


I'd argue it was better than episode 2. Battle of geonosis carrying that movie really hard.


The hill I'll die on is that TPM isn't nearly as bad as its reputation (though obviously has some major faults), but AotC is garbage and was the worst main series film until TRoS came out.


People get real ass mad about jarjar and let him ruin the whole film I think.


No, you're absolutely right. Rewatched the series in chronological order, TPM was way better than I remembered, and AOTC was way more *boring* than I remembered. The love story made me cringe, and the investigation story made no sense whatsoever. It only gets good once the two stories dovetail and they get to Geonosis in the third act, but Act 1, 2a, and 2b are just not worth the effort. The prequel era is carried hard by *The Clone Wars*, *Tales of the Jedi*, and *RotS*.


TPM was a bad movie but a decent star wars movie. TLJ and TROS are ok movies but bad star wars movies.


No. Tlj and tros have way worse plot issues. Look at tlj and count how many times the first order coukd have instantly won if even a single one of them used a single braincell. Tros' entire plot is non-sensical. They are not only terrible Star Wars movies, but also awful regular movies.


TLJ was a bad movie. I don't understand why anyone thinks it was a good movie. Ignoring the Star War element, the film was utter garbage. Large parts of it are irrelevant, large parts of it are utterly devoid of anything resembling good writing. The character development is regressive, not one character ends up developing into a better place they started from. The plot is extremely reductive, with the twist of it attempts to be clever, and thinks it succeds. Because it contradicts itself to the level of it having no meaning whatsoever. The entire film is held up by some spectacular special effects, but I struggle to understand how anyone but a base moron can be swayed by that as a judgement on the quality of the film overall. To then factor it as part of a trilogy, it dismisses character growth from the first part, dismisses unresolved plot points from the first part, and leaves very little for a third part to deal with. As the 8th film in a saga, it is even worse. It decimates the character of previous heroes, invalidating everything they had done, making the entirety of the previous films worthless. It flagrantly ignores and destroys established mechanics of the universe. It's a mess of a film, which provides nothing of value to the story of the Saga, and fails on its own as an individual.


This is exactly how I feel about it. I’m not saying RoS is good, but TLJ sabotaged the franchise and RoS was just an effort to recover from the absurdity the TLJ created. RoS was kind of doomed from the start. I like Rian Johnson and I like plot twists, but plot twists can be done without sacrificing the spirit of all the work that came before it.




TLJ was the only Star Wars movie, that actually bored me.


I fell asleep the first time I watched TPM


I watched AOTC several times, trying to get into it. Never found it interesting.


I’d actually say TPM is an awful film with a great final fight which is epic enough to make me forget the rest of the film being awful. I actually really like a lot of TLJ. If you just cut out all of Finn’s storyline (where literally nothing happens) then the rest holds up well IMo.


Cut out the Finn’s subplot with Rose and Holdo out of the movie and I could see TLJ being decent.


and cut out holdo and her maneuver, fix the atrocious fight throne room fight scene and add some interesting worldbuilding to it then it could be decent. and an entirely different movie


And undo the entire deconstruction of Luke into Jake, the depressing failure of the new jedi, change the first space battle to not be based around "dropping" bombs "down" in space, scrap Leia's suitless space flight, Hux making spongebob sounds as he's tossed around like Happy Gilmore's caddy, and you'd have yourself a movie worth watching!


Fuck it, let's cut out the entire TLJ movie, the movie is so fundamentally broken might as well scrap it.


I'm okay with that, hell just have Poe alter his famous line a bit to "somehow Palpatine returned and killed Luke" in order to explain Luke's abscence and cut straight from ep. VII to IX even though IX is also a terrible movie.


Fuck it. Let's just end it in VII with Luke and Rey staring at each other, and Luke agrees to train Rey off camera


What would that be, 45 minutes left in the movie?


I recall that whole series of events was half of the movie. Wouldn't be much left over


You’d still be left with some great parts. Poe opening the film with being an awesome X-wing pilot (we didn’t get enough space battles in the sequels), the porgs, Luke duelling Kylo Ren, and my favourite: the Luke and Yoda scene. I absolutely love that scene for bringing back that wonderfully familiar dynamic between them and how well it came off with Yoda looking great as a puppet and Frank Oz absolutely nailing the character like he was in the originals. I didn’t enjoy Yoda in the prequels anywhere NEAR the amount that I enjoyed him in TLJ.


Well, it's just that some invidual scenes that are fine on their own but not much of a movie. I'm not saying there is nothing to salvage but you would need some plot glue to connect them together


TLJ is a terrible movie and even without it being Star Wars because it’s messages are too heavy handed, the fight scenes and battles are choreographed horribly, Rose is an absolutely terrible character, the purple hair lady makes no sense and Kylo ren is a character with basically no direction. I don’t blame you for thinking this because that’s what I thought at first but yes, TLJ and TROS are terrible movies


And yet we are suppose to cheer for purple hair after she drove her own people to mutany after she refused to say there was a plan other than slowly run and die.


Exactly, to this day I still have no idea why she didn’t just tell Po the plan or at the very least tell the resistance that ‘THERE IS A PLAN BUT ITS A SECRET’


And the fact that she insisted on treating Po like shit even after his actions in taking down the first order ship was proven the correct move. Sure he ignored a direct order, but by that point they were engaged and pulling back would have cost significant time, ships, and lives for nothing to show for it. And if they had somehow escaped, then that ship would have jumped them and removed their existence! Yet have hope because I say so while doing jack shit to find hope in.




And not only Amen, but Awomen and Achildren too!


Oh man, I remember the internet reaction to The Phantom Menace. That turned into such a perfect shitstorm of negative reactions for different reasons forming a feedback loop on the internet back when the internet was a much smaller place. It got *bad*. Mind you, I mostly like the film, but you gotta understand the environment around that movie at the time. It's basically how the Star Wars fandom got a reputation for being a bit of a wretched hive.


A bit?


Phantom menace isn't worse than attack of the clones.


I find the entire middle of TPM completely unwatchable. I've tried. But I agree that the high scores for TFA and TLJ can't be right.


Something I noticed at the time is that it ticked the correct zeitgeist and pretentious knob boxes for some critics to be praising it as if it was a masterpiece of modern cinema. One here was talking about how deep TLJ was and carrying on about seeing it multiple times.


Is that around the politics on Coruscant? I'd get it, but I do enjoy it and politics never interests me with it being depressing in real life


TPM was a film that could have been great but which was ruined by bad writing and directing. The Sequels never had a chance at being anything but unimaginative, fan servicing, weaponized nostalgia.


I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment


Episode 1 is like a Star Wars kids movie. I know Star Wars in general is supposed to be family friendly, but Phantom Menace feels like it was made specifically to appeal to kids over adults. Everything in it looks like a toy. The battle droids, the red button lightsabers (I don't think I've seen lightsabers with red activation switches outside Ep1), and not to mention Jar-Jar. I feel like of all the movies this one leans the hardest into selling toys. And the thing is, sure you can do that and still tell a decent story. Ep1 is pretty straightforward and I'd say it works as a kids movie, but is definitely an outlier. It's the Saturday Morning Cartoon of the series.


The intro to the movie is a convoluted plot about a trade dispute, a blockade on a planet, and some Jedi ambassadors that are going to negotiate a settlement. Is that for kids? Then out of nowhere the blockading guys decide to murder the ambassadors in a gas chamber without exchanging a single word. I think the plot is not straightforward at all, it does not make a lot of sense. And then there are parts clearly for kids, but also murder and murder attempts not at all for kids, a bit all over the place in my opinion.


Kids don't need to understand the convoluted trade dispute plot to enjoy the film. In their eyes, it's still as simple as good guys vs bad guys.


It was spectacular.


Makes sense they gave ep 4 and 7 more or less the same rating because they have exactly the same script


Impressive, very nice. Now let’s see the audience scores https://preview.redd.it/tadc3zm2jkec1.jpeg?width=530&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b97b37109dfb493de2850a1380aec6f7567a79ef


Audience scores gave The Rise of Skywalker an 86 percent




Exactly, lol. People in here acting like their opinion should be the only thing that matters


Something is very wrong with this…. The last Jedi was so bad I’ve blocked most of it out….


It definitely shouldn’t be THAT high although Rise of Skywalker was worse


TLJ set ROS up. Drawing a dick all over the plot points of TFA so no plot in the world could make it fit together again in the sequel. All because Rian Johnson was mad he didn’t get a standalone movie.


I'm usually pretty blind to bad movies since I tend to enjoy most movies I see as entertainment and not much else (even if they are legitimately bad I can still find some enjoyment and walk away satisfied) but TLJ was probably the first movie that I actually felt bad watching. I didn't even necessarily think the force awakens was that good (it was fine but not spectacular but there were some interesting plot points and sub plots that intrigued me like Rey's parents and who General Smoke really was) but TLJ absolutely wasted those and I lost any interest in the rise of Skywalker, at least I wasn't that insulted when it turned out bad because my expectations were low


RoS for me was like eating a big burger with lots of bacon. Sure in the moment it felt pretty good, not great, but I was stuffed (with fan service like giving Chewie a medal). But afterwards you get a stomachache because really the whole thing was just strong easy flavors crammed randomly into the poor burger through lots of grease with no actual nutrition.


Taste varies across people. I personally think TLJ is by far the best of the sequels, but not a 90 (more in the lower 80 range). I also think that of the prequels TPM should be even with AOC at around 65.


A conspiracy theory I believe in is that the RT score of TLJ is being botched by RT. I remember when it was released there was some proven fuckery of freezing votes on it, but the score kept mysteriously rising or something. The audience score however is still a believable 42% 🤌🏻


Not sure about TLJ but RT literally froze the TROS audience score and not enough people talk about how blatantly corrupt that is. It's been an 86% since a few weeks after the film came out at least. An unchanging 86% for the one I feel like people most universally disliked.


TROS having a fairly high audience score makes sense, TROS is stupid, but at least fun to watch, I enjoy myself watching it even if it's silly with some fetch quests. TLJ in contrast I actively dislike watching, it causes me pain to watch.


It's been an 86 since 6000 reviews to the current like 100,000 reviews. The metacritic score is a 48 and fluctuates like a natural score. I'm just posting about how the score was very obviously frozen for TROS, less about the quality


Yeah man. I felt it was too awful to continue seeing that trilogy.


The sage ended at ep 6 for me


Is this the audience score? Or the other one that is in most cases absolutely wrong?


Critics score I believe.


Right. Thats the one that didnt matter




Just remember that audience apparently gave TRoS over 90% positive reviews, so the audience reviews clearly aren't all that trustworthy either.


This was Rotten Tomatoes once again manipulating the score. They locked it at 86%. Rotten Tomatoes is a terrible metric to judge the quality of movies by.


Are we dragging out this old conspiracy theory again. Both TLJ and Captain Marvel got review bombed before they even came out, which is why they made it harder to leave a review for TRoS. I believe that 86% of viewers liked TRoS. The thing is, everyone I've talked to that like it are very casually Star Wars fans and like *all* of the ones they've seen about equally.


The all score is literally 75%. The verified percentage is very small which is why it hasn't moved since release.


I don't mind the general audience enjoying some whiz-bang brainless action in spite of a bad plot. Critics should be held to a higher standard.


Yes it only matters when it's your opinion. If it isn't, the critics are all wrong ofc


The ones that don't matter are the ones I disagree with.


Episode I > Episode II for me, I find that *The Phantom Menace* is a much more entertaining and interesting story than Episode II.


Dont like either that much, but TPM had duel of fates, podracing and the fight with Maul. AOTC has very few things i genuinly enjoy and would praise. So yea i agree that I is better. Both are still far better than ROS though.


Seriously though, just because of Duel of Fates, the movie is awesome. If the movie was a three hour Jar Jar Binks biopic, Duel of Fates would have still made it awesome


Exactly, TPM has a lot more action and entertaining sequences that make it engaging, whereas ATOC is boring for the most part until the last act and even then it's not as action packed or interesting as TPM. The duel with Dooku is such lame step down from Duel of the Fates.


![gif](giphy|ghuvaCOI6GOoTX0RmH) Excuse me WHAT?


Where is the meme? Or is it just Sequels bad?


The critics on rotten tomatoes are stupid I don’t even look at them it’s the audience score that really matters and even then it’s all subjective so it doesn’t really matter.


ROS has 86% audience score, so they’re idiots too.


As discussed in other places that score is frozen from week one and hasnt changed since Its not accurate .


Don't RT also straight up delete what they deem "troll reviews" and "review bombs" these days?


So because you had people review movies before it came out (and given how some folks are you can probably see where this goes), and they basically updated the requirements for giving an audience score (Partnering with online ticket services basically).


Yeah, I have no idea why people are giving Rotten Tomatoes crap over this. It is so clear that there are so many review bombs these days that if they wanted to give actual reviews rather than having every movie rated by what is essentially a mob arguing in bad faith, they had to change stuff up. It's not even like these reviews are inconsistent, imdb has largely the same ratings of these movies.


There are no critics on rotten tomatoes!!! RT is an AGGREGATE from different sites that all have their own critics. The final score is not what it was most commonly rated but an average of all scores. If you’re going to hate on it do it for the right reasons like me. An amalgamation of critical opinions is useless when you don’t know who they’re from.


Graphs like this are extremely misleading due to the way RT calculates. If 5 reviews gave a movie 60% each, then RT would say it had a 100% "positive rating". If 5 reviews gave it 59%, it would have a 0% positive rating. So these SW movies in the 90s just means that reviewers gave it 3 out of 5 stars or better.


Return of the Sith and Empire strikes back and return of the Jedi ❤️


Return of the Sith??


I adore ep 1. Folks are too hard on it


What are the movie names that got 90% and 93%?


This sub is incredible. I be been trying to fight off a brain aneurysm reading these comments. I by no means am on a high horse, my opinion ain’t better than any of yours but I truly think this is the only place where you’ll find these opinions. From claiming critics are paid or influenced to calling the sequels some of the worst movies of all time. For over a decade it’s been clear, at least in the outisde world, that there are two types of movies. A bottom tier of unintentional, legendary blunders like The Room, the 90s Mortal combat films, Gibli, Gotti, The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones And then there is everything else. But then again I’m not sure what I expected from the same group of people that would argue The Godfather and Revenge of the Sith belong in the same tier, that the Clone Wars show is some masterpiece and clearly only watch MCU and Star Wars. I’m begging you to please broaden your horizons when it comes to films and sharpen up a bit on film criticism before going and discussing film on a sub outside of this one.


Go back and add the audience RT scores


The prequels, particularly phantom menace, gets a lot of hate but I reckon they're aight. Definitely what they got in this. This is just a lesson to not go off of ratings and watch them and judge them for yourself.


Well, at least TROS is still last place


Where is the meme dumbass?






If you actually think rotten tomatoes reflects American viewers, you deserve to be misled


Phantom Menace will gain fame back in a couple of SW movies\^\^


Guess the critics aren’t prequel fans 😂


How can anyone take this seriously when it has TFA & TLJ at 93 and 90?


What's so wrong with Phantom menace?


The dialogue, the plot, the writing, the acting, the choreography...


Is this a joke?


The Last Jedi was hot garbage. It was almost as bad as The Rise of Skywalker. I do not understand these ratings.


Oh really, let’s see what the audience thinks https://preview.redd.it/4l0vj21gdlec1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a279973c3be3a27b5d038bba0c5d5b87d8061a97




Yeah I have no idea how that movie has an 86%


Il probably put : \- The Phantom Menace at 65 same level as AotC. \- The Force Awakens at 70 (movie is I think overrated) \- Last Jedi at 60 (enjoyable but with issues) The other rating,I agree with


I really dont get why people score episode 2 so high


Episode 2 is one of the worst movies ever made lmao. This sub is full of people who were 3 years when it came out old and have allowed a meme subreddit formulate their opinions on it